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Second Contact [The Kathol Outback Dominion of Resu Hex - Witchmasters Invited]

Jaxton Ravos

Mindwalker of the Outer Rim
First Contact
[member="Bryce Bantam"] [member="Iron Giant"]

There was some surprise amongst the Kathol Tech students and Professors that Bryce Bantam had gone to Neelig and asked him to take point. To be completely honest, Neelig was surprised as well, though his Ithorian face hid it well. Human body language was something a lot of sentients learned due to the sheer number of humans around the galaxy, but Ithorian body language was not so commonly studied.

"Of, of course sir." His hesitation was apparent, but he seemed enthusiastic. Heading over towards the Resu he took point, before any of the students or professors could really muster a response.

"Counter-proposal: Mercury Tongue takes the lead. Self-identification: Mercury Tongue, of CybeResu. Identification?" One of the Resu stepped forward.

"I am Neelig Wawaat. It is good to meet you Mercury Tongue. I am a Xenobiologist, and we wish to help your people cure the Technovirus." Neelig perhaps overplayed his qualifications, but the reason he was here was to work on the Techno Virus, try to find a cure. It was no lie his intentions or desires. The reason Kathol Tech was here was to observe a first contact situation and try to help the Resu get past the Technovirus. Hopefully nothing was lost in translation.

Ugohr Poof

The Traveling Gungan Salesman
Location: Arcadia-N-30
Post: 12/38
Allies: Unknown
Enemies: N/A
Objective: Trade show

"Real estate office? We never had a chance to have one, real estate around here seem to be less formalized"

"Let me put it that way, IGR is a company that can bring the housing of the galaxy to clients in the Kathol Outback and the housing of the Kathol Outback to the galaxy" Privago told the KO officials.

"I'm kind of worried that a real estate bubble could be brewing"

"The Elrood authorities told me that but Wild Space planets have a lot of vacant land so listing the thing on the GMLS would not bring undue pressure on the Kathol Outback's real estate market"

And Salacia Consolidated also told that to Ugohr when Ugohr tried to close that deal regarding the 100,000 units on Elrood in New Dinbar. [member="Judah Dashiell"] was worried that prices would rise too quickly if they were posted on the GMLS. Yet Ugohr reported no such thing from planets like Dulvoyinn, which was one of the main planets in the Core Worlds where affordable property could still be found. He always said that Dulvoyinn was a non-factor in the galactic real estate market and slowly perhaps would Dulvoyinn get on the radar, especially with the prestige IGR now carries in the galactic realty world. Then again, realty was a fickle industry where realty companies could rise and fall as quickly as the many PC-owned weapons-building corporations, and few had galactic-spanning ambitions. But if anyone could one day be known across the galaxy, IGR would. Judah would probably not recognize Privago as he would Ugohr; yet Judah was on Arcadia-N-30 too. But how good an investment would Wild Space properties be?
Location: Aaris III
Allies: [member="Aerin Kath"], [member="Jette Haltzum"], [member="Nate the Bounty Hunter"], [member="Tilzi"], [member="Asemir Lor'kora"]
Objective: Liberation!
Post: 6

As the conversation over how to penetrate the fortress continued, Joza slowly meandered her way through the gathering so that she’d be closer to the Clan Mothers and those speaking. A light smirk tickled her lips as the men made their suggestions, noting how a few of the nightsisters seemed a bit taken aback from their perches above. Never had she encountered such a heavily matriarchal society up close before.

“A twenty meter wall…” Pausing, the pink tinted woman allowed both hands to rest at her hips. “I might be able to create a stasis field large enough to paralyze the sentries on one side at least. That might buy us enough time to scale the walls or penetrate them otherwise.”

Her gaze landed on the form of Aesmir Lor’kora as he laid out a potential plan. “We also have to consider the possibility that these criminals might start liquidating their captives if we can’t get to them in time after an initial assault. I’m not sure how much this operation means to them, or if they already have an escape route mapped out.” She’d been part of an operation involving shutting down a slaving ring in a mine on Jabiim. Unfortunately it wasn’t worth much to the slavers, who began executing slaves once the Sanctum had showed up.

Ugohr Poof

The Traveling Gungan Salesman
Location: Arcadia-N-30
Post: 13/38
Allies: Unknown
Enemies: N/A
Objective: Trade show

"Residential property is one thing, but what do you have to offer pertaining to business or faction properties?" the Kathol officials asked Privago.

"Ugohr knows that these people who consider themselves to be the gods of the galaxy seem to be more interested in business realty, even more so than factional realty, and that's where Ugohr would have been of use. He's the realtor assigned to special projects" Privago answered.

"I've heard that, lately, Ugohr took part in a project called the Galactic Alliance Planetary Development Project. But is there any reason why a real estate broker would develop real estate?"

"It's a faction-wide project that requires contributions from many sponsors, public and private"

"Here in the Outback the regulatory requirements are not as heavy as in Alliance territory"

Ugohr was unofficially the commanding officer of the military portion of the Galactic Alliance Planetary Development Project, and IGR did more for the GAPDP than everyone else combined. Not even the King of Naboo actually did much about that at this point: constructing Codex-standard properties is an expensive undertaking. Who knows, Theed Palace Space Vessel Engineering Corps would have to cover the costs of Naboo's contributions much like IGR had to absorb the costs of doing such on Dulvoyinn and Malastare. Luckily IGR leasing revenues from Dulvoyinn and Malastare would allow it to keep going, and at the same time the revenues from the realty business. IGR could afford to develop real estate on Dulvoyinn and Malastare because they were sparsely-populated or otherwise had deficient infrastructure and the Malastarian Council gave him his blessings to build the office park in Malastare Narrows. And subsidies. The project was part of the many projects that were submitted to the Council for revitalization.
Arcadia-N-30 - T R A D E * S H O W
Location: Arceneau Trade Outpost - Make friends, and do business
CONTACTS: Saffron | Charzon Loulan | [member="Gir Quee"]


Cla'Mari looked up at the fine looking young man and gave him a warm if not borderline flirtatious smile. Holding her hand out, not in a handshake but as someone of royalty would to a gentleman suitor she waited expected him to take it and kiss the top of it before she continued. While waiting she had scanned the schematics and specifications before sending it to her engineering team aboard her ship. They had confirmed it was another older design that had been updated and upgraded that should be both economical and modular enough to serve her needs quite nicely.

Not waiting on his response to her gesture, Cla'Mari instead decided to reply and begin the negotiations.

"Gir, a pleasure to meet you, would you be the one I would need to talk to in regards to set up a contract for these unique hyperdrives on display here?"
Objective: Realm of the Resu -
This is virtually a first contact situation. Everything about the Resu is alien. Kathol Technical Academy's students have been invited to play a role in understanding the Resu language and technology, including the unique Resu ships while TKO Search and Rescue will be escorting all friendly parties and investigating a strange possible distress signal that has been coming from the system.​
Location: CyberResu Astroid
Tags: [member="Iron Giant"] | [member="Neelig Waawat"]​
The Ithorian was bold, had to give him that. No hesitation just straight to the point, Bryce was new to these encounter situations so he wasn't sure if that was a good thing or a bad thing but it least the ball was not "rolling". Still, Bryce was also eager to begin to help, curing strange viruses was nothing new to him after Demonsgate. The work was still paying dividends and he hoped to continue the work here to perhaps help these Resu as well. No one deserved the horror these plagues spawned and if he could he planned to help free the Resu is this affliction if he could, if not he would at least help evacuate as many as he could to safety.

While Neelig continued to open dialogue with the one called Mercury Tongue Bryce stepped off the tside and began to review the probe data again. If they were any other surprises that were lurking in the system, Bryce wanted to have as much data on the situation as he could.
Arcadia-N-30 , Salacia Consolidated Cookout, Post : [7] [member="Elpsis Elaris"]

Mr.Zej released her and looked Elpsis over. She didn't seem much like the other Firemane ladies he had worked with. More or less a head on her shoulders and a decent attitude. Some of the ladies were a little too aggressive for his tastes, as if they were fighting some continuous war even in their off time.

"Thank you for passing along my greetings..." A meaty hand gestured to the festivities "As you can see, the barbecue is progressing nicely. Always a pleasure to have more local companies in the area stop by and shoot the breeze. More than enough business out here for everyone, why act like everything is so secret?"

"Construction is going well. If the workers keep going at this pace we will be up and running within three weeks. I've got scouts out, plenty of salvage ripe for the pickings."

Ugohr Poof

The Traveling Gungan Salesman
Location: Arcadia-N-30
Post: 14/38
Allies: Unknown
Enemies: N/A
Objective: Trade show

"Come to think of it, we never were on the GMLS" the KO official told Privago.

"With IGR Brokerage, you will be on the galactic realty map" Privago added.

"What kind of crazy boyo would go all the way to Wild Space to escape warfare?"

"Someone who would prefer the great outdoors or whose lifestyle requires vast amounts of land"

"Is there any reason why Ugohr isn't here? He is the one person people across the galaxy most readily associate with IGR and, by extension, real estate in general"

"Ugohr is still on Chandrila because of his Jedi duties"

Privago is not aware that Ugohr is forced to conduct his business at a distance because of pending disciplinary action against him due to a bungled Jedi mission. But he is only interested in what real estate business Ugohr brought - Merr-Sonn Agriculture, and soon-to-be Titan Industries. And also Jaii Builds. He might have been the most famous minesweeper commander in the galaxy, but now he has fallen back on real estate. Just that Privago is under the illusion that Ugohr is just on an extended Jedi mission. But again, even if the warnings issued by the KO officials have no basis in the current economic context, they need to be heeded. Real estate bubbles often start when a given area of space is perceived as a cheap alternative to another overvalued market and yet presents similar characteristics to said overvalued market. But Wild Space has mostly been a non-factor in the galactic real estate market. Will it stay that way? Hopefully he will have no hand in making the bubble burst, but he has only partial knowledge of the market - and Ugohr knew next to nothing about Kathol banking regulations.
N-30 Arcadia

Compared to some Firemane ladies, Elpsis was fairly normal. She was not even obsessed with Space Elves! Or with blowing stuff up all the time. She loved animals, the wilderness and had lately decided to become a sort of neopagan. In other words, she was kind of a hippie...who liked guns. Contradiction? Perhaps.

Anyhow, the young redhead smiled. "Ok, that's great to hear. Sure Firemane will be happy to help in any way," she said cheerfully. However, talk was cut short when suddenly a very large feline ran towards her, his heavy feet pounding upon the ground.

No one among the Firemane crew seemed to consider it strange that a big predator appeared on the scene. He resembled a lion with an extra pair of legs and an absolutely fabulous mane. His tail was short and unadorned, with a small furry patch at the end. His mouth was full of razor-sharp teeth. The big cat studied Mr Zej with curiosity, as if trying to decide how to classify him. His eyes darted towards Elpsis. He really wanted in on the barbeque.

Elpsis walked over to the Cylix without any hint of hesitation and petted him like a favourite pet. "Hey there, big guy. That's Mr Zej. He's a friend. This is Leo. He's my Cylix. Isn't he adorable?" she said in a very sweet, cheerful tone. Leo seemed to like the attention and licked her hand. "Who's a good boy? You are. Got a lot of meat for you here."

[member="Judah Dashiell"]
Aries, Arcadia N-30


Gir regarded [member="Cla'Mari Rha"]'s proferred hand with a measure of curiosity. While not an unheard of gesture, it was not one he expected to encounter on Arcadia. It was one that suggested to him that the twi'lekk was more worldly and cultured than the average merchant. But as someone from a more sparsely populated and less formal culture, it did make him slightly uncomfortable. Yet Gir daintily took her hand and gave it a light and dry kiss before listening to her question.

"I can," affirmed the blonde man, "if you are interested in purchasing some of these units, may I invite you onto one of our ships to talk a bit more? We can have some refreshments and a bit more privacy."
Realm of Resu - CybeResu Asteroid

"[Self-Identifier] [Identification programmed - 'Neelig Waawat']. Good acquaintance Mercury Tongue. [Self-Identifier] Xenobiologist, [In-Group-Identifier] request assistance [Out-Group-Identifier] Resu exterminate [Identification - 'Technovirus' {Identity Moross Affiliated}]" Unfortunately as it can be seen, the translator was only so useful, and provided Mercury Tongue with only a broken and rather disjointed explanation of what was said, with little in the place of context. It was up to her individual extrapolation to figure out the meaning behind what was intended of the speaker, a task while she was good at, had little experience for. Fortunately though, what she had experienced before, was far less civil than this discussion. Listening to liberated pirates spout their dying breathes as CybeResu medics tireless attempt to reverse their fates handed to them by the Moross Resu, due to their lack of understanding of carbon biology.

"Request postponed. Technovirus extermination secondary, request breeding assistance." To an outsider, which Neelig was, that probably seemed to be an odd request. An alien species endangered with the existential threat of a force-borne plague, and its only concern was whether or not they could help them... ahem, "get busy". To the Resu however, they had knowledge that the rest of the galaxy could never be privy to, such as the unfortunate truth that the extent of the Morossian Plague was only the surface of their possible extinction. An unnamed plague had begun to ravage the Resu almost concurrently with the Moross Crusades 'divine alteration', without any of them even knowing until faced with utter obliteration. Females were going barren, and males were going sterile.... they couldn't breed. A species that cannot produce a future generation, is the definition of an extinct species walking. The Resu were on the very brink of that status.

"CybeResu designated 'Iron Giant' en-route to Ysraka Reservation Sector to secure barren/sterile patients. Secondary objective - Locate non-barren/sterile potential breeding partners in diseased population. Iron Giant special status - non-diseased, fertile, ready to bear. Mercury Tongue non-special status - diseased, barren, premature stillbirth." As characteristic of the CybeResu's non-vocal and non-audible understanding of the world, their translators were unable to convey emotion, but if any of the students could understand the magnitude of the 'ambassadors' words, they would be able to empathize with the alien over the loss of child. There was a pause before she continued. Looking at the surface, one would not be able to determine whether or not she was disheartened by this fact, or resolute because of it; such was often the case for many alien species.

"Xenobiologist Neelig Waawat, medical inquisitions?"

[member="Bryce Bantam"] [member="Neelig Waawat"]
(Post 6)

Ugohr Poof

The Traveling Gungan Salesman
Location: Arcadia-N-30
Post: 15/38
Allies: Unknown
Enemies: N/A
Objective: Trade show

"That ought to help with your population problems"

"I'm not convinced the flow of population will be a net gain for us rather than a net loss. But I would like to talk about the Elrood real estate case with [member="Judah Dashiell"] some time, especially if we feel that additional terms need to be added, Privago"

"The Mandalorians will cause Wookiees to flee to all corners of the galaxy, including but not limited to here"

"We will accept to be made part of the GMLS on a provisional status, one year will suffice"

Better than nothing, so going on up from provisional status will depend on the impact it has on the KO's real estate market. Ugohr would be most pleased about that. On a provisional basis, the KO officials will be experimenting whether being on the GMLS would allow them to get the properties sold faster than without. The Kathol Outback has two fears: an exodus, which will cause their real estate market to collapse entirely or, at the other extreme, a real estate bubble. Ugohr wasn't a full-time realtor, but he knew more about real estate markets than most of his fellow Jedi did, and certainly more than most Jedi Brutes did. Not quite "wait-and-see" but the KO always felt that their economy was lagging behind because of their isolation from the main galactic markets. It took the Star Tours, IGRs and whatnot of the galaxy to actually get out of their economic hole or so the KO's logic went. Pergitor was mostly about securing their supplies of weapons and armor more than any real attempt at economic salvage.

Jaxton Ravos

Mindwalker of the Outer Rim
Post: 5/37
Objective: Build Resu Relations
Tags: [member="Iron Giant"] [member="Bryce Bantam"]

"Request postponed. Technovirus extermination secondary, request breeding assistance." The translation of the Resu's speech could be described as robotic, not only in tone but also translation. Subject. Verb. Adjective subject adjective verb. It implied a lack of articles in the Resu's language, and a very 'get to the point' type of mentality in the species. Time could not be wasted, so neither would Neelig waste time with pleasantries.

"CybeResu designated 'Iron Giant' en-route to Ysraka Reservation Sector to secure barren/sterile patients. Secondary objective - Locate non-barren/sterile potential breeding partners in diseased population. Iron Giant special status - non-diseased, fertile, ready to bear. Mercury Tongue non-special status - diseased, barren, premature stillbirth." A very bleak if functional analysis of their current situation, as well as the negotiators own importance. Still, Mercury Tongue's analysis was layered with a depth of information. The species as a whole was having issues with bearing children, save for at least one, this "Iron Giant".

"Xenobiologist Neelig Waawat, medical inquisitions?" A question of intent, or perhaps competency. One Neelig wouldn't have trouble answering.

"Yes. Immediately. Request Resu breeding information, blood samples of fertile and non-fertile females, and body of stillborn." Neelig's response was quick, and in many cultures would be lacking any sort of tact or bedside manner. But Neelig estimated that Mercury Tongue and the species as a whole were more concerned with results than personal feelings. He hoped his speech was easier for the Resu to understand, made his intention clearer. There was so much work to do, if the Technovirus wasn't even the start of what needed to be done.

Mercury Zealot

Monstrocity of Moross - Deceased
Realm of Resu - Shikyu, The Convert's Stronghold
A second pair of tusks adorned her face, a result of this new strain of toxin. Crystalline silicon flesh embedded and infused with alchemical metal twisting and churning inside and outside of the Queen's body reinforcing and adding new capability to the already highly reinforced and highly capable body of the Resu. If a Resu (especially a Morossian Resu) could blush, or had any biological inclination to portray any sort of emotion of this category, Stone Hermes be facing such a dilemma, as an excitement built up inside of him upon the observation of twenty six thermally hot spots adorning the stomach of his agonized Queen... it work.

After years of experimentation and suffering, he had found the solution. A new race had from this day forth, been born under the care of the Aesir Liad, the gift of Neth had now expired in favor of a new champion of the Resu Pantheon... Stone Hermes was a god walking among his people, and his peers were quickly beginning to recognize this fact, even as he knelt before the massive form of his former wife. Whether she would take him again upon her awaking, was another question, but nonetheless the Resu would live on for all eternity for his efforts. He dealt with heresy to provide a miracle, just in the manner that Liad provides plagues to encourage cures.

The transformation was nearing completion, just as the news arrived.

"Lord Resu," The messenger paused a moment, before breaking his gaze from the thermally active egg sacks of the Queen... his excitement was just as palpable, and to prove he was the superior male Stone Hermes rammed him the gut with his tusk and through him against a wall, to which the youth respectably rammed his own tusks against the top of Hermes head before backing away in a bow, conceding the victory. Momentarily the Queens screams of agony changed frequency, into that of arousal. Without skipping a beat, the messenger continued without revealing any aspect of his potential embarrassment. "I apologize Lord... Aesir. I have news from Ysraka... the exile attacked, twelve were taken this time. We are scrambling to find them."

"Let them." There was a momentary pause of confusion from the messenger. "Soon, none of them will be relevant any more." Stone Hermes then stepped forward to kneel before his Queen once more. "Wife..."

To his dismay, all he heard in response where her nearly feral screams.

(Post 7)
Objective: Realm of the Resu -
This is virtually a first contact situation. Everything about the Resu is alien. Kathol Technical Academy's students have been invited to play a role in understanding the Resu language and technology, including the unique Resu ships while TKO Search and Rescue will be escorting all friendly parties and investigating a strange possible distress signal that has been coming from the system.​
Location: CyberResu Astroid
Tags: [member="Iron Giant"] | [member="Neelig Waawat"]

Feth, listening to the conversation so far was as exciting as a heated debate between a moisture evaporator and a binary locator. Still as far as first contact goes this may be a normal thing. Either way, the talk of a techno virus and possible species extinction was enough to pull Bryce from his studies of the system and back to the matter at hand. Turning his attention to Neeling, he noted that they should get samples also from the males as well. This thing could very well be attacking the Resu on multiple fronts.

He also went on the advice that getting any data and samples they had of the pathogens suspected to be involved would be helpful as if the understood nature of the disease they would also be closer to understanding how to stop it. The exact translation Neelig wanted to use was up to him. Bryce just wanted to make sure they were able to collect all the information they could before they dove into the issue and put the Remy's Revenge's extensive medical and science bays to use.
Arcadia-N-30 - T R A D E * S H O W
Location: Arceneau Trade Outpost - Make friends, and do business
CONTACTS: Saffron | Charzon Loulan | [member="Gir Quee"]


It was charming to see he understood the basics of proper manners. So few in the area outside the clans did. She waited a bit before responding to Gir's offer. A more private location would be advantageous still she needed to be careful. If life in the outback had taught her nothing else it was that few can be trusted and to follow someone blindly would be foolish. So she pondered his request a little longer before pressing the button on her bracelet to notify here guards their presence may be needed.

As they signaled their dispatch Cla'Mari turned to Gir and with a shy smile said, "I think that would be best. Just so you know I have summoned some of my associates to join us also, I hope you don't mind but a girl needs to be careful in these parts you understand."
Realm of Resu - CybeResu Asteroid
Neelig's response became far more understood, and with it the efficiency of the meeting increased. With a rapid nod which looked more like a sneeze (a common gesture of the species), Mercury Tongue's hands signaled the technicians in the room, who responded. They would have responded even if she had not gestured, but Mercury Tongue had long discovered the art of 'visual cues' which were useful when communicating with non-Resu.

"Request granted. Blood samples en-route to location, stillbirth sample denied, ingested on failure. Unfertilized egg sack surgical donation equivalent?" The ambassador made no clear cues that eating the stillborn was a taboo, though to those who could understand, it may come as quite the shock. Regardless of that fact, she motioned with her hands for them all to follow, as she turned around and walked towards an entrance on the far side of the hangar. Technicians awaited their approach, and began to open the first door.

"Life-support suitable for Resu atmosphere?" It was an "air lock".

[member="Neelig Waawat"], [member="Bryce Bantam"]

(Post 8)
Aries, Arcadia N-30


Gir nodded at [member="Cla'Mari Rha"]'s remark. Understandable given how many Twi'lekks have been enslaved in the past...Yet at the same time, it felt rather odd for Gir to invite unknown armed peoples onto his ship. He guessed that the likelihood of them successfully hi-jacking the ship was probably low though, given how the ship's controls were currently locked down. That only left his own personal safety to consider. While he doubted that he would be able to defeat multiple opponents, he guessed that he would be able to survive long enough for the outside security droids and the rest of the crew to back him up.

"Completely understandable," said Gir, "If you and your associates will follow me, we can get started."

Gir led them up the rear ramp of the LL-1500 freighter, taking them between the engine banks and into the hold of the ship itself. Upon entering the Stellar Wind, Gir immediately noticed the scent of that new ship smell mixed in with a slight trace of the hyperdrive coolant that Nelphrin had spilled earlier. It seemed that the ship's atmospheric scrubbers had mostly removed the smell, but Gir felt a little embarrassed by it still. About fifteen meters into the craft, the cargo holds disappeared and the ship's common area began. Ceraglass panes in the ceiling let sunlight flow into the room, bathing a built-in metal table and its accompanying stools in an amber light. The blonde man tapped a button on the table's console and swept his hand across the table in a gesture to let his guest know that they could sit down here.

"Please feel free to take a seat," said Gir, "I'd pull out a seat for you Miss, but these stools probably wouldn't oblige me...I've just summoned our serving droid, who should be here shortly. Is there anything I can start you off with?"
Arcadia-N-30 - T R A D E * S H O W
Location: Arceneau Trade Outpost - Make friends, and do business
CONTACTS: Saffron | Charzon Loulan | [member="Gir Quee"]


After meeting her personal guard at the Lucerne Labs display Cla'Mari was escorted to Gir's ship by six large Twi'lek males. With Black tribal tatto's from head to toe they were members on the clan's sub-sect of warriors and called themselves solsehan xeol or "Kill Joy's" in basic. They were a group who's members grew up as soldiers and trained tirelessly for their duties as both warriors and guards. Lightly armored they prefered speed to being overly armored and all carried pistols and short blades about their waists. They meant to harm to Gir or any of his crew, they were merely her to protect the princess from harm by any means at their disposal. As she entered the ship they took up proper defensive positions and posted guards to ensure she would be able to exit the area if needed.

Cla'Mari graciously accepted the seat offered and proceeded to relax into it as one would expect a lady of her standing would. Looking back to Gir she declined the drink offer but asked...

"So please tell me more about these hyperdrives, how compatible are they with other technologies and new construction?"
[member="Aerin Kath"] [member="Asemir Lor'kora"] [member="Joza Perl"] [member="Nate the Bounty Hunter"]

Aaris III

OOC/ Time skip!!

Darkness had fallen on this hemisphere of Aaris III. On one side of the fort a large contingent of witches had gathered. They were the distraction. They made themselves visible in the treeline and the sound of the odd bolt suggested the defenders had decided to take the odd pot shot at them. Soon they'd set off the explosives and draw the attention of the guards.

On the far side of the compound, Tilzi slid like a Ssurians across the open ground. Her nerves were on edge despite the confidence she'd displayed earlier. If just one of the infiltrating team was spotted those turrets would turn on them. They would be cut down before they could retreat to the treeline. The faces of the witches were all painted dark with crushed berries and mud. Tilzi had her red shock of hair pulled up tight under a forest green, leather cap. She risked raising her head to look up at the imposing walls. Not far now.

If only one of the Underground types had brought a gunship...

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