Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Dev Shadows of Atrisia

Development on Factory, Codex, etc. roleplay.
THe admiral was looking at more of it as she pulled it up and they were able to walk around. "We have a lot more going into your new line of vessels.. the information we have from the jewels, from Sasori and from the colonies has been interesting to see. We have different materials and have learned more from the biots thaat they have been doing. Automating the ships temselves with their own brains will also help us suppliment the crew. Make trying to slice into it harder and we'll be able to regulate the flow of life fluid and energy. We have also been looking at some of the more advanced weapons that have been getting developed and if we can get them designed for the vessels."

Junko thought about a few of them.. the cannons and anti ship weapons were able to be upgraded with the newest technologies that they had... certainly if they upgraded them with the power plants that have been developed... and the fabrication they could make them vastly improved. SHe also knew they would be able to do more since they were developing and overdeveloping hypergate and hyperdrive technologies... if they could improve the deployable flowers... make it so that those accessed the hypergate armory... it could become something like each vessel itself being a small fleet... they could really make their star destroyers have the firepower.

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