Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Rogue One: A Star Wars Story

Connor Harrison

Mads Mikkelsen & Ben Mendelsohn interview

Connor Harrison

New TV spot...

.... "Introducing Jyn Erso".....

...and official clip debut....

Connor Harrison

[member="Count Morcus"] I've never seen 'Rebels'....what ship is it? Is there a link, beside Saw?

Connor Harrison

[member="Valiens Nantaris"] Had a Batman vibe initially (still great) and then it almost sounded like a distorted version of the Imperial March. I think it'll fit perfectly in the overall sound and mood of the saga.

Connor Harrison

Damn you and the gold class - why aren't we getting them over here! Most we get (unless we are in London, which I ain't!) is to pay an extra £1.20 for a high back chair and leg room. No thanks.

Bucket o' popcorn and cheap seats for me but it'll do to lose myself in anything Star Wars! :D

Connor Harrison

[member="Valiens Nantaris"] 13th is the embargo lifts but they've been told "no spoilers or plot devices", which is good.

Fingers crossed for this one.

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