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Rogue One: A Star Wars Story

[member="Connor Harrison"]
The Greater Union...Or Event I think they are now who basically started the Gold Class premise hit the gold (no pun intended) mine when they devised the idea for a lounging, bar and eating cinema. They however did hit ALOT of hurdles in initial releases and had more then enough money wasted due to it. Probably why Greater Union got bought out by Event to keep it running.

However as I am now in the UK I have to agree...It would work over here and I miss it greatly.

As for the movie...I am looking forward to it more and more leading towards the day.

Connor Harrison

[member="Kira Vaal"] Yay for another UKer.

I feel I'm more excited for this than I was for 'TFA' - it just feels something so special and fresh that weneed right now. I can't wait to see the Empire back in action AND a host of NFUs kicking ass!
[member="Connor Harrison"]
Seems to be the general consensus on this. As long as Disney can keep pushing out quality each year I will be a happy fan.

*Sudden realisation that we have Rogue One in a few days, a mere five month wait for Guardians of the Galaxy 2 and then 6 months until Episode

Connor Harrison

[member="Kira Vaal"] Not a big fan of 'GOTG' so that's one I'm not exactly hyped for.

BUT they report 'Episode IX' starts shooting in April 2017. It's like the best Star Wars overdose of all time!

Connor Harrison

[member="Kira Vaal"] Why thank you - I love to find and share what I can for fans, and you can bet the next threads will be full of Han Solo and Ep VIII news and rumour right up-to and beyond release!

And I don't even get paid. :)
[member="Kira Vaal"]
Even though gold class is twice as much I think it's well worth it. I went to a regular cinema screen to see Ghostbusters earlier this year and got validated in my need to pay more for better. :p

Like with Marvel, so long as Disney puts out quality SW films I don't care how many there are.

Connor Harrison

Some clips from Jimmy Kimmel and the cast/crew of 'Rogue One'...
Just finished watching it. It was frakken AWESOME. Violence begots violence just like a real Star Wars movie should be. How great that everybody in it ........ I won't say that last word to not spoil it for those who are yet to see it. I simply can't wait to watch it again on Saturday. :)

Connor Harrison

'Rogue One: Behind The Scenes' - non spoiler.
Well got to see and one thing I noticed was how good the Stormtrooper armour is. This isn't really a spoiler but during the first fight scene between Chirrut Imwe and the squad of stormtroopers the trooper he used for cover actually stayed alive. He was shot about eight or nine times (four to the groin/lower stomach, rest to the chest) and was still twitching and moving slightly when he was hit in the face with the staff. That many shots and still twitching means the rounds from close range probably means the shots got dispersed by the plastoid and suite underneath.

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