Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Sena, Wanderer of Time

  • Name: Sena (last name lost in time)
  • Allegiance: ORC
  • Rank: Knight
  • Species: K'paur
  • Age: Unknown, a few centuries
  • Gender: Female
  • Height: 1.93 m / 6'4"
  • Weight: 155 Lbs
  • Eyes: Pink
  • Complexion: Pale
  • Force Sensitive: Yes

Sena is a quiet individual with many thoughts. She has many things to offer yet often stays her tongue. Having lived a life without meeting many people, she is usually distrustful to anyone she does come across. That said, once someone grows close to her, she is a very generous soul and will often go far out of her way just to please one person.

Sena is a thing of beauty, even among her own species she is quite fair. Her hair is white and seems to be made of silk, a very rare thing for her species. More often than not her clothes were white and black, as over the years Sena had come to keep her clothes simple and plain, but she is still fashionable with these garments. When it calls for it, Sena will adorn armor, but more often than not she sees this an unnecessary.

A pure K'paur, Sena has been alive long, but much of her own history Sena has declined to remember, intentionally blocking out her memory up until meeting her master. Ya'iri was like a father to Sena, protecting and caring for her. When Sena was found by him she was alone, laying down on the cusp of death in a field of grass.

As Ya'iri approached, he saw that at the outer edges of the field, the grass had withered and died. And as he watched the circle of dead grass slowly grew, dying in a ring starting from the furthest blades. As this happened, the grass beneath Sena grew at an extreme rate. Within a few minutes all the grass, save the grass beneath Sena had withered to a yellow death.

Finally, collecting himself, Ya'iri approached Sena who was still laying as if in death. But he felt her life still lingering. But he still declined to interfere. The grass beneath Sena was now very long. It stretched out, embracing Sena until nothing could be seen of her. Suddenly, as is a light switch had been flipped, the grass embracing her died and crumbled, floating off in the wind. At that moment Sena opened her eyes.

From that day Sena and Ya'iri traveled together, learning the Force and surviving like nomads in distant and unpopulated areas. Vast became their knowledge of the Force, with their lives dedicated to the understanding of it. Ya'iri did his best to teach Sena nothing but of the light side of the Force, for since the day he met her, he sensed something deep within her. What exactly he sensed, he did not even know.

*Excerpt taken from a storyline RP*

"Master," Sena said smiling at the man standing behind her. "It's beautiful." The planet they were descending upon was lush and forested as far as the eye could see. Water spanned in eye catching arrays. Won Shasot was a largely uninhabited planet, which was one of the main reasons that they were travelling there. They would wander to different planets, take up residence for a period of time to learn the Force of that planet.

Even from in the air Sena could feel the life floating from the surface of the planet. It was teeming with untapped wisdom. She knew that this planet would be a wondrous planet to come to know through the Force.

Years now she had been traveling with Ya'iri, the man that loved her as if she were his own daughter. He was a tall man. Even taller than her, which is saying something due to her specie's considerable height. She knew none of his history and asked none of his history. There was an unspoken understanding between the two, neither of them asking about the other's past. They simply thrived on their own and learned as much about the Force as possible.

The Force had always been present in Sena's life. Despite her remembering little of her years alive, she has always been learned to using the Force in simple ways. The majority of her learning of its ways now was not using it as much as it was understanding it. She had, over the years, become very attuned to the Force. It had become more to her an entity than an omni-present flow. Sometimes when she was alone, she would speak to the Force as if it were a person, and for some strange reason, she felt as if it were really listening.

"I am going to pilot us down now," Ya'iri said, turning away to the cockpit. Sena continued looking out of the viewport. The planet seemed to be very quiet of sentient life. At least from the preliminary feel she was getting.Once they landed she would absorb the Force the lived in the planet and feel everything on the planet that had life.

The ship set down gently in a small clearing of a great forest. Immediately Ya'iri and Sena set to work. They had a pretty efficient method set up, using their ship as a more or less comfortable house, with decorations and furnishings outside as well. Once everything was set, Sena said farewell to her master and walked out far among the trees, breathing in the rich air. It was slightly chilly, but her master always made sure the temperatures were never too dangerous for her. Her species was prone to reacting harshly to temperatures.

Walking up to a great tree, Sena placed her hand on it, feeling its roots deep in the earth up to the branches spreading through the sky. A shaft of light came down in a visible beam on a small patch of land. It seemed that that sunshine had been shining on that spot for many years as grass grew strong there.

At this patch of grass, Sena knelt, brushing her hands through the long blades, smiling to herself. Then, folding her hands in her lap, she drew in a deep breath. Slowly she let the breath out, letting it expand over the whole planet, feeling every living being, coming in touch with everything that roamed or stood on the surface of the planet.

Sena felt the trees and their vast, interconnected roots, learning of their lives and their history. She felt the bugs that crawled, looking at their lineage, seeing their families going back beyond Sena's own time. And she felt...she felt something wrong. Something very wrong. Her eyes snapped open abruptly, fear growing in her heart. She turned and ran.

Back to the ship she was running. And fast. Her long legs carried her in great strides. Sena's lungs opened up and took the air into her body, fueling her muscles as she ran with all her might. Then something snapped. A line of the Force that she was all too familiar with sudden fell off. "No!" she gasped out, tears streaming down her face. The speed in her legs seemed to multiply.

Finally she reached the camp site. Everything they had was strewn about. Around here there were a great number of wolf looking creatures. How did I not feel these? she wondered desperately. There was at least three dozen of them by a quick count. And near the end of the ramp that led up into the ship, a large circle of them had formed. She could hear the sounds of something tearing. Something that she loved.

"STOP!" she yelled, tears racing down her face she put up her hand as she yelled this command. At that moment the dogs that were surrounding what could only be her master flew back with violent force. It was as if a giant were playing golf and had swung a massive club at them. They flew through the air, and were they were, on the ground was her master. The creatures had defiled his body, but not enough that she didn't know who it was.

A number of the animals that didn't get pushed in the blast quickly turned their attention to her. One of them looked high in the air and started a howl. But before it got far into the noise, Sena gripped her hand into a fist and the body squeezed together before popping like a balloon.

The creatures ran toward her, snarling, the hunt consuming their minds. Sena looked at them. Her eyes had started to glow as if they were illuminated by an extreme light source from behind, none of her actual eyes could be seen at this point. She flicked her hand in a downward motion and a dozen of the creatures that were running toward her were mercilessly pummeled into the ground. At this point there were only three of the creatures remaining, they eyed her warily. But before they had a chance to do anything more, Sena raised both of her hands, bringing them together. As she did this all three of the remaining wolves were slammed into each other with the force of a bullet.

As they fell to the ground, a massive version of these muts jumped up onto the top of the ship. It was much larger, much more muscled, and seemed a lot more deadly than the others that were now all dead. The jump it had made was the last thing it did of its own free will. Sena rose one hand, lifting the creature off the top of the ship and yanked her arm back, bringing the fowl beast nose to nose with her. Sena then took her other hand and made a twisting motion. There was some popping and what sounded like a bubble of slime popping open as all the insides of the creature were twisted and destroyed.

Sena fell to the ground, unconsciousness taking her.
Force abilities (neutral):
Pull [:::::::::::::::]
Telekinesis [:::::::::::::::]
Leap [:::::::::::::::]
Speed [:::::::::::::::]
Strength [:::::::::::::::]

Force abilities (dark side):
Lightning [:::::::::::::::]

Force abilities (light side):
Force healing [:::::::::::::::]
:::::::::::::::] (saving this for reference)
Completed - 3
Ongoing - 2
Dropped - 1
Forest of Time: Part 1, #1 - Completed

By the Blade: Part 1, #2 - Completed

Another Day on Debena: Sena goes to the Jedi to learn Curato Salva - Ongoing

By the Blade: See story section; saber training

Eclipse of Nibelungen - Ongoing

Coming soon!™

Flight of the Sword: Story Part 1, #1.5/Development Thread - Completed

Stalker in the Light: Sena brings a stranded freighter on the Talavara and helps recover their crew - Dropped
Update Log
Oct 6th, 2017. Character sheet completed.
Oct 7th, 2017. Character sheet overhaul. Huge thanks to [member="Kainan Wolfe"]!
Oct 8th, 2017. Fixed Biography section, re-adding font colors missing after overhaul. Updated thread tracker. Changed font type for all text. Added faction and rank.
Oct 9th, 2017. Updated thread tracking.
Oct 10th, 2017. Updated skills to truly reflect where I want Sena to be at this point.
Oct 11th, 2017. Updated possessions to include her ships and thread tracking
Oct 16th, 2017. Updated thread tracking
Dec 10th, 2017. Updated thread tracking
Dec 11th, 2017. Updated thread tracking
[member="Sena"] - Well, so long as you're mindful of the strengths and weaknesses a K'paur is subject to, and write her with those even if her memory of who and what she is has been lost, I'd say you'll do fine! Memory doesn't affect whether those things happen or not. :)
Azlyn Ike said:
hhide and go seek on hoth in the sun

we'll never find each other

but I do look forward to seeing her around the galaxy. maybe help find some ancient artifact me and Dax have an idea for
Yeah Dax is gonna be training her actually :p

Ilias Nytrau said:

Perhaps! Ilias himself is nearing a thousand years of life. He was a Jedi of the Old Republic, and Jedi is about all he's ever been. :)
At the moment, she's pretty much gonna be neutral. Later in her development, she will either go fully light or dark. That is yet to be decided

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