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Scratching Names Off The Naughty List [Sith Empire VS Mandalorians - Invasion of Yaga Minor]

@[member="Moira Skaldi"] @[member="Marcus Faust"] @[member="Allison Willamina"]

Aedan Miles sighed as he reached the FOB he had set up and got a report that a Sith was pinned down against a mix of Mandalorian and Omegan forces. He shock his head and looked around nodding his head "Send out the 2 Remnant-class squadrons that are outfitted with proton bombs and have them followed up by the Cutlass-class. I want 4 umbara-class dropships to follow them up I will lead another group of Crags out to assist the Sith." Aedan sighed and jogged away calling out a quick series of orders to another group of Cragmoloids the 75 squads sitting there standing and starting after their commander. He watched as the fighters he had ordered out took off flashing by overhead quickly followed by the Cutlass-class and the dropships moving at a slower rate. The dropships were escorted by a squadron of Dread-class light fighters.


The Remnant-class fighters came soaring in fast and low their shields flickering as they took light fire from the ground the two bomb bays opening as they neared their target before the first ones released followed by the rest of the first squadron releasing their bombs along the front of the Mando Omegan forces line careful not to hit a large amount of Sith troopers. The commander of the second squadron activated his com quickly "This is Captain Levi to Sith forces begining backing down a little so that we can clear for our second run gunships are on the way as well as Pirate Lord Miles stand by for reinforcements." They would give the Sith a brief moment to respond to their commands before they began their second run down the middle of the Mando Omegan lines dropping the 24 proton bombs as they did. The remains of the 2 squadrons would come about and blaze back towards the FOB quickly their job done and them moving to rearm and repair. They had lost 3 fighters per squadron in that run but hopefully the damage against the Mandos and Omegans would be severe.
@Moira Skaldi @[member="Aedan Miles"] @Allison Willamina

Marcus couldn't help but grin as the Corsair forces swooped in and hacked their way through Omegan/Mandolorian forces, at a cost, but it was worth it. Hearing the transmission of Levi, Marcus signaled for his forces to pull back slightly in order to clear a path. But his train of though was cut short when a shell slammed into the ground next to him, but failed to explode.

He sighed in a relief, before realizing it was still live, and that the explosion had only been delayed. He raised his hands and put up of barrier with the force as it exploded violently, hurling him back into the mud. For a few moments, everything was silent, then Marcus awoke from the slumber he'd been forced into. Blinking his eyes repeatedly his forced himself up onto his feet, and to wipe the mud from his visor.

Upon doing so he realized that most of the suit over his cybernetics were gone, leaving the steel limbs exposed partially under the torn black material. Pulling himself out of the crater and drawing his saber to his hand using the force, Marcus ignited the saber and cleaved a charging undead stormtrooper in two before continuing to walk along the road.
@Moira Skaldi, @Marcus Faust, @TJ-1467 Jay

Allison looked over head at what was coming but remained stoic, whatever magic of folding space or bending time that allowed ships to instantly appear was something... Pathetic she found, their reinforcements had arrived the ones she had called in from behind the rock. Thirty two more canderous tanks with their mass drivers firing, five Chached firing their lasers, a small fleet of 24 Rodarch gunships, the wing of XS-115 from the BBC came roaring, the Purudii that had been called in to protect the omega ships which were around, the troop transports carrying more of the super commando's who had been called in to fight at the river with some breaking off to the city and from high above there was one final piece one last trick for the sith....

It had needed coordinates however once an entire army appeared to be able to quantum tunnel below at the river... Well the coordinates were a given. The Chached BBC moved into position as the sounds of grinding gear came then a pop... silence before a second pop. Two chutes emptied of their Dar'aranov's for the express purpose of controlling the south side of the river. The impact as the deployed from orbit designed bases would smash, shake and impacts nicely while the Chached BBC locked on finally to the target that had been painted by another. All that came over the coms for the mandalorianss was "All salvos firing".

With a look at it Allison watched something from the others and moved getting into cover while Aedan's ships dropped bombs. She didn't know it was him but she did run back with the other troopers, what would have been slow moving in space now had gravity to propel it downward so they ran while she shouted. "All ships open fire send them to dar'yaim." She still moved the major weight of the armor removed from the kama, from the weapon sled and because the armor wasn't fully beskar. That would be too much but it helped here as she ran getting a baor rifle from one of the commando's. Slightly larger to fit her and took aim with them. The immediate area of the river clear just them with railguns and plenty of sith within firing distance.

"Radio command and tell them to prepare a strike on the pre fabs... We'll let them be used or make them fall on the sith forces." The command went in and Allison spoke into the comlink to Moira. "How you doing blondie? still with us?"
@[member="Allison Willamina"], @[member="Marcus Faust"], @[member="TJ-1467 Jay"]

Yaga Minor Ground - at the riverside

A blazing inferno seemed to have engulfed the land. Great was the reaping as Death, charged by the Gods to go out and purge, swept his scythe across and heads rolled, limbs flew, vehicles were incinerated. There was no peace under the stars, only the laughter and merriment of bloodthirsty gods. The Sith seemed to be moving their troops like pawns on a chessboard, Moira pondered. She was reasonably certain that they did not possess powers of teleportation and quantum tunneling, yet they were seemingly able to cross not insignificant distances like a flash of light. It was something for her to further ponder when she could devote more processing power to it.

Moira remained stoic in her tank, though she steered it forward and manoeuvred it so that it might link up with the new force of Canderous tanks that was being deployed by the Mandalorians. Tanks raced across the land, troop transporters surged forward, hundreds of Mandalorian troopers were on the spot and she joined, concussion missiles being shot out towards the Sith ranks, the mass driver cannon thundered and a loud boom rang out when it had finally reloaded and she could line up a shot at a Sith walker, the Canderous tanks firing in unison into the ranks of the enemy. Then the ground seemed hit by hard tremors so much that it was shaking as one of the prefab bases dropped from orbit, while the Mandalorian battleship opened fire at the painted location. Salvoes of death would rain down from orbit, beautiful, cleansing fire, magnificient desolation.

As Aedan's ships unleashed their payload a swarm of Inimicas, those Moira had called, fell upon them, heavy laser cannon turrets and missile launchers spewing out death and destruction as they engaged them, giving the bombers no pause. Doubtless Omegan troops would take casualties, indeed the platoon of Omega Pyre soldiers had been badly decimated, and alas being blown to bits made it difficult to rise as a zombie, but the hostile bombers would be caught between the Omegans and the Mandalorians. Lining up a shot, the mass driver cannon thundered as a shell rang out into the Sith tanks, the Canderous advancing. It had taking a beating as well, dents had been blown into its armour, but it moved forward.

"I am functional for killing," she spoke in her usual emotionless tone when Allison commed her. Incidentally the first time they had spoken, but then a battle could say more than words and most organics were too talkative anyway. "I am ready to purge."
@[member="Verz Horak"]

Nick did not act just yet.... No... Not yet. He watched from the sidelines as Krag engaged the Mandalore. A slight smirk crossed the face of the Sith Knight under his hood as he watched his former Mandalore, his former leader take on one of his fellow Sith... This was an interesting sight indeed. Old instincts almost struck the Sith to watch from the shadows and attack any that would strike at the Mandalore... Something he did quite often back at the camps. Something the Mandalore never realized or knew... But that life was behind him now. Now, he was with the Sith, and former allies or not, they were invading the Mandalorians, and against the Mandalorians Nick would be...

His gaze turned to the Mandalore's crew. The mandalorians that flocked the area and watched this fight in interest. Their time would come... Soon. But that time wasn't here just yet.
This, this was war at it's most violent. Tanks and walkers exchanged fiery blows as air support zoomed overhead, bombing the troops of either side into death. It was a massacre. "Secure defensive positions!" He ordered, waving is saber through the air as he deflected blaster bolts of Mando/OP forces. One such soldier to comply to Marcus' command was TK-1232, or Private Mijorn Klyre, who dived behind a mud bank beside one of his comrades.

As an AT-TT fell to hostile fire, 1232 ducked his head down to avoid the mud kicked up by the falling war machine before popping his head up and loosing several rounds downrange before ducking back under the mudbank. "Klyre, I need you to mark those tan-" TK-3498, his sergeant attempted to order before one of the shells from a Candoerous tank obliterated the upper half of his body along with par of the mud bank he used for cover. The private was frozen in fear momentarily, as well as shellshock, the world was going in slow motion.

Looking up he'd see one of @[member="Aedan Miles"] Cutlass-class fighters have it's wing torn off and spiral towards the ground, followed by a thunderous explosion. Following suit quickly, two AT-TTs focus fire on @[member="Moira Skaldi"]'s tanks, hopefully cutting them down. He looked to his right and saw his commander, Faust, deflecting bolts and dodging explosions to the best of his ability, but the Sith couldn't do it alone. Taking a deep breath 1232 raised himself up, let off a few shots, then took a bolt to the face.

Just another casualty.

Marcus' eyes locked on the tanks, and the Inimica's that zoomed overhead, they all had to go. Miles would being reinforcing soon, but Marcus needed Imperial fighters, he needed his fighters. Sending a signal up to the Black Sky, his Xo'Xann which rested in orbit, fighting alongside the Sith fleet, to send down the two TIE Taral's, they were small, and took the place of two S90 MAATs, but they'd serve their purpose, which at this point in time was to launch and head towards the surface.
@[member="Aken Bosch"]

Paega listened to what the admiral had to say. From what she heard, it appeared as though that they were doing a suicidal bombing of the Mandalorian fleet using TIE drones, before starting boarding the enemy vessels. After all, their objective in space was to capture the shipyard. For the time being, the Sith Knight welcomed the break from fight, and was content with looking out from the bridge and to observe the Imperials blow up the Mandalorians into oblivion. "Certainly." responded the blonde simply, watching from the bridge the Imperial naval forces fight.
Aboard the Dzu'ari
Yaga Minor [SPACE]
Dzu'ari (1)
Tulak Hord-class Star Destroyers (2) - Judgement and Cutting Edge

Reports were flashing in from every direction. The tactical screen depicted heavy losses among the Mandalorian and Omegan fighters, their capital ships taking quite the toll from the bombarding Imperial fleets. The ground SitReps were even worse: the dead were rising and fighting back against his soldiers. A smile flashed across his face as he tapped across the screen to relay the orders to the Sith and soldiers down below (@[member="Marcus Faust"], @[member="Aedan Miles"], @[member="Moira Skaldi"], @[member="Allison Willamina"]). Several dozen MAATs hung in orbit above the river system, ready to swoop down and recover their troops to relocate them. Easy as pie.

"Troops at the river, you are ordered to pull back and disperse across the countryside, find every town and relay videos of the Mandalorians and their allies releasing biological weapons of undead and massive bombs. Let them know that we are not here to kill them, we are here to protect them." A smirk crossed his face as the order was sent. "Leave platoons of stormtroopers at each town and village, tell them to fortify their positions and sympathize with the Yagai." The MAATs in orbit began to systematically drop down, recover a platoon of still-living troopers, and fly off to seek population centers.

And on to his forte, naval battles. "Dzu'ari, Judgement, and Cutting Edge, put more power into the anti-fighter weaponry we have and keep our fighter and bomber screens protected."

Oh, this was getting fun. The best kind of propaganda was the kind you didn't have to edit.
So. Fething. Perfect.
Aboard the Harbinger
Yaga Minor [SPACE]
1 x Pellaeon-class MKII Star Destroyer (Upgraded) - Harbinger
2 x Xo'Xaan-class Star Destroyers - Breaking Silence and Eternal
10 x Subjugator-class Assault Ships (Second Loadout) - Blaze, Shepherd, Blood Funnel, Vengeance, Bonegrinder, Crimson Sparks, Hell's Angel, Dragon's Mistress, Damnation, and Resolute

TD-30 watched with interest as the orders from the Emperor flashed across his own tactical datapad. The tactical droid immediately processed what the master was doing: PsyOps. The droid let out a guttural chuckle at the thought, admiring the cleverness that lay in the master's brain. He was indeed quite worthy of matching the strategic genius of a tactical droid such as himself. That was exactly why he was in charge.

With heavy consideration of the master's tactics, TD-30 changed his own as well. "All Subjugators, enter low orbit and hover over a town or city and deposit your troops. Offer humanitarian aid and protection from the Mandalorians. Also show them footage of the undead unleashed and radioactive bombs that the Mandalorians are using." Texts of replies formulated across his screen. Ten affirmatives, the plan was set in motion.

Kalius Aegrus

Yaga Minor [GROUND]
@Moira Skaldi @Allison Willamina @Paega Anginous @Marcus Faust

Everything was hell.

From distances afar, previously dead stormtroopers, Mandalorians, and Omegan soldiers rose from the dead to sprint and attack the Sith forces. Granted, their plastoid armor offered an amazing defense against blasters, but charging undead toppled over many troopers and sent them sprawling across the ground. A random blaster shot rang out, smashing into the skull of a frothing Mandalorian, dropping to the ground with an animalistic grunt. Jay raised his weapon, setting it back into his shoulder as he sighted in on a charging zombie. Boom. Smoke left his barrel as the bolt propelled from it, crashing through soft flesh and bone, searing through its head. "Aim for their heads!" He cried, cocking his neck back to watch the incoming MAATs, orders streaming across his HUD to relocate.

A wave waved in the air as he shouted orders, "Into the gunships, carry out your orders from the top!" He rotated on his heels and sprinted to a landed gunship, mills of stormtroopers already hurrying into it to seek cover from the incoming fire. Jay was the last one in, "Go! Go! Go!!" He shouted as the chock-full transport jetted off, its entire 30-man passenger capacity more than exceeded. As it rocketed away, Jay shifted his coms to speak to the pilots. "Take us to the Yavvitiri Spaceport."

"Yes, sir!"
Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?
@[member="Paega Anginous"] (Still just a conversation post)

The Grand Admiral continued to look out the window as the fleet proceeded closer to the Mandalorian ships and stations. Things were looking excellent, but at the moment, Bosch was somewhat curious. The Sith currently on the bridge with him was one he'd never seen before. While he had no care in either direction for the Sith Order and its members, rebellious or loyal, she was new, and he owed her the courtesy to ask who she was.

"You're new. Rank and name?"
@[member="Marcus Faust"] @[member="Allison Willamina"] @Moria Skaldi
Aedan's eyes widened as reports that more then half of one squadron and three quarter of the second had been destroyed in that attack. He snarled dangerously as he hit a button and activated his com. "Send in the Examen class. I want those ships down NOW!!" He angrily turned as he nodded to his men waving them forward slowly. They neared the area where Marcus and his men fought the orders of Emperor Lussk ringing in his ears Aedan bit back a curse knowing the man was right. He sighed as he heard reports that the Examen were nearing the area. He smirked and nodded his head ordering the 4 squadrons of Examen-class fighters to fire their Buzz Droid Discord Missiles and the pull away and evacuate the area. He activated his com again as the first squadron of Examen-class roared over head. "Hey sith you may want to get your asses out of their now those gunships are coming down and coming down hard." He watched as the fighters fired their missiles the missiles tearing forward to not explode but open near the enemy fighters and release their load of Buzz droids. He smirked darkly as he watched the missiles fly over his head. Roughly 96 missiles each bearing 7 buzz droids. Oh how he loved the sight for those droids would soon bring most if not all of the enemy fighters own disabled to crash land on the battlefield.
Fleet is as follows:
Orca Finality Super Transport
Astral Horizon Chrysalide Battlecruiser
Anvil and Warhammer Deathhead heavy cruisers
The lights of hyperspace were like a tapestry before Sargon's eyes as he stretched out his senses with the Force. The fleet behind him could have been larger in numbers, but there was no need for that. Instead of great numbers of small ships he simply brought a few powerhouses. Sargon himself commanded the Astral Horizon Emperor Lussk's old ship in fact. The command ship would be joined by, two Deathhead Heavy Cruisers, The icing on the cake though was the Finality Super Transport.

Even as the the alarm went off to let the ships know they were about to slip out of hyperspace there was no great rush. Fighters, and bombers were already manned and lined up for launch. The dropships already had co-ordinates for landing, and Emperor Lussk had already created a fighter shield ready for their arrival. Opening a channel across his fleet Sargon gave a quick recap on their orders.

::All ships, this is Governor Vynea acting Admiral of the Fringe fleet. We will exit hyperspace momentarily to aid in the capture of Yaga Minor. All capital ships will support the Orca as it deploys dropships. As soon as this is complete it will jump into Sith space for the duration of combat. At this point we will be joining the Sith Empire's line and coordinate with them. The two hundred, fifty thousand legionnaire on the ground will be coordinate with @[member="Kaine Zambrano"], and @[member="Zaiden James-Greyson"] will be commanding you. Lady Yun-Harla, and Grand Admiral Karrde are watching you all, and you will make them proud.::

As the light of hyperspace vanished before their eyes, the image the battlefield began. Entering in behind the Empire's ships both Deathheads, surrounded the Finality class. The process had already begun, fighters were launched and dropships were, well they were dropping. The ground forces commanding Legate would be arriving shortly with his carrier and picket line. The Fringe had arrived. Keying his holocomms to join the Empire's encrypted channels Sargon said hello to an old friend. ::Greetings, Emperor Lussk, is it now? I've brought an old friend of yours to keep your company.::

@[member="Dranok Lussk"]@[member="Spencer Jacobs"]


Well-Known Member
1 Carrier
1 Finality
30 Spewers

Zaiden's fleet dropped out of Hyperspace amongst a huge space battle, "Defensive positions Legionnaire's! We must make the drop!" He said, eyes ahead. Standing clad in his Demon Armor, and every weapon he owned attached to his person, Zaiden would have gotten an instant response had he not already been Legate. Nome the less, instantly return fire began as well as shields being put in place.

Slowly heading for the hangar, Zaiden continued to bark orders to his men that followed him, "I want you all on the ground! NOW!" he called out. Arriving at the Demons Shadow , Zaiden turned and looked to those that would fight beside him, "We can show the Fringes power today! Show even the Imperials that we have more use than any wishes to acknowledge! Lets do this!" He shouted and climbed aboard.

Igniting the engines Zaiden made way for the ship with the departing message to those on the bridge, "Return to the battle above, you are to follow under @[member="Sargon Vynea"]. Bring us victory!"
Yaga Minor - Space (Onboard Admiral Bosch's ship)

@[member="Aken Bosch"]

"You're new. Rank and name?"

Paega turned sideways to face the admiral again. Indeed, she was a newly made knight. Although she could care less if the admiral knew her name or not, Paega decided that it wouldn't hurt to talk while the space battle occured right before them. "I'm Paega Anginous, Sith Knight. Former apprentice under Dranok Lussk." the blonde woman informed him.
Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?
@[member="Verz Horak"] @[member="Aedan Miles"] @[member="Juthan'Athar"] @[member="Noah Corek"] @[member="HK-36"] @[member="Hawke Katamirth"] @[member="Nezuel"] @[member="Circe Savan"] @[member="Gilamar Skirata"] @[member="Sherruk Vhett"] @[member="Dranok Lussk"]

SPACE: Shipyards
Primary Objective: Take the Yaga Minor Shipyards
Secondary Objective: Capture Mandalorian Warships
Secondary Objective: Capture Mandalorian Starfighters
Bonus Objective: Test the TIE Detonators

1x Tulak Hord-class Star Destroyer, Alternate Complement (Gorgon)
3x Tulak Hord-class Star Destroyer (Iceni, Vindicator, Dauntless)
2x Ranator-class Star Destroyer, Alternate Complement (Hydra, Basilisk)
24x TIE Dominus
48x TIE Galaxy
96x TIE Taral
48x Eightgun-class Assault Fighter
36x Detritus-class Bomber
144x TIE Detonator, Neutron Bomb Payload
144x TIE Detonator, Antimatter Charge Payload
1x Orbiting Garrison

"Former apprentice? I would've thought he'd still be training you. The Emperors and Empresses have always seemed to have one apprentice they train to their own level. Desmius was a prime example..." But the reminiscing cut short.

"Admiral, reports are coming in that we already have personnel en route to the shipyards!"

"Send the rest of the Detonators at the Mandalorian vessels, then. Keep the antimatter-armed ones primed. We aren't using such a high-yield weapon until it becomes absolutely necessary." And with that, the Tulak Hords and Ranators continue to pummel the Mandalorian ships from afar while the Detonators moved ever closer. The first one was mere seconds away from entering the command ship's hangar and causing an explosion whose neutrons would utterly annihilate the majority of the crew.

"As I was saying... Still surprised he left you. There are things I assume he should still be training you in. Like captaincy."

@[member="Paega Anginous"]
A twisted grin crossed Marcus' face as he stepped onto the S90 MAAT that arrived to pull him out, the fools had sowed the seeds of their own destruction at the hands of the Sith. As troopers piled onto the shuttles, walkers covered their escape as they too backed away. Marcus wouldn't be one to sow seeds of comfort, his appearance was to ghastly for that work. But his apprentice would do just fine.

Opening up a channel to his apprentice who remained in orbit, he would issue his orders. ​"Clara, I have sent you the coordinates for a Yaga village with a video of their bioweapon attached. Go to this village and make their mistake public knowledge." He ordered @[member="Clara Foster"] as he entered the hull of the Black Sky and exited the shuttle and made a march up to his bridge.
Verily, the bombers came screeching through the air​
The Mandalorian commander apparently cared not for how his troops fare​
The bombardment came, laser cannons blasting, shattering​
Many a Mandalorian caught in the blast, turned into bloody smattering​
For Sev3n's location stood too close for comfort as he hid among the buildings​
Rubble cascaded down on him, but he rose, raging for a killing.​
Retreating furter into the rubble, he used it as a protective cover​
Picking up shattered stones, he hurled them forth with a shudder​
The stones flew high the stones flew far and up into the sky,​
The sound of exploding starfighers rose with a dreadful cry​
The downed fighters burst into flames, or hurtled to ground​
Followed by tears of orange and red, results of Sev3n's strength profound.​
Leg singed, back in flames, Sev3n looked forth with fury​
And began picking up rocks and flinging them out in a slurry​
Mandalorians died in twos in threes, rebounding boulders broke bone​
For even beskar iron could not stop the fatality of Sev3n-hurled stone​
Oh, they looked fine on the outside, sure enough​
Like a squeezed banana, innards just mushed stuff​
Blaster bolts rebounded off its mighty breastplate​
But were enough to make that hefty chest ache​
Then Sev3n calculated with the speed of a droid​
And began batting back bolts with mace, to so avoid​
For with a droid's mind and skill, precision could be wielded still​
And Sev3n used it well, batting back bolts toward their source, to kill​
Then the Terentatek tossed up a rock, larger than the others​
And hit it with the mace, like a bat, splitting it into greater numbers​
These sailed through the air, like an enormous shotgun blast​
Aimed toward the leader of these Mandalorians crass​
Now to the Jedi, whose blood pumped so yummy, so sweet​
Mmm, how Sev3n would love to devour her juicy meat​
Grabbing a piece of broken rebar, long as a spear​
He hurled it with enough force at her to make any fear​
@[member="Isis Fontana"]​
Orbit - Battlefield
Ships: x1 Dalek Cruiser - The Paladin.

Updates from her wing commanders said things were going very well with the Shipyards. Most defensive points had been nullified on Yards one and two. Boarding forces were taking the fight to the insides. New orders were needed to be relayed. "Bomber wings return and rearm. Fighters continue the escorts". There had been some losses. Her wings were in total only at 75% capacity. Fairing better then some at least. The Paladin itself had only taken pot shots. Her big shield ahead of her absorbing the brunt like a sponge. A thank-you would be needed for the Captain after the battle of her.

More ships entered the system, pinging Fringe codes. "More allies to the fray. If the Republic shows up with one of theirs we'll have a full galactic war going" Hawke jokingly agitated. If they were to show up if would be a grand force indeed. One they may not be able to handle. The Sith had to spread out their forces between this and other offensive and defensive objectives. They could land a hammer strike right on their heads if they mustered. Worrying about ifs and all was one thing, currently the Mandolorian and Omega forces were the issue. The Paladin's shield buddy was moving forward on the attack. She kept apace for support. It was good to be back on the offensive with all these reinforcements.
The tactical strike team patched in through the party line were aptly aware of the air strike that had been called in, as was the air strike team of their vode's position. Precise blasts of turbo lasers and ion cannons came screaming in in a strafe that lined across the building's rumbled demise. Heavy laser fire tearing through the permacrete psuedo-armor that the cowardly monstrosity cowered within. That is until the beast struck back. Thick boulder sized permacrete and durasteel chunks flew in a frenzy as the beast roared and smashed the rocks with his mighty mace. A larger rock shard spray came in the direct path of the oncoming group of bikes, forcing them to veer off course. Azrael gunned the throttle and shifted to a hard right turn, his besk'ar scraping across the pavement as he ducked to narrowly avoid a rock shower and leapt off the damaged freeway system. A hard crash to the ground before the tires spit his bike back upwards and over a pile of debris. The other three bikes did what they could to evade the assault, but they had to split off from the group.

While Sev3n was quite large compared to each and every Mandalorian, it was still only about ten feet in total, and the buildings were far larger than it was. A change of tactics was necessity, and now away from the mainstream carnage, the air strike was rerouted to work on a new plan. The city was beyond cleared out by now, and the only thing standing between Sev3n, and the cities destruction was the Mandalorian brigade that was split between the ground forces and the air strike team. If the monster wanted to seek shelter, they'd provide him a shelter.

"It's time to end this. Take the building and him down with it. Bathe the Shabla in it's own hole." With the order given the gun ships flew up high and separated their flight path. Eight ships in all came from the four corners raining down ion cannons and turbo laser fire just on the outskirts of the building. The foundations were targeted with heavy concussive fire before a single ship broke off and doubled back laying a course for a missile that swirled around and locked onto the target. A small opening, but it was a good shot. The missile fired and pierced through the rubble at the base hitting a foundation beam and leveling the support structure. The explosion rocked the building and decimated the support of the floor. The five thousand pound monster within wouldn't have a leg to stand on.

"Second phase, hit it hard!" Azrael sounded in the party line as the bikes zipped in and started firing their missiles at the bottom of the support structure. Rail guns from the infantry were aimed higher, intending to mix with the circling of the fighters that were raining down fire from the sky in the form of lasers and rain gun ammo. Explosions around the perimeter continued to go off bathing the first floor in scorching fire. Permacrete exploded, durasteel twisted and broke as the entire building began to sink story after story, as all the floors above the first sunk down into the two story basement. If Sev3n wanted to hide in a hole, they were giving him a hole to hide in. That and several thousand pounds of building material raining down atop him to pile drive the monster deep into the building's sub basement. They intended to bury him.

Edited after speaking with Sev3n

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