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Scratching Names Off The Naughty List [Sith Empire VS Mandalorians - Invasion of Yaga Minor]

The Pale

@[member="Lavania"] @[member="Olom Grihk"] @All Force users.

Near the river
A gauntlet clad hand burst from the ground. Heeding the call of the Spellweaver Lavania. This was no freshly killed soldier mushed into the ground by some mechanical beast, oh no. This man had been dead for millennia. The body preserved by the will of the Darkside alone. Further the body dug itself from the earth. A second hand rising, soon its white maned head. A Mandalorian General of an age long past. His true name eternally lost to the ripples of time; but his new name would be heard, and heard by all. For this man was no mindless warrior of the Spellweaver, but a sentient being brought back by her. A knee heft up the weight of his flesh and armor, the last of the earth could hold him no longer. He called for his sword with the Force. The command was obeyed and his Runeblade shot from the ground to his hand. This monster rose to full height. The wind blew his hair back and dirt fell from his form. He was imposing, threatening and to be feared. His blue glowing eyes scanned the landscape. Marred by fires of war. The battle nearest lay east of him, but his intentions would be to the north at the Mandalorian Base. He had to shout though, compelled, forced by a need greater then any. He in-took a breath of air, hard as it was to do so. And he shouted; shouted that his own voice would be heard not only to those within range of his voice, but through the Force itself. A message, a warning of his presence but a lack of intentions. Let it be known by all who could hear the Force that he could reach, his raspy demonic hail rang, "The Pale has arisen! And my Runeblade thirsts for your blood. Death to the Sith"! The Pale hoisted his blade high at his war cry.

They could probably feel him now. They should certainly of heard him. They would indeed fear him. But if they didn't. Should their hearts be brave and their resolve iron. They would have that guard shattered. For Yaga Minor will be where he sowed the seeds of their fear.

With his first action a declaration he now made ready for his second move. The Pale needed to make contact with that who fueled his corpse with life, @[member="Lavania"]. He reached out with the Force, following the tendrils of magic that linked their two forms. "You. I am The Pale as I'm sure you just heard. You have arisen me from death. Do not stop your magics, for without it I have probably but a few short hours of life without it. I shall have it that your magics will not need to sustain me forever. By one means or another. I make my way to you now. Do not die". The Pale reached out with the Force. His now skeletal steed being raised from his earthly tomb below. Once the beast of bone was in riding condition he mounted atop the skeletal beast. "Make haste"! The Pale headed for the Spellweaver. The Mandalorian Base was his destination. She needed to be guarded at all costs.
Location: Base interior, post-firefight.
Mission objective: Hang 'em like in Salem!

Olom focused as he sensed a tremor flow through the ground. His eyes detected a quick blink from gamma radiation and surge of ultraviolet. Some idiot was using nukes topside. Thankfully, he was a decent distance away from the blast and underground. Unfortunately, he felt another presence. A ancient anger, awakened by the witches' magicks. Great, more half-wittted cannon fodder. He side as he snuck deeper into the compound, focusing his energy, drawing on the powerful dark side energies this spell created. While it may have been enough to suffuse the dead, it was not enough to cripple the living. He ascended the toward angrily, slowly climbing a staircase to meet the chanting prattle. He would flay the skin from their bones, seeing how long it took for chant to turn into a scream. He suppressed his rage and his pride, feeling the strange, savage being approach. He wondered who would fall first, the barbarian or the witch.

He sighed, glaring with annoyance. He check his satchel. One lightsaber, One thermal detonator. He had to fight smart. Based on the echos and chants he figured there was somewhere between two and five witches. The stronger presence was still charging this way. Lovely.

Edit: dinnae add tags, sorreh.
@[member="Lavania"] @[member="The Pale"]

Anger rose in Mia as the security tower came into view, three levels from the tip was where the generator was. Three levels from the top had been where Velok had died. She stopped running and stood looking up at it for a moment, slow deep breaths keeping her fury under control. It had come out of nowhere, creeping up on her mind like a shadow, without reason. It was just there. Rather than push it away, she would use it to her advantage, use it as fuel.

"Sir?" someone said next to her, a question for orders.

"Set up a perimeter. I want two rings around this building. You are the First Commandos, no one gets past you. Understood?"

Mia nodded and moved into the building, with a small handful of others. If the sith came, which she had no doubt they would, the commandos would keep them busy enough that she had time to finish repairs before having to face one of them. They were a pre warning system. Yagai were packed into the centre, huddled around a holovid eyes wide with fear. One of them looked up as they entered. "Who is the enemy?" he asked.

The anger in Mia rose like bile. "What are they saying? What are they showing?" she asked.

"They say they are here to help. That you are the real enemy. The battle looks....there are undead rising to fight against the sith."

Mia rolled her eyes "Witches." she muttered. They were Mandalorian allies, but their spell caused upset in many. Mia nodded once and set her vornskr on a counter, removing her helmet. "You two," she pointed at two of those with her. "Get some of these engineers upstairs, get repairs started." She looked at @[member="Mirshen"] "See what you can do about air defences on this tower, pretty sure there are some. Would be stupid not to protect it." She looked to one of the Yagai who seemed to have relaxed now he had seen her face.

"Liberator..." he said softly.

"Get me a planet wide channel open now I want everyone to hear what I have to say about the fething Empire." She was not a Mandalore anymore, and she had been hiding for far too long now, but even so. Verz's voice was too busy to be heard and she had some weight behind her at least. Someone gave her a comlink and she held it in her hand for a moment.


"People of Yaga Minor," she began "by now, you will find stormtroopers marching towards your homes, you will have already seen the destruction the Empire is wreaking on major centres and you will be hearing their propaganda...their lies. I urge you to remember. Remember the legacy behind the Empire, the destruction that follows in their wake. How many times have they attacked us now? Everytime it has been under a different ruler, and each one is more foolish than the last. You asked to be freed from the last rulers of this planet. We freed you. You asked for protection and that is exactly what we are doing. These undead you see rising, is because we have allies in the witches of Dathomir. They are not your enemy. Mando'ade are not your enemy. The enemy dropped out of hyperspace and opened fire. The enemy have been dropping bombs on your homes, killing innocents."

She paused for a moment letting her words sink in. "Dar'jetii." she said quietly "The Yagai know me as Mand'alor the Liberator. They know who freed them. They know who will continue to ensure their freedom remains. There is no freedom under the Empire, there is only suffering. I have seen five different Emperors rise. The only one of them that had a brain, was Ashin Varanin, because she knew that the wrath of the Mando'ade was not one she wanted to feel. I'll give you one chance and one chance only to walk away from this now, to rethink your actions. You will never kill us. You will never be rid of us. No matter what you do, no matter where you go the Mandalorians will always be there and we will haunt your every step. Mando'ad draar digu. Mando'ade! Pirunir sur'haaise!"

Across the planet, the force that had pulled back from the river would find resistance. The yagai remembered, they were not warriors, but there were smart and the Empires troops would find themselves unable to get into the citites without opening fire and ruining the statement the emperor had made. Closing the open channel, Mia picked up her helmet and slipped it back onto her head. "You should leave," she told the Yagai present, "if you cannot help with the repairs, get yourselves underground. I expect someone will be coming to punish me for that message, and they do not care about collateral damage."

With that she snatched up her weapon and headed up the stairs to the generator, opening a channel to @[member="Mirshen"] as she moved "How are our defences coming along?"

[Mando'ad draar digu. = A mandalorian never forgets.]
[Mando'ade! Pirunir sur'haaise! = Mandalorians! Make their eyes water! (slang for defeat/kill/ injure them)]

The march there had brought a fresh level of awareness... if only because now it was all about fighting and killing and maiming and of the fun that came from shooting a stormtrooper in the face several times. The others with him were doing what they were would bred be the proper term... if anything they were racking up a higher accumulative body count then him and that just wouldn't do and then he saw it the large generator as orders were issued for a perimeter and engineers sent. His face lit up when the fiery leader named him so much that he nearly swooned, nearly fainted from excitement and got the vapors... Had he less bladder control he might wet himself.

"Me, setup things to kill people? Oh it is life day come early boss. I am on it and our big green style will not be beaten." With a look around at the tower he tracked places leading off some people. They would get to work setting up the defenses or getting them online it would have to have them this was a priority target after all. For now the engineers he got and the commando's to make things go boom were setting about as they came about it. air defense towers with a control and targeting controls inside. "Alright you engineers go and get it running, men form up and get someone on the secondary anti air guns. That one looks manual and then have teams spread out along to find the rest."

The commando's might have looked at him silly but with their helmets on he couldn't tell as they went about to work the engineers going inside the booth and working on the towers. One of the fun things about mandalorians he had learned... Something of value that couldd be used wasn't destroyed as many seemed to believe. It was how a culture an idea stayed around for eons just adapting and taking in new things... So when the sound of power returned and the Gatling lasers on the defense tower moved to protect the air. When the commando in the gun was ready with a confirmation beep that another had been located, then another at decent coverage of the tower. Eight in all for full view with more on the second level one platforms and then a third set on the final level where @[member="Mia Monroe"] was headed.

Then that angel of destructions voice came over the comlink and so did he maybe. She wanted to know and he spoke with a grin. "We're finding some, not the best but defense towers will do, may need some more to power up the rest in their rooms." His eyes flicked around while looking at the buildings and he spoke to one of the commando's. "So theoretically if we set up a bunch of mines around the tower how many could we set? Say five from every commando, ten from our engineers and if we set up grenade traps on trip wires to explode when they get close. All in theory of course." The commando looked at him as he set about with a bandoleer of grenades.

"Go on lets get to work, I want the force breakers ready to detonate if the sith come but everyone keeps one for themselves. I want all defenses formed up. Our big style cannot be beaten cause a no win scenario commando is something all of us must face for how we deal with life is just as important as how we deal with death and if that fails. We cheat."

@[member="Mirshen"] "Something is better than nothing. Keep at it, I have a few tricks up my sleeve to make sure the sith don't get this planet. Keep your force breakers away from me too. I have a feeling I'm going to need it today."
She stopped her scent two floors down form the generator. A communication hub rested in front of her, smirking to herself she moved forward, setting her gun aside, she pulled the Bard's servodriver form her boot. Her speech had been recorded, pulling the file up she boosted its signal.

The servo driver hummed in her hand as she began locating the source of the siths propaganda. "Karking dar'jetii." she muttered, and began jamming the source of its broadcast. a click in her ear told her someone was trying to communicate. "Field Marshall, the generator is at thirty percent."

"Is that all?" she replied. Stepping back from the console she snatched up her weapon once more and took the stairs two at a time to reach the generator. "Go faster." she told them as she entered the room.

"We're trying."

"Don't try, just bloody do it. I've just pissed off a lot of sith, they'll be coming for me." She moved between two engineers and started to help with the repairs. "Eagles," she called into her private comms. Eight binary bleeps responded to her "get up high, give me an early warning system to any inbound fighters." Eight circular droids, blind to sensors, took to the skies and spread out around the tower, moving in a continuous circle. If any ships moved in to them they would be unable to do so quietly. The E4GLE's would warn the tower long before they came into view.

"You want me," she muttered to herself. "Come and get me on foot."

Darth Osano



18th Assault Fleet [x2] Tulak Hord, [x2] Anemoi, [x2] Xo'Xaan, [x5] Subjugators

Ah, space. The final frontier. TB-18 did so enjoy a good fleet battle. It was not his role to show up with the rest of the fleet, but rather later, when the entire Mandalorian hand had been shown. Now the 18th Assault Fleet had returned to the field of battle once more, craving the blood of the Mandalorian dogs. The Mandalorians were an unwelcome blight on the planet, making an Imperial invasion inevitable. The world, historically, had been of an Imperial affiliation and culture. It had been ruled by an independent Moff up until recently, until the Mandalorians stormed in, deposed the rightful ruler, and enforced their disgusting culture and quasi-governorship over the Yagai.

It was time to bring the Yagai back into the Empire's fold and remind them what it meant to be an Imperial. To bring them back into the loving embrace of a civilized culture.

The 18th Assault Fleet blinked into existence in the system, exiting their hyperspace jump and crawling forward. The Mandalorians offered very little in the way of space defenses. TB-18 attributed that to their total lack of sophistication and inability to do anything other than mindlessly prattle on in their similarly primitive tongue. How the Yagai could bear such a thing for so long was beyond TB-18's capacity to understand. He was here to expand Imperial territory, not ponder the finer details of humanoid psychology.

"The 18th Assault Fleet has arrived in-system and is ready to pursue all pertinent objectives." TB-18 broadcast to the nearby friendly forces. The Fringe had sent a sizable force, and they weren't even paid to do so this time. At least, to TB-18's knowledge, anyway. It was a sure sign of the Empire's growing political influence over the Galaxy at large. Nothing could stop it. Especially not the Mandalorians and whatever paltry allies they had just barely managed to drum up.

TB-18 overlooked his tactical command screen, noting a transmission being broadcast from a security tower in the capital city. He opted to listen in, on the off chance it was an unsecured Mandalorian broadcast detailing troop movements or something of the sort. A rookie, foolish mistake to make. Then again, that was to be expected of Mandalorians.

"People of Yaga Minor, by now, you will find stormtroopers marching towards your homes..."

Oh, great. A propaganda speech. What could have prompted that? No doubt the new Emperor was up to something crafty if he had forced the Mandalorians into trying to give a speech. TB-18 had no interest in what the Mandalorians had to say about this invasion or the Empire. Their opinions were as meaningless as their code of honor.

TB-18 turned to his communications officer. "Jam that signal."

"...and you will be hearing their propaganda...their lies. I urge you to reme-"

The speech was abruptly cut off as a torrential downpour of static overwhelmed the channels the speech was being broadcast on, drowning out the dialogue completely. The Yagai would hear nothing but static and a faint, indiscernible feminine voice. The Empire did not play fairly. If there were avenues from which to deny their opponent, they took them. Cheating? Dishonorable? Rubbish. There was only the victor and the defeated. The Yagai would not offer any resistance to their Imperial liberators. Allies or not, the Mandalorians were dabbling with witchcraft and reanimated dead. That was a far, far scarier prospect than letting Stormtroopers deliver aid. Not that they would know the Witches were allies of Mandalorians now. All they would see is Imperial personnel bravely holding the line against some sort of undead horde turned loose by the vile Mandalorians in their desperate bid to remain in total control of the system.

"Prepare to descend into the atmosphere."

Sweet, sweet victory was impending.
@[member="Mia Monroe"] @[member="Mirshen"]

Orders were simple, take out the tower. Relaying the command throughout the bridge of the Black Sky, Marcus stood at the from of his bridge, watching as his Star Destroyer dipped it's nose and entered the atmosphere of Yaga Minor. Flame flashed around the viewports of the bride as the destroyer broke through the atmosphere and prepared to strike.

To the men on the ground, the sight of a Star Destroyer would be a rallying call for Imperials, and a call of death for those who opposed them. Several Inimica bombers rushed towards the ship, ready to annihilate it, but the auto turrets onboard would deny them any such kill. Green bolts flew through the air, peppering the bombers until they were nothing but smoldering wreckage plunging for the ground below.

The gray hull sailed through the air, joining up with @[member="TB-18"]'s vessel once it entered the atmosphere. "Prep the turbolasers." He ordered, his communications officer nodded and without a word began transmitting his words to all the firing stations aboard the destroyer. Sighing, he took a seat in his command chair, pondering what his next move was to be.

"Dispatch the 142nd, have them reinforce our units across the board and get us a village or three. Oh and get our TIEs in the air." He added, the same officer transmitting the orders to the pilots and soldiers aboard the Black Sky who would now be rushing to their stations and clambering into their cockpits and transport holds. He wished he could join them, but the duty of command fell to him now, and he would lead his vessel to victory.

Droideka 0793


Droideka as always was playing his super Droideka theme song is his rather hijacked ship. He found out the pretty curved one had gone to Yaga Minor to participate in a way WITHOUT HIM! Well just shows you what marriage was worth these days! So he'd rolled himself onto a transport, and hijacked it. Not electronically this time though, no there was already a pilot in this one. However it seemed his twin laser cannons were all the convincing the pilot had needed.


Played loud over the speakers as the hijacked ship landed in the shadow of a Star Destroyer, and it didn't take a droid's computing skill to realize that thing was way too big for planetary movements. It was coming down one way or the other the rest of the way, but not with HIS wife there. Well they weren't married yet but they would be she did pat his head after all. Of course she was most likely going to get made it was a Mando transport, but he didn't have vocal cords, and couldn't explain things out.

As the transport landed Droideka time just waved happily out of the window at his lovely wife. She was curvy... she was pretty too, or at least he thought so he couldn't really see her... no photoreceptors were a buzz kill.
@[member="Mia Monroe"]
Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?
@Verz Horak @Aedan Miles @Juthan'Athar @Noah Corek @HK-36 @Hawke Katamirth @Nezuel @Circe Savan @Gilamar Skirata @Sherruk Vhett @Dranok Lussk @[member="Mia Monroe"]

SPACE: Shipyards
Primary Objective: Take the Yaga Minor Shipyards
Secondary Objective: Capture Mandalorian Warships
Secondary Objective: Capture Mandalorian Starfighters
Bonus Objective: Test the TIE Detonators Succeeded

1x Tulak Hord-class Star Destroyer, Alternate Complement (Gorgon)
3x Tulak Hord-class Star Destroyer (Iceni, Vindicator, Dauntless)
2x Ranator-class Star Destroyer, Alternate Complement (Hydra, Basilisk)
24x TIE Dominus
48x TIE Galaxy
96x TIE Taral
48x Eightgun-class Assault Fighter
36x Detritus-class Bomber
144x TIE Detonator, Neutron Bomb Payload
144x TIE Detonator, Antimatter Charge Payload
1x Orbiting Garrison

Well, that was anticlimactic.

The first TIE Detonator flew into the nearest Mandalorian Star Destroyer's hangar. If they had closed their doors prior to this point, perhaps they;d be alright, but they hadn't and now they were paying the price. Flying through the shield - two-way as it was - the drone sped swiftly before smashing into the hangar's back wall at full speed. Of course, smashing into the back wall resulted in the detonation of its neutron bomb payload. While this ordinarily wouldn't be a problem considering that the ship's external particle and ray shields blocked radioactivity, the Detonator was inside, and thus, past the shields, meaning that the entire ship would be exposed to the lethal payload of neutron-emitting explosive material. The neutrons would perforate them - Mandalorian armor not being radiation-resistant, especially not with regards to neutrons - and kill them, leaving little to none of the crew on the ship alive. Certainly not enough to suppress incoming Imperial boarding parties.

On the other nearby capital ships, TIE Detonators were doing the exact same thing. Their neutron bomb payloads would, as well, kill off most or all of the organic Mandalorian crew members, leaving only droids alive. For smaller ships, this was less of an issue - though they had no hangars, their shields had been depleted by the bigger ships' ion cannons. As a result, the crew would be at ground zero for the radiation wave of neutrons that would kill them. For most of the Mandalorian starfighters, this was no issue, considering their shields were still intact, though the warships' ion cannons would soon disable them as well.

Overhead, Bosch gave another smile as @[member="TB-18"]'s fleet entered the area, jamming the Mandalorian transmission. But Bosch was able to hear it in its entirety, and sent his own message to the people of Yaga Minor.

"People of Yaga Minor, I implore you to listen. I am Grand Admiral Aken Bosch, Supreme Commander of the Imperial Navy. The Mandalorians offer you pretenses of friendship, yet they deceive you. Consider that amongst their ranks are Nightsisters, corrupt women from the Witches of Dathomir who practice abominable magic, magic that corrupts and twists the very bonds of life. I've received messages that the undead - including members of your own species who have been defiled by this ritual - are currently attacking our ground forces. This sounds like dishonorable action coming from a race who claim to be honorable warriors."

"Consider as well the Mandalorians' tried and true ways. They conscript your people, force you to work for them. They take your food, your wealth, your resources, and waste it on constructing an ever more intimidating military force. They will, at a moment's notice, utilize nuclear weapons on your cities if they feel that they have nothing else to do but die. They consider it an "honorable death." Well, I've served the Empire for over thirty-five years, and I can state that anyone who would threaten to use nuclear weapons on civilian targets is a coward and deserves to be eliminated as such."

"Here is the issue. The Mandalorians are attempting to repair a shield generator and bring it back to full operational status. I am about to send a TIE Detonator - the same drones that have incapacitated your warships and prepared them for capture - armed with an antimatter charge to destroy the device. I am giving all of you fair warning so you can evacuate the area and suffer no ill effects from this weapon's usage. The Mandalorians may order you to stay. Do not listen to them - they are only leading you to your death. If they wish to die when our weapon comes in, we will not stop them. But I refuse to let innocents stand like sheep and die because their hostile overlords tell them they must stay. As well, the Mandalorians will cause potential damage to the planet if they attempt to intercept it. Do not let them shoot this craft down."

"We have humanitarian aid preparing to enter the system once the last of the Mandalorian warships have been disabled. Everything will be okay. If you see a burn mark on the ground, step away. That area will be a landing zone for a food container, water tank, and refugee housing container. Again, aid is on the way. Admiral Bosch out."

Now it was the Mandalorian ground forces' move.
Blessed are the peacemakers
@[member="Kaine Zambrano"]

The lightning flung him back, and the choke he wasn't expecting, so that immediately caught him off guard. He collapsed to his knees, but then dissipated the choke off of him, arcs of lightning also flowing out of him and to the ground around him. He caught his breath after a moment, before slowly standing up to his feet."You're a lousy Sith."Tracyn said, and moved his body in a panther-like pouncing position. He slid towards Kaine in a speed that was only could be described as, a blur. His hands cupped around his lightsaber hilt, his hips rotating to give him extra torque as he slid his blade upwards and towards Kaine's. But, however, it was all a ruse as Tracyn instead, went to pull a particular brutal move to Kaine.

He wasn't a proper Jedi, by far. Most of them abandoned their former lifestyles, but Tracyn embraced them as of late. And the most prominent being the fact that he still wore and used his Supercommando armor, training, and gear. Most notably, the flamethrower."You wanna ruin my life? That's fine, but I'll be damned if you don't burn for it just a little bit."He doubted, very seriously that Kaine could manage to keep up the barrier under such tremendous pressure. He knew Kaine had his, but Tracyn was willing to go through every single one of them before Kaine would have to finally fight him like a man.
Yaga Minor Capital City
Duking it out with Tracyn Ordo

"Oh, please. The children of Togoria fought with more ferocity than you do. At least they tried to fight for their life before I tore theirs away." The Barrier did indeed begin to buckle under Tracyn's relentless assault, but Kaine was not worried. It had allowed Tracyn to get up-close and personal with Kaine, and now he had the upstart Mandalorian-Jedi right where he wanted him. As the shield began to break, Kaine thrust out his right hand once more and unleashed a deadly torrent of Dark Side energy point-blank at Tracyn. The blackness exploded forth with such intensity it shattered whatever barrier was left in an instant and even devoured the fire from Tracyn's flamethrower, adding it's intensity onto it's own as it threatened to devour anything it touched. "And I have ruined thousands of lives, yours is no different... well, except for the sweet taste of Asha's lips against mine. But I doubt she told you of our little affair on Panatha did she? How else would she have known who I was. She's deceived you far worse than I have, Ordo."

@[member="Tracyn Ordo"]
Generator at 50%

When words reached her ears that her transmission had been jammed, Mia merely smiled. Actions spoke far louder than words, the actions of the Empire went against them. One did not simply drop out of hyperspace, blow up two ships yards full of civilians and launch a planet wide attack and then declare they were here to give aid. The yagai were perfectly fine until the Empire had arrived and now there entire world was upside down. The sky was thick with bombs and fighters, streaked with fire from anti aircraft turrets. Mia had faith that the Yagai would know full well who brought this hell onto their world, she had faith that they would remember that the Mandalorian's had freed them.

She also had faith that word of mouth was more powerful than any propaganda. That the words of those she had sent underground would reach the ears of others. You trusted in your friends word, more than that of a jumped up Admiral who had been firing upon you. A great booming shook the tower and Mia looked up from the console she was working at. That was a very big atmospheric disturbance. All at once her comms screamed with reports. Some in binary from her droids, others in mando'a. Mia didn't respond to any of them. Returning the servo driver to her pocket, Mia looked to the window. A huge shadow was looming over the city. "Keep going." she told the engineers, "no matter what happens you get this shield online." Snatching up her gun she fled down the stair as more shouts came in for orders, still she was silent. Silent until she got outside and looked up and the belly of a star destroyer.

"You've got to be kidding me." she breathed. "@[member="Mirshen"]! You've got TIE bombers coming in hot. Take them out! Protect the tower!"

Eyes moved to the ship that landed before her, and she raised her gun as the landing ramp descended only to find @[member="Droideka 0793"] waving at her. Mia grinned beneath her helmet. She opened another channel, to an old friend who had helped the mandalorian's before. "@[member="Electrobe"] I have a fething big ship hanging over my head want to help me remind the captain why a star destroyer is meant to stay among the stars?" She said as she moved towards the]Mandalorain Gunship[/url] that Droideka had brought for her.

Had gauntleted hand brushed the droideka's head. "Hey you." she said as she passed "Lets take this beast out shall we." She slipped into the pilots seat, opening a final communication to @[member="Mirshen"] "I'm hitting the skies to deal with this karking moron with his Star Destoyer. Keep that tower safe."


Yaga Minor Orbit
Aboard the Apotheosis

1x Harbinger-Class Star Destroyer [Apotheosis]
4x Xo'Xaan-Class Star Destroyers

From the void of infinite space came forth a monstrous ship, as big as a Tulak Hord-Class Star Destroyer but brimming with far more weaponry. This was the Harbinger-Class Star Destroyer, the Apotheosis, flagship of the Sith Lord Kaine Zambrano. However; it was not the Sith who maneuvered this behemoth into position with the other Imperial ships in orbit, flanked by four Xo'Xaan-Class Star Destroyers, but instead a droid brimming with as much malice as it's Sith master. That droid was TD-20, a fusion of Confederate and Imperial ingenuity with a penchant for death and destruction. He stood now upon the bridge of the Apotheosis, his set of triple photoreceptors processing what he saw before him, and what did he see before him? The utter devastation of the Mandalorian defense fleet by the superior Imperial armada.

He patched into the comm-channels of the other Tactical Droids & Commanders in the fleet, including the Emperor. "Greetings comrades. So sorry I'm late, was too busy pondering the ramifications of slaughtering these primitive brutes, but I see my elongated query has led me to missing most of the slaughtering. How unfortunate, but I do hope you spare a few for me to slaughter."

@[member="TB-18"] @[member="TD-30"] @[member="Aken Bosch"] @[member="Dranok Lussk"] @[member="Hawke Katamirth"]

Gilamar Skirata

The most important step is always the next one
Yaga Minor-Space: Defend/Destroy Shipyards
Gilamar was watching. His stealth vessel, the Shev'la Kal inched ever closer towards the Dzu'ari. Inching, inching, inching its way, the long way around the war zone before him yet the signals he was getting, receiving from the ground were disconcerting to say the least. Somehow the Sith leading this charge had gotten around carefully placed defenses and had stormed the ground. On the ground itself there was a flurry of confusion, conflict indicators blinking red and green, the dead were walking through some perversion of the Force he assumed, and now this Dranok man was somehow attempting to sway his people...That last part was a joke. The Sith, sway what he considered Mandalorians? It was definatley and eyebrow raiser.

"Open an encrypted channel, open to all. And boost it throughout Mandalorian Space using the Ja'hailir stations." Looks of surprise all around him came from the Mandalorians on the bridge. With their ship stealthed the way it was, it would make it difficult to pinpoint the Mandalorian's best kept secret but with the added encryption? It would take them time to even get to the point that allowed them to search for the signal's origin. But still, the risk was great and he could tell from some of the unmasked faces that this was not a preferable situation. With a grunt he stood up and looked his at the men and women station on the bridge. "Did I stutter?" came the gruff old man's voice. Immidiatley his crew began setting up the signal.

The Signal would ping on all coms, vid screens, and holoreceivers throughout Mandalorian Space, for better or for worse as the image of the old, battle worn, battle tested grandfather-like figure began his message. "My people, no no that's not right. My brothers and sisters." he began. "It has come to our attention, or rather my own that a man has attempted to sway your minds, asking you to harbor his army in your homes. He says that he is here to protect you...But I ask you now, though you have already figured this out by now, who is he protecting you from? The Crusaders who brought you aid? Shelter from the sun's harmful rays and food and water? Taught you to protect yourselves from the pirates and scum that seem to think they can take anything they want from you?" Shaking his head and stroking his beard he sighed. Since the Dark Harvest, Gilamar and a small band of Rally Masters and Initiates had taken it upon themselves to fortify Mandalorian Space and aid its people whom were still struggling from tradgedy after tragedy. First the plague itself, then Omni, and most recently the Dark Harvest. Leaders before had simply left these planets to their own devices and were content with striping the planets of their resources and using them to fuel a war economy. But, just as he saw with Concord Dawn, this left many planets and people feeling excluded, unheard, and waiting for a savior, often in the form of the Death Watch. Realizing this Gil had taken it upon himself to build up his people again. Feed the hungry, protect and train the weak, all in order to quell would be rebellions and he and his Crusaders had become quite popular on the outer and mid rim of Mandalorian Space.

"I know, that we bring this war to you and I am deeply sorry for what has happened to your towns and your Shipyards but I assure you that just as my Crusaders did before, they will come back to aid and repair the damages done. But first..." Slipping his helmet on now, the grandfather-like tone of the transmission slipped into one of power and hope, and general badassery. "We need to kick these Sithspit out of our home."

And with that, his transmission was cut as the Shev'la Kal raised its forty-two Ion Cannons and prepared to fire and launch its Tra'galaar.
Blessed are the peacemakers
Tracyn moved impeccably fast, faster than he even remembered he could. He was too focused, too hellbent on making Kaine finally get his comeuppance. Tracyn moved like a demon, and held out his hand. He caught the very edge of the attack, letting it swarm around him in a very stylish application of Tutaminis, as Kaine had his arm outstretched and his arm out, in a close quarters fight. Tracyn narrowed his eyes, and then went and shin-kicked the living feth out of Kaine's exposed right ribcage. He went for the floating ribs, the most vulnerable part, and the most damaging part. With Teras Kasi, Echani, Mandalorian hand to hand training all packed into one kick, on top of the weight of his armor and the strength he was using, Tracyn was going to cause some damage. Tracyn turned his lightsaber downward, holding it underhand as he went to slash at Kaine's upper body, the kick and lightsaber moving at the same time, his lightsaber protecting his fast-moving leg.

@[member="Kaine Zambrano"]

Yaga Minor Capital City.

Fighting n stuff.
Yaga Minor Capital City
Duking it out with Tracyn Ordo

Tracyn may be fast and strong for his age, but he was still a child compared to Kaine. The forty-eight year old prime Epicanthix warrior took the kick to the ribs, his entire body swaying to the left with the brunt of the impact. He felt something break under the impact, but that only fed the cold fire within his being, and he lashed out at Tracyn's face with the force in the form of a concentrated telekinetic punch. It was then at that moment that telekinesis became the name of the game, but Kaine would have to be patient with his next attack. He allowed Tracyn to get a few more extra blows in on his person, a kick to the forearm, maybe one or two to his thigh, but it was all part of the strategy. Kaine had fought more powerful opponents and had prevailed, and now Tracyn would learn the terrible price for attacking a Sith Lord. Suddenly Kaine retaliated with a telekinetic attack aimed at Tracyn's ever-kicking leg, aiming not at the outside, but the inside.

He attempted to break Tracyn's leg with the force, to shatter the bone with a powerful telekinetic crush. Normally Kaine had used this sort of attack on soldiers, crushing limbs and shattering spines at a moment's whim. He had originally intended to shatter Tracyn's skull, but thought better of it. The lad deserved to suffer more, if not psychologically, then physically as well. He would make him bleed.

@[member="Tracyn Ordo"]
Blessed are the peacemakers
Kaine had made a mistake, focusing on the hand to hand aspect. Tracyn wheeled back his saber, and went for a stab, straight through Kaine's broken ribcage, but more importantly, unprotected. He had focused on the hand to hand aspect, that the lightsaber attack went unprotected and unguarded. The lightsaber grinded Kaine, the attack going unprotected. Tracyn buckled back a bit from the crushing force in his legs, but he ignored the pain for now. He had one good leg left. Tracyn stopped the attack, but he found that it did infact, shatter most of his bones in his kicking leg. Which was fine, because Kaine now had a particular effective-attack landed across his midsection after he failed to acknowledge it. Tracyn pivoted on his remaining foot, and went to stab Kaine straight through his chest, after Kaine had focused too much on the hand to hand aspect of the fight.

"Age is no guarantee of success or skill. You may be more powerful than I ever will be, but right now, I've proven I'm just a bit more skilled."Tracyn said, as the blade would undoubtedly go straight into Kaine's chest, most likely putting him out of commission for a while.
The blade pierced through Kaine's chest, but he payed it no mind. He had suffered far, far worse than this, and now another opportunity presented itself. He grabbed Tracyn's arm, pulling his body further onto the blade and in a lightning fast movement he had pressed himself directly up against Tracyn. His right hand shot forth to come within inches of Tracyn's face, and with a dark smirk from Kaine he unleashed a third torrent of darkness directly into Tracyn's face. Tutaninis wouldn't help him here, the attack was too close for his hands to possibly reach up to defend against it. The searing power of the gauntlet was terrible, and absolute as the power once wielded by the greatest Sith Lord of our time, Darth Moridin, was unleashed unabated into the Mandalorian-Jedi's face. With all of his strength and power Kaine held Tracyn against him as the torrent unleashed by gauntlet spewed out like an unending geyser, making sure Tracyn's arm stayed put so he couldn't rip the saber out and further eviscerate Kaine's body.

"Oh, I believe it does."

@[member="Tracyn Ordo"]

Aedan blinked as the the ships appeared to pick up the Sith he had been on the way to help. With a shrug the young man turned and lifted his hand giving a quick signal the whole of his army turned and began to move away as quickly and quietly as Cragmoloids could that is. But still they were done on the planet it was turning into a war of Attrition and this Corsair had no desire to be there. He activated his com and sent a message ahead to his base. "Pack up we are headed to space." He knew that it would be an odd sight to anyone who was still there. The Cragmoloids all began to load everything into the ships while the SPT continued its guard duties. The Cragmoloids quickly loaded up all the valuable pieces of equipment leaving the stuff that could be easily replaced. Any fighters and gunships still in the air would immediately disengage heading back towards the base where any ship foolish enough to follow would find the full force of the Corsairs ready to destroy them.
Blessed are the peacemakers
Tracyn gave off a painful roar, as Kaine started to send dark energy waves, whatever those were because that's not really specified attack and it's kind of confusing, but he guessed it was very very bad for him, started to...darkly render him asunder. However, Tracyn was a man of action and opportunity. And there was a gaping hole in Kaine's chest. Tracyn slammed his hand past his lightsaber, his crushgaunts protecting his hand from his own lightsaber blade, and reached around, and grabbed unto Kaine's spine, or at least attempted to. He fought past the pain, and the unending amount of rage that was building up within him, as he tried to literally crush Kaine's spine from the inside. Jedi didn't normally get this brutal, and neither did Mandalorians for that matter. He ground his teeth as the energy seered his skin and started to chip and scratch his armor, as well as scarring his face, most likely permanently.

"You know what's funny about Sith...they never seem to be able to remember to watch their backs."Tracyn said, right as he went to snap Kaine's spine from the inside. No doubt, having someone's hand pushing past several layers of burnt tissue, nerves, and muscle would be painful enough, but for someone to snap your spine from the inside, that sounded increasingly more painful. Tracyn managed to place his other hand, the one with the flamethrower, right where the hole was, and set it off, right into the open wound in Kaine's chest.

@[member="Kaine Zambrano"]

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