Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private Shadows of New Cov


Outfit: Jungle outfit
Weapons: New Lightsaber

Valery stepped into the jungle, her boots sinking slightly into the rich soil of New Cov's jungle floor. The air was thick with humidity, carrying the scent of damp earth and the distant call of unseen creatures. She inhaled deeply, letting the atmosphere ground her in the present. But despite the natural beauty surrounding her, there was an undercurrent of unease — a darkness that had been lingering at the edges of her senses since she returned to this world.

It was like a disturbance in the Force that she couldn't quite place. It had been subtle, just a faint whisper in the back of her mind, but enough to compel her to return and investigate further. This time, she had invited Jack along, trusting his instincts and abilities after their recent mission together. The way he had handled himself, the way they had connected in that hidden sanctum, had convinced her that he was the right person to accompany her on this journey. Even if his reaction to that mask had been intense.

She knew he'd be prepared this time.

As she waited for Jack to join her, Valery's eyes scanned the dense jungle ahead. The darkness she felt was stronger here, like a clouded mist hanging just beyond her reach. She wasn't sure what they would find — whether it was another ancient artifact, a hidden enemy, or something far worse — but she knew they had to face it head-on. It was affecting the natural jungles, turning the otherwise vividly green colors into dark greens, browns, and even blacks. As if the Jungle was dying, piece by piece.

When Jack finally approached, Valery offered him a small smile, though her expression remained serious. "I'm glad you're here," she said, her voice steady. "I'm sure you've felt it too, hm?" she asked him, "I'd like your help to explore."

With that, she turned towards the thick foliage, her senses on high alert, ready to venture into the unknown.


Jack Sandrow

Writer, Character, Invasive Species

Outfit: Iresine Scout Armor
Weapon: Velona pistol

It was the first time Jack had ever been to New Cov. As a matter of principle, he did a few scans from orbit to soak in the information before tentatively heading groundside. The starports were all housed within bubbles dotting the planet, which did irk him somewhat - unimproved starports were ideal for the Pod, but he could make do. Advising the harbormaster to 'just feed the ship a few crates of compost', he headed to the nav point Valery had sent him.

It was a short trek, and already Jack could feel the wildness of the planet outside the dome. There was a raw and primal beauty to it, a savagery that teetered on that razor's edge of chaos and order. While some planets were unmarred by civilization, this one seemed to have adapted in a way that was, to most outsiders, entirely too dangerous to risk. For Jack it was like a field trip.

The closer he got to nature, the more alive he felt... but the more he could sense something buried within it. It was the faintest of sour aftertastes, it was an echo where there should be none. His nose wrinkled a bit as he stood just inside the exit gates, watching the immense doors open to let a convoy pass into the city. With a quick hop, step, and leap, he zipped out the doors just as they closed. The jaunt to where Valery was waiting was another brief jog, and he came to a stop just as Val turned around to address him.

"After you," he nodded, hand on his hip near his pistol.

Jack's senses were alive here, alive and awakened. The life in these woods was more awake than he was expecting, and he had his head on a swivel as a result. Whatever that blackness was, was getting closer, too. Or they were getting closer to it. "I'm trying to make myself feel like a part of the jungle," Jack murmured, eyes seeking back and forth. "I'm not trying to hide, but I'm not trying to stand out either."

Valery Noble Valery Noble


Outfit: Jungle outfit
Weapons: New Lightsaber

"You do have a way of blending in with nature," Valery complimented with a warm smile, "I hope I don't stand out too much, but if I do, rest assured — I grew up in these jungles." As far as she was concerned, they were the most dangerous in the Galaxy. She knew of no other planet where nature was so violent and deadly, that people with all of their advanced technology decided to live in domed cities for their safety.

It was both interesting and thrilling to her.

"In all of my years of exploring, however, I've never seen anything like this. It's not just that I feel something darker — the jungle has visibly changed in one area only." There could be a lot of reasons why it had happened, but Valery wasn't going to just let it be. This planet felt more like home than the planet she lived on currently, and she'd do anything in her power to help keep nature alive as it should be.

Jack, with his unique connection to nature, was the perfect man to help her.

"So, I know it's early to ask," Valery said as she began to walk, "But what do you think of New Cov so far?"


Jack Sandrow

Writer, Character, Invasive Species
Outfit: Iresine Scout Armor
Weapon: Velona pistol

He nodded at her remark, his own grin mirroring hers. "Then I'll defer to your experience out here. My experience is a lot more generalized, and for forests far more passive than this one." Normally planets with prolific plant life had adequate nutrition in the soil, which contributed to a balance between plants, decomposers, and herbivores... but New Cov was already so much different. It was clear the soil didn't have near enough nutrients naturally; consequently, the plants preyed on the herbivores, which had to evolve defenses as a result. That in turn made the carnivorous creatures on this planet even more vicious, and that allowed the plants to prey on the carnivores in turn. It was an arms race taking place in nature, right here and now.

And some part of it was being harvested by the people living here. That convoy still remained in the back of Jack's mind, and he filed that away for 20 Questions With Valery later. Right now he wanted to focus on the mission at hand. "New Cov is... awake. In a way that I've not seen before. Of course all forests are alive and aware in their own ways; the trees of Endor and Yavin are the quiet guardians of their worlds. Kashyyyk has several giant wroshyr trees - each tree is several trunks, so you might have one 'tree plant' that takes up half a continent." He eyed a particular tree with an innocuous little white bud, and put an extra six inches between him and it. "This planet... is alive and awake. Each plant fights for its own space, and does what it can to absorb every last bit of nutrients from its prey. I've never seen a more vicious space that lives in such harmony with itself. I'm honestly excited to witness it."

He closed his eyes a moment, taking in a deep breath. "....What do you think of New Cov's environs? Any insider tips for survival beyond 'not going in the forest'?"

Valery Noble Valery Noble


Outfit: Jungle outfit
Weapons: New Lightsaber

"I'm happy to show you around my neighborhood," Valery joked, her grin lingering as she looked around familiar terrain. She had purposefully chosen a starting point that she knew. It made it far easier for her to avoid certain packs of animals she knew to be living out here, as well as plants and trees that could be harmful. She hadn't memorized it for the entirety of the path to their destination, but enough to give them a much more comfortable walk.

One hopefully without them getting eaten alive.

When Jack began to speak about New Cov and how it differed from other forests and jungles, Valery couldn't help but smile. He painted a rather disturbing picture to most people, given the dangers of the planet, but Valery only saw beauty. New Cov had unique qualities that made exploring truly exciting and fascinating.

How had life evolved to be like this?

"I'm very glad you're excited," Valery finally said, "This planet has a special place in my heart, so I love sharing it with people who are also interested." There was a warm smile tugging at her lips now, and even a gentle blush had seeped into her cheeks.

"As for survival, trust your senses. The best way to survive New Cov's lethal fauna and flora is to not encounter it. Be aware of the life you feel around you, and let the Force guide you away from danger." It was perhaps a simple tip, but one that could prevent so many troublesome situations.


Jack Sandrow

Writer, Character, Invasive Species
Outfit: Iresine Scout Armor
Weapon: Velona pistol

"I'm honored," he bowed his head slightly. "I'm certainly glad I'm getting the guided tour experience; I can imagine the self-guided tour package comes with a hell of a waiver." He quirked his lips at that thought. " 'New Cov Parks and Rec is not responsible for maiming, mauling, scratching, tearing, digestion (partial or total), death, dismemberment, or scraped knees. Please consult your local field office prior to any excursions to the great outdoors.' " He watched as a large flower petal creaked in his direction, before snapping out at his face - caught mid-lunge by his own hand around the back of its stem. "Nuh-uh," he admonished quietly, giving the closed flower a soft kiss on the 'forehead' before letting it go - was it sulking? He smirked a bit at that. "Points for daring - looks like some plants prey on each other..." Made sense - if you couldn't capture your own prey, then try to leech off of those who could.

The darkness was getting closer. And they were getting closer to it. Rot and decay was a natural and normal part of nature, but this felt far more ominous in comparison. He still wasn't entirely sure what it was, but... it wasn't life. Not as he knew life. And that was putting him off. The easy-going smile was fading, and he put a hand on his hip, tapping softly on the exterior of the hidden holster. "We're getting close," he murmured, pausing briefly to address Val directly. "I don't know what it is, I just know I don't like it. I'll follow your lead, but... if it's something I can fix, I'm absolutely going to try to fix it. I just want to make a game plan before we dive headfirst into it."

Valery Noble Valery Noble


Outfit: Jungle outfit
Weapons: New Lightsaber

After watching his interaction with New Cov's dangerous plant life, Valery chuckled and continued the path forward. They were getting closer to the source of darkness - to a corrupted part of the Jungle that up until recently, had been thriving. What had changed? Valery wasn't sure, but the rate at which this darkness was spreading worried her. She had never seen anything like it before on New Cov.

"This is also why I asked you to join me," Valery said when Jack spoke of healing the forest, "I want to figure out what caused this and stop it, but I'm hoping we can also undo the damage that was done." Either by healing the jungle, or even by giving it a chance to recover on its own.

With time, nature always had a way of reclaiming what it lost.

Soon, Valery stopped and let out a deeper breath she had been holding. Through the dense foliage, she already saw the first blackened trees and she couldn't help but frown.

"So, game plan," Valery began, "I think we should first locate the source. Maybe we can if we follow our senses." it was risky because anything touched by darkness could cloud the senses of a Force User. But healing or trying to stop the spread of death would not work without addressing the root cause


Jack Sandrow

Writer, Character, Invasive Species
Outfit: Iresine Scout Armor
Weapon: Velona pistol

They came to a stop, and Jack could feel the blackness flowing out from the wilds near them. It was strange - the forest still felt lethal, but it was like whatever was within the black rot was scaring away everything else. They had a moment to breathe.

"It's not going to be trivial, but I think I can do it. Following rot to its source is simple enough for me - not always easy, but simple - and once we get to the source, we cut it out and destroy it."
Jack was reluctant to kill a part of nature, but if it was truly corrupt beyond repair, it needed to be excised. "Hopefully it's not malignant; I can't imagine what we'd have to do if it's spread."

He steeled himself, palming a small walnut from his hip. Just in case things got nasty. "Ready when you are, Grandmaster."

Valery Noble Valery Noble


Outfit: Jungle outfit
Weapons: New Lightsaber

"I know I'm asking a lot of you, but I'm not sure who else I'd approach." A few Jedi were very in tune with nature as well, but they were either busy or this wasn't quite up their alley. Jack, however, had already proven himself in her eyes, so she felt comfortable bringing him to what she considered her home. To explore and enjoy, but also to heal something that could otherwise ruin something so close to her heart.

She desperately hoped that he could, but tried her best not to show exactly how she felt. She didn't want to add too much pressure on him and feared he'd back down if she did.

She took a deep breath, steeling herself. "I'm ready," she finally said, her voice firm yet tinged with the underlying hope that Jack could help restore what had been lost.

As they ventured deeper, the transformation of the jungle became painfully evident. The once vibrant greens that had defined this place began to wither into sickly grays. The air grew thick with decay, and the vibrant life that once pulsed through the forest seemed to recoil, leaving behind a desolate wasteland. Vines twisted and gnarled, their leaves brittle and crumbling at the slightest touch. The ground beneath their feet, once soft with lush grass, had hardened, and the occasional snap of a dead branch underfoot echoed ominously through the still air.

Valery felt a pang of sorrow as she led Jack further into the corrupted heart of the jungle, the weight of the task ahead settling on her shoulders. But she pressed on, her resolve unshaken, knowing that if anyone could help her bring life back to this dying place, it was Jack.


Jack Sandrow

Writer, Character, Invasive Species
Outfit: Iresine Scout Armor
Weapon: Velona pistol

"I can handle it." He wasn't entirely sure if he could, but.... he'd be doing his damndest.

The woods were growing thicker around them, even as the rot had spread. Jack's nose wrinkled at the stench, and he let his helmet fold back around his head to purge the air. "Nfff. Yech.... we need to work fast." A hand in front of him with a gentle constant Push kept most of the rot and stench out of the way. Jack could feel the decay of the forest pushing out from some source before them like the capillaries of a leaf. Or the clawing hand of some kind of impossible monstrous being. They were getting closer. Jack was surprised that they hadn't been attacked by now, by anything at all. If he had hackles, they would be rising.

When they turned a corner, they had more questions than answers.

In the center of a rotting grove, an immense twisted trunk of four or five trees all constricted around each other in a horrific amalgamation of life. Red veins soaked through each writhing branch, as the tree moved in an aberrant mockery of life. Jack could sense a wave of decay rolling off of it, and had to catch himself before he fell down. "Fff.... by the Force..." His breath was coming more shallow, but the rot and decay around him was thankfully not enough to dampen him. Death was a part of life, and decay and rot had their place in nature. Without life, it wouldn't last, but he could subside on this for now.

"It's.... not dead, not alive..." Jack looked up at the immense tree-thing. "I hate it." That was it, that was what had been brewing within him. A hatred for this. This abomination of unlife and the Force... "I absolutely hate it." The Force thrummed within him, and with a righteous cry he thrust outward with a blast of rejuvenating Plant Surge, the ground close around the pair of them immediately growing verdant and lush with fresh-growing grass.

Worm. Jack barely saw it a moment before a knotted glowing tree branch swiped him off his feet and knocked him backwards into the dirt.

Valery Noble Valery Noble


Outfit: Jungle outfit
Weapons: New Lightsaber

Valery felt her breath hitch as she stared at the grotesque amalgamation before them, the twisted trees bound together like a nightmarish sculpture. The red veins that pulsated through the branches made her skin crawl as if the very air around them was tainted by its presence. The wave of darkness that emanated from the tree was suffocating, pressing down on her chest with an almost tangible weight.

"What is that...?" she whispered, her voice barely audible. The words felt inadequate to describe the horror they were facing. Every fiber of her being recoiled from the monstrosity, a shiver running down her spine as she sensed the malevolent consciousness within the tree. It wasn't just a twisted piece of nature — it was something far worse, something that shouldn't exist.

She watched as Jack released a powerful surge of the Force, trying to bring life back to the corrupted ground around them. For a brief moment, the area near them burst into a verdant green, but the relief was short-lived. The grotesque tree reacted violently, a massive branch lashing out with unnatural speed and knocking Jack off his feet.

"Jack!" Valery's voice rang out in concern as she darted forward, her lightsaber igniting with a snap-hiss. The violet blade cast a sharp glow over the darkened grove, and she raised it defensively, ready to fend off another attack. It came quickly, as another branch lashed out, but Valery responded swiftly and cut it in half long before it could reach her or Jack.

She needed to buy him time to rise to his feet.


Jack Sandrow

Writer, Character, Invasive Species
Outfit: Iresine Scout Armor
Weapon: Velona pistol Forcesaber

Jack was already up, a pure hatred in his heart for this abomination of nature. This wasn't a Dark hatred, but a vehement and virtuous loathing for the debasement of natural life before him. In the first heartbeat, his armor unfurled, tendrils sprouting and armor splitting for increased mobility. In the second heartbeat he fired a massive cloud of spores into the area, coating just about every stationary surface. In the third heartbeat he rushed forward, green Forcesaber lit and crackling with energy, as he began to swerve and move underneath Valery's strokes to aim straight for the main tree. A roar built in his throat, and he began to carve his way through this abomination of twisted life to what he was sure was the source of all this.

Worm. The repeated word hammered at his ears, and Jack snarled as he swiped another incoming branch, before suddenly getting yanked off his feet. He looked to his saber, and a chill went down his spine - momentarily quelling his bloodlust - as he saw a new branch wrapped around his weapon, glowing bright red and crackling with the same energy as Jack's own saber. "VAL! IT'S ADAPTED -" he managed, before a swipe from yet another branch carved towards his face. With an inhuman twist his body was able to turn out of the way as the branch carved a dark acrid streak into the dirt. The oh-so-familiar scent of lightsaber charring rose from the ground, and another two branches swiped at Valery, both of them glowing red with kyber energy as they prepared to engage her in battle.

Bright spark. Addressed to Valery this time, the words filled her head with a rotting filthy stench, as the tree-thing took two lazy swipes at her. Be snuffed.

Valery Noble Valery Noble


Outfit: Jungle outfit
Weapons: New Lightsaber

Valery felt the pulse of darkness from the twisted tree before the branches even began to move. The air seemed to thicken with malevolence, the very essence of the Force corrupted and twisted around her. When Jack rushed forward, she followed closely behind, her violet blade humming through the air as it cut down branches with precise, powerful strokes. But this wasn't just an ordinary opponent — the tree was adapting, learning from their attacks, and becoming more dangerous with every passing second.

"VAL! IT'S ADAPTED—" Jack's shout tore through the chaos, drawing her attention just in time to see the glowing red branch wrapped around his weapon. Her heart raced, but she barely had a moment to process it before two more branches, crackling with the same corrupted energy, lashed out toward her.

Bright spark. The words crawled into her mind like a foul stench, a sickening whisper that made her stomach churn.

Valery's instincts took over, and she spun to meet the incoming attack. Her lightsaber whirled through the air, intercepting the first branch with a sharp hiss as the blades connected. The impact sent a jolt up her arms, the raw power of the tree far greater than she had anticipated. The second branch followed immediately after, but Valery pivoted, bringing her blade down in a diagonal slash that deflected the attack just inches from her face.

A third branch, however, snuck underneath her guard and struck her gut. With the wind knocked from her lungs, Valery was thrown several feet through the air, before her body hit the forest floor with a muffled thud. She groaned in pain but rolled over to force herself to her feet.

The real problem was that she couldn't reach Jack.

"Jack..." she muttered, "We have to fight it together!"


Jack Sandrow

Writer, Character, Invasive Species
Outfit: Iresine Scout Armor
Weapon: Forcesaber

"Yep!" Jack simply replied, body twisting and contorting as he pirouetted through the air. His face came inches from the branches, his Forcesaber knocking back the jabs of the tree striking at him. It was putting every survival technique he had to the test, and so far he was passing with flying colors. So far. And so, in between one heartbeat and the next, Jack did his best to strategize.

Parry. It was Anti-Force, or Dark-side-Force, or something like that, so the Light Side would only do so much against it. In terms of sheer power, Dark Side could take Light Side in a fight pretty much every day of the week - only numbers helped push the Light Side over. And it was only two of them versus an entire forest of trees.

Thrust, parry. Twist. It was plant matter, so Jack had some purview over it. Even if that purview was inherently and intrinsically linked with the Force, it was a distinct form of life that the Force had influence over, one way or the other. Dark side or Light side didn't matter - the Force would have its due.

Twist, block, parry. He'd have to get to the root of the cause. Literally. Whatever it was that the tree wanted to protect, or where it was starting from, both of them needed to get it up and out. They needed a log splitter.

"Crack the tree open!" he called out, slapping away a branch going for his throat. "Split it down the middle - it can't live any longer!"

Valery Noble Valery Noble


Outfit: Jungle outfit
Weapons: New Lightsaber

Valery groaned as she got to her feet, the sting of the wound in her abdomen sharp and burning. The tree branch had not only knocked the wind out of her but sliced through her jumpsuit, leaving a bleeding gash just above her hip. She gritted her teeth, one hand pressing against the wound for a moment, but the sight of Jack fighting fiercely pulled her back into focus.

"Stay in the fight," she whispered to herself, forcing the pain away.

Gripping her lightsaber with both hands, Valery charged forward, her body a blur of motion as she leaped toward the tree. The corrupted branches swarmed her, but she danced between them, her blade slicing through them with precise, powerful strokes. Each impact sent tremors up her arms, but she pressed on.

"Crack it open!" Jack had called, and she knew what she had to do.

With a surge of energy, Valery jumped up and crossed the distance to the vicious tree. She brought her saber down in a ferocious, two-handed strike, splitting through the bark and cutting deep into the core of the tree. The dark, twisted wood splintered apart with a sickening crack, sending a wave of dark energy rippling outward. The tree groaned in protest, its branches flailing wildly as it began to collapse in on itself.

Finally, with one final push, Valery drove her lightsaber deep into the heart of the tree. It split clean in half, the corrupted energy dissipating into the air like smoke.

As the tree fell, Valery dropped to her knees, her breathing labored and her hand pressing against the wound at her side. Blood dripped down her fingers, but she managed a weak smile, knowing the fight was over.


Jack Sandrow

Writer, Character, Invasive Species
Outfit: Iresine Scout Armor
Weapon: Forcesaber

With a sound of splitting wood - or perhaps rotting fruit exploding from over-ripeness - the tree groaned, then collapsed into its multitudinous shattered trunks. Jack was quick to dive in, grabbing the rotten core with the Force and immediately began layering plant matter overtop, not even seeing the pinprick of decay before his Plant Surge smothered it in layers of goo and shell-like casing. "Got it!" he called, holding the malformed lump in his hands gingerly, using the Force to keep the lump floating an inch over his palms. "And.... easy does it."

He looked around, wincing at the sheer carnage around them. "....Val, this is going to take time to fix. If you want me to make a concerted effort for this, it's probably going to be a weekend, maybe full-week project." A sigh, as he gently floated the grassy lump over to her. It was already starting to feel... off. Jack didn't want it near him. "I need to get some null-pine resin... that might be a few hours. This has to be preserved, or stabilized, or put in stasis. I can't touch it - and I don't want to touch it."

He took a few steps back, running his tongue along his teeth. "...if it's alright with you, Valery, I'd like to get started on this. Triage, then repair, then regenerate."

Valery Noble Valery Noble
Last edited:


Outfit: Jungle outfit
Weapons: New Lightsaber

Valery groaned softly as she remained on her knees, her hand still pressed tightly against the wound in her abdomen. Blood seeped through her fingers, staining her jumpsuit a deep crimson, and the pain was now radiating through her body in waves. Each breath came shallow and labored, her body trembling from the effort of keeping herself upright after the intense battle.

As she heard Jack speak, Valery forced herself to look in his direction, but her movements were slow, her strength waning. When she turned toward him, the torn fabric of her jumpsuit revealed the gash just above her hip — a deep, bleeding wound that clearly needed attention.

"Do... whatever you need to do," Valery finally managed, her voice strained but still carrying that familiar resolve. "But... I need a moment." She pressed harder against the wound, her fingers slick with blood, as she tried to stop the bleeding. Her other hand reached out slightly, steadying herself against the rough, splintered bark of a nearby tree.

"I uh, could use some help," Valery finally added, a bit reluctant at first, but she recognized that this wasn't something she should try to handle alone.


Jack Sandrow

Writer, Character, Invasive Species
Outfit: Iresine Scout Armor
Weapon: Forcesaber

He swore.

"Yeah. Yeah, sorry. Here." He set down the lumpy nugget, immediately hurrying over to Valery. "Hang on... how bad is it?" Plant matter from his armor slowly coalesced into Jack's palm, forming a poultice that he carefully pressed to the open wound. He winced a bit, shaking his head. "Didn't know you got hit so bad, or I'd have been here sooner." Bacta-infused nodules and various topical anesthetics and antiseptics soaked into the wound, and after a moment Jack replaced his hand with her own. "Just hold that there for a bit... I don't have synthflesh yet in my repertoire, so that'll have to do until we get you to civilization."

He stepped back, looking around a moment to the ruined and blackened forest. "....right. Let's get started..." Tapping briefly on some enigmatic controls on his forearm, he looked up far above them before looking to Valery. "How are you feeling? Any better?" It had been a while since he had to run triage, so... he wanted to be absolutely sure she was okay to move before they actually had to move.

Valery Noble Valery Noble


Outfit: Jungle outfit
Weapons: New Lightsaber

Valery winced as Jack pressed the poultice to her wound, the sting of the treatment momentarily intensifying her discomfort. The warmth of the bacta-infused nodules soothed the area slightly, but it didn't take away the overwhelming sense of weakness that had crept into her body. She managed a faint smile, appreciating his quick help despite her current state.

"Thanks," she murmured, her voice softer, lacking its usual strength. "It's... it's better, but still..." Valery's legs trembled slightly as she pushed herself to sit back against the tree. "I'm not sure I can move just yet." She took a shallow breath, the weight of exhaustion settling heavily over her.

As her hand pressed against the poultice, Valery's fiery gaze flickered up to Jack. "Just... give me a little longer," she added, trying to reassure him, though it was clear she needed time to recover.

Every breath came labored now, and while the bleeding had stopped, the shock of the injury left her feeling more vulnerable than she liked. And her skin was starting to get pale.

"Do you have bandages?" Valery reached for the zipper at the front of her jumpsuit and gently tugged it down, exposing herself more than she usually would, but something needed to be wrapped around her waist to stop the bleeding and keep the wound from getting infected.


Jack Sandrow

Writer, Character, Invasive Species
Outfit: Iresine Scout Armor
Weapon: Forcesaber

"Just take your time, take it easy," Jack assured her, staying close as she sat back. "We can take as long as we need." He knelt beside her, turning his head away as she began to tug the jumpsuit down. "I don't have bandages bandages, but I can fashion something if you want." Grabbing at some roots, he wove a quick patchwork and handed it to her. "That should wrap itself around your midsection, and you can tighten it as much as you need." He gave her a smile, then looking up, he took a few steps back into an open area. "Incoming..."

With the crackle of breaking branches, an immense drop pod popped a parachute overhead, before landing with a massive 'THUD'. "Okay, this should give me a good boost for getting repairs started here..." He patted the side of the oversize armored pod, grinning as it split open, legs and 'face' adjusting into position. "Alright big guy, get to work." Dutifully stomping around, it began to hose thick streams of gooey sludge all over the ruined plant life in the grove, as Jack returned to Valery.

"Nutrient mix." He thumbed over his shoulder at the Diadidon spraying Chyme everywhere. "Don't get it on you, but it's good for plants. And me." He grinned, kneeling back down next to Valery. "How are you feeling? Can you walk?"

Valery Noble Valery Noble

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