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Dev Shadows of Atrisia

Development on Factory, Codex, etc. roleplay.
Junko examined it and the statues were solid... white marble with gold piping... hands holding up the black wooden frame with repulsors between them creating a balance and pocket which would allow the bed to shift but not be uncomfortable. The massive frame was stretched and she could see areas etched on it that were impressive details that she could see. Junko could see the lighting around the top of the ceiling that glowed coming down.. the light from below reflecting into the crystal grooves of the wall.. along the sides and seams in a way that it made a small amount of light stretch out and illuminate. As the bed would raise more light could come out and fill up the room.

Junko could see as the light came in more and more it was casting allof her handmaidens in the shadows but it illuminated sections of it. Gothic style artwork, statues, murals... the beautful design work was there. She could see other parts as the far wall had its own window and she walked towards it looking down and out onto aa secondary chamber... hidden here with Moon's banks of monitors and equipment. Her own wardrobe with droids tucked away and the diplomat came to bow. "Well a mixture of the traditional and the new... we have been looking for better ways to incorporate Atrisian technologies into a lot of what we have developed within our shadow towers."
Junko had to nod with that.. she knew the work that was going into incorporating the designs and they were getting better at it. The jade materials that they used looked traditional but were highly advanced... the improved windows looked like paper and bars but had shielding between them that would suffice to protect them. It all worked together for what they haad been wanting to see and what they were looking to do which was improving the world and with the new nanites they had introduced on the planet the world itself was being repaired in many places that would properly suffice.. the soil was infused for farming again.. the waters on a large scale cleaned.

Junko could see a few other things that they were working on here.. the tower presented the silk and spices... she knew they also had intoxicants and poisons but that was usually the byproduct... it was set up to be a beautiful thing. Moon had other parts of the tower she could see from the room as it stretched up and then down into the depths... areas of it designed and built to house a few of the other pieces like the biotwomb chambers... which would allow them to grow and evolve their biot soldiers or attendants.. it would make it easier to run the tower where Moon was setting up other parts with a massive vault filled with darakar aand other things that were valuable.
Junko balked at it and saw so much here... the stacks of ingots... the tables that were covered in other riches... from credits sure to aurodium to spices and precious stones. Things that were tradable with other species and more universal as opposed to singular. "Well this is all beautiful I must ad mit... you have outdone yourself this time." SHe said it and was looking things over here in the vaults as past the currencies and riches were bolts of colored silks... packages jammed with food packs that were high value to planets they discovered with the colonies... outer rim worlds that were mostly abandoned to their own fates and devices.

"This is impressive, though I have to ask about why the massive stockpile of currency.. you have more then enough here to buy a planet... a dozen planets and outfit them to your liking even... could spread the shadow towers influence across colonies and galaxyies." She said it more tongue in cheek while looking things over... impressed more that Moon well she wasn't frugal.. she wasn't excessive in many ways but she did know what she usually did and currency also greased the wheels in some negotiations." Moon was looking at her and offered a raised eyebrow as she nodded. "I could.. the Kyushu could live comfortably for thousands of years but where is the fun in that."
JUnko gave her a grin at that statement and laughed a little to herself. "Where indeed... comfortable is easy but my sweet dear Moon Chyld... you enjoy the comfort this I have learned." She said it as they were all enjoying it... going through the tables and rocks of currency... she wanted to pour all of it into a vault and swim in it.. she was certain she could under the right circumstances... cause no way that would just smash into her face. Moon was looking at her and gave a nod of her head. "Oh I do and I am... diplomatic efforts have been more then good enough in these cases and we are working with Miyoung and her scientists to make things even more comfortable."

Junko gave that a nod. "We have been and advances are coming faster and faster... Miyoung have developed the learning computers maybe too good. Even with it adhering to the Atrisian standard of us being involved the computers are churning out and improving so many aspects of daily life, automating the marketplace and trades or sales we have streamlined it. Interactions are big.... friendships and allies improved as well as the Commonwealth itself being more and more functional as we find common ground in our united front... even evacuating refugees from the Dark Empire... we have more space and plenty of trade goods that can be traded outwards."
Moon was looking at her. "The Dark Empire is... barely something to register.... if they came here we could negotiate sure but in truth... they would likely treat Atrisia as most other worlds do.. they would come here to save us... land in a remote village with soldiers... lay claim and then leave with us continuing as need be... they barely leave a major impact in most cases from what all of us have seen." She said it mostly with a look of boredom. "Few come this far.... even fewer have paid attention to the majority of what Atrisia has accomplished.. they would rather save the backwards world from itself... the Alliance doesn't really answer our calls either but that is nothing new."

Junko had to agree with that and information wise... Atrisia rarely bothered anymore.. they had their colonies which were branching outwards... they had facilities and trade deals... they endured... they progressed and they pushed the bounds of their own sciences and engineering... few matched the self sustaining technologies that preserved them and gaave them an excessive amount of food and clean water or air... and they had only just started with that... the nanotech clouds that preserved and restored sections of the planet... cleaned it and did more to preserve the world were a amajor benefit to them as well in what they planned.
"It will be fine my sweet Moon... we might manage some problems... people will come and go like always.... but we will endure and continue to get stringer.. already we have been improving as Atrisia stretches outwardws with the silk road and colonies... from them we can open markets and more places... from there we can establish more colonies which bolster out internal economy and across the galaxy we are able to improve much more for ourselves." Junko said it and they would be able to have a few more things.. she knew that the colonnies also served another purpose as they were extra-dimensional in m,any ways which gave them access to other technologies and the possibility.....

"Plus the possibility of the extra-dimensional colonies means we might have solutions to tens of thousands of problems that might arise or have been solved already. SWe can build off of those solutions for ourselves. We can improve or find places with technologies that are better to reverse engineer... we can find cures to sicknesses or materials for armor and weapons to defend ourselves... materials for buildings and ships... that will be more protective or effective in ways that others have never seen." Junko said it and laying out all of the possibilities was well impressive she knew... she could also see if they improved colonies in those dimensions and galaxies to make Atrisia strong.
"I have seen some of the colonies... we are looking at a lot of it and the extra-dimensional colonies are testing other equipment or exploring.. the extra-galactic ones are bringing in some of the more rare metals and ores we are seeing... stuff that hasn't been seen on the market and that we would be able to sell at a premium across the galaxy. I know the Wukong were really getting excited about some metal dust they found and what it was able to do with their abilities... but it went over my head as the one was explaining it... poorly I might add they were too overly excited as opposed to direct and to the point." She said it but had all grins as she used the force and Junko did so it was exciting.

Junko was laughing to herself. "Oh yes, Miyoung is well... she has her labs and there is always something that is being discovered... a plant, an ore, a liquid.. something that could be used or combined or altered in a way that we will be able to use for ourself... if we can corner it... then Atrisia will go far but it is also Sasori who has worked hard with Atrisia... we push it all forward and are able to use their accomplishments in ways that others can't. Right now we are outpacing the Alliance even in terms of development as we can feed ourselves and all of our member worlds.. she can cloth them and we can develop the means for all of them to live."
Junko gave a nod of her head to that. "We not just Sasori often do... the Commonwealth doesn't extend itself for more people then can be handled even with many of the refugees that might be coming from the Dark Empires territory we are meant to be able to help them." She had been for it and they were able to in some places turn it to their benefit... they were feeding some, housing others. With large stations and the worlds on the outer edges of the Commonwealth served best to help them.. where they were terraforming even more.. they could move some of them to the colonies after bringing them in and they were skilled... eager to get away from the core and empire.

"We had some of the first teams who joined sent to the colonies in the far galaxy... they were hungry to explore and be able to start something new... not perfect but with Crown and Spears we are able to move aand organize a lot more.. the Ba'land that is being made is also something that provides much more as some of the stations have cities built in them and plenty of space for multiple families to live and grow... if we can keep it up then there will be a lot more further down the line... and sadly it shows how really small Atrisia and the Commonwealth is compared to well the universe... the Ba'land shows so much more wonders and things."
Moon and many others were looking at it as Junko had a nod of her head. "The Ba'land is... impressive and in a way... enlightening... we are so small compared to many other things.... the galaxy seemed so large and then there are tens of thousands of them throughout the universe." Junko gave a nod of her head.. they were just a singular piece of a much larger whole... it was intimmidating in many cases but it also meant that the Atrisian people had a chance to expand... or some places where even more could be found... if they could set up additional colonies... if they could populate or set the chance for it to happen where they build their own kingdom in a galaxy.

"We are but think of the possibility.... we could find a galaxy that is empty... just worlds rich in resources but not life.. we could populate them.. we could improve them and we could spread the Commonwealth across the stars into this great star ocean." She said it and Moon as well as the others were giving nods of their head... Sasori had much of the same ideas and were opening it as markets... Atrisia was selling to the worlds as well and being able to test out many of their own pieces of technology now that they were developing. She knew Sasori had improved their hypergate and warping technologies... with it they could access these galaxies and seeder ships could be deployed.
Moon gave a nod of her head to that. "THe idea of it... the sheer magnitude of that scale is something that we might never see... which fine better life for the future and all of that but it is also something so massive and beyond that we might not be able to really comprehend the depths of it." Moon said it and as they were fidning a place to sit and relax... they could have the conversation.. plush cushions that made everything groan in protest of how comfortable it was... enjoyment for the moment as Junko stretched out and was able to feel her bones popping. She stretched her legs out as the cushions formed into a rest she could relax them on.

"THe size of it is massive but there is more that will come from it.. and even more that we might be able to do. Our ancestors sought conquest and expansion.. going far... now we have the chance to take their dreams to a place few others could think of... the universe is our oyster and we can partake of it without the need for it to be tens of thousands of years travel.. we have the means to do it in days or even months.. we could have colonies in every galaxy... spread the Commonwealths ideals... have secured locations for some of the families..... if we can take the galaxies surrounding us here... and do on a galactic scale what we are doing here."
Moon looked at her with that. "You mean the palaces and islands?" SHe said it as a question and was thinking about it as she remained there.... pulling the map out that was being formed and if something like what they had here... with shielding and soldiers could be set up on a scale like that. "What you are talking about is practically having tens of thousands of trillions of people under the command of a singular need.. with the newer transportation and hyperdrives it would make moving around easy enough but logistically even with the quantum networks and communications that we have developed.... such a feat would be scary and impressive as a show of coordination and skill."

Junko looked at her as she could see she was trying to process it... trying to comprehend the sheer scale of it. "It wouldn't be today or tomorrow or a year from now... such a thing would require thousands of years... more to just build up the population alone... by that time the advancements that could be done would be most important... the advances could make such an endeavor unneeded... or things could change in a number of other ways but the ultimate goal would be that Atrisia survives... Atrisia and its people endures and we would be able to take ourplace above most others as we are one fo the first looking to go extragalactic and have our people spanning much more then worlds."
"I see that... but it is something that... it is something that I still can't believe. Even with practicality being taught... even knowing we aare one world in one system in a large galaxy... that our galaxy is a small part of so much more even though it seems a lot happens here." She said it while looking but was awed with it. "It is just something that I was never sure of.. and even the Kyushu want to believe we are all powerful and important." She shrugged as Junko sat there and she understood with a nod of her head. "It will be fine... we are important to ourselves anf the people here... we help them and if it spreads outwards... if we manage to do it the plan would likely never be seen by us."

Junko though still had a smile on her face when she was sitting there... relaxing her mind and body a little. Moon leaned there with her before they were checking on more of it with the screens coming up. THe other handmaidens sitting down around them. "Hmmm we should do more... I know Atrisia is developing stuff for these colonies... but there is a lot more. With all of those Crown and Spears it goes a lot further in some cases... with all of the economic improvements across the galaxy... we might need to work on a few things with the darakar... maybe improve the exchange rates... but have something that is invaluable across all of these galaxies."
Junko gave a nod as there were some alerts and she brought it up. "Damn, they are not stopping.. and more then that they are fidning some things... Matsu doesn't waste time." She said it as the dust and silks were being shown... bofuri silk sounded like something impressive and at the same time scary in other ways... then she was seeing the massive combat ardana that were able to be deployed to protect the construction of additional crown and spears areas. THey were something to see as she knew the combat interfaces made it so soldiers could direct them and add a tactical advantage that many others would not be able to get in the battlefield.

THe materials were something else.. the dust sounded strange as they had accounts of it being used and the research that was being done. With the time dilation technologies they would be able to in some of the research bases work on it for several decades to learn as opposed the weeks or days that it seemed to be since they found it. The progress of time in some cases was aalso important as they would be able to work on it. The silks that they found and how the species knew about their own galaxy was interesting and the effects as it had microtech embredded within it that allowed it to teleport one across the universe which was impressive.
There was some more coming to them... Junko was seeing advances to the station already... aside from how they could move they were developing the ba'lands struts as well... a series of tube like stations that stretched across the vast distances and used the physical structures connecting the galaxies as a guide along with the stations that were already there... better and better they could do it and she was debating what they could and really would be able to do with it... if they were able to anchor points of the station at points in realspace... while sub-hyperspace was being used to connect them... they could do a lot and having something like that for the Atrisian colonies would be impressive.

"Oh damn some of these... this scanner is impressive and could be worth a lot on some of our vessels... along with the tech scanner for dealing with stealth problems... this could detect how many are within a vessel itself.. we could have much much more accuracy." Junko said it and she was looking at how they could incorporate this or some of the other technologies into ships... equipment. The bolt of silk that was able to relocate in a hyperspatial area... it would allow anyone the capabilities to effectively teleport... bringing what was considered by many already powerful technologies itno the hands of the common people and they could use it to get to work or important places.
More pings were coming as she looked things over... Junko eyebrow raising up as one of the droids appeared. "Princess, there is a senate meeting involving Atrisia." THe droid said it and she raised her eyebrow further then she thought she could as no one contacted Atrisia itself... so who.... the screen came up as debate or statements were happening... debate didn't really happen in these and she listened as. "Who is that?" She said it as it was listing someone as the senator of Atrisia... which now there was another one. She looked at it while looking at the handmaidens. "No seriously who is that?" Her handmaidens were working and the AI systems.

"Ah looks like... there is not a lot... no one has heard of him. Ju Li says she and Shoma had no idea but are not surprised." JUnko nodded to that as... now she was even more confused when credentials were coming up... parts of it were vague to the point... she sort of doubted a lot... it seemed they were much more Atrisian in name only and like other senators who went for the world.... were only living on Coruscant.. their words certainly seemed... boring. Given that Atrisia was establishing and maintaining its golden era of expansion and rebuilding... aas they isolated and secured much of the work for themselves. THey were improving every day and developing a whole lot of new advances.
Junko was remaining there as information about... mostly nothing was incoming. A politician raised was nothing new... barely a scratch as the way he was talking... his age would mean he had encountered force users if he was here when Atrisia was occupied... so he couldn't have been on world with the others who were struggling to survive... or worse he had when the invaders came used it as a means of influence to advance his station and was the last remnants of a tyrant who killed millions of people. She wished at times like this she had explored options within the senate. THey had friends in theory but Atrisia preferred to be left alone which was a benefit for them developing their world but not cultivating friends.

Still as she listened she laughed to herself cause Atrisia had some of those things to prevent corruptioon internally and externally... so they would not have the danger of the darkside again... they didn't want to turn what was here on others or cultivate another warlord... it would likely happen. WOrlds changed hands in the core easily enough and the Dark Empire, the sith could return just as easily... and just as easily Atrisia could be left alone or thrown back into the galactic stage.... it mattered little just let them repopulate and rebuild the Commonwealth into a beacon of civilization that would be much better then others in the galaxy.
The senate meeting continued and a registry of force sensitives being brought up concerned her... that would include a lot of Atrisia and a lot of other worlds... darkside cults and groups were always going to be a threat... the darkside was something easy to access and that was why even restricting, even destroying and making it so there would be no trace anywhere.. someone would get the idea to use it.. the force wasn't perfect it was neutral.. it was life in all its glory and danger. Junko was looking as more information was coming to them and she could see the extended parts of the Ba'lands as they were displaying more... two hundred trillion more.

The senate meeting was important.. the news from the SSB auction was also something they could look at and being here with Moon... the diplomat was listening and paying attention to the senate as they could end up trickling down to Atrisia.. the Expo could see Atrisia getting a lot of things as well and the Ba';lands opened up trillions of possibilities for colonies... more so for trade and it would create an economic boon to the Atrisian economy as they were supplying ships, equipment and even more for Sasori latest.. the farcasting distribution network which was going over many worlds. THey were already seeing a lot of business orders coming in for their factories.
"This senate meetings is getting... interesting though this supposed senator doesn't do much aside from agree with others. I think Ju Li or even Shoma would have been the better choice." She said it and Junko had been looking as the orders for Atrisian overstock of food and supplies were being registered and sent.. their farms would be able to meet it so far and they had plenty more stations dedicated to what was needed so far.. the commission of new stations where they would be able to work on parts of it. "He does not but that might be better.. he won't actively harm us or our endeavors either... and we can continue to our own works."

Moon thought about it and seemed to agree for the moment with her. The orders and commissions for stations was needed which would fund thousands of things within Atrisi united... their governmental control over many of the production means was considered similar to what the Dark Empire had done but they hadn't seized it... they had just united and funded the companies as a massive umbrella corporation.. something that spread its influence throughout the Commonwealth. It made sense in a lot of things since they had the things to do more... and now all of those refugees who came to the commonwealth had a massive amount of places and industry to work in.
And there it was. The senator signed them on for whatever plan they had to register and educate other force groupsin the ways of the jedi... which was radical in its own way. THe oulawing of the darkside was the first step... and likely needed. Atrisia didn't brng the darkside either and the Wukong were lightside force users inspired and trained in that first generation by the jedi. So they would likely be lectured but left alone if it was known... she had no real reason to let it be known for the time... the others were not nearly as important to her in this case and with Moon they had other more important things to work on which was a benefit.

"It looks like it went exactly how you thought it was going to go princess." Moon said it and she was looking at her.. the senate meeting was going to go its own way and the SSB auctions that were up were... mostly quiet with not a lot going against them... some of the things being left to their own devices and or ignored which was more amusing in some cases... she wasn't going to kid herself that they were better and a little selfish... the few items that were appearing to be more popular were there though... mostly commissions that were for something in the future as opposed to something that could would be able to get then and now.
"The auctions aren't going our way though... not as many coming out to see the entertainment of them or go after the more interesting things around the galaxy." Moon said it as Junko was rising up and wanted to see what they had to work with.. there was a sense though and she was looking at baktoid which was presenting a few things to them... they might have to buy a few things. The mystery auction was small but it would add up if all of them were lucky in most cases. "Yeah it seems people aren't liking the return of the SSB, no where near as much interest as there has been in the past... but it allowed a lot of companies to come out and show their best."

JUnko might be able to use it... they could get some older baktoid items or check out squib... those looked more towards slicing which would benefit them in terms of countermeasures that they would be able to share with Sasori.... it was a matter of cyberprotection beyond what they had and were aalready working with.. which was extensive. "I might bid on some of those counter pieces or older baktoid... they came to Atrisia once and helped us when we were looking to pull ourselves our of economy ruin since we had little market power... no presence and no manufacturing... Alli ver helped build factories aaas well as some other industries."

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