Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Selling Information like it's going out of style!

Okay, like, for the record... TEN feet!? Like, who the heck can throw THAT far!? That's like, CRAZY FAR! I can throw, like, five feet, maybe!
Secondly, we can always play dodge starfighter laser cannon instead :). I'm good at that game!
Darren Shaw said:
Um In RL I can throw 70 meters. (I played American football)
Am I the only one that calls bullshit? Not on the distance he claims to throw, but the fact he referenced American football while using the metric system as his unit of measurement?
Feena said:
Rock on! All the good people from TGC are coming here! I love it! <3
You did not just reference me as one of the "good people", did you Feena?
I used to have so much respect for you :p
Good to see you too.

Vanilla Toner said:
I want to say something dirty. But I don't want to get you excited Telum. So I'll just say:

Welcome Patches. :D
Thanks for the welcome... but dirty is always encouraged in my threads. Censorship is for the weak!
Jonathon Patches said:
Am I the only one that calls bullshit? Not on the distance he claims to throw, but the fact he referenced American football while using the metric system as his unit of measurement?
Perhaps he went to an international school overseas? I could have sworn I saw something about Japanese high schools playing American football as well.

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