Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Saddest moment in the Star Wars universe?



Ned Stark's Bastard, Knows Nothing
When Sev went MIA, presumably killed on Kashyyyk and the rest of Delta Squad wasn't given permission to mount a search and rescue for him. He was my favorite in Republic Commando.
Pfft. Easy mode.

"There's no mechanical replacement for a future, Face. And every time I take a hit, and they have to cut away another part of me and replace it with machinery because I'm allergic to bacta, every time that happens I seem to be a little further away from the young doctor who had a future. He can't come back, Face. Not all of him is here anymore."
-Ton Phanan
"This party is over." Aawwwww...

Lol, okay, seriously.

- When Ahsoka left the Jedi Order.
- Jar Jar. Nothing else said.
- Everyone close to dying in the Blue Shadow Virus Arc.
- Darth Vader's death.
- Anakin turning to the dark side.
- Order 66.
- Anakin opening the holocron in "Cargo of Doom."
- Bye bye, Aldy, have fun exploding! *Boom!*
Not that Mace Windu didn't die like a badass, but he was one of my favorite characters...

- Death of Mara Jade
- Anakin getting eaten (by those Force-Hounds, I think...)
- Luke's attempt at love on Bakura...
- Death of Chewie
- Jar Jar's existence
- The loss of Obi-Wan's ghost in Heir to the Empire
- The 'death' of Dash Rendar

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