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Dev Shadows of Atrisia

Development on Factory, Codex, etc. roleplay.
THe meal finished and Junko was full... she had worked out a little on this trip but spent more time delecting herself on the feasts from each palace... or feasting upon the beauty that was her handmaidens and the other women of the court.. she didn't deny that the men of Atrisia were also some of the most beautiful in the galaxy... it was one of their biggest things compared to others as well as the fact most adopted their jar'kai style for sabers and melee weapons. THey poured and sold much of their teas across the galaxy as well as the various flavors of rice to the people as well. It would all have to serve their best interests after all.

Junko had seen a few examples and the profits from selling their food to outsiders was only getting more beneficial as prices went up with the constant wars. They would gladly donate thousands upon thousands of crates of food and emergency supplies..... but there were people who wanted it faster, larger in shipment and were offering huge amounts of credits to feed themselves... those credits could be used for any number of things as Atrisia was generating much much more from its colonies as well... the galaxies and dimensions that they were in producing new resources which were premium resources to scientific endeavors.
"I know given what you have worked on princess and what well the colonies bring in are not perfect but... I have seen some of the reports and we are finding thousands of new things that could be transplanted across the universe... you've opened us to the chance now." Qi said it with a grin as finishing up Junko rose before she was walking. "It is true, the colonies have been expanding... we have probes, droids and biots as well as teams spread out over hundreds of millions of worlds and still it is not enough. Even just looking for simple things like possible resource rich moons or planets without natives on it is proving effective as we have found so much."

Junko did have to grin with that... there was much much more in terms of foodstuffs they had found and with their production facilities being much stronger, smaller and more designed to be used.... well they were able to continue to have them on worlds to produce for the galaxy. AAtrisia moving towards the goal of a post scarcity society was important... maybe even impressive to the right people and she wanted to do it cause it could serve as a model to other worlds... the worlds within the Commonwealth itself. Now that the breakwater project was being worked on and built up they could have the Commonwealth secured.
"We have a better chance and it is thanks to the work you and the others have done along with a lot of Atrisia... with the breakwater being built we will hopefully be able to secure the Commonwealth... behind a wall yes but also behind layers of defensive stations and early warning systems. We have been working on a few other things that weill be sent out there for the border of the Commonwealth... sending it out towards the Colonies with the newest vessels. Spreading the Commonwealth to other galaxies has also done wonders economically and to our population as we have been able to bring in other unique properties."

Qi seemed to beam a little at that.. she was just one of the better analysists that Junko had... force talent sure... bookworm yes but mostly she served like the others and made it work. Junko had just managed to find her and she was in the company of ladies and princesses while being a commoner... which she knew didn't matter but she could still get a little held up on it from time to time. "Thank you princess, I hope it does not disappoint that I contribute only a little." She knew there was more they could do.. there was a lot in terms of establishing and setting up the colonies for better intrigration with the Commonwealth they wanted to do."
"You do more then enough." SHe said it and sat there with a smile on her face reaching out only a fraction to hold the womans shoulder. "You don't have to be a genius like Miyoung or some tactical savant like Barca... just be Qi... and sometimes naughty padawan... when the mood strikes." She said it and that got a laugh while she adjusted the girls glasses and rose up supporting herself on her arm... then was looking at the remaining food.... no she couldn't eat more but taking the drink she got some sip with a nod of her head. She held it while she started walking looping her arm around Qi's and going back towards the citadel and the airship.

"You are more then enough for me my dear... and I wouldn't change you... well maybe a little bigger and thicc-er in the right places but largely no I wouldn't want to change your personality." That got a few eye rolls from the girl as they were moving into the citadel from the garden for the moment... as they were able to travel through areas of it. Junko was looking at a few other areas of the citadel that hadn't been shown but then they were not as important... beneficial yes but not as important for a tour. The artistic design going into making the jeweled metal of Atrisia into something that could be used by all of them was impressive.
She could see it and they were experimenting with it... the jeweled metal was already improved thanks to Sasori's materia but there were exotic materials they had access to now.. there was things like the ether dust which could make it interesting or force imbuement if they worked on it properly. She wanted them to be able to better use it and if the jedi princess had her way they would be able to do a lot more. Junko could see other practical aspects... if they could work on it and design a mirror finish then it could deflect lasers... what they would be able to use and it would take a special nanolaminated coating but if they could render laser weapons null or lessened.

Though as she thought about it... unlikely they would be able to get a fully immune anti laser and turbolaser reflective coating... still could be impressive in many cases if they could do something to greatly reduce it like they had done with their damage reduction armor for kinetic impacts and most other things.. the micropole shielding fo the mon calimari allowed them to have multiple protective layers built into all ships and vehicles. She knew they would also be able to use the jeweled metal for other aspects.. weapons and armor were just one thing.. they had access to the prismaatic metals as well as the materia... exotic metals were just one fo the more important aspects.
Qi had shown her much much more as well... she had jeweled metal being infused as a means for them to get it with heat absorbing coatings for their stations and buildings... which would absorb the heat and solar winds or radiation to empower and strengthen shielding. They could use those to element proof and enhance many more things for their buildings.. they were already making it so that the temples and the buildings would be able to be powered and last forever hopefully... even if the cities are overgrown the buildings would be able to last as well as the tunnels which connected them for any future generation who finds the planet or comes after them.

Junko got to the port and docks for the airship as she embraced Qi. "Hey, come back to the palace soon once you are done here.. we have a great deal more to talk about and works to do on the planet." She had other projects to get going... other ideas, other plans aand all of her handmaidens operated with her in making it possible.. the appointments she would need to be abel to work with a few others would serve to hopefully expand some fo the projects insights into different fields. THe airship felt lighter though as Junko got in and some more of their current projects were being shown as approved and in the manufacturing process.
Junko remained on the airship as she could see some more of the improvements, the screens were showing them an incident at the hapan princes wedding... an attack and as much as she worried. The hapans aside from the daughters of Hibana and their force users had seemed to be more and more acting with self destruction in mind for the sake of pats on the head. Progressiveness was altering their culture that had lasted for thousands of years just for the sake of it. She couldn't help it and he few hapans she knew largely avoided the leaders and the interactions with the galaxy. The Daughters of Hibana were here and safe on Atrisia... offering their talents and their skills.

Junko looked at a few other reports coming in but they had more.. they were working on the projects as the airship left the island.. she could see much much more of it there as it was visible. She pressed to the window seeing fighters moving around and the flying fortresses of their gunships that were flying around. For patrols they were a little much but they would be able to defend... anything as the amount of guns and shielding made them slow but massive flying tanks. Junko could see more of their Kabinari fighters swarming around as they were large but able to shift between fighters and walkers providing their pilots with more then enough versitility.
She was looking at the two who were there... her handmaiden had gone ahead to meet her mother who was the admiral of their fleet... well second admiral after Beifong... the Khans were talented with the ships and being chiss meant one thing.. they were dedicated to effeciency in just about all aspects of what they were doing.. they could move and maneuver them all quickly around in a battle coordinated flurry. Junko could see some parts though as the airship docked and soldiers were flooding them to escort... the gleaming black armor polished to a mirror finish and highly reflective as she could see herself reflected in their armored visors.

"Welcome princess." The chiss admiral was a member of Atrisia and had been for years now having been injured fighting for them and then defending the refugees when Csilla was destroyed... the chiss families and settlers getting their own world which she managed to work on and improve for them by bolstering their defense and expansion forces.. it was like they would have continued to exist thouggh now they were part of the Commonwealth and providing much of their skills and information to another entity... but they were out fo the Unknown regions and instead here in the core worlds which few others could boast about.
Junko was able to see Kanna as she exited the airship.. the half chiss half atrisian was tall... taller with her hair up as the golden pins added more of a regal look and next to her was her mother in the Admirals leathers. Black armored tunic and pants... gloves as well as a patch over her eye... the only sign she had been marred though it seemed in many ways to add to her strength since she could stare down many others and make them wilter... even Junko... the woman always seemed ot have a disapproving scowl but she was more agreeable in her later years then when they were all younger and struggling to protect with a handful of vessels.

"Ladies." Junko said it with a smile and bow of her head as the two chiss towered over her... the Khans offering plenty of military expertise... even more since a direct line to the fleet was always important for coordinating with planetary and system defenses. The flowers were large, bulky and able to function in ways few other stations that had been developed could... and they were made to coordinate with the Atrisian fleet providing thousands of extra guns into a firefight compared to many of the others that they face. Kanna was looking at Junko and offered a nod of her head as she came forward and grasping her shoulders brought her into a fierce hug.
Kanna gave her a large hug and Junko returned it. Seeing the handmaidens mother as Junko looked at her and the chiss was stern looking... standing tall and serious. "Princess." She spoke and Junko backed a little up after embracing Kanna with a nod of her head. "Admiral." There was a moment of tension and it passed quickly.. Junko taking a moment to savor it as the older chiss embraced her as well mostly for show... she had been a dear friend and ally of them for a long time since emperor Akio after all and she had helped Junko escape and return with reinforcements... and then went on to help rebuild much of their military forces.

Junko enjoyed having her here and between the mother and daughter team well she could see that they might be able to get a few more things done. The military forces for her palace were set to be some fo the best on the planet rivaling the royal palace itself. Junko knew Shoma's palace was just as protected only he hadn't assembled his grand groupd of guards and handmaidens... they would be able to do a lot more if they were lucky. Junko remained there for the moment though and nodded her head. "It all looks impressive coming in and as one of the military facilities defending the palace.. I don't think many others will be able to match it."
"That is the goal princess, we are looking to make sure military protection of key locations is one of the hardest to breakthrough while also reserving larger amounts of forces that would serve as a second and even third strike weapon. From the hidden artillery that is off shore from the islands to cloaked cannons and aerial platforms designed to move around and not disturb anything. We have automated much and tied it into the normal layers of security and defenses.. with several tactical teams able to override and control it as well as your own biometrics designed into it... to prevent slicing on the override a physical input would be needed but slicing into it would need that as well."

Junko appreciated that... the automation was important but they were not looking to be caretaken by droids or biots.. they were looking to intregrate them into the everyday... which would go a long way towards freeing them up for other endeavors which wa proving the most beneficial. Junko knew there were other parts to it more and more as the automation in terms of farming and fabrication was essential... the cargo containers that were being filled to an almost infinite degree with supplies to be sold.. the sheer multi billion metric tonnage being held within each crate was more then enough to feed entire worlds for several years if they rationed and the worlds paid a premium price for them.
"Your goal is a big one and I know that you have been working towards giving us some of the finest here.. I know we have improved upon other aspects here as well.. I am expecting Kanna and you have more fighters hidden away then I will or should ever need at least." Junko was partially joking but she knew with the pressor launchers that they had, with the storage and droid or biot pilots they would be able to have more fighters.. and Atrisian fighters were designed to be both smaller and more compact... They could fit them in the gravity lattice that they used which allowed them to be stacked properly and safely. The walker mode would also allow them to be stored and at the ready.

SHe was looking at the tower as she could see several launchers protruding out from the crown of it and it looked like it wouldn't be able to offer much but she was guessing that the dimensional engineering of the hanger bay was done so they had one of the better and improved areas... if they were using the best she knew they could end up with several hundred fighter in there and its own fabricator which would be able to create more. Junko was checking on a few other things on the roof of the tower... the defensive measures were pop up turrets but also massive pillboxes that soldiers would be able to use with drone swarm pods for releasing thousands of the combat drones.
Junko could see more of the drones.. they developed and used the fabricators which would serve to make more drones quickly... allow them to use the variants which acted like mines or turrets they coul.d place on different surfaces. With a mixture of mines, turrets, sensors and scouts they would be able to saturate an area and secure it.. with some of them installed with shield projectors they would be able to section off areas or keep things protection... hardlight they might be aable to bend the light around and the drones could alter the envinronment in many more ways for their own benefit. Junko was checking on a few other things that they had on the roof of the military citadel.

Kanna was leading her from the drones towards the lift that would take them down and she could see the soldiers. "We have once the new designs came through begun manufacturing the nano armor... we can use it as an option for reinforcement or even quick applications in the event of an attack before they could have weapons or armor." She said it and Junko had spied briefly the design.. it was further showing their tech advancement. She knew they would need to be and as she went past one of the rooms she could see it.. tattoos being applied along with the particle armor to some of the soldiers who were experimenting with it and it was impressive.
Junko could see more and there were a few other things. "As you can see." The admiral said as she was walking... "We have been working on even more and if our soldiers can have some of the latest, greatest and strongest armor, equipment and means without having to be super bulky it will benefit the citizens... the reforms to service and education has created an entire generation of soldiers... the standing army of Atrisia went a thousand fold overnight as each one was trained and organized... newer and newer generations under these standards will only continue to improve for us and we will be able to do a lot more I am thinking if it is done correctly."

Junko had to agree and there was always a lot more to it... they didn't just have soldiers.. they had other secrets... things that had been uncovered long ago. The jewels of the old Republic had proven quite an interesting find for them. THey had discovered an old republic mint and it had been still printing... still functioning is ints endeavors. The only reason why they had learned about the ancient piece of technology is that one of the vaults it was trying to construct had broken through into Chitai... the Chi-Oni had reported it and when they entered they had discovered trillions upon trillions of pressed aurodium credits.
Junko had been surprised with that news... the early reports were coming in.. the initial scans showed a great deal and with financial reports from the banking clans that they had been attacked... that disruption to their standards and currencies across the galaxy had caused a large fluxuation... well she was glad that Atrisia used darakar as well as the aurodium.. they had the reserves across the Commonwealth to back themselves up but many others didn't and some might even find the value of their credits going down... which only strengthened the Commonwealths position among them. if they could keep the AI's working to increase their own value amid it.

SHe was planning to visit the vaults and the mint after this tour... after everything and Kanna was here as the reports were coming in. The military protection for the mints was considered large but with the discovery of them on other worlds it had led to conflict and danger... some of the worlds had been attacked trying to get to what was considered the eternal treasures on ther worlds... and Atrisia likely had destroyed the barrier protecting the planet but they should be able to restore some of it.. if they could get it to be less Atrisia and more Commonwealth or have it set up for all of the worlds so that even if someone infiltrated the Commonwealth they could still be locked out of systems or planets.
Junko could see more that was there... the reports of the mint... the older supervisors tower that was made in the mountains had always been suspected of being from offworlders... they didn't know and Emperor Kahoshi hadn't said anything but for the Inquisition that he had made... it sort of made sense... now they had a little proof that there was more as well as a place that could be theirs to utalize. The mint and its vaults were were in the thousands... each filled they were reporting with several hundred trillions old republic credits in pun not intended but intended... mint condition... it was the find of the planet... something that would see their economic state rise even higher.

Kanna and her mother were taking her through as they had sent several teams wth the other soldiers and advisors to the emperor that were going there... details and information pouring into their databanks as soldiers were working military formations. Here in the citadel there wasn't a lot that Junko could do for now but she would be able to once she went back to her palace really dive into what they had been doing there.. she wanted to be able to check on more of it as well as see what Shoma or the emperor would do... knowing Shoma is would involve ideas where to spend it for relief which a portion could see to a lot of them.. the other portions to many other endeavors.
There was more information coming out for them. THey were getting some of the better currencies as those were being exchanged. Old republic credits were highly valuable.. so much so a case of them like they provided was worth as much if not more then their darakar with the banks and given the financial situation as they were coming under attack in different sectors it seemed... so the ability to back up the currencies and for all of their customers would be something important. Junko knew their financial AI's were at work on fixing many things and getting them the best results for everything that they needed or wanted... they had to finance the breakwater endeavor after all.

"And here princess we have a new endeavor." She said it as leading into one of the chambers... Junko saw what was being done. Dozens of similar looking women.. purple haired... curvy and stoic faced... carrying and carring for bunnycats as they fed them food. Cultivating the choushin biots was... smart and it allowed them to grow... to make and bring about a lot of ships. Junko knew the benefit as well as the dangers of it but... "Impressive." A room of them would mean the palace had almost three dozen warships it could hold in reserve plus the drone fighters within their holds.... it would be like having a small fleet and army ready for anything that they were going to face.
"We have also been looking, the tech and weapons division is constantly adding more... we are having a difficult time keeping up princess but we have been able to. The newest in terms of tattoo ink for our soldiers to be able to be deployed is impressive... combined with the particle armor that is being developed. It will make it so we can have different divisions of soldiers that are unheard of but... for groups like the dream and blackguards who don't wear armor normally it could turn them into a dangerous division if they are able to have the same effects like many of the army and navy divisions." Kanna said it as her and her mother were pouring over information that came up.

Junko gave a nod to that.. with all of the things happening.. the dreamguard was well.. they were not being used as much. THeir job was to prevent and handle offworlders coming to the world and through their continued reinforcement of their borders, of their defenses... they were ensuring offworlders didn't come around as often... citizens of the Commonwealth were what they welcomed and thhrough assimilation they were making sure all who immigrated or came here... all who stayed after being helped were among the best and bringing their cultures, their drives but were also dedicated to ensuring the success of Atrisia itself.
"The blackguard have had a few things to do... mostly small troublemakers. Saame with the dreamguards but it is nice that they are not needed as much... with their duties able to be lessened and not removed but they could become more symbolic instead of needed all of the time. The education and work reforms with the people... assimilation towaards making the Commonwealth and its member worlds into a united front." She preferred it that way... they could cut some of the bloat from their divisions and offices... if they could make it so the government worked better then it would only aid them in the future and when Shoma took the throne.

"That would certainly be interesting." Junko gave a nod of her head to that. Their normal military was one of the largest budgeted parts in the Commonwealth but all of it had to constantly prove why it was needed... or why it was important to have around. They could cut some funding but they kept their metsuka and priviteers who were there allowing the most loyal and skilled of the offworlders to operate within the Commonwealth. There was their navy which had a constantly upgrading and evolving military force but they were also not destroying or getting rid of the older vessels. In case it was needed or they could serve a purpose... they could have droids operating them.

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