Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Selling Information like it's going out of style!

And I saw those same Japanese schools playing said sport...

Pretty sure it still took place on a 100 yard field not a 100 meter one... could be wrong... my translation skills weren't the best.
Akio Kahoshi said:
The day I heard my friends sister say "totes"... it is something I shall remember forever. Mind = blown.
I like to think I can take credit for that. I spread it across the world!

(Okay, not really, but every time somebody says it on TGC I claim it's because of me :p).

Also, while it's surprising, some people DO play American Football over here. A few... Very few. Like, maybe, two. But some!

Alli Wren

Mr. Patches.. all you need to do is acquire the schematics of all sorts of things from any faction and you can ask for quite the price from yours truely
Too easy, Miss Wren. Any schematic receives payment, from any faction? That's the work of a second rate infochant.
Those whom hire me are looking for something specific; something they desire, something they can't get anywhere else. That's when they inquire about my services... and when payment details are at a premium of course.

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