Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Saddest moment in the Star Wars universe?

When Order 66 was issued, and I had to watch every Jedi I ever liked die one by one. But what seriously got me was when Yoda fell to his knees and clutched his heart as he felt it happening all at once. The closest he ever came to crying. I still cry when I watch that part...
[member="Luminara Rikanati"]

I know what you mean...

But the part where he totally loses it and nearly kills Palpantine in the Senate is the best fight in all of the movies so far.
- Jar Jar Binks existed
- Ahsoka Tano existed
- Darth Maul returned after Death
- Order 66
- Death of Obi-wan
- Death of Qui-gon
- Death of Yoda
- Death of Darth Vader
- Death of Biggs Darklighter, Death Star Trench Run
- Death of Dak Ralter, Battle of Hoth
- Death of Jabba :p (not really)

okay I will stop myself there. Don't want to go overboard :)
Corruck Kazen said:
- Death of Jabba

I'm gunna' be that one nerd...

So Hutts can hold their breath for several hours.... Plus they can regenerate from virtually anything... (One got his brain cut in half and was fine 50 years later)...

How the hell did being strangled by a chain kill Jabba? :l

Sorry, I've been wanting to sya that for like two years. XD
[member="Corruck Kazen"]

If you think about it- the emperor was directly responsible for what, let's say about a trillion deaths?

Well every planet that didn't exist in the six movies, every single character from the EU, was slaughtered by Disney.

Mickey Mouse has a higher kill count then Darth Sidious.

Unless i was missinformed, Lucas sold LucasArts (aka star wars) to Disney. Disney proceeded to wipe the EU, and announce the new movies.

Indiana Jones was also a part of LucasArts, but... :/

No one cares about him anymore, appearantly.

[member="Corruck Kazen"]

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