Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Scratching Names Off The Naughty List [Sith Empire VS Mandalorians - Invasion of Yaga Minor]

Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?
@Verz Horak @Aedan Miles @Juthan'Athar @Noah Corek @HK-36 @Hawke Katamirth @Nezuel @Circe Savan @Gilamar Skirata @Sherruk Vhett @Dranok Lussk @Mia Monroe @[member="Gilamar Skirata"] @[member="Aedan Miles"]

SPACE: Shipyards
Primary Objective: Take the Yaga Minor Shipyards
Secondary Objective: Capture Mandalorian Warships Succeeded
Secondary Objective: Capture Mandalorian Starfighters
Bonus Objective: Test the TIE Detonators Succeeded

1x Tulak Hord-class Star Destroyer, Alternate Complement (Gorgon)
3x Tulak Hord-class Star Destroyer (Iceni, Vindicator, Dauntless)
2x Ranator-class Star Destroyer, Alternate Complement (Hydra, Basilisk)
24x TIE Dominus
48x TIE Galaxy
96x TIE Taral
48x Eightgun-class Assault Fighter
36x Detritus-class Bomber
36x TIE Detonator, Neutron Bomb Payload
144x TIE Detonator, Antimatter Charge Payload
1x Orbiting Garrison
2x Monitor-class Corvette (Impervious, Glorious)

The first of the reinforcements had arrived - a pair of Monitor-class Corvettes. These immediately began a scan through the system for those pesky Mandalorian vessels - and found one through the simplest of methods: it was emitting a signal. "Target the source of that signal and open fire with all main turbolasers. Continue using our ion cannons on the remaining fighters. Once they've been disabled, bring in some Centaurus-class ships and we'll take the craft back for dissection."

The remaining neutron bomb Detonators returned to the hangars of the Ranators, the craft being all set and prepared for transport to the next system. "We'll bring some Tyderiums in to haul the ships away. Droids, radtroopers, prepare to board the Mandalorian ships."

Well, this was quite fortuitous, it seemed.
Aboard the Dzu'ari
Yaga Minor [SPACE]
Dzu'ari (1)
Tulak Hord-class Star Destroyers (2) - Judgement (CO: Kara Vi'dreya) and Cutting Edge

Propaganda wars were raging now. Transmissions were shot back and forth, most of them not dealing enough shock and awe as the first message had stated. @[member="Aken Bosch"] had a very nice speech, saying exactly what his own mind thought. Perhaps there was something his predecessor saw in this man, only time would tell. The messages the Mandalorians countered with were even worse, their attempts to gain support were pathetic. The Yagai obviously knew who the Sith were here for: the Mandalorians. This rang true as the Sith only targeting the Mandalorians and their allies, leaving entire population centers of the Yagai untouched save for the numerous Stormtrooper battalions that were dispatched in each and every direction.

Something mighty particular happened, though. A Mandalorian signal broke through despite being jammed from orbit. The only way this message could pass was if it was transmitted from a orbiting vessel. The battling vessels near the shipyards didn't have time to send them, they had too many problems arising from the TIE Detonators flying into their hangar and exploding.

With smooth motion, Dranok rubbed his chin before issuing orders. "Fighter screen, tighten up around the Dzu'ari. Keep your eyes peeled."
Space above Yaga Minor
With the two Finality ships already heading towards Sith Space as the rain of dropships continued Sargon looked over the battle ahead of him trying to analyze the details. Most unnerving to him was the sight of on of the Star Destroyers headed into the planet's atmosphere nose first. Within minutes the planet's gravity would be gripped on that ship, and whatever it landed on would be a disaster area for a long time. Truth be told it might just be worth it to obliterate it before it scorched an enormous section of the planet. This wasn't Sargon's call or his business though.

::Attention all Fringe Confederacy ships form up around the Astral Horizon. All Spewer Assault ships to the front with fighter Aeseth wings running sweeps across the front. Diathim wings are to be on alert around the Spewer Assault ships, and all bomber wings are to be on standby for targets or opportunity. Heavy cruisers will form up below the Astral Horizon, and at the sides of the Carrier. Once all ships have formed up we will join the Emperor's Flagship.::

Watching ships form up he had quite the wall of fighters in front of the fleet, and enough bombers to put quite the hurt out if they actually engaged anything. From where the Zabrak stood though he doubted if he'd even have to warm up a turbolaser for this battle. "Send word to Legate Greyson that all surrenders are to be accepted, and well treated. Send that message unencrypted as well, lets give the Mandalorians on the field a way out that doesn't involve death."

@[member="Dranok Lussk"]@[member="Aken Bosch"]@[member="Gilamar Skirata"]@TD-20@TB-18
((OOC: PS yeah I suck at naming ships))
@[member="Aken Bosch"]

Space - Battlefield

Dalek Class Cruiser - The Paladin

It was a sickening move to use radiation to kill your enemies. So sickening she felt sick. There were written and unwritten rules of war, personal guides, common decency. Death in this way was one of the most horrific of such. Acute radiation poisoning led your body into revolt against you. Tremors, involuntary muscle movement, loss of motor control. You feel yourself die slowly, with no way to stave off death. You may even be unlucky enough to be conscious when your organs begin to fail. It is truly one of the worst ways to die. Hawke was unknown to this until a revelation a few minutes ago. Aken never told her they'd be loading up Neutron bombs on the Tie Detonators. The good commander returned to her command chair ashen faced. A lot of respect was lost for Aken at this moment. Wether he could regain it or not was not to be decided here. One tidbit of information she was lacking in was the crimes being committed down below. Raising the dead was just as sickening.

"Lieutenant. Send a message to the Grand Admiral suggesting we give the remaining fleet an ultimatum. They're beyond hope of winning this fight". Wether he'd heed the advice was a matter out of her hands.

OBJECTIVE: #TEAMROFLSTOMP @[member="Mia Monroe"] and company

Marcus would agree with the former Mandalore on a single issue, actions spoke louder than words. So, when Dathomorian witches fighting with the Mandolorians began raising the dead in a desperate attempt to stop their coming demise, the Yagai would see just how loud the actions of their so called 'protectors' spoke. Chuckling to himself the assassin/captain looked back to his saber guards, who stood ready to defend his life, but Marcus knew his boys, he knew what they wanted. "Go and get them, for the Empire." He ordered.

Though it could not be seen under their helmets, he knew the guards were smiling. "Yes sir." The Dark Acolytes responded in unison, saluting, then turning and rushing to join the 142nd Assault Battalion before they were dispatched to the surface to provide aid to the Yagai natives. Faust felt empowered now, he command a massive warship and some of the best troops in the Empire, if had more than just the Black Sky and its compliment under him he dared to say he'd feel unstoppable. But feelings were unreliable anyway.

He wouldn't lie, his plan was rather smart, and simple, to say otherwise would've been out of something as simple as petty spite. "Raise our lower shields to maximum by diverting power from topside shields, auto-turrets, and life support in the troop holding areas. Get our Tarals in the air to provide cover for the topside and get our manned AA crews on full alert." He ordered, breathing in deeply as he finished, then expelling the mechanized breath. His communications officer nodded in response.

"Sir, keep the turbolasers charging?"

The question came from one of the officers sitting below in the little area where most of the bridge crew resided. "Yes." Was the response the young officer received from his commander as the ship shook from the impact of some anti-aircraft fire. Marcus, being the little task force commander he was kept his cool and simply issued more orders, "Lieutenant Grevanch, please have your pilot divert you from your current objective and land you now, I need the Mandolorian AA gone." deactivating the comm to his most trusted troop commander that was still breathing, he opened up another comm, this one to @[member="Aken Bosch"]. "Admiral, once my forces have terminated the Mandolorian anti-air presence, I would like to request a bombing run from some TIE Galaxies if you could spare a few. Oh, and I supposed I should add one more thing, please?" He requested.



TK-4999, aka Lieutenant Rys Grevanch aka 'Niner' would comply with his commanders orders without question. Leaping from his S90 MAAT with his 142nd Assault Battalion stormtroopers plus one saber guard in tow, his blaster instantly snapped up and blasted a Mandolorian soldier in the chest, letting loose a hail of red blaster fire as he hand his men scrambled into cover. Niner would look up and watch his transport, the 'Bloated Bantha', a S90 with over twenty hot drops under its belt lift off, begin to turn back towards the Black Sky, then have a series of rockets slam into it causing it to explode violently.

The troopers were silent for a moment, the crew of that transport were their comrades, their friends, their brothers. Anger welled up in all the troops who then rose from their cover and unleashed a violent onslaught. "Crush 'em!" Niner roared, vaulting over a crumbled slab of concrete and snapped up his E-11 and blasted a Mando in the chest with surprising accuracy, and rushed forward, hate flowing through him.

As they charged, heavier weapons, MGs, opened up on the charging troopers, cutting through the stormtroopers. Diving onto the ground Niner bared his teeth and squinted as he aimed carefully, blaster bolts whizzing over his head. Lining up his shot, he fired, a single red bolt surged forward and the rifle kicked against his shoulder as the gunner of the MG jerked back as the bolt struck him in the forehead.

Before someone could man the emplacement again, a rocket from one of the 142nd's launchers slammed into it, sending it into a ball of fire. 4999 leapt to his feet and rushed forward, his men blasting and slicing through the Mandolorians, but they were getting as good as they were giving. Troopers hit the ground left and right as blaster bolts tore holes through their chests. But the game was in their favor. Leaping over the wall protecting the anti-air site Niner bashed a Mando across the face with his blaster to knock him down, then blasted him as he lay defenseless.

Leaping beside him, was the saber guard, his crimson sabers ablaze as he deflected the bolts of the enemy in silence. To be truthful the guards intimidated Grevanch, they were utterly silent unless they were complying with orders, and they were extremely effective against NFUs. He was glad they were on his side. Pushing up, he continued blasting and cutting down Mandos. Pulling a thermal detonator from his belt he armed it and tossed it into a now abandoned AA gun casually.

As he continued on, the gun exploded behind him, as did several others destroyed by his men. Suddenly he was tackled, looking up he saw the T-visor of a Mandolorian warrior, and a vibroknife, coming for his neck. Niner's hands snapped up and resisted the oncoming blade, struggling to keep the blade from slicing through his throat. As punches from the Mando's free hand slammed against him, Niner growled jerking to the side and bringing the knife into the ground. Instantly he slammed his fist against the enemy's helmet then lowered his shoulder and rammed the other man, propelling him onto his back.

Niner leapt onto the man and unleashed a relentless torrent of punches, the anger at the loss of his men giving him the fuel to continue his savage beating. Suddenly his hand was caught, and slammed onto his back once again. But when the Mando lunged again, he received Niner's boot to the underside of his helmet, knocking it off the man's head and forcing him to stumble back, but Niner wasn't done. Springing up and tackling the Mando, the remaining AA guns exploding around them, Niner continued the savage onslaught. Even as the battle around them died down, Niner continued, his pristine white armor plating becoming stained in the mans blood, as the Mandos face slowly deteriorated with each blow, long after he was dead.

Suddenly a hand grabbed his shoulder, the saber guard. It was time to stop, it was over. Looking down at what he'd done, he almost vomited, like the private at the river, though not physically, instead it was mentally. It was his mind.

It was just another casualty of war.

Now the AA was clear, Bosch's Galaxies could come in and clear out the remaining hostiles. Then Marcus' barrage would begin.
Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?
@Verz Horak @Aedan Miles @Juthan'Athar @Noah Corek @HK-36 @Hawke Katamirth @Nezuel @Circe Savan @Gilamar Skirata @Sherruk Vhett @Dranok Lussk @Mia Monroe @Gilamar Skirata @Aedan Miles

SPACE: Shipyards
Primary Objective: Take the Yaga Minor Shipyards
Secondary Objective: Capture Mandalorian Warships Succeeded
Secondary Objective: Capture Mandalorian Starfighters Succeeded
Bonus Objective: Test the TIE Detonators Succeeded
Bonus Objective: Capture the Stealth Ship

1x Tulak Hord-class Star Destroyer, Alternate Complement (Gorgon)
3x Tulak Hord-class Star Destroyer (Iceni, Vindicator, Dauntless)
2x Ranator-class Star Destroyer, Alternate Complement (Hydra, Basilisk)
24x TIE Dominus
48x TIE Galaxy
96x TIE Taral
48x Eightgun-class Assault Fighter
36x Detritus-class Bomber
36x TIE Detonator, Neutron Bomb Payload
144x TIE Detonator, Antimatter Charge Payload
1x Orbiting Garrison
2x Monitor-class Corvette (Impervious, Glorious)

"I didn't want to have to do this... but the Mandalorians only understand such manner of combat." Bosch sighed, looking over the chaos and carnage before him. "Send in the radtroopers and some boarding droids. We'll decontaminate the ships best we can before sending them to R&D and stripping them down for a more thorough decontamination. Besides, it'll give us plenty of time to figure out what makes their ship tick."

A significant amount of starfighters were now disabled, the ion cannons of the various ships having raked over and disabled them. Centaurus-class Resupply Ships quickly entered the system, each snagging two of the fighters before quickly jumping away again - these ships hadn't been irradiated, and most of them would go to Paradiso, the rest going to R&D for dissection."

The capital ships now turned their attention to the location of the stealth ship, detected by the two Monitors' crystal grav-field traps. Their turbolasers all opened up on the vessel, attempting to quickly take its shields down so yet another TIE Detonator could be launched, irradiating the vessel and killing off its own crew.

The battle continued to rage as the Admiral retired to his quarters, the enormity of what he had just done finally settling down on him. Agitated, he contacted the commander of the nearby Dalek, @[member="Hawke Katamirth"]. She was one of the few people he could find solace in talking to.

"I'm sorry. But there was no other way. I would've loved to keep this war civil, but the Mandalorians are using Dark-sided Witches of Dathomir, being called the Nightsisters. They've been raising the dead - our dead, their dead, the Yaga's dead, they don't really care - they're willing to defile the grave sites of the battlefield, to commit such an atrocity as this. They would have brought forth nuclear weapons and murdered millions of innocent Yaga citizens in their retreat if we hadn't have stopped them." He paused for a moment. "Do your readup. Read about the atrocities of the Mandalorian splinter groups. Read about the Neo-Crusaders' razing of Serroco, their wanton disregard for sentient life whenever they wage war. What we've done today is nothing compared to what they have done and will do. I'm sorry..."

With that, he deactivated the secure commlink, returning to @[member="Paega Anginous"] and the rest of the bridge crew, a solemn look on his face. "Continue with the attack."

The Pale

@[member="Lavania"] @[member="Olom Grihk"]

The Base

The Pale rode swift. His undead mount serving well but it faired poorly over the long imprisonment below. Bones cracked and worn from water. If it wasn't for the woman's magics and his own powers it could never of bore his weight. A new steed would be needed. In good time of course. His turned his head rightward. They were retreating down at the river as the onslaught of the undead overwhelmed them. He grinned beneath his cloth mask; appeased. Dark clouds had been rolling in from the horizon, something he just noted. Lightning arced across the panoramic view he had. "I could do with a wash. Ha ha"!

The Base was just ahead of him now. Its walls as thick as any old fortification from his days. Speed still full bore and no intention of stopping, Pale flung his right arm out and lashed at the gate. Buckling metal and a horrific wrenching sound occurred. The lower portion of the gate reefed back at his will; giving permission to enter freely. Bodies littered the parade ground. With a large hole in its center. Pale viewed into it as he rode by. "Attacked from below. Now thats a rare occurrence. Seems whoever is here has cunning tactics". His mount slowed as he neared the source. She lay inside this structure but he could feel another, a Darksider. He was hidden by her unintentionally. He needed to reach her swiftly and tell her of the danger. Concentrating again he reached out to her; "An assailant is near you. Protect yourself! I am outside and will be there shortly". Pale jumped off and strode inside, metal jangling as he did.

Lord Ghoul

Yagai - Ground​
The Base​
After escaping the bombers, the next logical step seemed to be attacking the base. It took him a while to reach it, but by the time he did the city had been pretty much blown to the Plains of Chaos.

Out of this burning hellpit strode Mikhail Shorn, walking straight toward @[member="The Pale"]. Patches of his leather jacket smoldered dimly, remnants of flame. He walked with casual strides; pants tattered and torn in several places, while his black shirt hung in shreds. Raven hair blew about in the wind, beneath it his dark brows arched highlighting flaring pale, blue eyes, twin chilling pools of water that stretched back to a frozen core. In his right hand he wielded the Soulsaber, violet blade humming with malevolence.

He watched as @[member="The Pale"] strode inside the structure, then Shorn took a deep breath and followed the... thing inside.

"Surprise!" Mikhail called, left fist slamming forward in a precise Telekinetic shove aimed to snap the Pale's right leg.

The Pale

The Base
Dueling @[member="Mikhail Shorn"]

Mikhail's surprise attack faired well for him. The Pale's leg buckled beneath him. Armor and all came crashing to the floor. No yelp of pain would escape this warrior though, for he is dead. Pale quickly righted himself to a sitting position. A quick assessment discerned his assailant. 'Sith' a disgusted groaned undertone passed his lips. Mikhail would feel his wrath in but a moment. "You should of shattered my skull instead. Your error will be costly boy". Pale reached outward, drawing on his own and the magics strength to aid him. Mikhail would feel a tight grasp upon his upper arms. Pale cast him upwards headfirst into the durasteel celling. Then to the floor like a child's doll. And for good measure a few more times and some wall bounces thrown in. The pain inflicted on the Sith brought a merry big grin to his face. The Pale drew Runeblade from the strap across his back. The tip piercing the ground to assist him in standing. Pale rose upwards to full height, testing his leg; it would still bear the weight. Any mortal would by crying for mother right now. Thankfully he had no need, for he felt nothing and that horrible scary woman was long dead. And thank goodness for that, or there wouldn't be any galaxy left for people to enjoy. "Get up boy. Reignite that saber of evil I sense you posses and face me. Or have your body crushed where you lay". Pale slid into a sword stance, Runeblade held at the ready. His broken leg would be a great detriment to fighting, it could easily give away again. But he had plenty of advantages left.

Lord Ghoul

(OOC: no autohitting)

The Base​
Shorn's eyes flashed as he felt the sudden grip on his arms, then he sailed skyward. Or rather, ceilingward. Drawing the Dark Side into him, Mikhail used his own telekinesis to slow his trajectory. Instead of cracking his skull on the durasteel ceiling, he got a good lump instead. Blinking away the pain, Shorn found himself hurtling toward the floor. A telekinetic push wooshed out from him, preventing him from smacking into the ground, but no sooner had he done this than pale thing sent him toward the nearest wall. But Mikhail had had enough.

Kicking out, Shorn's feet struck the wall first. He let the kinetic energy bunch him up, pushing him to his knees against the wall, then he sprang, leaping sideways through the air and twisting downward to land on one knee. He rose, buffeted by more telekinetic grapples, but subdued them through his own formidable power. People just didn't seem to understand. Telekinesis was his realm and his alone. This newcomer wouldn't beat him at his own game.

The words of the Thing boomed down at him. And Shorn did as asked. He rose, blade reigniting in his hand.

"Didn't anyone ever tell you to be careful what you ask for, Fugly?"

Mikhail's pale eyes bored through @[member="The Pale"] one. Clearly, Fugly was getting ready for a sword fight. But Mikhail Shorn didn't do saber duels anymore. No... he was beyond that now. Taking two steps back to put himself out of range, the raven-haired Sith Lord extended a hand toward the Pale and exerted his telekinetic will, aiming to snap the bones in the Pale's other leg with Force Crush, a technique Mikhail learned from Velok as a Sith Knight... what seemed an age ago.

"My turn."
@[member="Mikhail Shorn"] @[member="Mia Monroe"] @[member="The Pale"] @[member="Marcus Faust"] @[member="Dranok Lussk"] @[member="Mirshen"] @[member="Verz Horak"]

On the flanks located facing both sides, somewhere between

Brokering a truce with the Yagai for access to their ship building facilities, war had broken out, unfortunately or perhaps fortunately for the Echani crystal builders they had not been successful in negotiations, and now found themselves trapped groundside in the middle of an invasion. Approaching steadily for some time now, both sides would have been tracking the approach as it wasn't hidden, from one city to the next. Nothing was said, there was no need for words, that was not the Echani way. They had waited, biding their time and deciding the most honorable, difficult side to fight against, because either way it would be a battle for the telling, generations from now to come this would be talked about, and they would not fail to be a part of it. Any communication till now was met with static, only now it would be answered if asked.

Closer, sounds of boots marching, and the sound of hover tanks surging enveloped the field, till precision and perfect white clad silence filtered over their approach to the battlefield. Three hundred Echani from Thyrsus came to a halt at the battle line's edge, not yet in range, waiting, on a knife edge they halted. Pure as white could be, despite the ruins and smouldering wrecks ahead of them, the first legion and serenity of the flame with just a relatively small but deadly vanguard here today. None could tell just who this elite unit would be fighting for, perhaps the decision was not yet made, because they advanced toward both the Mandalorian and the Sith's lines on their flank.

Natural enemies, Mandalorian had fought Echani many times in the past, Echani had fought Sith before as well. Did these 300 fine melee combatants moving together as a well oiled unit have a purpose, or were they watching and waiting? Itching for combat, but there were no gestures, no movements, for even the smallest body gesture for an Echani spoke volumes. They lived and breathed this, it was a strong Mandalorian culture, and a Sith's proving ground, but it was an Echani's very being, how they walked and moved, and how they spoke to the galaxy ahead of them.

Pure perfection in their synergy, a harmony, Thyrsus Born, At their lead was one Taiden Keth, ancestor to Raien Keth, the betrayer and one of the most dangerous strategic minds the galaxy had ever seen. They were in striking distance of both forces, maybe they were intending to attack both, or one or the other? It was on a knife edge, that was the way of an Echani, born in the center of the conflict, a moment about to be decided.

The Crystal Builders would create a force nexus here from the dead alone if possible, if it wasn't already well on its way to doing so with all those risen corpses.

Crystal Builders/Echani Visible Forces:

6 - Hardy 2M Saber-Class Repulsor Tanks
4 - Fast AAC-1 Hovertanks, nimble and agile
1 - Big Hulking Artillery Beast

Crystal Builders/Echani Reserve Forces.
Out of range
[SIZE=11pt]2 - [/SIZE]Mobile Artillery
[SIZE=11pt]2 - [/SIZE]Fast AAC-1 Hovertanks, nimble and agile

As posted in the OOC thread, It'll be 3 posts before attacking anything, trying to up the tension. Hopefully 300 isn't too unbalancing, sure you both have many more than that to send against them, the reserve is a small surprise out of sight and out of mind, not in range yet. The primary goal of this force is to prolong the conflict OOC, Sith/Neutral/Jedi etc Masters can be considered to have sensed a feeling when it starts, experienced Mando commanders might see it when it starts.

The Pale

The Base

@[member="Mikhail Shorn"]

The Pale heard that crushing force start to deform his armor. He wasn't going to lose both legs now. Can't very well run about swinging a sword without them. "One was enough". Pale lunged sideways to a side passage. Out of sight, Shorn nothing to focus on precisely. One combat role and he was back on his feet. "Not a Sith of theatrics are you. Well what I asked for was a duel of swords not you crushing my legs now". Pale had on a limped run down the corridor and rounded a corner. Not even back a dammed hour and he was facing some bloke who was about fifty times greater than him in terms of the Force. Or something like that, this was a random guess. His back was on the wall, head hanging over the edge to see down ways. Shorn was was better than him with his limited reserves. "Tell me something boy. I fought in The Great Sith Wars. How many years or centuries has it been I was dead"?
(OOC: sorry if the delays were much trouble, but it was Christmas.)

Position: inside the base
Objective: Witch Sashimi
Side Quest: consider building evil lair in this base.

Olom continued walking, climbing down a hall way as the mist got thicker. The occasional zombie accosted him, which he then telekinetically chucked out a window or two. He smiled a he walked into the room where the ceremony was taking place. Roomy and well-ventilated. Could do with a command console. He ignite his saber, the small red shoot glowing and levitating in front of him as he entered the room. He had felt another presence pursuing him, but then a familiar one came to stop it. Shorn. Wonderful. The self-proclaimed throne breaker had saved his hide. He'd have to send him a fruit basket or a small group of acolytes in thanks.

He sighed, entering the room with a calm, quiet glare at the four interlopers gathered. He smirked. His lightsaber levitated beside him. "Surrender now, and you may yet survive this moronic debacle," he began with his usual dry detachment. "Continue annoying me and some one will die," he said calmly. He sighed. He only had one thermal detonator left. He'd have to play this cautiously. Thankfully, there didn't seem to be a whole lot of bodygaurds for her.
Yagai City​
Missiles rained down, along with lancets of green fire​
Turbolasers, lasers, and all sorts of weaponry did conspire​
To bring down that mighty beast called Sev3n in flame and debris​
Now watch what transpires, blood, smoke, and death, you shall see​
Sev3n stood proud, thinking himself invincible​
Long had he lived, none stood before him defensible​
Yet he outdid himself this day in his arrogance and pride​
For beneath tons of stone and brick he fell and died​
A moment, a second, all stood silent in awe and wonder​
At the arsenal it had taken to bury this monster's thunder​
All at once, the ground quaked again and rubble sprayed high​
And from the debris emerged Sev3n, with a furious cry​
Armor beaten in, tusks broken, yet still alive he roared​
And charging toward a group of them, several he floored​
Five armored foes he laid low with one single blow​
His mace came down again, with blood it did flow​
Till at last from the sky, a missile did fly​
Straight into the face of the beast with an explosive sigh​
Sev3n's thunderous roar cut off, blown in with a single shot​
The monster at last did topple down, as one besot​
Sev3n stirred naught, nor again would he​
And all at once from around came the sound of joy​
For today perished a monster of nightmares and woe​
Today perished a monster and a Mandalorian foe​

Verz strode forward as Krag did, until he was standing 5 meters from the monstrosity. When Krag drew his saber, glowing with foul ashes, Verz drew his beskad, his Mandalorian Iron sword. Forged from beskar and handed down for generations, the sword could handle a lightsaber. Along with training from @[member="Ben Watts"] , Verz knew how to fight a Force User. With that, he lunged at Krag, testing his opponent's fighting style.

Darth Vulcanus

Better than other-other space Kaiden
Krag, the fiery beast of the Sith, was a skilled warrior but close range was his absolute specialty. The charge from the Mandolore was straight on, a tactic that allowed Krag a lifetime to react. As the feared leader of the Mandolorians drew near, Krag waited with his saber at his side. As soon as the Mandalore was but two meters from him, Krag whipped his left hand out and spewed a cloud of searing ash into the man's face. While the ash would only have minimal effect on Beskar, any exposed bits of flesh of under armor suits would be scorched or melted completely (as well as any weak points in the mask's Beskar). Damage was not the main focus of the this attack though, it was to blind and distract the Mandolorian just long enough that Krag could move in and take the offensive.

As soon as the ash smashed into the visor, Krag would shift his body and get within a meter of the Mandalore. As soon as he was in position, Krag gripped his fingers tightly and used the force to his the ashy skin to unimaginable temperatures. While his scorching strike moved through the air, Krag enhanced his already outrageous strength with the force and aimed to punch Verz square in the sternum. Beskar was strong but the kinetic energies of hits were easily transferred to the wearer and that meant blunt force would take a massive toll when delivered from a beast like Krag.

As per his style of fighting, Krag would not let himself go on the defensive. He pulled his lightsaber back behind him for an upward strike if the Mandalore was to somehow dodge the hit. If he did, Krag would attempt to severe his leg from the knees down.

@[member="Verz Horak"]
Yagai City - Desolation of Sev3n

Massive ground quakes rocked the epicenter of destruction. Debris filled the air, mixing rock and soot and ash into a cloud that rose after the wake of destruction. Though the plan had sought to bury the beast, in complete serendipity; the Mandalorians had managed to vanquish their foe and silence his fearsome roar. The massive ten foot giant now lay prone among the city street with Mandalorians forces dispatching of any enemy remnant until the vicinity had been cleared of the Sith scum. A collective cry and shout of victory rose with triumph as the fighters screamed passed. Yagai city had taken a heavy toll during the battle that was wrought, but as a whole it was saved. There was no shortage of collateral damage, but the objective had been completed.

Stepping off the tumbler, Azrael activated a holo-vid message and sent to the rest of the Mando'ade. The image of a fallen behemoth at the feet of the Mandalorian forces, smoke still billowing from the explosion that had taken the beast down wafting up into the sky. The scene was grim and dire, but it was painted with victory in all the beauty of holographic blue tones. Yagai city was saved from the stampede of a monster sent from the bowels of the Sith Empire. The Mandalorians would not bend or break during this invasion. They would form rank and deliver the enemy to death's door. Recovery would happen later, for not though, there was no rest for the Mando'ade, there were still enemies to be taken care of. Patching through to his nearest ground forces and the former Mandalore, Mia Monroe.

:: Lady Liberator, din'kartay? ::

@[member="Mia Monroe"]
A mighty battle that would be talked about the galaxy over for generations, Mandalorian against Sith, Soldier, Beast, and man. All had fought with great skill, cunning and courage. Many had died, and would probably continue to die till the day was done, but for now with the dust settling on many areas of the fighting, the Sith Empire had prevailed in its task.

Result Sith Win

Great thread all, the staff decision was on balance that Yaga Minor has fallen to the Sith. Feel free to finish your personal stories after this post if you wish.

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