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Rogue One: A Star Wars Story

I finally saw it last weekend.

Honestly, it could have been better

More explosions than plot in my opinion.

BUT: YAYA! I Jade is not the only blind force user!!!!

Connor Harrison

This is wonderful.

'Rogue One' cast answer Google most asked questions...

Vosh Mozh

Doing my best to avoid spoilers, that last scene was exquis​i​te​. It on its own was worth the admission fee, in my opinion.

Viathae Qarmast

Mandalorian Exile Jedi of Clan Qarmast
I watched Rouge One, and honestly, I did not like it.. but I loved it.

I hated it, but I loved it. It's that weird feeling inside of your gut when you just see it, and then see it again.

Honestly, I felt the story was a bit hard to keep up due to the pacing, and the fact that the characters did felt kind of flat. I did love Jyn. She was a really good character in my honest opinion.

But still... I felt they could of done a bit more. Krinnic was a bit of a crappy villain.

Connor Harrison

'Rogue One' will be available to buy through digital platforms on March 24 and on Blu-ray/DVD on April 4, Disney announced today and features announced -


Rogue One Bonus Features:

A Rogue Idea – Hear how ILM's John Knoll came up with the movie's concept--and why it's the right film to launch the Star Wars standalone films.

Jyn: The Rebel – Get to know Rogue One's defiant, resourceful survivor, and hear what it was like for Felicity Jones to bring her to life onscreen.

Cassian: The Spy – Diego Luna shares insights into his complex, driven character, who becomes a hero through selflessness, perseverance, and passion.

K-2SO: The Droid – Explore the development of this reprogrammed Imperial droid, from initial pitch and character design through Alan Tudyk's performance.

Baze & Chirrut: Guardians of the Whills – Go deeper into the relationship between these two very different characters, with Chinese superstars Jiang Wen and Donnie Yen.

Bodhi & Saw: The Pilot & The Revolutionary – Forest Whitaker and Riz Ahmed reflect on Saw Gerrera, the broken Rebel leader, and Bodhi Rook, the Imperial pilot who defects.

The Empire – Meet a dangerous new Imperial adversary…and cross paths once more with the most iconic villain of all time.

Visions of Hope: The Look of "Rogue One" – The filmmakers describe the challenges and thrills of developing a bold new look for the movie that can fit within the world of the original trilogy.

The Princess & The Governor – See what it took to bring the vibrant young princess of "Star Wars: A New Hope"--as well as one of her most memorable foes--back to the screen.

Epilogue: The Story Continues – Filmmakers and cast celebrate Rogue One’s premiere and look forward into the future, to the Star Wars stories yet to be told.

Rogue Connections – Uncover Easter eggs and film facts hidden throughout the movie that connect Rogue One to the Star Wars universe.

Connor Harrison

It's a shame as that was cinematically an exciting looking sequence. However, things did blend really well and I give them credit for making the ending tight and without lacking pace.
I was wondering why all the toys said "Sergeant Jyn Erso"

Looking at all the news recently it seems they were running off the script where she was already a member of the Rebel Alliance (apparently they were going to go with kicking off the film at Eadu and ending with the 'hero ship' being blown up as it transmitted plans to the blockade runner) close enough to the start date that the toys were already in production.

As more comes out about this it seems insane how quickly they made the film from a very unfocused plan for the plot/screen play. Especially given how good the final product was. Apparently ILM were forced to do mot of the rendering in october and november before the film came out. Mad!

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