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Rogue One: A Star Wars Story

Connor Harrison

[member="Asemir Lor'kora"] Yeah the Empire need to be on top of things, to lead the hunt after the Rebels and Leia.

So certainly they need to be a stronger fighting force than we've seen yet I reckon. BUT their aim needs to go a bit off to get ready for 'ANH'. ;)

Connor Harrison


Already face-palming the "fan theory" Jyn is Rey's mother. WTF?

Jyn would have to:

1) Be a Force user


2) Bonk a Force user (speculated theories need the Force user to be a Skywalker, Solo or Kenobi).

And Rey would be 30+ if she was mentioned as a child / newborn in RO.

...does nobody use logic anymore? Why do they have to make all the films link in some weird way?
Well-Known Member
[member="Connor Harrison"] Technically you don't need a parent who is force sensitive to become force sensitive. The Jedi Order is the evidence here, since they are typically not allowed to - ehem - breed, least they form a powerful legacy (Skywalkers anyone?). So they take children who have mysteriously become force sensitive in order to fill their ranks. I won't delve into the moral implications of this, just bringing it up to help alleviate some of your concerns.

I agree that it seems a bit absurd though, that "Jyn" would wait twenty years after her youth to have a baby :/

And then dump her on Jakku. :/

Connor Harrison

[member=Fatty] Ah right, like a midichlorian lottery for those born with or without it? I never delved into all that and just assumed one parent needed to have midichlorians be Force Sensitive.

I hope she's not a FU, that'll be just a Rey rip-off. We don't need no stinkin' Jedi on this Rebel outing! :D
Well-Known Member
[member="Connor Harrison"] I'm going off the actual definition of the force, you know how it penetrates and binds the galaxy together through all livings things? You know, how the force is supposed to work in mysterious ways?

If you've watched the clone wars or rebels we actually see force sensitive babies that didn't have force sensitivity in their parents. Ahsoka and Ezra are both examples of this in addition to the children who were stolen by the sith for their devious deeds, but rescued by our heroes :p

If the force was a biological imperative, we'd see a lot more legacies, and it would be a lot easier to totally exterminate them from the galactic population, since its supposed to be a rare occurrence.

Aside from all of that, the whole point of Rogue one is to demonstrate a star wars movie where the force isn't needed for the Rebels to win, so I doubt any of them will be force sensitive beyond Vader, who while having a large role, I imagine will be more similar to the Emperor in this scenario where he acts as an administrator, rather than a warrior. Otherwise the plans probably wouldn't be stolen, if he was personally guarding it.

Connor Harrison

[member="Fatty"] Let the FUs be in the background, but as this is the time the Jedi are pretty much in hiding or all dead, let the NFUs have their day. Can't bloody wait for that to be honest. Gives us a nice "break" from the route the new trilogy is taking, away from the sabers and Jedi etc.

And I've never seen Rebels or Clone Wars. None. I think I've got a lot to catch up on, as I feel I'm missing out.

Connor Harrison

[member="Darth Prazutis"] That'd be great to see - make him even more of the fearsome Dark Lord everyone is afraid of. Because during the OT he only seems to lumber around and Force Choke people. Let's see if we get a glimpse of what makes him REALLY fearful to everyone.

Isaiah Dashiell

[member="Asemir Lor'kora"]
Considering we already know the outcome of the mission im going with a tie here. Rbels die but the imperials still lose the plans :p

Connor Harrison

[member="Darth Prazutis"] Fingers crossed! Keeping eyes peeled for any glimpses of him in future marketing....unless they will do a Luke reveal and keep it a secret. That'd be awesome. Hear the breathing first before you see him and not knowing when it will be....yes to that!

Connor Harrison

[member="Darth Prazutis"] And then let him lay the smack down on a group of Rebels and proper show he's a one man/cyborg wrecking ball.

That'd be awesome - rumours of the Sith Lord Darth Vader, pieces together by survivors or things, making his nightmarish figure they come across. Ooooh it could be brilliant if done well, and the tone already looks like it's not going to be playing by the typical expectations. Which isn't a bad thing. At all.

Connor Harrison

[member="Darth Prazutis"] I've not seen 'Rebels' or anything so don't know how he's been represented pre EpIV, but for the mass media audience he should be in his prime. Just no CGI Vader. Please!
Well-Known Member
[member="Connor Harrison"] I'm fairly certain that's a Class III Federal Crime, punishable by immediate execution and destruction of all digital copies of such an abomination.

Vader is portrayed excellently as a harrowing figure of significant power, that the rebels can barely do what they can to simply escape from him, and do all they can to avoid him given his demonstrations of power both physical/force, and as a leader of the empire.

Connor Harrison

[member="Fatty"] Sounds good to me - transfer that to the screen for a while and let's have a good look. I will catch up with 'Rebels'. Seems I'm missing out on a lot.
Well-Known Member
[member="Connor Harrison"] On a side tangent, I will warn you that Rebels has a significant number of filler episodes that on the whole are not necessary to watch. I can make a list of recommendations through PM if you are actually interested :p

Back on topic, I wonder if those Death Troopers/Shadow Troopers/Storm Commandos will be present throughout, or more towards the crescendo of the film, and I wonder if they are the only specialized units we will be seeing!

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