Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private Shadows of New Cov


Outfit: Jungle outfit
Weapons: New Lightsaber

Valery's eyes sparkled with a sudden idea as Jack mentioned his love for a good steak. "You know, if it's been that long since you've had a nice nerf steak, I think I might have to fix that," she said, a smile curving her lips. "I may not be a master chef, but I'm pretty confident in my ability to grill a mean steak." She loved cooking a good meal for herself, but what she loved most was to cook for others.

Especially a steak dinner.

She leaned back in her seat, crossing her legs comfortably. "When we get to the Temple, I'll cook one up for you myself. Either tonight or tomorrow. Maybe I'll even pair it with some of my favorite sides. You deserve a proper meal, especially after all the crazy things I've dragged you through already."

A playful wink followed, and she tilted her head slightly, the grin never fading. "How does that sound? I promise I won't cause any food poisoning."


Jack Sandrow

Writer, Character, Invasive Species
Outfit: Casual day-to-day
Weapon: None

"I would absolutely be up for a home-cooked steak, either tonight or tomorrow,"
Jack nodded, grinning wide and happily. "And I promise to not let it set the standard for any future meals at the Temple, even if it turns out terrible," he teased, finishing his cup and pushing it back. "And I'd love to help out with meals as well, if I get the opportunity."

He got to his feet, slipping a few credits onto the saucer as he offered a hand to help Valery up. "Well, I know I said I wasn't in a rush, but for a home-cooked meal? I might be slightly more in a rush," he grinned. "I'm ready to go if you are?"

Valery Noble Valery Noble


Outfit: Jungle outfit
Weapons: New Lightsaber

Valery's eyes widened in mock surprise as she placed a hand dramatically over her chest. "Terrible?" she gasped, her voice laced with feigned offense. "Excuse me, but I think you're underestimating my cooking skills, Jack." She paused, a playful grin breaking through her mock expression as she let out a soft chuckle.

And shook her head.

"But you know what? Now I'm really going to have to make it perfect just to prove you wrong," she added with a wink. Taking his offered hand, Valery stood up and brushed herself off. "Let's get going then — can't keep you waiting too long, or you'll start doubting all my abilities." She smirked, her tone lighthearted and teasing as they headed out.

"Let's go through the Jungle. I know a safe path with a great view that'll take us to the Temple." Technically, it was only a safe path because she knew where the deadly animals and plants were along that path, but that was a detail she decided not to mention.


Jack Sandrow

Writer, Character, Invasive Species
Outfit: Casual day-to-day
Weapon: None

"I won't apologize for my high standards," he joked, matching her grin. "But I promise to give you the benefit of the doubt, and I won't judge too harshly either."

"And no, Valery, I have had no reason to doubt your abilities thus far, and I don't think I'll have any reason to for dinner, either." He smirked, staying close behind as the jungle stretched out before them.

He really was looking forward to the dinner, he mused, the journey into the wilds bringing a revitalized sense of adventure. The Temple, the Jedi, the wildlife and plant life here on New Cov... He hadn't felt this excited for his immediate future in a very long time. This would be very good for him. And he could only hope his exploits here would be good for New Cov as well.


Valery Noble Valery Noble


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