Rear Admiral

- (1) Regency-Type Star Battlecruiser
- ENS Tiberius (Unique Factory Submission Pending) - Rear Admiral Sicarus (20th Heavy Assault Line Flagship - 4.5km)
- (1) Demeton-class Heavy Cruisers (56th Heavy Assault Line - 1km)
- ENS Molloch (Osborn)
- Shields 100% | Armor 100% | Power 100% | Subsystems 100%
- (2/2) I-3A Lance Squadrons (24 Fighters)
- (1/1) RX-4 Hornet Bomber Squadrons (8 Bombers)
- (1/1) INT-1A MK.I Haxor Interceptor Squadrons (8 Interceptors)
- (1/1) Shuttlecraft (4 Shuttles)
- ENS Molloch (Osborn)
- (1) Vikaander -class Light Cruisers (31st Assault Line - 750m)
- ENS Foray
- Shields 100% | Armor 100% | Power 100% | Subsystems 100%
- (1/1) I-3A Lance Squadrons (12 Fighters)
- (1/1) Shuttlecraft (4 Shuttles)
- ENS Foray
- (2) Ashkelon-class Escort Frigates (20th Heavy Attack Line - 800m)
- ENS Crucible
- Shields 100% | Armor 100% | Power 100% | Subsystems 100%
- (2/2) I-3A Lance Squadrons (24 Fighters)
- (1/1) RX-4 Hornet Bomber Squadrons (8 Bombers)
- (1/1) Shuttlecraft(4 Shuttles)
- ENS Magnate
- Shields 100% | Armor 100% | Power 100% | Subsystems 100%
- (2/2) I-3A Lance Squadrons (24 Fighters)
- (1/1) RX-4 Hornet Bomber Squadrons (8 Bombers)
- (1/1) Shuttlecraft(4 Shuttles)
- ENS Crucible
Objective: IV - BYOO - Medical Fleet EscortLocation: Eternal Empire civilian space dock - Starbase Theta

Aximand's shuttle arrived within the 'flagship' of the civilian fleet, with the Admiral waiting 'semi' patiently within the hangar deck whilst Anashja tended to her business. Upon her arrival, he noted her attire; namely the patchwork beskar'gam, lightsabers, and shotgun on her person. Aximand's demeanor was as rigidly professional as per usual, with his Ultranaut escort squad standing at rigid attention on either side of him. Although their discipline prevented them from acting out of turn, it would be easy to assume their grips upon their weapons clenched tighter at the sight of how well armed the Mandalorian was. Admiral Sicarus' hands clasped each other behind his back as he strode forward to the woman, appraising her with a critical eye for several moments before he broke the silence:"That remains to be seen, Ms. Tal." His expression remained neutral, and his tone dispassionate. He regarded her for several moments longer - a tactic he had long mastered upon analyzing fresh Ensigns who always were keen to earn their commanding officer's approval. His hands soon enough found themselves front and center, with his right hand extending toward the woman as if waiting to accept something. "I will need copies of your fleet manifest, along with all appropriate registration documents and Imperial writs transmitted to my flagship, as well as a copy present here on a datapad."
He gave the woman a waiting expression until she furnished what he had requested. In the meantime, his adjutant - Commander Janine Aierka - set about notating her observations thus far on a datapad. Thus far, she noted the goings on of the hangar around them. In truth, such notations were superfluous at this stage. In her experience, the way one reacted to the seeming 'white glove' treatment spoke volumes as to both their intent and their bearing. Both could be invaluable on what would usually be a routine inspection.