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Dominion Rise of the Eternal Fleet - Eternal Empire Conquest of D'rinba IV



Objective: IV - BYOO - Medical Fleet Escort
Location: Eternal Empire civilian space dock - Starbase Theta
Tags: Anashja Tal Anashja Tal
Aximand's shuttle arrived within the 'flagship' of the civilian fleet, with the Admiral waiting 'semi' patiently within the hangar deck whilst Anashja tended to her business. Upon her arrival, he noted her attire; namely the patchwork beskar'gam, lightsabers, and shotgun on her person. Aximand's demeanor was as rigidly professional as per usual, with his Ultranaut escort squad standing at rigid attention on either side of him. Although their discipline prevented them from acting out of turn, it would be easy to assume their grips upon their weapons clenched tighter at the sight of how well armed the Mandalorian was. Admiral Sicarus' hands clasped each other behind his back as he strode forward to the woman, appraising her with a critical eye for several moments before he broke the silence:

"That remains to be seen, Ms. Tal." His expression remained neutral, and his tone dispassionate. He regarded her for several moments longer - a tactic he had long mastered upon analyzing fresh Ensigns who always were keen to earn their commanding officer's approval. His hands soon enough found themselves front and center, with his right hand extending toward the woman as if waiting to accept something. "I will need copies of your fleet manifest, along with all appropriate registration documents and Imperial writs transmitted to my flagship, as well as a copy present here on a datapad."

He gave the woman a waiting expression until she furnished what he had requested. In the meantime, his adjutant - Commander Janine Aierka - set about notating her observations thus far on a datapad. Thus far, she noted the goings on of the hangar around them. In truth, such notations were superfluous at this stage. In her experience, the way one reacted to the seeming 'white glove' treatment spoke volumes as to both their intent and their bearing. Both could be invaluable on what would usually be a routine inspection.



Fleet: 1x Acklay-class Cruiser, 2x Dragonsnake-class Picket Cruisers, 2x Refit Ranger-class FACs, 1x Directorate "Ghost" Viper Interceptor, 3x CST Toscan 8-R squadrons, 1x Kessel-class Armed Courier squadron
Objective: Take on the Eternal Fleet.
Race Tolsen Race Tolsen Chamdar the Hutt Chamdar the Hutt Asaaj En Kelsani Asaaj En Kelsani Bella Bella

Kalic took a breath as the fighters began to launch from enemy ships. He... couldn't really combat fly right now with his grip on the present being so loose. Still, he could help guide the fighter squadrons to their targets though. At least to an extent. He looked down, taking another breath.

"On my mark." The cruiser, pickets, corvettes and fighters would then begin to push, as the cruiser's bow lined up with one of the Eternal's battlecruisers. "Fire!" And with that, the spinal mounted ion cannon would let loose, and particle cannons would unleash as much fire as they could. The pickets would quickly join in, and the fighters and couriers would race in, followed by the FACs. As the space ahead of them cleared of allies, a hail of flak fire began between the small Rebel task force and the Imperial giants, everything possible being unleashed on one of them.
E T E R N A L - E M P R E S S
Lady Ingrid L’lerim Ragal Terassi Vandiir
Eternal Empress of the Eternal Empire, Lord Commander of the Wardens of the Shroud, Archon of the Primyn Group
Empress of Terraris, Supreme Commander of the Terraris Command, Head of the House L’lerim, CEO of the HPI Consortium
Objective: Hunt down the prime minister
Location: Surface, D'rinba IV
Equipment: Kiss of the Red Witch | 2x Sigra vibroblade | 2x Striith vibrosword | The Soulsabers | Heilagr MK. I Assassin Armour | Viper Mk. I Skinsuit | The Last Gift || Empyrean gland | OPBC-01m
Tag: Belisarius Vactovion | Urail Gau Urail Gau | Eleena Salwa Eleena Salwa | Open
[ Soldier of Heaven ]
<"High Nelvaanian"> | ~ telepathic communication ~ | << comm. channel >>

Ingrid listened to the report from her men as she watched on the holographic display as the troops arrived. MANIAC projected the data on her retina; exact numbers, names of officers, everything you could need. It immediately seemed that, although this occupation was mainly a fleet task, the Baron also considered it important to send ground troops here. Ingrid handed it all over to the old baron to take care of the operation. She didn’t want her people to feel like she didn’t appreciate their work.

The Empress actually felt like she was doing her job perfectly when she didn’t have to interfere. That didn't mean she didn't work. Analysed and reviewed all data; but she only intervened when necessary. Either by actually changing the order, data, correcting the numbers in the logistics, or just talking to the right person.

Just like when he's present as an assassin. Everything is perfect when they don’t know it’s there. The greatest art anyway was finding the right people. And of course, there were a lot of things she decided on alone because she had to.

After a time, when she already felt unable to get any more information, Ingrid raised her hand, after which the communications officer remained silent. And the woman opened a channel for everyone.

<< To all Eternal Imperial troops, this the Red Witch! Let's start the operation! I'm going to the back entrance; another team is trying to get in from the front. >> she said on the communication channel.

Since she was also close to the building anyway, a team of six Wolfguards joined her and they soon reached the entrance. The woman did not even wait for her soldiers to install explosives on the door and blow up the entrance; after a brief concentration, she teleported into the building. And inside, it immediately became invisible to all sensors and scanners, but it wasn't even visible to the eyes, and she couldn't be felt in the Force either.

The perfect killer, a silent predator; she was already two corridors away when she heard from behind her that the soldiers were blowing up the back entrance and entered into the building.

The hunt has begun…



Belisarius Vactovion


Belisarius Vactovion
Lord Commander of the Wardens of the Shroud | Imperator of the Eternal Phalanx | Field Marshal in the Ultranaut Corps
The Black Knight of Vengard


Objective: 2 Shock and Awe
Location: D'Rinba IV, Capital City, Government District, Landing Zone Dorn-1
Equipment: Sk-SH Mark 7, Rex Imperator, Lancer, Shroudsaber
Tag: Ingrid L'lerim Ingrid L'lerim , Eleena Salwa Eleena Salwa , Hi'los Krai Hi'los Krai

{✠} The Eternal Crusader {✠}
<"High Nelvaanian"> | " voice " | << comm. channel >>

The reports coming in from the rest of the world were relatively calm compared to the situation here. They were very keen on defending their corrupt leader, well paid or absolutely freaking scared of knowing what happens to criminals in the Eternal Empire. It mattered not. They were engaging the landing forces and they would fight till their spirit was broken.

Belisarius was rushing down the stairs of the building he was deployed on, it now serving as the field HQ of the 42nd and from where his operation would be guided and controlled. Through the walls of the building his heightened senses could hear the characteristical
boink-flop of mortars shooting from the backyard, shelling the defenses of the seat. Blaster fire came from the front and basically all around, the Regiment was committing with full force.

It was a diversion, the Lord Commander knew it and he was letting his soldiers knew it as well. The Empress wanted to snatch the prey and that was fine. It was no matter of pride, as long as the goal was achieved, it did not matter how it was done. Leaving the soldiers in the dark about it would cause frustration and false hopes and that was not the way of the Empire. Truth was the base of order, even if it was hard, cold and unforgiving.

With a kick of his heavily armored boot he splintered the entrance door onto the street and came out in a slightly dusty but much more noisy atmosphere, the blasters shots, roaring vehicle engines and their roaring weapons now being all around, omnipresent. But his helmet filtered most of it and he continued on. Aurek Company was directly in front, waiting for their commander to start their assault, leading the battalion into the battle of D'Rinba IV.


Belisarius' size was a thing of many punch lines in the barracks and snarky comments from his fellow veterans. Newer members of the Regiment were usually staring in shock as those of the old guard were talking like comrades, equals even, to their commander. It was regimental culture and it was tolerated by the Field Marshal because he knew that even if they were comrades in the barracks, they would not hesitate to go to death for him, not hesitate to follow and order to the latest. Maybe it was even because of this that they would do it. They knew he would lead them into hell personally. And bring them back.


The Black Knight kneeled behind the Xiphos which autocannon was giving some high-explosive shells for the defenders, around him the company and battalion commanders plus their small staffs, they having a much easier time to remain in cover. They were all clad in their typical armors, anonymous gasmasks with glowing goggles staring at him. He knew who was behind the masks.

"Gentlemen. The Empress expects that everyone will do their duty. Brigadier Rohen will issue the third and fourth battalion to make a pincer on the flanks, the second stays in the center while the first advances there." He paused.


"I will lead Aurek through the center, make sure that our flanks are covered and that they keep their heads down. 2nd Battalion will move in as soon as we have cleared their outer defenses. No quarters to those who resist, but I don´t want civilian casualties." Another pause.


"Understood? Good. For the Empire."

They would not have questions, not because they didn´t dare to inquire, but because they knew their role and they knew that the officers, especially the Brigadier General and their former regimental commander would cover most events in their thoughts. They were able to adapt swiftly and with utter efficiency to new situations, being shocked or surprised never a state in which the 42nd remained any second longer than necessary.

The briefest moment of hesitation among one of the staff officers in the retinue of 1st battalion command was only noticed by Belisarius himself, the soldier looking at him for a second longer than usual, before barely nodding and turning to follow his commander. The rumor of family connections was usually quickly squashed by the old guard of the Regiment, they did not like it and new members of the regiment would have a hard time when suspecting it loudly. It was no secret though that Belisarius' son was serving in the regiment and already made quite his way to staff command. His father was watching from afar, but would not give any room to this connection to influence him.

Belisarius drew his sword and looked around at the soldiers of the A-Company, preparing for their assault. Grenades were readied, magazines changed, some just watched the enemy, others looked at their commanders and officers, non-commissioneds were briefing their section, it was the calm before the storm.

Ex-Pirate. Former Pirate. Truly.

Location: Aboard the ENS Revenge, entering D'rinba IV Space
Objective: Support the fleet action
Equipment: 3 x Pistols, Knives
Tags: Race Tolsen Race Tolsen Asaaj En Kelsani Asaaj En Kelsani Bella Bella Kalic Daws Kalic Daws
Fleet: 1x Regency Star Cruiser, 8 squadrons Haxor Interceptor, 8 squadrons Hornet Bomber

The searching fighter and bomber wings had barely begun to scatter into their search pattern on the holodisplay as the Hutt watched, when the sensor officer called an alert. Chamdar was surprised that the enemy had revealed themselves so early, but given the poor reputation galactically of the Confederacy of Independent Systems, he supposed that he should not have been so surprised. Pleasantly, the enemy had relieved his force of the need for a long and drawn out hunt, potentially ending in an ambush.

Captain Pol had the situation under control, ordering Revenge to orient herself toward the enemy's capital ships and to raise shields. The fighter controller ordered the eight wings to regroup for a coordinated attack, and on the holodisplay, the fighter groups were already moving to reform. Chamdar touched the comm. "For frak's sake, stay out of Revenge's firing arc." The pilots would hear the smile in their commander's voice and know he trusted them, but wanted them to stay safe out there just the same.

Commodore Chamdar's flagship was content to keep her distance, and as enemy fire began to splash against the Star Cruiser's shields, the Revenge opened up. Her dual primary autocannons fired first, at long range, two huge powerful bolts exited the cannon barrels one after another.

Approaching the enemy flotilla at approximately 45 degrees off Revenge's bow, the combined wing of eight squadrons of fighter-interceptors and eight squadrons of bombers formed up, fighters in front and to the flanks, escorting in the heavy strike group. Red squadron took lead, with Red One now acting as wing commander for the strike group. "All wings, let's go." All craft went to maximum speed and bored in towards the flotilla. The plan now the enemy was revealed was that starfighters would screen the bombers which would carry out ion torpedo strikes on the enemy.



Location: Eternal Empire civilian space dock
Equipment: Beskar'gam, lightsabers, healing supplies, 3 thermal detonators, EF-M401e Rampage
Barnaverndari hover pram

Tags: Aximand Sicarus Aximand Sicarus

She gestured to one of her vod, a young Zabrak woman in an engineering uniform and took a database off of her, quickly checking it she handed it to the Admiral. "Full manifest including registration documents and service record for all vessels. Attachment 3b is a application and receipt confirmation for the registry of one of my cruisers. There was a problem with its registration but I should receive the final documents today or tomorrow. she tapped a few buttons on her own pad in her other hand then waited a few seconds for the upload to be accepted. "The documents should now also be digitally with your flagship staff."

She smiled at him and then looked at his ultranaut guards and then back at him, "Your guards seem tense? Their first time aboard a mandalorian vessel?" she grinned, thinking of how over armed most of the workers here were for their tasks. As she waited for the response from the Admiral to her manifest, two children walked up to the pair of them with a metal tray with a hot drink and several cups on it. Anashja beckoned Aximund to help himself before retrieving a small cup of herbal tea for herself. "Would you like to walk and drink with me, its a small ship, my command room isn't far and it is much more comfortable, I can assign some of my engineers to assist your inspecton team if you want to lift up the skirt and take a peek as it were."

The wide corridor to the command room, which had two other doors, one leading to her private restroom and the other leading to the bridge was flanked by emergency medical bays, ready and waiting to receive wounded from the hangar bay. They were mostly empty as the majority of the medical staff were on shore leave during the final preparation of the fleet, but they were well lit and the doors were open. Anashja was being very deliberately open and accommodating to the Admiral and his team, he would need to be convinced that, despite the pending investigation on her, she was to be trusted. Anashja was well aware it was not only the fleet being inspected today.


Objective: Hunt down the prime minister
Location: Surface, D'rinba IV
Equipment: Gau Armour & Equipment | 2x Scherezade Energized Vibroblade | Overseer-pattern HPI Biochip | 2x WESTAR-35 | SR-930 Electro-Fusion Blaster Rifle
Tag: Belisarius Vactovion Ingrid L'lerim Ingrid L'lerim Eleena Salwa Eleena Salwa

Urail soon received the call from the Field Marshals staff, and replied to their check in. "Would be nice if I knew my competition, along with that I'd like a schematic of the building the Prime Minister is located in."

"Is that all?"

"An additional squad for support would be nice." Urail said, with a hint of a grin on his face, hidden under his helmet.

He heard a sigh over the comm line, then came the officer, "Of course, and if anyone questions you, remember you are under direct order of Field Marshal Krai, make it known."

With that the officer ended the conversation as the data was sent to his datapad. He scanned it quickly, noticing a name he was unfamiliar with, Blisarius Vactovion, and someone else..., he stopped breathing for a moment as he read the name, Empress Ingrid. Great, just what I needed. There was no way the Empress would know who he was, or more specifically who he had been. He took out his SR-930 Blaster Rifle, staring down the scope at the soldiers of Belisarius. The distraction from his thoughts was welcomed as he watched them move.

Urail had memorised the layout of the building, ensuring not to miss any details including possible escape points and weak points. Come on, make your move Vactovion. He zoomed in on the soldiers beginning to move, as he predicted. He moved to get a better view of the other force from another building led by whom he know knew was the Empress, and watches as the Wolf-guards planted explosives and... she disappeared! He stared in disbelief, only managing to catch a glimpse of her. Welp, guess I better make it inside.

"Speaker, your squadron is assembled and awaits orders." The voice came over the private comm line.

"Wonderful, enter through the front with the forces there, I will meet with you in the center."

"Yes sir!"

Even Urail was surprised he had been allowed a squad, that left little to no doubt about Field Marshal Krai's hopes of recruitment. The request had mostly been to test the Field Marshal's limits, Urail worked alone, and intended on continuing that way. We'll see, if I'm not recognised and arrested that is. With a smirk, he retraced his steps, looking for a window in the building and set up a grappling hook going from his building, down to space just above the window.

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Revenant Warriors

Tags: Chamdar the Hutt Chamdar the Hutt Bella Bella Race Tolsen Race Tolsen Kalic Daws Kalic Daws


Asaaj watched on her long range monitors, a bold move by the confederacy, did they hope to drive off the Eternal fleet with this small flotilla? Asaaj was under orders and felt the scent of the information they needed so would need to continue the search pattern. "Tight beam me to the ENS Revenge.....Commodore Chamdar the Hutt Chamdar the Hutt This is Blood Knight we are on a critical stage of the search so it would be inadvisable for us to rejoin the fleet, we will keep you updated."

Royal squadron were engaging, that new fighter design was performing well in the hands of its pilot, she looked at the data slab Bella Bella , She would note that name, and aggressive little pilot judging by the telemetry and the early kills, very well done, the other fighters in the squadron moved in to support her, they were outnumbered three to one, the vampire in her wanted to see what would happen if given free reign, but the officer in her sent a reminder, "you are outnumbered at least three to one, please press your advantage, but do not allow yourselves to be cut off from support."

The Blood Knight had incoming of its own, two Transports were getting closer and closer, she wouldn't need both and didn't want to give her trap away, so she ordered her defensive gunners to obliterate one of them and just give the other enough dents to make them believe they weren't welcome. Her Revenant had positioned themselves in pairs on desks, there were only twelve of them, but they were terrifying warriors, so splitting them up at all of the optimal entry points was the best move. Once the enemy arrived they would lead the defence and support the Ultras and the Hellhounds. Asaaj would step in as needed, she could teleport from here to any point.

The transport was now within the minimum range of her guns and had attached, 'hook, line and sinker', she thought. Alarms sounded as the ship detected the breach on a lower deck, likely heading to engineering. "seal of the deck, all all units converge, leave no amongst the borders, keep the pilots of the shuttle alive of possible. If we cannot get what we want from the shuttle computer, I will tear it from their minds."

At the breach, dozens of CIS soldiers were flooding in and opening fire on the defenders pulses of energy flashed up and down the corridors as the two sides engaged. The CIS would not live to regret an opportunistic boarding strike on an Imperial Assault frigate. Her AI, Night Queen was now working on hacking the shuttles systems, it was well encrypted but the Dathomiri Captain had faith in the Priddy machine.

Asaaj stood up, her gums screaming in pain, desperate for her to see bloodshed, her eyes lit up and she made a short incantation, vanishing from the bridge in a cloud of burning embers. The CIS has made a mistake today.


Location: Aboard the ENS Blood Knight
Objective: Observe, and assist if required
Equipment: Lightsaber, Lanvarok
Tag: Asaaj En Kelsani Asaaj En Kelsani Bella Bella Race Tolsen Race Tolsen Kalic Daws Kalic Daws
She first noticed a subtle but significant shift in the Dark Side, an anticipatory feeling of what was to come that first alerted Ambrosia that her awaited time had finally come. Readying herself, she slipped into a battle mind, allowing the Dark Side to infuse her soul with its cold void of power. Asaaj, the Nightsister of the Eternal Empire might be able to sense the change in Ambrosia, as she prepared herself for a fight. When a break in the orders came, and Asaaj disappeared, almost involuntarily, Ambrosia reacted, and slipped away from the bridge as the other had done.

With some trepidation, Ambrosia touched minds with Asaaj and spoke clearly and calmly, trying to keep the excitement at the test to come from her voice. "May I offer my services in the upcoming engagement?" The Dark Sister meant it kindly, though it was obvious she was signing on with the Eternal Empire, throwing her lot in with them, for better or worse, for good and all, Ambrosia wished to sound like it didn't mean as much to her as it did.

She despised showing any weakness. She did not appear armed for battle, but with her lightsaber alone, she could be a formidable force. With the Lanvarok in concert, she could bring death to many, especially when one with the Dark Side, something she had just demonstrated. Time seemed to come to a halt as the question stuck between them echoing with the hunger of the Dark Side of the Force, to be unleashed at the first sign of agreement between the two adepts of Dathomir.


O B J E C T I V E III: Insertion
Location: Aboard the ENS Blood Knight​
Forces: 10th Ultranaut Regiment 'Oathbreakers', Two-Hundred Fifty Ultranauts​
To saw she enjoyed being involved in naval combat, it was not the case. Lilanna paced in the hold of he ship, waiting to give the order as they were currently searching for their target. Needless to say, she wasn't thrilled at the lack of progress. Hands clasped behind her back, she frowned a the display that revealed nothing but empty space, and several allied ships that were aiding in securing the desired station. "Captain, the squad has the breaching pods set and ready to fire, just need the targeting data." She sighed, turning her head to see the look of a hesitant comm officer trying to find an answer for her. "Understood, stand by until we have the final targeting information."
She disliked the silence of situations like this. Things could go south rather quickly, and despite her abilities, she knew there was little she could do to protect those under her command.​

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Rise of the Eternal Fleet

ENS Vikarion
5x I-3A Lance Fighter Squadrons (60 Starfighters)
1x I-4V Dive Bomber Squadrons (8 Starfighters)
2x Styx-Class Assault Dropship (8 Dropships)
20th Heavy Attack Line, Battlegroup

Commodore Kathrin Thyra

OBJECTIVE: Enter the System & Support the Fleet
TAGS: Open

Commodore Kathrin Thyra

Moments away from entering the D'rinba IV system, Kathrin stood on the bridge surrounded by her staff, all equally keen for some action, "Thirty seconds, sir. Fighters staged," called one of her lieutenants. Only acknowledging with a slight nod, she kept her eyes forward, prepared for any eventuality once they drop out of light speed. Her crew eyeing their consoles ready on the scanners and weapon systems, "Five, Four, Three, Two, One.." one of the Ensigns counted, before the thud of exiting light speed hit the ship.

Suddenly, the atmosphere of the bridge changed drastically, communication picked up between the bridge crew as scanners went active and weapons charged, "Nothing in the immediate vicinity, sir" stated a Lieutenant as the ship had dropped a healthy distance from the action, "Proceed to orbit" Kathrin ordered before sharply turning around, heading towards her ready room, expecting contacts en-route to the planet.
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Location: Flying Over Capital City - D’rinba IV
Call Sign: Mermaid Two - “Queen”
Unit Support: FAE/AV-02 “Loralora” Interceptor Swoop Craft (8)
Dialogue Legend: <"High Nelvaanian"> │ “Galactic Basic”
Tags: Ingrid L'lerim Ingrid L'lerim Belisarius Vactovion Urail Gau Urail Gau

A classic pincer.

Taking in the stream of data projected onto her retina from MEIPOC, Eleena monitored the engagement zone from above as the Black Legion prepared to initiate their assault on the prime minister’s residence. Two battalions of the 42nd would strike the flanks of the defenders’ lines, while the Aurek battalion would meet them head-on, led by the Black Knight, who’s reputation as a talented duelist and a commander that led from the front preceded him. All the while, Eleena would be tasked with close air support, augmenting the assault with aerial firepower and hit-and-fade attacks to thin out the defenders’ ranks.

Easy enough.

Strafing the last of the defenders’ biker squads, Eleena felt a surge of adrenaline electrify her senses as her bike’s twinned beam cannons lanced through the three Confederate variant KV-109s, their riders having made every attempt to evade her, after realizing the fate of their comrades. Nevertheless, the swoop ace had tracked the enemy jockeys with the persistence and precision of a predator as they wove through the city’s streets, the balletic Kallomena proving more than capable of maneuvering through the tight alleyways and between buildings they had tried to lose her in. In the process, she had thinned out the herd until only these three remained, out of what had initially been a squad of nine bikes.

Seeing the last bike erupt in flames, its rider having leapt from the machine to his death, Eleena took a deep breath as she pulled back up into the skies, before sending another comm to the 42nd.

<"That’s all the biker squads. Your flanks should be secure for the assault."> The jet swoop ace began. <”Ready for new tasking. If not, I’ll scratch any targets of opportunity.”>

Silhana Lolaes'ra
Lynne Tal’kira aka Lady Orchid; The Angel-faced killer
Bounty Hunter, Verd'ika, member of the Clan Cadera; Headmistress of the House Orchid and The Hounty Hunters' Guild
Objective I: Shock and Awe
Location: City, near to the Prime Minister's castle
Equipment: 2x PV-16 "Sunfury" Pulse Pistol | 2x Simple short sword | Light armour | Mandalorian vambrace || Stealth field generator || OPBC-01m
Writing With: Arturo Braga Arturo Braga | Adenn Kyramud Adenn Kyramud
[ Mando music ]
"Galactic Basic" | <"Mandalorian"> | ~"Telepathic" communication ~ | << comm. channel >>

I was still on Arturo's side when they arrived! I grinned involuntarily as I saw the tanks, the vehicles, the warriors. There was respect and admiration on my face. I never thought I would be lucky one day to fight on their side. I read so much about them and saw holographs of the war where they were present. I was very enthusiastic, I never thought I could fight on their side once. I don’t know how much Arturo would have understood if I told him; after all he wasn’t Mandalorian and it was easier for him sometimes. Less responsibility, less expectation from the clan peers.

"That's the way to go to war!" I said enthusiastically.

As a kid, I watched in amazement as the soldiers lined up one after the other after the vehicles. Ooo! I could have jumped in my enthusiasm. It may not have been the best possible solution in this situation, so I tried to control myself and not make myself a clown. I wonder if I would have a chance to fight on his side? I mean, we had a chance to fight because I didn't want to leave Arturo alone either. But, but, even so, I was a fan of it! Then I decided we would live once!

"Forgive me, I have to go there, this is a great opportunity of my life!" I said with sparkling eyes.

I had seen him once when the negotiations were, that is, brainstorming, but that was different; we didn't talk then. It was not possible. True, it may not this time either, but I had to give it a try. I'm sure I won't ask for an autograph. This is not the case for me to do this. Anyway, I headed for Adenn, to the best of my knowledge, we had a good relationship with his clan, so I didn’t worry. When I arrived, I greeted him respectfully.

"Su cuy'gar, Alor!" I told him, then I continued in Mando'a. <" I'm Silhana Lolaes'ra, Verd'ika of the Clan Cadera. I'm reporting for duty, Alor. That would be an honour to fight on your side and on your clan's side today.">

Outside, I tried to stay calm, but inside, like a kid, I cheered and bounced to "say yes, say yes"…


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E T E R N A L - E M P R E S S
Lady Ingrid L’lerim Ragal Terassi Vandiir
Eternal Empress of the Eternal Empire, Lord Commander of the Wardens of the Shroud, Archon of the Primyn Group
Empress of Terraris, Supreme Commander of the Terraris Command, Head of the House L’lerim, CEO of the HPI Consortium
Objective: Hunt down the prime minister
Location: Surface, D'rinba IV
Equipment: Kiss of the Red Witch | 2x Sigra vibroblade | 2x Striith vibrosword | The Soulsabers | Heilagr MK. I Assassin Armour | Viper Mk. I Skinsuit | The Last Gift || Empyrean gland | OPBC-01m
Tag: Belisarius Vactovion | Urail Gau Urail Gau | Eleena Salwa Eleena Salwa | Open
[ Soldier of Heaven ]
<"High Nelvaanian"> | ~ telepathic communication ~ | << comm. channel >>

Unlike the 42nd, Ingrid passed completely silently through the building and the hallways. Her path was lined with corpses; severed throat, severed abdomen, cut off head, crushed throat, broken neck. Not a single shot was fired at the part where the Empress was going. Although she would have been able to maintain invisibility all the time thanks to her Force's abilities, but she was not bothered herself with it now.

She let herself be visible for a moment with each attack so that those she killed could see the end coming. One graceful move and it's all over. However, she only kills soldiers and bodyguards. Not the civilians who had just fled because several corridors behind them, the Wolfguards already approached. They were still following the red-haired woman.

She killed roughly two dozen enemies, during which time MANIAC also broke into the local system and immediately forwarded the maps and blueprints to the empress. There was one thing she didn't know about before. And for that, the outside team was perfect to handle that. It couldn't have been better for Eleena and her team to be in town.

<< Mermaid Two, this is the Red Witch. Under the Prime Minister's residence, MANIAC marks two underground roads. You and the other Mermaids must ensure that no one gets through these, no one can escape. >> she ordered.

And MANIAC also sent the blueprints and the underground road for Eleena and her team to find those more easily. Finally, she arrived at an area where she heard heavy footsteps and an inspiring speech.

<"For the Empire!"> she said invisibly at first in her usual cold, military voice.

The next moment, at the same time as her next step, Ingrid was also become visible in her armour, though her presence was still hidden in the Force. There were just two daggers in the woman's hands, both with blood, though nothing dripped to the ground from the blades. She looked through the soldiers, then finally at Vactovion.

<"The prime minister is presumably trying to escape through the underground hangars. I hope your men have already secured the pathway to down, Field Marshal."> she said, pointing her hand in the right direction to continue their mission.


Location: D’rinba IV Space
Call Sign: FAE/eI-01 “Ballerina” Star Interceptor Mk. II - Royal Four
Tags: Chamdar the Hutt Chamdar the Hutt Asaaj En Kelsani Asaaj En Kelsani Race Tolsen Race Tolsen Kalic Daws Kalic Daws Hi'los Krai Hi'los Krai Ambrosia Iota Ambrosia Iota Kathrin Thyra Kathrin Thyra

“Understood, Captain!” Bella called out in response. “Royal Squadron, retreat into the field, let’s lure them to the Blood Knight’s guns!” She ordered, her commands answered with an affirmative chorus. Without delay, Bella swung the Ballerina in a lateral drift to port, just as she emerged from the debris field in front of a quintet of bandits. Hoping to present herself as a tempting target, Bella slammed the engines to send the Ballerina accelerating back into the asteroid field. The bandits immediately gave chase, confident in the maneuverability of their Starbird-class superiority fighters in such close quarters. Having flown against them before, Bella knew that they were very agile craft, but were not a match for the Ballerina. However, in order to keep the bandits on her tail, she would have to keep dangling the bait, until they fell into the jaws of the trap.

That meant playing weak.

Bella dipped, dove, wove her interceptor between the hulks, asteroids, and errant scraps which made up the field, letting the bandits get closer to her six and in the process, taking yet more risks. Rotating her wings, she accelerated her machine through a floating engine block, before skimming along the surface of an asteroid. In the process a laser bolt clipped her shields, warnings suddenly vibrating within her montrals as she pulled the Ballerina into a tight chandelle to starboard, the bandits following suit. Then, accelerating along the hulk of an ancient star destroyer, Bella dipped inside the hangar, weaving between pillars and floating fighters, flying like a Togruta gone mad.

Perhaps a little too mad.

The characteristic boom of an explosion struck her montrals, followed by her sensors pinging a kill. Under any other circumstances, Bella would have been relieved. However, in seeing their comrade crash in such a violent fashion after getting too hungry for the kill, the bandits made the rational choice to withdraw from the chase, thereby refusing to follow the bait. Glancing at her sensor readout, Bella growled as she watched the distance indicators began to climb. Had that single bandit not crashed, the Starbirds would have been just inside the range of the Blood Knight’s defensive guns, where they would have been undoubtedly ripped apart. Instead, she had to settle for one kill, then hunt down the rest.

“Scratch one, but I’m gonna have to hunt down the rest.” Bella said, her tone laden with disappointment. “They didn’t take the bait.”


Objective: Shock and Awe
Tags: Silhana Cadera Silhana Cadera Adenn Kyramud Adenn Kyramud
Kit: The Wolfhound, KC-77N Hybrid Pistol, Black Sun Armor Mk. I

The Mandalorians deployed in force. Standing alongside Silhana Cadera Silhana Cadera , and flanked by dozens of his own contractors, Arturo Braga watched as the beskar-clad warriors piled out of their transports, spreading out into the city in precise, disciplined ranks. The rumble of their armoured vehicles drowned out the sound of distant weapons fire and explosions. There were Walkers and 'walkers, Titans and mobile artillery. There were rank-and-file Mandalorians, and Elite Mandalorians. Depending on who you asked, they were one and the same.

Watching with dispassionate eyes, the Director of the Contractors' Guild nodded in mute acknowledgement of Sil's words. Yes, it certainly was a way to go to war. The Empire was going to war, too. And so they had bought and brought Arturo's mercenaries, alongside several regiments of Ultranauts and who-the-feth-knew how many ships. Enough to make a bad day worse for the defenders, certainly. Enough to make anyone's day worse, truth be told.

Not his though, and most certainly not Silhanna's. "How many do you think there are?" Arturo asked, the ground beneath his feet vibrating fiercely as a Titan rolled past, the emblem of Clan Mortui emblazoned on its side. Nearby, in the command tent, tactical advisers and command staff were busy bickering and arguing over a holo-table, ignorant or perhaps uncaring of their surroundings. They had jobs to do after all; Arturo couldn't fault them for getting stuck in.

Around the tent, contractors in heavy combat armour had formed a ring as per their director's instructions, going to great lengths to secure the area before the arrival of the second and third waves. Machinegun nests and razor wire barricades blocked off key sections of the city block they occupied, but did little to hinder the flow of outbound traffic. The last thing Arturo wanted was for their own armour to roll over them in their haste to get at the enemy.

"Forgive me, I have to go there, this is a great opportunity of my life!"

"By all means." Smiling behind his visor, Arturo followed Silhanna over to meet the newcomers heading for the command tent. From the lilt of his girlfriend's voice, it was easy to tell something had gotten her excited. Arturo could only assume it had something to do with her Mandalorian brethren. Namely, one Adenn Kyramud Adenn Kyramud , the Alor of Clan Mortui. Apparently he had something of a reputation amongst his clan and kin. And reputation, as Arturo well knew, was one of the most important things a warlord could possess.

Letting Sil rattle off a few quick words in Mando'a, Arturo was next in line to greet the man as he entered the command tent, bodyguard in tow.

"Let us wage war."

"Yes," Arturo agreed, taking off his helmet and placing it on the edge of the holo-table. "Let's." Turning to the advisers, Arturo gestured for them to gather around. Though he was only a mercenary, Arturo had what could only be considered a significant amount of influence in the Empire. As such, when he spoke, people listened. It was almost like dictating stratagem to his fellow Underbosses in the Black Sun. These weren't gangers though, they were military men. Disciplined, and likely to judge him for his past transgressions. If only they knew the half of it...

"Gentlemen, I know we have discussed matters already, but if you would be so kind as to go over the plan for the Warlord here, it would be most appreciated."
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Fleet: 1x Acklay-class Cruiser, 2x Dragonsnake-class Picket Cruisers, 2x Refit Ranger-class FACs, 1x Directorate "Ghost" Viper Interceptor, 3x CST Toscan 8-R squadrons, 1x Kessel-class Armed Courier squadron
Objective: Take on the Eternal Fleet.
Race Tolsen Race Tolsen Chamdar the Hutt Chamdar the Hutt Asaaj En Kelsani Asaaj En Kelsani

If Kalic had eyes they'd probably be bulging at this point. Orbital autocannons!

"Evasive action! Evasive action! Scatter!" Kalic knew he couldn't let that ship concentrate fire, and hopefully the cruisers could outrun the battlecruier's turn rate. The ships gunned it, with the Dragonsnakes risking an overheat, but they had to move! The flak cannons kept a cloud up between their ships and the enemy. While they moved, Kalic thought of the next move.

At the same time, while fighters raced in and began to use boom and zoom tactics to keep their speed up, the FACs pointed forward, heavy turbolasers firing and a spread of torpedoes from their launchers. It was something at least.
Ex-Pirate. Former Pirate. Truly.

Location: Aboard the ENS Revenge, accelerating and advancing on Kalic's flotilla
Objective: Support the fleet action
Equipment: 3 x Pistols, Knives
Tags: Race Tolsen Race Tolsen Asaaj En Kelsani Asaaj En Kelsani Bella Bella Kalic Daws Kalic Daws
Fleet: 1x Regency Star Cruiser, 8 squadrons Haxor Interceptor, 8 squadrons Hornet Bomber

To Commodore Chamdar's eyes, the enemy flotilla had definitely taken note the Revenge's attack, and acted accordingly with the heavy autocannon blasts sending the enemy's whole force to full speed to avoid the shots. At such long range, with the enemy moving, the chances of a hit were relatively low, but that could be changed. Experienced, Revenge's Rodian Captain, Pol, was thinking the same as her Commodore, he saw her looking at him for approval, and he winked his assent.

The Captain gave the order. "Helm, take us in." Chamdar looked back to the holodisplay. Revenge would now begin to close the distance between the Star Cruiser and the flotilla, increasing the chance for better accuracy of her weapons as the Eternal Fleet came on, decreasing the range. On an angle from their ship, Red Squadron led in the fighter-interceptors and bombers, chasing after the enemy, though careful to keep out of the space between the accelerating ENS Revenge and her targets, leading to a wide parabolic chase course for the strike group.

Fire from the enemy fighter attack smashed into her shields, the Star Battlecruser Revenge held her fire now, waiting, charging all batteries to unleash a more comprehensive attack, and coordinate their next assault with their fighters and bombers. She was a tough and large target, and the attacks wouldn't take her down alone. Chamdar considered launching the reserve fighters to deal with the attack, but held off, not wishing to override the Captain.

The intent was to pin the enemy force between Revenge's firepower and that of the strike group, and tear it apart before it could escape, and he was of the same mind as his Captain on the tactical approach. The enemy would no doubt see that Revenge was holding fire, and a scan of the big ship would show her weapons all charging to unleash a full assault...

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Objective: Hunt down the prime minister
Location: Surface, D'rinba IV
Equipment: Gau Armour & Equipment | 2x Scherezade Energized Vibroblade | Overseer-pattern HPI Biochip | 2x WESTAR-35 | SR-930 Electro-Fusion Blaster Rifle
Tag: Belisarius Vactovion Ingrid L'lerim Ingrid L'lerim Eleena Salwa Eleena Salwa

Urail was ready to slide down the zip line when he heard the report from the military comm provided by the Field Marshal. That complicates things.

"Squad, accompany Vactovion and his forces to the pathway down and try to do whatever you can to reach the end first. I'll meet you at the exit."

He put his focus back on the window, deciding on the best choice. Meet them at the exit or follow them. He pondered this thought as set his grappling hook to a different window, ignoring the one he had previously planned on moving. Far enough so know one will hear it shatter I hope. Urail had done operations similar to this dozens of times, this should be an easy, he knew, and yet something felt different, something stirred in him. He had no idea what it was, something he had never felt. Though he didn't recognise it, the dormant power in him was awakening, the force.

He picked up the SR-930 Blaster Rifle he had put on the ground and shot the window, ignoring the feeling in his gut, the distant sound of shattering glass coming seconds later. "Come on Urail, you can't afford slip-up." He muttered to himself, ensuring the line was set and could carry his weight. Once he had done the final check he slid down it, moving over the various obstacles on the ground.

Suddenly he jumped through the window and landed into a roll, as he got up he activated his Morðingja-class Cloaking Device, scanning his surroundings for any sign of life, luckily no one had been around to see him. He closed his eyes, recalling the buildings layout, and made his way to the pathway down, he peeked around a corner as he found Vactovion, and beside him the Empress. They can't see you, they can't see you, they can't see you. He thought as he moved through the crowd, one hand on his right holster where one of his WESTAR-35's lay.

He made his way down the path, meanwhile only one thought went through his head. I will not lose this fight.



Revenant Warriors

Tags: Chamdar the Hutt Chamdar the Hutt Bella Bella Race Tolsen Race Tolsen Kalic Daws Kalic Daws
Ambrosia Iota Ambrosia Iota


Asaaj remmaterialised inside the enemy attack shuttle, right behind two guards that seemed prepared to repel a counter boarding, they had no time to react before both of her Katar were plunged into their backs, severing their spines and puncturing their hearts in a gurgle. Asaaj looked at the CCTV.amd gave a little playful wave to whoever was watching from the bridge, before disabling it with the force.

The nightsister took just a moment for herself, running a finger along her blade and collecting her victim's blood. She placed it in her mouth and grinned, feeling the blood lust grow further. She felt a presence in her mind and the soft voice of her sister Ambrosia Iota Ambrosia Iota She knew little of her, other than she was a fellow sister, but that told her more than any military bio. "Your presence her warms my heart Sister, if you can spirit walk, join me on the enemies shuttle, or help wherever you judge is most appropriate." It was lovely to have one of her own kind aboard, she had hoped to bring more sisters into the Empire at some point and maybe form a Coven, but that was a discussion for another time.

Another message pinged in her ear, her fighters had failed to draw the enemy closer, shame, she mentally wished the fighters luck out there in the void, she had been impressed with the performance of Bella Bella In her Ballerina already and wished she could watch the show. But she had work to do down her. She looked about for where more soldiers might be, a long corridor led from her position to the cockpit. Blaster bolts blaster at her and she took cover. She could count at least three muzzle flashes.

It was then that all of the view screens around her changed, all showing the visage of the Night Queen AI face. "I have taken their data core captain, permission to open all the external door? Transmitting coordinated of the enemy base to the fleet." Fantastic news, the likes of Lilanna Kelamvor Lilanna Kelamvor Would be waiting ready to assault the base on her word. The telemetry of the shuttle had pinpointed the base location and now it was theirs for the taking. "permission denied Night, leave the air in, but be a darling and kill the lights for me. It is my turn to have some fun." immediately the lights all switched and the vessel was pitch black, the enemy soldiers fired panicked shots into the darkness, firing blind, unaware of the vampiric nature of their foe and the imminent death awaiting them.


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