Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Saddest moment in the Star Wars universe?

Ven'Rain Sekairo said:
When anakin got burned and woke up to find they chopped off all the important his hair, his eyebrows, the hair on his chest, the hair on his armpit, the hair on his bellybutton......why? What important part did you think I would say?
Or the time someone thought it would be good idea for Yoda to go on vacation to Dagobah. See the exotic plant life they said, marvel at the wonders of primitive hut technology, someone ought to force choke that tour guide.


The multiple personality droid
having to fight Revan and HK-47 in the foundry... good flashpoint just... why would they do that? forcing us to kill people we spend several hours building.
Jaesa is the only female companion worth romancing. She's sexy as hell. I like using her on my Juggernaut. She seems to get off in her pantaloons a little by killing people mercilessly.

Kaliyo and Mako both annoyed the ever-loving hell out of me.

I romanced Kaliyo purely for the Legacy bonus. If I was actually roleplaying, I would have ditched that slut at the nearest interstellar gas station so long ago.

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