Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Selling Information like it's going out of style!


Commander - Fleet Medical Officer
Jonathon Patches said:
Those whom hire me are looking for something specific; something they desire, something they can't get anywhere else. That's when they inquire about my services... and when payment details are at a premium of course.
Well I currently most desire to know where I put my keys.
A'dele said:
Mr. Patches.
Miss "HEAL ME!" :p

Daxton Bane said:
Patches would you be interested in a contract? If yes, I would like to ask if you would joint post with me.
I don't really do contracts per say, Mr. Bane; they are too binding for my taste, but if you have an offer, I have an ear to listen with.
Oh please; if anything I just die and you scold me for not informing you more!

And Miss Martin is right... there are no dishes in this thread; Tahira hasn't shown up yet!

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