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Rogue One: A Star Wars Story

Dom Volaju said:
I thought the Bothans got the Death Star plans. I didn't see no Bothans runnin' around...
I could be mistaken but I believe the Bothans got the plans to the second Death Star in Return of the Jedi. Thus one is about the first Desth Star. It never really has said where Princess Leia got them, except that she had them when the Tantive IV was attacked.

Connor Harrison

The Bothans died bringing information for the Death Star II. All we know about the plans for the first Death Star is that they got to Leia somehow, and we see that unfold during 'ANH'. So this will possibly be the lead-up to getting those plans from the Empire and getting them to the Rebellion and over to Leia to get them to Alderaan.

And the Grand Admiral could be Thrawn, let's not forget. We can't rule it out. The EU was wiped from the SW slate when Disney took over so not to have all their creativity "pre-planned" for future/previous films, so maybe this could be the Disney-era Thrawn? Human. Not Chiss. Would they make such a change and risk annoying fans? Maybe, but then we were told the EU is "legendary" now, so anything really is possible.

But if 'Rogue One' is a solo film, would they use Thrawn just once and not use him again? Sounds like a waste of someone known to be a brilliant Imperial.

But then that's the EU again, so we can't even say that anymore!

ALSO casting confirmation spoiler:

It has been confirmed that Darth Vader will be appearing. British actor Spencer Wilding, best known for playing hulking creatures and monsters in film, will play the "body", and while there is rumours of dialogue, it's not confirmed if James Earl Jones will return. But seeing as he did for 'Rebels', his passion for the character must be strong enough to warrant a return for this.


Exciting times!
I expect there is a decent chance that this admiral is the same admiral at the end of the post-RotJ book. Goodness I'm blanking on its name, but it was terrible so that might be a reason why. Aftermath?
[member="Connor Harrison"] I suppose I should clarify. It is not the worst in terms of story, though at the same time it is not the most engaging of stories either. It has gems in it, but those come in the form of the asides that happen across the galaxy. What ruins the book more than anything else the writing style is atrocious. Orally it is not bad, so if you like to listen to books then that is not a bad way to consume it. However, reading it is just awful. Sentence structure and grammar is just absolutely weird throughout it.
I'm expecting it to be Palpatine, but I'm more interested in what he's kneeling in front of. Neither Vader nor the Emperor seem the kind to kneel before people or things, so whoever it is, what's in front of them must be important.

And of course we all want to know what Jyn's doing in Imperial uniform at the'd think if she was going undercover she'd be a Stormtrooper since their faces are covered. We shall see...I am SO excited for December!
Selena Halcyon said:
[member="Connor Harrison"] I suppose I should clarify. It is not the worst in terms of story, though at the same time it is not the most engaging of stories either. It has gems in it, but those come in the form of the asides that happen across the galaxy. What ruins the book more than anything else the writing style is atrocious. Orally it is not bad, so if you like to listen to books then that is not a bad way to consume it. However, reading it is just awful. Sentence structure and grammar is just absolutely weird throughout it.
I wanted to check it out, but I haven't gotten around to it. I thought Dark Disciple was pretty bad considering the material they had. Writing style was bad, and the character development was a joke. Perhaps it would have played better as a Clone Wars mini-series as it was intended. But my dislike for Dark Disciple is why I never read Aftermath in the first place.

Natalya Thane said:
I'm expecting it to be Palpatine, but I'm more interested in what he's kneeling in front of. Neither Vader nor the Emperor seem the kind to kneel before people or things, so whoever it is, what's in front of them must be important.

And of course we all want to know what Jyn's doing in Imperial uniform at the'd think if she was going undercover she'd be a Stormtrooper since their faces are covered. We shall see...I am SO excited for December!
I hope it's not Snoke. That would ruin the whole OT if Palpatine was a puppet for Snoke. The other speculations about Darth Plagueis being Snoke and manipulating Palpatine behind the scenes while he thinks Plagueis is dead is one thing, but for him to be running the show the whole time with Palpatine bowing to him would be very, very bad.

And I thought it was pretty clear from the trailer she was undercover in the uniform, but everyone else seems to think there is more to it.

Connor Harrison

[member="Darth Prazutis"] With the 'Battlefront' game and now 'Rogue One', I'm getting eager for more story about what happens both pre EpIV and post EpVI.
[member="Connor Harrison"]

It's really cool because so far it introduces you to multiple characters both Rebel Alliance, Imperial and others too. The Imperial side I've found most interesting because of how they describe the tough times the Imperials go through.

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