Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Rogue One: A Star Wars Story

Connor Harrison

[member="Valiens Nantaris"] Just under 4 months until it hits screens! Saying that, like you and everyone else, I want them to be so happy with it and get everything right before pushing it out there.

Good things come to those who wait I guess.

But man, even something from SWCE that aired in the panel we never got to see would be nice to be made official!
[member="Connor Harrison"]

They were going to release the one from the celebration but apparently decided not to. Thankfully though people downloaded a leaked one before Disney had a chance to take it down and you can find the leaks on the internet.

Connor Harrison

[member="Darth Prazutis"] I am so tempted to look for the leak but I just can't....I want it in all the HD glory but it's hard to wait!

Connor Harrison

[member="Darth Prazutis"]


Connor Harrison

I agree - for what the Force is supposed to mean to many people, it'd be nice to see it worshipped or appreciated more as a "religion" and thing of good, rather than just it being associated with Jedi in battle.


I don't know what it is, but I seriously love what the new films and series do with the SW planets. Lothal, Jakku, now Jedha? This is so cool.

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