Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private Shadows of New Cov


Outfit: Jungle outfit
Weapons: New Lightsaber

Valery glanced back over her shoulder and smirked, holding back a chuckle as she noticed Jack's struggle to move through the confined space of the vent. "Not a fan of tight spaces, huh?" she teased lightly. "You know, I actually got stuck in a vent like this once during a mission on Nar Shaddaa. It was… not one of my finer moments." She shot him an amused look, her grin widening as she continued forward. "So trust me, I get it."

She shifted her focus ahead, sensing the end of the vent system approaching. As they reached the grated entrance to the control room, she carefully loosened the bolts and pushed it open, peering down at the rows of computers and large screens showing status reports of various processing plants.

"This is it. The control room," she whispered, glancing back to ensure he was ready. "Let's see what we can find." With one last careful movement, Valery slipped out of the vent and dropped quietly onto the control room floor, her gaze sweeping across the consoles and terminals scattered around the room.

She had definitely been inside before and realized she had just revealed as much.


Jack Sandrow

Writer, Character, Invasive Species
Outfit: Casual day-to-day
Weapon: None

"Nothing's built for people of my height, I have to custom-craft everything,"
he muttered with a tinge of amusement, continuing to follow her. She dropped down, and he followed a moment later, landing with catlike grace and a soft 'thud'.

As he rose to his feet, he was a little surprised to feel a tinge of disappointment. He wasn't sure what he was expecting, but to see just rows upon rows of computer terminals and button banks was a bit disheartening. He had hoped to see some biotech, but apparently none of that was here. Just the industry stuff. Still, the cameras did provide a great view of the entirety of the building at large.

He walked up and down the room, fingers trailing a hairsbreadth above the consoles without actually touching them. "...I'm surprised the place is so empty," he murmured, brow furrowing a bit. "It's the middle of the afternoon... No one's here?"

Valery Noble Valery Noble


Outfit: Jungle outfit
Weapons: New Lightsaber

Valery's gaze drifted around the room, taking in the empty terminals before glancing back at him with a small smile. "Most of the facility is automated," she explained, moving closer to one of the larger displays that monitored the processing operations. "A few operators walk through periodically, just to keep an eye on things or run diagnostics, but they don't always stay in the control room. It's cheaper and safer for them that way."

She paused and looked at the live camera feeds showing various sections of the plant, some filled with machinery whirring away while others appeared as empty hallways. "Is there anything specific you're hoping to see on the monitors? Any particular area you're curious about?" Her tone was light and curious, clearly open to exploring more, depending on what caught his attention.

With a flick of her fingers over the controls, she began switching between feeds — storage areas, processing units, and exterior surveillance zones. "I'd imagine the more interesting tech is elsewhere in the plant, but these cameras should give us a good overview."


Jack Sandrow

Writer, Character, Invasive Species
Outfit: Casual day-to-day
Weapon: None

"Mm..." He ran his tongue behind his lip, thinking a moment. "I'm not sure..." Extraction, processing, pulping, all of it would be done fairly brutally. It wasn't an extraction like he was used to; saving the biomolecule would require some minimum level of restraint, but at the end of the day bacta was harvested with a grinder and rhydonium was processed through high-intensity pressure.

He bowed his head, eyes closing as he found a ledge to park his keister. "....let's see..." With a slow exhalation he spread his awareness across the entire facility, letting the plant life around the city provide a barrier to keep his focus contained. He could sense Valery close by; every time he sensed her he was continually astonished by how damn bright she was. The plant matter coming into the facility via trucks were fresh, but dying slowly. He winced a bit, shaking his head slightly. Always so traumatic. It was why the planet was so hostile, he had heard; a conversation would help with that, wouldn't it? People could provide a safe place for plants to grow, and the plants in turn could provide biomolecule-rich fruits for easier processing.

Huh. Actually that wasn't a terrible idea. If he could get a good chunk of samples off the surface, then he'd be able to perhaps convince them for his own operations.

His eyes opened after a long moment, and he looked for Val. "We should check out processing. I want to see where the raw plant matter gets... chopped up." Anything after that would be irrelevant for his purposes, anyway.

Valery Noble Valery Noble


Outfit: Jungle outfit
Weapons: New Lightsaber

Valery watched Jack carefully as he spread his awareness throughout the facility, observing the subtle shifts in his expressions. There was something almost meditative about it, and for a moment, she remained silent, allowing him the space to process everything around them.

When his eyes finally opened and he suggested checking out the processing area, she nodded, a small smile tugging at her lips. "I think that's a good idea. It's where all the action happens, and you'll be able to get a closer look at how they handle the biomolecules," she said with a slight hint of excitement in her voice. It was clear that this sort of exploration — learning and discovering new things — was something she truly enjoyed, especially with a companion who shared her curiosity.

She turned towards one of the camera feeds that displayed the entrance to the processing area and gestured for him to follow. "It should be down the hall, through that door on the left," she murmured, a mischievous twinkle in her eyes as she led him toward it. The closer they got, the louder the distant hum of machinery became, and soon enough, they were standing just outside a heavy, reinforced door labeled Processing Wing.

"Ready to see the real heart of the operation?" Valery asked with a playful grin, resting her hand on the door's control panel. "But, uh, no getting carried away and hugging any plants that might be in there, okay?" she teased, remembering his earlier comments about plant life. With that, she activated the door's controls, and it slowly slid open, revealing the bustling, industrial expanse of the processing wing.

Massive machines worked tirelessly, their mechanical arms maneuvering bundles of plant matter through various stages of extraction and processing. The scent of crushed leaves and organic matter filled the air, along with a faint, almost medicinal smell from the biomolecules being refined.

Valery glanced at Jack, curious to see his reaction. "Looks like it's operating at full capacity." She then gestured around the room, "What do you think? Anything specific catching your eye?"


Jack Sandrow

Writer, Character, Invasive Species
Outfit: Casual day-to-day
Weapon: None

He nodded, anticipation and apprehension mixing with a bubbling twisting sensation in his stomach. "If I can see how it all separates... I can figure out how to adjust that for what I need." He followed her along the hallways, doing his best to stay out of any stray camera's view. Valery certainly seemed familiar with this place... he'd have to ask her about it.

"Yes, yes, I promise not to get too tearful about it," he said with a bittersweet smile. "They're dead already... least I can do is learn from them and move forward." They pushed in together, and the smell hit him like a wave of floral death. He winced at the tang, involuntarily tugging his shirt up a bit to cover his nose. Green leaf volatiles... For him, it was a ripe odor, the dying cries of shredding plants. He swallowed a bit, moving along as quickly as he could, watching the various mechanisms carefully press, squeeze, extract, and begin collecting the biomolecules. His nose wrinkled, but he was getting used to the smell and heat of the factory now, so he dropped the shirt from his face.

"It's.... about what I expected." He swallowed a bit, looking to Valery so he didn't have to watch the processing at work. "You take millennia of rough harvesting and mix that with a stubborn refusal to communicate with nature, so it's a constant uphill battle to keep production up..." He shook his head, taking a slow breath, looking back to Val again with a curious glint in his eye. "What do you think of all this?"

Valery Noble Valery Noble


Outfit: Jungle outfit
Weapons: New Lightsaber

Valery's gaze shifted from the machines extracting the biomolecules to Jack, her brow arching slightly with curiosity. "And what exactly are you planning to use all this knowledge for?" she asked, the question carrying a hint of caution mixed with genuine interest.

She trusted him, knowing how much he cared about nature, but it was her life's work to keep New Cov safe and prevent these biomolecules from being used to do wrong.

She leaned against the railing, her eyes still occasionally darting back to the noisy, bustling factory floor below them. "You're thinking of ways to improve the process? Or do you have something completely different in mind?" Her tone softened, her concern apparent, but also her trust. "I know your focus is on helping, but these kinds of resources... they attract a lot of dangerous people. I just want to make sure you're not putting yourself in a tough spot."

Pirate raids are not exactly uncommon to ships leaving New Cov.


Jack Sandrow

Writer, Character, Invasive Species
Outfit: Casual day-to-day
Weapon: None

"I... well, I don't think I can improve upon what happens here, not without drastic and radical changes to the entire process and the planet's biosphere." His eyes went a bit distant, lip quirking a bit in thought. "But if I were to also make use of the biomolecules here, I'd want to start fresh. As in... my own production 'factory' " - he actually used fingers for air quotes here - "with a far more natural method of biomolecule extraction." He had absolutely no idea how to do that, but the more he thought about it the more he was wanting to explore that thread.

"It's just an idea, but... if I can get hands-on with the flora here for some time, I might be able to figure out a better method of extraction. No idea how long I'd have to take, but I think I could improve on.... this." He gestured to the endless crushing and pulping of plant matter. Taking a deep breath, he focused back to Valery again. "...Defending my work is something that comes a bit more natural to me, though," he added with a slight grin. "These vines have thorns."

Valery Noble Valery Noble


Outfit: Jungle outfit
Weapons: New Lightsaber

Valery listened intently, her expression softening as she saw the passion and curiosity behind Jack's words. He was genuinely intrigued by the possibilities here, but she could also sense his desire to approach this challenge with a balance of innovation and respect for nature. That alone set him apart from many others who sought to exploit the planet's resources.

"Then why don't you stay here for a while?" she suggested, her voice calm and inviting. "We have a hidden Jedi Temple here on New Cov, and I can arrange a place for you to stay. It's close to the jungles, so you'd have plenty of access to the flora and could start exploring your ideas."

She paused for a moment, eyes locking with his. "If you're serious about this project, it might be worth taking the time to see what's truly possible, after all, rather than rushing into things. Besides…" she smirked, "It's not every day that I offer someone the chance to stay in a Jedi Temple."

There was a hint of playfulness in her tone, but the sincerity was unmistakable. She respected his drive, and if he was willing to put in the work and time, she wanted to help him achieve something meaningful.


Jack Sandrow

Writer, Character, Invasive Species
Outfit: Casual day-to-day
Weapon: None

Jack's eyes widened a bit. "I..." He blinked. For the first time in a very long while he was actually speechless.

"...I would be more than honored to stay at a Jedi Temple." His mind was alight with new ideas. "I've never stayed at one before, and.... to get to soak in the life and light of a Temple would be the greatest honor." He nodded slowly, thinking through a possible way forward for this. He'd be able to trade notes, either with Valery or whoever else might be at that temple.... He'd be able to focus on the New Cov biosphere and actually study the flora here.

His mind was still a bit upheaved, but he caught the tail end of Valery's comment, and his grin matched hers. "I... yes, I would like that very much. And thank you. I don't want to rush this, and I'll take all the help I can get with this." His smile broadened a bit, and he nodded to the entrance of the facility. "...Honestly, I'm good to leave this place whenever you are... sooner I can start the better."

Valery Noble Valery Noble


Outfit: Jungle outfit
Weapons: New Lightsaber

Valery watched Jack's reaction with a genuine smile, the surprise and excitement lighting up his eyes making her own expression soften. There was something endearing about his enthusiasm, and she couldn't help but feel a sense of warmth at the idea of welcoming him to the New Cov Temple.

"I think you'll find it a unique experience. It's smaller than most Temples, but it's a place of calm and reflection. You'll be able to explore the local flora and study it in peace." She paused, tilting her head thoughtfully. "Plus, I think the others will enjoy meeting someone with your passion for nature. It's rare to find people who connect to it like you do."

Valery glanced back at the facility one last time and then turned back to Jack with a determined nod, "Let's get out of here then. We've seen what we needed to, and I'm more than ready for a change of scenery."

With that, Valery gestured for him to follow, and together they moved swiftly out of the facility, leaving behind the scent of processed plant life and the mechanical hum of machinery. The moment they stepped outside into the city again, the air felt fresher and the vibrant energy of New Cov's streets seemed to welcome them back.

She felt quite relieved.

"Ready to explore the city a bit more? Or do you want to go into the Jungle and head for the Temple?" she asked with a playful smirk, already feeling the shift in atmosphere as they left the facility behind.


Jack Sandrow

Writer, Character, Invasive Species
Outfit: Casual day-to-day
Weapon: None

"Thank you, Valery - genuinely, thank you," he smiled, nodding with her. "I'm looking to sharing space with others that may or may not be nature-inclined, but... who are more than willing to share with the Force. I've been doing this solo for so long that I've almost forgotten what the community of it all would feel like." His 'heart' was already racing a bit at the idea of it, and he couldn't keep the smile off his face. "I'm really looking forward to it."

Leaving the facility felt more relieving than he had been expecting - the fresh air took a weight off his shoulders, and he drank in the warmth and vibrancy of the city with renewed vigor. Returning Valery's smirk, he looked to her with all the innocence. "I do recall you promising a cafe experience on the tour... I'd love to see what New Cov has to offer, and then we can head out for the Temple before dusk hits?"

Valery Noble Valery Noble


Outfit: Jungle outfit
Weapons: New Lightsaber

Valery's smile softened as she observed his excitement. "You're more than welcome, Jack. It's not easy to go at it alone for so long, but you'll see that having a community can make the experience even more rewarding. There's always so much to learn from others, especially when you're immersed in a place filled with Jedi who are in tune with the Force in so many unique ways."

As they stepped out into the vibrant city, Valery breathed in the fresh air as well, and with a mischievous grin, she nodded. "Alright, let's not waste any time then. I know just the perfect café for this tour." Her tone shifted to one of mock seriousness, as she added, "But don't get too distracted by the pastries — I expect you to save room for a proper meal back at the Temple."

With that playful warning, Valery guided him through the lively streets of New Cov, leading them towards the café she had in mind. It was a quaint place nestled between two lush walls of cascading vines, its warm lights beckoning them inside. She glanced over at him, her eyes reflecting the excitement she saw mirrored in his, and together they moved forward into what was sure to be a memorable part of his introduction to the planet's wonders.

"After this, we'll head to the Temple and get you settled in," she said with a final nod, as she found them seats at a table nearby. "I have a feeling you'll fit right in."


Jack Sandrow

Writer, Character, Invasive Species
Outfit: Casual day-to-day
Weapon: None

"Yes, I promise to save some room - I can enjoy a little afternoon snack without spoiling my appetite,"
he grinned, staying close behind as they weaved through the city. The walk was short but quite enjoyable; all the plants and city scents mingled into a rich tapestry of life and living. As they approached the cafe, he could taste the food on the air, the rich flavors of drinks and pastries its own little promising heaven. "Oh... that smells amazing..."

The vine walls gently shifted slightly as they passed, Jack smiling just a bit at the other people nearby looking at it with surprise. A rather curious vine segment hopped through the air to land on his shoulder, and he chuckled as he let it snake around his arm as an impromptu affectation. "I have no idea how well I'll fit in," he grinned, taking a seat and reclining comfortably as he gently coaxed the vine out to tangle around his wrist and fingers. "But I'll trust your intuition on that; you haven't steered me wrong yet," he teased. "And hopefully that doesn't happen any time soon," he added with a wink.

Valery Noble Valery Noble


Outfit: Jungle outfit
Weapons: New Lightsaber

Valery's smile grew as she watched Jack interact with the vine, the casual way he wove it around his fingers making it look almost like an extension of himself. "I think you're fitting in better than you might realize," she teased, gesturing toward the curious glances of the other patrons who were clearly fascinated by his connection to the plant life.

Taking a seat across from him, she leaned forward slightly, her fiery gaze lingering on his playful expression. "And I don't plan on steering you wrong anytime soon. But," she paused, her lips curling into a playful smirk, "If I do, I trust you'll handle it with that same charming grace."

Valery then shifted to glance at the menu, her eyes scanning the various options. "Anything catching your eye so far?" she asked, her voice filled with curiosity. "Because I'm tempted to get us a little bit of everything."

She leaned back in her seat, enjoying the relaxed atmosphere and the energy he brought to it. Moments like these were a rare escape from the chaos of her usual life, and she cherished it.

"I will say though, the cooking at the Temple is even better."


Jack Sandrow

Writer, Character, Invasive Species
Outfit: Casual day-to-day
Weapon: None

He shrugged nonchalantly, smiling a bit at the vine happily curling up and over his finger, down across his thumb, back up his wrist. "Hey, first impressions are everything... but I'm content to be a curiosity to this place until I'm actually settled - if I do get settled, of course. No promises either way just yet."

His easy smile quirked a bit into a grin, as Jack sat up a bit to check over the menu again. "Hmmm... Honestly? A little bit of everything sounds like the most fun. I'll follow your lead on it." It was genuinely nice to actually take time to relax, breathe, renew and regenerate. In the back of his mind he was asking the vine about the day-to-day outside the cafe; lots of quirky customers, but thankfully nothing too exciting or dreadful. A very curious vine indeed.

"How many people are usually at the Temple at any given moment?"
he queried, tilting his head a bit. "I can't imagine it's a whole lot, if the jungle is that hostile... even with the Light Side helping pacify it a smidge."

Valery Noble Valery Noble


Outfit: Jungle outfit
Weapons: New Lightsaber

Valery watched him interact with the vine, her smile never fading. There was something so endearing about the way he connected with nature, and it only reinforced her belief that he'd fit in well on New Cov, whether or not he decided to stay.

It even made her jealous — she had learned to survive in the Jungle, but she hadn't quite learned how to thrive in it the way he could. She wasn't able to connect or bond with animals, and she couldn't manipulate, stimulate, or help plants in her surroundings either.

She had adapted in her own ways.

"New Cov's Temple isn't as large as some of the others, so it usually has few Jedi stationed there. We mostly visit it when we're on a mission in this region, or when we want something quiet and peaceful," she explained, leaning back comfortably in her seat.

She glanced over the menu herself, taking in the local delicacies with a look of excitement. "For now, though, I say we try a little of everything and enjoy the day," she suggested with a grin. "It'll be a good way to ease into things, right?" Her gaze shifted back to him, warm and inviting.

It didn't take long for a waiter to arrive, and Valery ordered an almost absurd amount of food. Even for trying bits of everything, she showed her appetite with the sheer quantity of her hunger.

She needed a lot of food to maintain her physique.


Jack Sandrow

Writer, Character, Invasive Species
Outfit: Casual day-to-day
Weapon: None

"I'm all for quiet and peaceful - I also wouldn't mind a little adventuring mission or two,"
he grinned, remembering back to their escapades on Odryn. "If you're extending the invite more or less indefinitely, I'm sure I can think of some way or another to assist with anything like that." The galaxy was ever-changing, after all.

"And yes, absolutely - a little bit of everything is a great way to bookend the day." He was more than pleased at the spread provided, and while he did gravitate towards the sweeter & savory goodies, he made sure to follow Valery's advice to try everything.

Jack was saving room for dinner, though, so he was the first to sit back and just enjoy a mug of rich dark caf. "Mm. Now, I promise I'm not in a rush to get back out there, so please don't feel like I'm hurrying you; but I do have to admit, based on these nibbles I am very much looking forward to New Cov dinner at the Temple." He paused for a little sip. Very rich... maybe he should try experimenting with caf beans too... "Mmm... do you have a favorite dinner cuisine? Local or otherwise."

Valery Noble Valery Noble


Outfit: Jungle outfit
Weapons: New Lightsaber

Valery leaned back in her chair, her fingers lightly drumming against the surface of the table. A small, thoughtful smile played on her lips. "You know," she began, glancing at Jack with a touch of amusement in her gaze, "I'm not as complicated as some might think. When it comes to food, I'm just a big fan of the classics. Give me a perfectly cooked steak, some seasoned potatoes, and a side of vegetables, and I'm a happy woman."

She paused, savoring the image of her ideal meal. "There's something comforting about it — sitting down after a long day and enjoying a meal that's simple but done right. It doesn't have to be fancy or elaborate. I think that's what makes it feel like a true reward after a day's work."

Valery's eyes sparkled as she leaned forward slightly. "What about you? I can't imagine you'd shy away from experimenting with more adventurous dishes, considering all the things you work with." She chuckled softly. "Do you have a go-to comfort meal or something that you find yourself craving when you need a break?"

Her curiosity was genuine, and the warmth in her tone suggested she was eager to learn more about the preferences that made up the unique blend of his personality.


Jack Sandrow

Writer, Character, Invasive Species
Outfit: Casual day-to-day
Weapon: None

Jack nodded enthusiastically at that. "Actually I am very much the same - though I do prefer more of the carnivorous side of things. I produce my own veggies, so to speak - I get most of my nutrients from meat. That's not to say I can't enjoy a classic 'steak and taters' - I was Corellian, once upon a time - but I'm really mostly enjoying the steak part of that meal." He was salivating a bit just thinking about it.

"As for a go-to comfort meal? Whuff..." He thought about that for a long moment, sipping his caf. "A good nerf steak, bloody and rare, paired with a good kenalpa-barrel aged Corellian whiskey... It's been a while since I've had that, though. I should treat myself to that again," he chuckled. The vine on his finger curled tentatively, and he grinned a bit, looking to Valery.

"As for foods that I can experiment with? Well. Considering just about half the galaxy's food consumption comes from plants, tubers, veggies, seeds, and whatnot? I absolutely get to experiment, and I enjoy it. Give me time and a plant willing to experiment, and I can craft just about whatever you'd want." He grinned, giving her a bit of a wink. "And yes, this includes stuff you might want for extra relaxation purposes, too."

Valery Noble Valery Noble

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