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Dominion Secure Containment Procedures | EE Dominion of Bursoll II

E T E R N A L - E M P R E S S
Ingrid L’lerim
The Red Witch; Emperor's right hand; Director of Blackwatch; Baroness of Vengard
Location: Bursoll II
Equipment: White uniform | Black blade lightsaber | Red blade lightsaber shoto
Tag(s): Broka the Hutt Broka the Hutt | Open

Sounds nothing to hold it tight! Why did she hope to get a solution from a Hutt? Especially that she knew what they were like. They are not interested in anything but themselves and profit. To Ingrid it seems Broka was the same. Where did the Empire find him?! Black Sun, of course, she understands everything, they needed the cartel's help. She didn’t have much choice, like going back to the “planning table”.

”Of course I understand. We don’t even except more than you can.” she lied in a professional way.

She was sure the Hutt could do more, but she was more diplomatic than telling the truth to Broka. She looked at the officers.

< ”Start to scan the planet! Search anything that is unusual, try to find the source of the Melding Plague, or a Nexus on the planet!” she ordered in High Neelvanian. ”And someone finally call a knowledgeable scientist!” >

< “Yes my Lord!” > the officer replies.

After that she turns back to Broka, she needs to know something. If the scan will find something…

”Now we need to wait a few minutes. I hope we will be smarter after the scanning. If we found something, can the Empire count on your help?” she asked.


Location: In orbit of Bursoll II.
Objective: Contain

Lori frowned ever so slightly as her request went unanswered by the Imperial forces. Still she kept the Jaster's Sparrow outside of the blockade. Perhaps the Imps were busy getting her clearance through the various channels. They were far too....orderly for her liking.

The call out from LE-03 (Leigh) LE-03 (Leigh) came through for aid, but also with a more personal message, telling her to not to go down there. Lori switched to her frequency and sent in her response. <Understood. Holding fast near the blockade. Lori out.>

She turned to her co-pilot Arla who was busy going through their scans and sensor readings. "Well what should we do? Sit and wait? Go in? They sure are taking their sweet time."

"We wait. For a little longer, at least. The blockade is nearly impassible. Should any break through, we'd be a good secondary line."

"Yeah, I guess you're right. And the last thing that we need is for us to be taken into their custody again."

"Exactly. There's too much work to do before that could happen again."

"Hey, i didn't plan on that you know."

"I know. And we're lucky that it was early enough in the game."

Arla was right. They were extremely lucky. Lori just sat back in her chair and waited for their next move to take.

Lord Malleus Lord Malleus Mitth'rae'leios Mitth'rae'leios
Lorda of Nem'ro and Hutt Republic Supreme Mogul
Broka needed to not agitate the Imperials. He knew their request was crucial to ensure good relations. In the end, this was politics.

"<Of course I will aid you if you find anything. The battle droids at my disposal can add to the fire power to any expeditions that may take out the possible nexus of this plague. My connections can also help with supplying provisions to base camps that might be established. I am an individual of business, not a scientist. I'll help with curbing local resistance, and supporting for you forces on the ground, for sure.>"

Ingrid L'lerim Ingrid L'lerim
E T E R N A L - E M P R E S S
Ingrid L’lerim
The Red Witch; Emperor's right hand; Director of Blackwatch; Baroness of Vengard
Location: Bursoll II
Equipment: White uniform | Black blade lightsaber | Red blade lightsaber shoto
Tag(s): Broka the Hutt Broka the Hutt | Loreena Arenais-Valhoun Loreena Arenais-Valhoun | Open

“ ~ At least it's something ~ “ she thought while she and the Hutt continued the political game.

“Again, the empire is infinitely grateful for your help!” she said diplomatically.

To what Ingrid said, the Hutt could not have done anything but what he did. Maybe that was a little trap. Even if the other doesn’t want to help, he had to. If he wants to keep his position, the imperial relations, he needs to help. At least it's something; the Hutt’s droids will come in handy if they find something. She hoped they would find something. Even a little thing, just something they can start with the operation, the search. The minutes passed infinitely slowly to her, after two-three minutes the officer finally spoke:

< “My lord! We found something! Strange energy signature near the North Pole. We can’t identify.” > he said.

“We found something, I’ll send the coordinates and the energy readings too” she said to Broka.

After she sent the information, she opened a communication channel on all lanes, to send the information and a voice message to all personnel, and the armies, and every single ship which is in the system.

“It’s baroness Ingrid L’lerim of Vengard, to all personnel and ship! We found a strange energy signature and readings near the North Pole, anyone who can go there go, and investigate the anomaly! This is an order!” she spoke.


Lorda of Nem'ro and Hutt Republic Supreme Mogul
The news was sooner than Broka expected. His allies are definitely efficient, and thus good allies to have. He then responded,
"<That is good to know. The droids shall be dispatched to the rendezvous point of our combined forces.>"

As he said that he gestured an order to the servants to tell the hangar workers to begin loading some craft with the battle droids they have in stock. Standard Droideca destroyers, and any battle droid that was managed to be purchased by either him or his "father" that had the ability to withstand hazardous jobs, and hold/shoot a blaster. Not as advanced hardware as the Empire's forces may have, but its what they asked for; Broka's support. As the transport crafts were being loaded with the droids, and he issued the order, Broka then returned his attention to the communicator.

"<The droids are being loaded onto the transport crafts as we speak. Expect them momentarily at the drop zone upon the same time as your forces' arrival.>"

Ingrid L'lerim Ingrid L'lerim
Objective: Investigate

"Yes!" Lori squealed with delight as her ship was given permission to break the blockade, followed by an immeditate order by Ingrid L'lerim Ingrid L'lerim . There was an anomaly at the North Pole that needed investigation. And they weren't that far away.

"Baroness, this is the Jaster's Sparrow. Proceeding from the blockade to the North Pole to aid in the investigation. E.T.A. is 10 minutes." Arla ended the communication and then turned her attention to her Captain. "You know that they'll be using us as cannon fodder for whatever's out there, right? We're expendible."

"Yeah but I have the highest confidence in your abilities.. Don't you?" Lori just grinned. She loved to solve mysteries and investigate. Almost as much as she loved being a thorn in the Empire's side. "Let's do this!"

"Undrstood, Captain." Being less than pleased, Arla piloted the Jaster's Sparrow through the blockade, taking note of Broka the Hutt Broka the Hutt 's ships heading towards the Northern Pole as well. At least they won't be going in there alone.
Lorda of Nem'ro and Hutt Republic Supreme Mogul
Another ship joined up with the transport ships heading towards the north pole of the planet. Broka's drop-ships were armed with a well-sized army of battle droids awaiting to be dropped at the meeting point for all deployed troops. Meanwhile, the major ships Broka had with him stayed by the remainder of the blockade. Broka observing the drop-ships flying off from his command ship.

Reports from the surface settlements continue to please him as well. The "cures" are still being bought like crazy. The locals have not grown the wiser to them. All of Broka's plans for this endeavor are working perfectly. A few minor bumps, but nothing major; nothing he couldn't work around.

Ingrid L'lerim Ingrid L'lerim Loreena Arenais-Valhoun Loreena Arenais-Valhoun
E T E R N A L - E M P R E S S
Ingrid L’lerim
The Red Witch; Emperor's right hand; Director of Blackwatch; Baroness of Vengard
Location: Bursoll II
Equipment: White uniform | Black blade lightsaber | Red blade lightsaber shoto
Tag(s): Broka the Hutt Broka the Hutt | Loreena Arenais-Valhoun Loreena Arenais-Valhoun | Open

”Good! Part of our army is also going there” she replied to Broka.

Fortunately there were units nearby that were easy to command to the North Pole and to the energy signature. She turned her head again that she should join them, but she was in command now in here, she can’t leave her position. Everything was easier when she was only an agent and assassin, not the third people of the Empire. Her thoughts were disturbed by a new incoming message. She looked up to the vidscreens, but only the Hutt was there. Audio message. She signed to the officer to receive the message.

It was the Jaster's Sparrow, the rebels. But this time it was not important. Any other situation she would have issued the order to destroy or capture that ship, but not this time. See the rebel scum, the Empire not that evil, what they thought. And if their face will die down there, well, life is life. They will not be the ones who made her a martyr, she undertook this. That’s why she answered the message.

”Jaster's Sparrow this is baroness Ingrid L’lerim, you get permission to land on the planet” she replied.

Let's see what they can do, maybe if they can survive, the Empire still can arrest them. But no, not this time. Maybe this will raise doubts in their ranks. It was no other than political game, or psychological warfare. Then she turned back to the hutt, and watched the computer screens where military movements were seen.

”There are ten minutes left until the first wave arrives, fifteen to the second wave.” she said.


Objective: Investigate

"Well, that's a bunch of dropships." Arla did a readout on the scans coming in as she brought the Jaster's Sparrow through the atmosphere to the surface. No life forms were detected on board either of them. Droids. "Looks like we might not be the cannon fodder afterall, Captain!"

"Yeah? Wicked!" Lori finished getting changed into her rebel armour and bounded up the steps to the cockpit while holstering her blaster. She made her way quickly to her chair and plopped down, all eyes on the viewscreens. "What kind of anomoly are we investigating anyways?"

"I dunno. Some kind of weird energy fluctuations. It messes with the scanners too much to get a proper readout."

"Are you coming with me?"

"Of course. Even if you ordered me to stay."

" you can refuse my orders, huh? I thought that went against your programming."

"My primary directive is to see to your protection. If I must disobey your orders to do so, then so be it." Only a small few knew that Arla was a synthetic droid. She was masterfully built and so complex that she fooled most scans. "It's my call."

"I know, I know. I was just teasin' ya."

The Jaster's Sparrow touched down shortly after the dropships that Broka the Hutt Broka the Hutt sent had done so. Both Lori and Arla exited the ship within minutes, securing the vessel and making her way towards the rest of the troops. Neither knew whether or not they'd see Ingrid L'lerim Ingrid L'lerim there. Regardless, they had a mission to accomplish. Hopefully when all is said and done, they'd be allowed to leave.
Lorda of Nem'ro and Hutt Republic Supreme Mogul
The dropships continued on course to the north pole of the planet. They managed to land in an area where the Imperial troops are moving to as a staging point. The droids were lead by one command droid per wave that both received orders directly from the observing flagship. The droids got into formation alongside the Imperial soldiers, and began the march with the first wave. Meanwhile, the rest of the army drops with the second wave.

As that happens on the surface, Broka feasts in his throne room observing the all he can through the command droids.

Ingrid L'lerim Ingrid L'lerim Loreena Arenais-Valhoun Loreena Arenais-Valhoun
E T E R N A L - E M P R E S S
Ingrid L’lerim
The Red Witch; Emperor's right hand; Director of Blackwatch; Baroness of Vengard
Location: Bursoll II
Equipment: White uniform | Black blade lightsaber | Red blade lightsaber shoto
Tag(s): Broka the Hutt Broka the Hutt | Loreena Arenais-Valhoun Loreena Arenais-Valhoun | Open

Just like Broka’s army, the Eternal Empire’s dropships continued on course to the north pole too. One dropship from the twenty-six Ultranaut regiment, they brought ten ultranauts to the North Pole. One dropship from the thirty-fifth scout company, they represent themselves with six scouts. Ingrid knew that it wasn't much, but they can't hold much longer without more soldiers. The timing was perfect, they arrived at the said time. Those who came there found something they might not have expected. An Icy pyramid.
On the bridge of the ship, Ingrid didn't want to believe what she saw. Why they not see that pyramid before? She looked at the officer questioningly, but it just shook his head. She looked at the computers, the reading came from inside the pyramid, but when she tried to scan the building she received nothing, only blank results.

”The readings came from inside the pyramid, but we can’t scan the building. Maybe the communication will be cumbersome. Everyone be prepared for this” she said this on the open comm channel, include to Loreena Arenais-Valhoun Loreena Arenais-Valhoun .”I expect a continuous report from everyone!” she ordered.

She then switched to the private communication channel where she speaks with Broka.

”What do you think, Lord Broka?” she asked.

She still didn’t know what to think about this. She watched the pyramid, then the hutt, then the other monitor, then the pyramid’s monitor again. They know the Force created the plague, maybe some kind of sith magic, or something else? She hoped they would get the answers soon. And if her presence was requested on the planet surface she was ready to join the others.


Lorda of Nem'ro and Hutt Republic Supreme Mogul
The monitor showing the command droid with the first wave reported a strange image. Broka never saw anything like it before. If this was not the nexus for the plague he had no idea what would be. He should expect such weird things to be seen in the Unknown Regions. Hundreds of systems have either not been properly explored, or are very isolated and alien compared to the rest of the galaxy. Yet, he could not help but wonder what constructed it.

When Ingrid's voice came over the holo-terminal in the throne room again his attention temporarily diverted to the terminal from the monitor.
"<In truth, I have never seen such a thing before in my life. This has to be the nexus we have been searching for. Our joint forces should hopefully be successful. Yet, there is only one way to find out what the nature of this place is, and that is to go inside or get as close as we can. I propose we keep the dropships in the outskirts of this region in case we need to evacuate our forces. My droids are ready for when you declare the first wave. I'll be seeing the whole event through my command droids.>"

Then he gestures to a servant and a tray of food gets wheeled to his throne. A banquet for one.

He says as the meal is being wheeled over to him, "<This show of battle will definately work up an apitite. That, and I am hungry anyway. Again; my droids are at the ready for the first charge.>"

Ingrid L'lerim Ingrid L'lerim Loreena Arenais-Valhoun Loreena Arenais-Valhoun
Objective: Investigation

Lori gazed in wonderment at the icy pyramid. It was stunning. Creepy, yet stunning. She looked to the Imperial soldiers sent by Ingrid L'lerim Ingrid L'lerim and then to the droids sent by Broka the Hutt Broka the Hutt . Everyone (minus the droids) seemed to be in shock that the pyramid was even there. How strange. Guess it proved that the Imperials didn't know everything.

She kept her commlink open, gearuring to Arla to do the same. "Well if the likelyhood is that communications will be disrupted, you aren't really gonna get continuous reports, are ya?" Oh yes, Lori was taking full advantage of letting out her attitude while she could. One never knows when they could get another chance.

"Send the first wave in. See what happens to them. If anything comes out, we'll all be at the ready." Arla was determined to protect her charge, regardless of what the Imperials wanted.
E T E R N A L - E M P R E S S
Ingrid L’lerim
The Red Witch; Emperor's right hand; Director of Blackwatch; Baroness of Vengard
Location: Bursoll II
Equipment: White uniform | Black blade lightsaber | Red blade lightsaber shoto
Tag(s): Broka the Hutt Broka the Hutt | Loreena Arenais-Valhoun Loreena Arenais-Valhoun | Open

She nodded the hutt’s words, it was still not comforting. She hadn't seen such a pyramid either, of course since she started learning about the Force she saw a lot of sith pyramids – on holopictures – but this looks different to her. She didn’t tell why, but it looked different, and this bothered her. She looked questioningly to her Emperor, Kainan Wolfe Kainan Wolfe , maybe he can say anything that will make them smarter. But he still remains silent, so Ingrid turns back to the monitors. To send the droids first, that seemed like the best idea with the scouts. She agreed with this.

”The first wave will be Lord Broka’s droids along with the thirty-fifth scout company’s members. If the Jaster's Sparrow’s crew wants to with them, you can go too” she ordered.”If they find the place safe, the others will follow them! I want a thorough reconnaissance! When the second wave arrived, I sent them after the first wave!”

”Can we start the operation?” she asked from Broka.

Under her question she turned back to Lord Broka, though the other said that his droid will go with the first wave, he was an ally, and not an officer, not a soldier, so she waits Broka’s confirmation. Yet they were his droids. When she gets that she said the order:

”You can start!” she ordered in common language and High Nelvaanian too.

< “Yes, my Lord” > she gets the answer from the surface in High Nelvaanian.

On the surface, after the Emperor's hand gave the order, the first wave set inward, while they set off the second wave is arrived with 20 soldiers, who after landing, immediately start set about securing the area.


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Lorda of Nem'ro and Hutt Republic Supreme Mogul
Observing the monitor showing the first command droid's view, Broka was at the ready to let his droids march on.

"<My droids are now proceeding with the plan. The second wave of droids is already in formation waiting for your troops to join them.>"

After saying that, Broka then ravenously began gorging on the private banquet. The live eels, and the large dishes of Hutt cuisine going down his massive mouth rapidly. Possibly the fastest moving activity anyone may have seen Broka exhibit. He then just alternates attention between the food and the monitor. Though he has never encountered such a situation before, Broka had plenty of confidence that the operation will be successful. Thus, his mood was as if he was watching a live performance.

Ingrid L'lerim Ingrid L'lerim Loreena Arenais-Valhoun Loreena Arenais-Valhoun
Objective: Investigate

Lori was about to start moving with the first wave, but then Arla's arm shot out onto her shoulder and held her back. The young Arenais loved exploring and solving mysteries. To have others go into danger ahead of her just wasn't fair. Still, she did as her bodyguard insisted.

While Broka the Hutt Broka the Hutt 's droid troops went inside, Lori and Arla took their places amongst Ingrid L'lerim Ingrid L'lerim 's troops. It was strange to stand shoulder to shoulder with the enemy, but their differences needed to be set aside for this. "I wonder if we'll find some kind of lab....or maybe what's controlling those affected. Someone must be doing it. It can't all be natural, right?"

"We'll find out soon enough."

As the first wave entered the pyramid, everyone outside stood in waiting for what they assumed would be a firefight. The silence that came instead could only be described as....eerie.
E T E R N A L - E M P R E S S
Ingrid L’lerim
The Red Witch; Emperor's right hand; Director of Blackwatch; Baroness of Vengard
Location: Bursoll II
Equipment: White uniform | Black blade lightsaber | Red blade lightsaber shoto
Tag(s): Broka the Hutt Broka the Hutt | Loreena Arenais-Valhoun Loreena Arenais-Valhoun | Open

After Broka’s words, Ingrid does not hesitate to answer him, she already knows why she ordered the second troops to secure the area. The only thing she can hope for, she was wrong, but nevertheless she wants to prepare the worst case scenario.

”The second troops has arrived” she said. ”Until we don’t know what awaits us inside, they can help the troops secure the area. Maybe if someone done this whole thing and any undead is in there, it can alarm the others “thanks” to the hive mind. We may be attacked, and when that happens, the securing team needs to protect the first wave.” she said.

The second troop and the droids start to secure the area, while the fist group is moved in the pyramid. Inside they found walls made of metal and stone, the ice rule here, it was there everywhere. Fortunately the communication worked, the probe droids moved forward ahead of everyone to explore the area. It seems everything was dead here. There was no energy, so there was no lighting either. The corridors looked like a maze, like a deadly frozen maze. However who can go inside they can scan the area, which could not be from the outside. Thanks to this the scouts, the troops, the droids and if Loreena does the same they can find the energy readings source.

<”We found the source, it came from underground. But we are not alone. We don’t find vital signs, but the sensors show moving targets within the walls, and below us. Maybe just droids my lord, but we can’t exclude the undead either. “> the soldier spoke.

”Find the way down there, we cannot back down now! If they are really undead and not just droids, do not allow them close to you and, if possible, kill them before they see you!” she said.


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Lorda of Nem'ro and Hutt Republic Supreme Mogul
Broka saw the dark, eerie corridors through the first command droid's monitor. He continued to feast in anticipation. The command droid was obeying the orders given to the Imperial troops and relaying it to the others. Therefore, Broka didn't have to do much except watch the show.

He was listening to the communications as well. The messages going to and from the fleet and the troops only created an intriguing sense of anticipation mixed with anxiety. The droids were expensive to obtain and maintain. It would be a tremendous loss to an investment. Nonetheless, Broka continued to gorge on his meal, and watch the "show".

Ingrid L'lerim Ingrid L'lerim Loreena Arenais-Valhoun Loreena Arenais-Valhoun
Objective: Investigate

Lori remained behind with the second wave. Arla wouldn't have it any other way. The hand on her shoulder told her as much.

They overheard the description of what was inside the pyramid. "Underground? There might be some other access nearby. Or vents. Let's go see!"

With Arla's non-verbal agreeance to the idea, the two of them began moving to the left of the pyramid, keeping their eyes on the ground surrounding them. Whether or not any of the troops from the second wave followed, they weren't bothered either way.

Broka the Hutt Broka the Hutt
E T E R N A L - E M P R E S S
Ingrid L’lerim
The Red Witch; Emperor's right hand; Director of Blackwatch; Baroness of Vengard
Location: Bursoll II
Equipment: White uniform | Black blade lightsaber | Red blade lightsaber shoto
Tag(s): Broka the Hutt Broka the Hutt | Loreena Arenais-Valhoun Loreena Arenais-Valhoun | Open

Ingrid continued to watch the monitors while Broka remained silent this time. Underground, it was surprising to her. For some reason she expected they would find it within the heart of the pyramid, or the top of the building. Not below it. It was actually possible, this was here before the pyramid built. They will never know this, she had such a feeling, but now she did not deal with it, it will be enough later.

On the planet surface the second wave soon ended with the construction of the defensive line. After the message Lori and Arla started to find another entrance to the pyramid, quite precisely, under the pyramid. The snow was thick, and the upper layer frozen to ice, even the wall of the pyramid. But the luck was on the ladies side. Within minutes they found a clear area. The temperature was higher here; the snow and the ice melted slightly. Under this layer they could see a metal door.

Inside the pyramid after a good few minutes of searching, the first wave finally found something. Unfortunately it was not the door that was leading down, but also the enemy. Fortunately the enemy was not undead, just droids, large, droids. Quite exactly six droids, and they immediately opened fire on the incoming team…



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