Baifa Monü Zhuan
Junko could see the storage and they were taking the dorme containers.. which would suspend the entrophic state... preserving the food as well as being able to have the replication technologies within... which benefitted them. The massive storage had droids and everything managing it. Nari and her going to check one of the storehouses and there were of the smaller cases several hundred thousand secured between all of the storehouses. At least two rooms for each home and at least three dozen homes were here. Junko was running some of the numbers and the estimate was nearly seventy two storehouses of supplies like food and water with self replicating storage one could carry.
She could see most of the containers were active in the one room... their capacity was near unlimited and they could produce those so each containers was the size of a shoebox.... Which allowed their shis to take them across the Commonwealth and every citizen, every household could have them in case of lean times... replicating food, water and medicine for themselves. They were made to be paired with food replicators and living modules so that it increased the survival and capabilities of each Commonwealth citizen exponentially. Junko was checking one of them.. only one storeroom. "IF they are all like this Nari, the large scale implementation of it will be worth even more."
She could see most of the containers were active in the one room... their capacity was near unlimited and they could produce those so each containers was the size of a shoebox.... Which allowed their shis to take them across the Commonwealth and every citizen, every household could have them in case of lean times... replicating food, water and medicine for themselves. They were made to be paired with food replicators and living modules so that it increased the survival and capabilities of each Commonwealth citizen exponentially. Junko was checking one of them.. only one storeroom. "IF they are all like this Nari, the large scale implementation of it will be worth even more."