
- Name: Sena (last name lost in time)
- Allegiance: ORC
- Rank: Knight
- Species: K'paur
- Age: Unknown, a few centuries
- Gender: Female
- Height: 1.93 m / 6'4"
- Weight: 155 Lbs
- Eyes: Pink
- Complexion: Pale
- Force Sensitive: Yes

Sena is a quiet individual with many thoughts. She has many things to offer yet often stays her tongue. Having lived a life without meeting many people, she is usually distrustful to anyone she does come across. That said, once someone grows close to her, she is a very generous soul and will often go far out of her way just to please one person.

- The Talavara (battlecruiser, 2800m)
- Saggita-class Corvette (60m)