Realm of Resu - CybeResu Asteroid
"[Self-Identifier] Comprehends [Secondary-Identifier] experienced in [Vague Descriptor], proposal: [Secondary-Identifier] take the lead?" Mercury Tongue's translator electrified her gills, identifying for her which figures were talking by enhancing the thermal signature of those speaking with one another. Attempting to decipher what was being said, she inferred they were determining among themselves, who would speak first.
"Unnecessary proposal." A smooth electronic voice escaped from the Flagged CybeResu standing in the room, as the grey piece of cloth waved in the vacuum with the movement of her mechanical arm waving away the suggestion.
"Counter-proposal: Mercury Tongue takes the lead. Self-identification: Mercury Tongue, of CybeResu. Identification?" Soldier-like, the stalwart character stood at attention, awaiting the response from the Kathol Outback negotiation team, the recording device awaiting one of them to speak their name, so as to be used in further conversations. Obviously, being unable to understand anything verbally, the machine translator would have to do the polite thing of actually using the verbal names other beings had for themselves.
It was actually somewhat of a quandary of how most Resu got their names. Clearly, their names in literally every language are unable to be pronounced, seeming as it is an electrical pattern exchanged between two individuals of the species. Although it could be technically replicated with technology (the whole basis of the translation technology) basic understanding of meaning of these signals would be entirely lost being incompatible with sound vibrations. The answer was simple actually, machines had a hand in it. They are tasked with choosing a substance (Silver, Iron, Stone, Mercury) and a noun (Sentinel, Giant, Tongue), sometimes even a proper noun (Hermes). Giving the individual Resu a list of options translated into Resune (the electrical tongue of the species), and that individual will choose from the list as a permanent identifier. Some may note how appropriate many of the names would eventually become for the few Resu that would be known outside of their home system, and that is quite clearly the work of machines giving these individuals choices which reflect the galaxies perception of them.
The substance is often entirely random, but the noun that follows it often describes their character, such as Silver Sentinel seeking to protect his people, Iron Giant being the mechanical monstrosity she was as a mercenary, Stone Hermes being so motivated by faith and religion, and now Mercury Tongue defined by her ability to speak to others outside of her species. It seem that there was no longer any aspect of life for a Resu, that was not wholly and totally dominated by some form of technology.
How the old ways have died.
Ysraka Reservation
After some time, Iron Giant and her entourage of a dozen others began to approach the base of the thermal towers, a blistering heat source radiating beams of infrared radiation at regular intervals high above them. This "Lighthouse" shall we call it, marked the beginning of Resu Civilization... what remained of it that is. Undoubtedly the Abominations will have blockaded this settlement in all the necessary directions, though it is unlikely they should expect an attack from from without, when all their focus was on what was within.
She counted on it to be the case.
They waited for several minutes, using their enhancements to pick out heat trails that might indicate the presence of the abominations. They were much harder to detect at a distance than ordinary living beings, considering much of their mass had been converted into non-organic material, hiding their interior body heat. Luckily for the CybeResu, such was the case for them as well, to an extent. Not to the extreme of the Morossians of course, but much of their bodies were integrated with specialized cybernetics.
Bronze Tusk set up a sonar pulse detector, hoping to stealthily pick up on enemy presences without them knowing. The CybeResu was currently playing on one of their species most critical weaknesses: their deafness. Strange that an aquatic species never fully developed a sense of sound in favor of other more specialized sensory organs, but such was the case for these silicon beasts of war.
Immediately the team was alerted to six Morossians in the area, which wasn't great news, but not the worst either. One on one, the Morossian Resu were always superior to the CybeResu, but two on one can almost even the odds. A battle-plan was being crafted to break the blockade.
[member="Neelig Waawat"], [member="Bryce Bantam"]
(Post 4)