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Dev Shadows of Atrisia

Development on Factory, Codex, etc. roleplay.
Junko could see the benefit of it and the sheer design where entry to the fortress required going to this courtyard... to this battlefield as the cliffs and marine defenses with turrets and droid platforms... anti air and ship cannons lined the walls of the fortress on all sides save here where one group could land and be at the heavy disadvantage. Nari might not be one of the generals or heroes but she was one of Junko's inspirations for defensive warfare as well as the need to incorporate everything. "We have been taking the smaller islands around the main here... little outcroppings of rocks and converting them to their own shield generators and towers that will allow for extra defensive measures."

Junko gaave a nod ot that... she could see the benefit to having additional shielding and there was nothing wrong with extra layers of defense... she preferred it and field control as they could choose the area and time of engagement as opposed to letting something else dictate the flow of a fight. "It will work and we'll be able to do a lot more... we have been looking to direct ourselves towards improvements... the fabricators and duplicators are being developed to help us more and more... better even we have been working to create the places where everyone can work or have a general need met and survive." Junko gave a nod of her head.... "We'll make due."
Nari seemed to take that as they were walking through the large area... all of the soldiers were working on it and formations were being set up. The army would be able to stand there at the ready and from the tower they would be able to have multiple layers and levels of saturated fire. THey had a lot more things being set up as pop up and pop out defensive walls, energy walls and shields being set up so they could change the formation of the grounds and direct or bottleneck enemy forces. A design to it for controlling the flow of battle. Turrets were being set up for full saturation of any point, monitors and sensors for no blindspots and droid brains to aid in bt not entirely contorl.

"Making due is what we know how to do best princess, making sure that whoever comes after us or brings their attitude here to the world... well every region, every army of Atrisia is united in its goal and with the new military and education reforms it stands at the ready with billions in reserve who can be armed and ready at a moments notice. Defending our homes has never been easier nor has feeding and stockpiling the weapons and equipment to arm all of them." Junko had to agree with that... they had united many of the armies of Atrisia and the colonies, they had united the education all of them went through and offered performance wise... it bred into the soldiers loyalty.
"Making the equipment has been easier... we have the materias and now... thanks to Miyoung we might have infinite resources... achieving a goal that most galactic civilizations would never have been able to reach..." She said it and Shoma had said it would be something but post scaarcity was only a thought... a term in holodramas. It was used usually as something to motivate but they might have it within reach.. they might have the capability to achieve it... between everything. "And if we can reach it Nari we can just continue to expand and improve ourselves." Junko said it while looking at the woman and Nari seemed to agree with her as they were touring more of it.

The soldiers maintained and Junko could see more. Specifically their biots were combat ready and maintaining many more for the armory.. a visible one but also the alcoves that would serve with the weapon fabricator... it was a mixture that would let them have the more dangerous weapons around but also rapidly arm and armor... There was also the biot boxes being set up a means to rapidly fabricate biots for these purposes and combat level biots were always in demand as several of them were now self replicating with ever improving combat protocols to not only keep up with but also to outthink most other organics which made them dangerous but the biots were much more loyal.
"Well I have known you for a long time and the continued improvement and expansion princess is commendable in many ways.. it has helped many of our people and even gone a longer way with the appointment of Prince Shoma... it gave access to a lot more resources for improving your plans and ideas. The credits from your family that have been poured into projects does not hurt either." She wasn't one to knock it... Junko knew that her family was large and widespread through the world, colonies and galaxy itself with all of them contributing to the family fortune... and with Sasori being part of it.. they had a windfall few others could match.

"My family has worked hard and done a lot more... we are just happy that Atrisia has been able to benefit from our efforts." She offered a smile and it was more practiced... in truth there was a lot she might not enjoy about it but her family were old Atrisian... similar to many of the other great families and it meaant a lot to many others... that their coffers were always filled and lined with so much they could donate it all and still replenish within days was scary. It helped to handle the major trade routes, tributes and in some cases long ago they handled the sacrifices and apprasials... it meant they had set the price for trade deals and voyages.
"All of the families, all of the clans are like that and where it started, comparred to where it goes and is... are going to be very different things. We have more then enough building up for ourselves here. My family has always fought and served and sometimes ruled but the clans were united for a reason.. to make collectively Atrisia stronger... we were brought together after many scattered loyalty wise thanks to the sith and now get to rest in a place like this." She said it and an alert was coming through... Junko looked at her interface as she pulled it up for all of them to see outside in the courtyard. "Someone has found one of the lost jewels of the republic."

Junko looked at the news, the lost jewels were a series of planets that were said to hold some of the greatest treasures and secrets of the Old Republic... WOrlds that had been hidden from the rest of the galaxy and lost to time. With only a vague parchment and chart bringing them around. It wasn't an easy thing to see or say but it was for treasure hunters and dreamers. "Not just someone princess." Nari said it and Junko was looking at the alert, it was Sasori... Matsu had developed a lot and being able to scan entire galaxies was something she had seen mentioned with the drider eyes but she hadn't realized how powerful it was and able to pinpoint technological origins.
JUnko could see other aspects of it.. they had developed the matias system which used scanners to allow them to find any tech in the galaxy that was and wasn't Sasori... it made stealh a much more dangerous aspect... now all they had to do was really work on developing their equipment and utalizing the systems.. if they could anti stealth dampeners and ships deployed or vehicles... then they would serve a better means to improve everything or get around some fo the more dangerous attackers and defenders. Nari was installing some of the sensors here in the fortress to allow them to detect foreign technologies brought to the world.

SHe was also looking at the portable hypergates and if they could use them or the launchers properly they could move smaller squads around an area... The continued advancement of weapons was also important, armor itself which they were getting with the molecular inks as it were... Atrisian soldiers were usually tattooed with their squad and a few things.. to better identify and aid them in showing that they went through the crucible and came out stronger... they were powerful as a force and designed to better suit in some cases then others. Nari generally agreed and had been working on other things she could see with the squads that were moving around.
"So have you heard from the prince?" Nari said it as they were walking and she knew well enough.. she likely had contact with the head of Shoma's security which was important to coordinate and make sure that in public the heir and princess were not in the same place and vulnerable to the same threats. Still it was nice that she asked Junko and would let her enjoy the moment. "Yes, he is traveling around the Commonwealth borders, specifically where we are working on the breakwater itself and if it works properly. We'll have massive trade hubs with the worlds on our borders while maintaining that barrier of protection."

Nari gaave a nod of her heads to that... Junko was interested and if they could do it... if they could manage to create fully their breakwater... it would be one of the more impressive feats that they were developing... and if they could layer it or set it up with the silk gates as the primary means of transportation between the commonwealth itself. THey could insulate the worlds... protect each one and make it so invading armies trying to get a foothold would pay for all of it.. for every inch that they would be working on. It would also serve as each link in the breakwater would allow for millions of people to be stationed and live their lives increasing their population.
"THe breakwater project is in some ways insane but if it could be done... we could have tens of trillions of people able to live within Commonwealth space... even more and still be able to provide for them more then enough." Nari said it and a few years ago it would have seemed like a pipedream but they were working and developing more toweards it.. if they could feed all of their own people and billions or even trillions of others... and then they could get more who added to that... they would be able to sustain each other. All they needed was for each citizen to be able to feed a small handful of others and they could feed others.

Junko was wanting to develop in other ways great works within Commonwealth space... they could apply it to the larger galaxies but first and foremost the smaller scale of their own people... they came first and then they would tackle the aspect of saving others. It wasn't a jedi like as she would think about... or as impressive but it brought the people here happiness and there were tens of thousands even millions of other jedi doing much them same across the universe... well the other galaxies. She couldn't speak to the Alliances jedi who seemed to enjoy struggle and being stagnant in terms of the help they provided.
"It goes towards endeavors and progress Nari... if we can continue to stride and advance we might be able to better recover the past or learn that crucial piece of intel that will allow us to last forever and be remembered." She wasn't that vain mostly but the ancient atrisians had done a lot and been forgotten until recently compared to the rest of the galaxy... many of the older civilizations were becoming more legend and mythical in terms of their presence in the galaxy as opposed to be having been there... she dind't want Atrisia to be remembered as a myth or a legend but as a people humble and skilled... filled with beauty and refinement.

"We have much to offer and seem to want to progress rather then always keeping the Commonwealth and its people stuck in the past seeking some glory day." She said it and it was more ironic as Atrisia loved its past and emulated it in so much of what it was doing.. from the building to the clothing... they worked to preserve it on the surface while below... they would have a place of the most technologically advanced systems and measures in the galaxy. TO improve the quality of life for their peoples... to improve the quantity of what they could produce and to protect all of the people of the Commonwealth itself.
"Our past is defining but honoring it and seeking to stay is two different things.. I find myself ather enjoying some fo the new improvements that have been happening... the jade materials are classical with a modern flare for what we are able to do and compared to many other worlds we will be able to entirely stay and survive... if nothing else and all of Atrisia is rendered lifeless... our monuments, our legacy, our history will remain and everything built over billions of years would be able to be seen and found by other generations with the means to hopefully use our advances without falling to whatever caused us to lose ourselves and disappear."

Junko gave a nod of her head as she thought about it... understanding and taking greater care in most cases with it... she wanted to stay and do more... Nari had the army here organized when they finished up. Junko standing on the wall at the walls of the fortress itself. She could see more of it as the outside area where they had developed a few other aspects... the wall was being filled with droids and force users who were interweaving the force into the stones.. the outside area being a mixture of shifting envirnonmental plates, illusions and traps.. with only those who have the proper passes and means to be recognized so that they could pass through.
Nari stood on the wall as she looked out among the island and the trees. "We are working on a few other unconventional defenses.... the show of military force here at the north island and Barca aat the south of the palace will serve to divide the island and from the east and western most islands we will be able to ccoordinate into a grid design. With the proper fortifications we can keep dividing aand overlaying defensive measures that allow AAtrisian militaary to move around and engage while hampering attacking or invading forces." Mari said it and there was more that Junko knew was going into it.. the massive and extensive tunnel network below the waters and island alone allowed for more.

"That is good, I know the undercity will benefit as they have been pumping out higher production recently... the newest breakthroughs allowing extraction from pocket dimensions has well exponentially increased our capabilities... and the new labor and constructor droids have become paramount to many of our advanced construction and refitting. We are going to staart deploying them across the planet to reinforce current structures and convert to the jade materials where we can and need from ruins to temples.. to preserve and coordinate. Then the planetary nanites will be able to maintain the structures and world while cleaning the waters and air."
Junko nodded more to that... The cleaning and reconstruction was continued... maintenance was being maintained... more so they were keeping teraforming towers here and spires in the ground... so that they could keep the world going. THe moons were being populated. Junko observed several lines of soldiers that were keen to make a display and show for her and Nari. They had perfectly lined up, immaculate uniforms, each one looked prestine in their choices and the jedi princess was able to see their weapons on their hips. The twin blades that could become blasters, a secondary weapon of a rifle as needed and improved bracers allowing for access to their full toolkit of equipment.

The visible armor division that was in the courtyard was just as important if not more.. they had walkers and vehicles... speeders set up and at the ready for swarming out. Barca had her war droids like most mandalorians... the eastern and western would have more vehicles and walkers hat could be sent into combat to saturate the island with more defensive measures. The massive platforms were set up for them to be able to use. Junko nodded her approval for it while they started to head back towards the interior fo the tower.. she could look up and see the airship while the salted air smelled lovely. ":So much already built here.. I know you have put a lot of thought into everything."
Nari looked at her as the airships were going towards the larger platforms along the wall... They would be able to work like platforms that walked around and mobile hangers. With the pressor launchers to send the ships out and up.. the atrisian aircraft able to function like walkers for the purposes that they had. Nari had other things moving out.. the gates to the wall were being secured with others.. the matias biots as the larger biots could adjust shape and size... which made things easier but their combination with the paladins and iron maidens made for a display of muscled females who opened and closed the massive and heavy doors.

The gate was the next thing to inspect and the large biots towered over her... more were lining the interior and the exterior of the gate leading out onto the island and it was a bridge. Further designed to narrow and choke attacking forces as the guards had a walkway around with a sheer drop for a moat. It was designed to be dangerous and they could drop for the things below them or have ranged superiority with the cover that was provided for them. SHe could see more of the soldiers and they were standing at the ready shifting their eyes back and forth to follow everything around themselves. The trees in the distance housing hundreds of homes built into the trunks of the forest.
"The ones outside of the fortress, who do you have stationed out there?" SHe asked and they were looking over the forest. Nari following her gaze as she spoke walking with Junko along the narrow bridge. Designed for two atrisians their size to just barely fit side by side... armored soldiers with anything would find it much harder and there was more. Micro repulsors that would launch them outwards if they slipped and downwards like a pressor launcher... increasing the velocity that they would impact the jagged rocks below them. Junko could see more as well.. there were concealed blasters, tractors, pressors which would make anyone falling in the event of an attack... well they wouldn't be likely to survive.

"The families that choose to be outside of the fortress have developed what is considered the siech woods... a secondary fortress in its own right... the forest trees are grown around the structures and they have connecting tunnels and facilities underneath it all. With uppermost structures connected by bridges so that it appears simple enough... while the edges of the forest have advanced shield projectors... it would allow the forest to contain or repel attacks." SHe said it as they cleared the bridge and Junko looked at the small gap between the bridge and the forest edge... the concealed turrets could be seen and there were more soldiers within the trees themselves.
Junko was able to see it and she could feel the force energies around them. "I see." SHe recognized it... the weaving of energies from the white current was all around... the sensation of the energies making illusions that she could see in the woods. It was weaved with the white current as she could make out the illusions where they were being used. Solid state enough in most cases to obscure the soldiers and turrets, sensors and they had grooves in the ground. Trenches that were moving under the ground and would allow the soldiers or villagers to move while others walked above... then they could pop out and the current made it muffled from below.

Junko entered the village and it was simple enough looking.. the homes and places built into the larger tree trunk bases.. roots being used to form around the entraces. It allowed her the ability to look inside and it was simply designed... the living modules with their dimensionally engineered space as well as steps leading down into the under area that they would be able to use with the smart tunnels allowing them to connect with the tubes and inner workings of the islands networks across all of them. Junko could see that Nari had more droids in their own warehouse modules off to the sides that would be able to develop, grow and send out soldiers.
"We have also been working on others areas of the forest.. deployment as defensive measures is a major idea but within the woods they will be able to properly defend.. the shoreline willbe the harder aspect but they can work on the approach. We can monitor but without patrolling with boats and speeders... we will just have the droid platforms that faar out." She said it as approaching the forests edge and showing the shoreline that they had. The microdroids were keeping the sand clean and clear of any debris so one could walk on it without risk.. there were no smaller predatorrs or dangers... just some crabs and birds. The droid platforms she could sense under concealment under the waters.

"It is good Nari, better in some cases." She said it and was crouching with the others as they were able to look out upon it. Junko could see other parts.. this allowing them to look out on the ocean and there were no other islands for awhile but she knew they were near some of the alrger island chanins like this. With the risk of deeper waters that didn't have their shielding to prevent the largest predators from getting closer... but the collection fo them outside fo the shielding meant enemy vessels that need to come in would have to go from there before being able to get itno the shielding. Which would attract them and make for them to be able to get attacked.
"We have also worked on areas of the island... I have been setting it up and the engineers have been excellent in executing the designs. We will be able to have longer ranged scout and second strike attack craft in the smaller islands. in the unlikely event of an attack that bypasses the main defenses and forces... we will have additional ones stationed and ready to come in. With a tertiary defense force in reserve. I have spoken with Barca about the plaanning stages and we are developing it to function like that with all of the points of defense for the island... holding contingents in reserve that would improve for us our reach and defensive monitoring."

The way nari was speaking as Junko moved around allowed her to see a few other parts here.. she could see larger scale improvements to what they had developed as well... secondary and tertiary defensive outposts... could mean shielding relays that serve as additional back ups to the back ups and they had sectional shielding that was more then designed to share and work with such a workload. Junko could see additional benefits to this if they could develop measures like it for their other cities like they already did... sectional shielding over each grid of an area with some open and exposed areas intentionally left such but within a crossfire.
Junko was looking at what it could become in her mind.. they were making cross sections of cross sections of cross sections... layering protection, layering defensive measures and improving large swaths of it to the point in a normal conflict she couldn't see many dangers or threats getting passed... but she knew that it happened. More often then nought it happened so easily and there was no reason why it should have failed. Junko could see Nari's other plans with it of stretching out her forces here while covering some of the other islands.. the furthest extensions of the barrier that they were using to clean the water as well as protect from the massive predators.

"Contingency plans and methods would be welcomed... we are able to learn from many of the mistakes we have done over the years which will hopefully continue to protect us." Junko said it and wanted to do more.. she needed to be abel to do more and they were... the upgrades and implants were optional, nanocellular implants ddesigned to give Atrisians the cutting edge with some fo the finest in organic implants that they literally had flood in their body and could be passed on so that future generations would be able to have them as naturally part of their bodies. Improvements to it would be to junk traits that are not beneficial while taking in ones from other species they might copulate with.
Nari led the way down the small beach allowing them to see the edges of the forest at least on this side. Junko could make out some of the other sections where she looked and it was impressive as the beach gave waay to forest covered mountains and it was designed to be water slick cliffs that couldn't be scaled or ascended by others. She could see where the sands were set up to conceal a pillbox thaat would pop up.. the base of it filled with more droids and space for soldiers to be able to move through with a one way shielding system. It would prevent others from slipping in behidn them without the proper sensors to move through.

She could see more as ascending the cliffs with Nari and the force she went into the tree line with a shield deactivating. The white current used in the forest tree line to allow it to be almost solid in many places... the soldiers able to look out to the waters and sands. She could make out the illusionary path as she led them and it was made to circle around, bend backwards and double down on itself.. to make it so walking through would seem like progress but it was nearly impossible unless you could see the path through and around directly. SMart in some ways and she knew the feeling of the fallanassi elder Arya who was an ally of the jedi.
THe walk around the forest was also leading her around to some of the more secured locations of the island... The treetops were the next area to really secure as they could make a village in the forest that would serve them well but they needed to be able to utalize all of it. From the buildings that werre buitl into the trunks of the trees and obscured by the roots to the tunnels running below between them... to the tops with bridges that were blending in and allowed movement quickly and quietly between the tops. With sniper areas as well as mounted turrets and more drones that could be sent out. The makie drones that all of them were able to use an impressive display.

She could see the drones moving back and forth above.. between the companion drones and makie drones they would be able to have full coverage with the blasters as well as the capabilities for them to be able to be used as mounted turrets at various angles... and mines. Defensive mines for explosions and self cloaking mines to defend in most areas. "It is looking much improved within here." She said it and if they were setting up other parts... they would be able to use it... they had the fabricators set up in the trunks of the trees and she could see some gardens had been set up for all of them... the drones and droids managing it as the harvest was organized and stored properly.

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