Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private Shadows of New Cov


Outfit: Jungle outfit
Weapons: New Lightsaber

Valery watched Jack closely, her breath still coming in short, pained bursts as he worked on a makeshift bandage. The roots he had woven were simple, but she could already tell they'd provide the support she needed. With a strained smile, she nodded in thanks, her movements slow and deliberate as she carefully wrapped the bandage around her midsection. She winced at the pressure but managed to secure it tightly.

"Thank you, Jack," she murmured, her voice a little stronger now. "This helps."

When the pod dropped down, Valery's gaze shifted to the large machine, her eyes widening in surprise. "Nutrient mix?" she echoed softly, her curiosity piqued despite her condition. "I've never seen anything like it." She watched the pod with admiration, understanding more of Jack's unique abilities and his connection to the world around them.

At his question, Valery turned her focus inward, feeling the pain radiating from the wound. "I think I can walk… but not too far," she admitted, brushing a hand through her hair. Valery then zipped her suit back up and groaned, feeling the strain the fabric applied against her midsection.

She'd push herself through.

"I'll be able to make it back, though."


Jack Sandrow

Writer, Character, Invasive Species
Outfit: Iresine Scout Armor
Weapon: Forcesaber

Jack let a smile slip, moving up beside Valery to help her up, guiding her arm over his shoulders. "Here, cmere..." The grove was already getting greener, and Jack grabbed the lumpy orb with the Force to carry with them. "We'll get you out, get you some proper medical treatment - not my impromptu triage - and then see about repairing all this..."

The Diadidon walker dutifully continued hosing down the corrupted glade, as Jack and Valery left to walk back to civilization. The orb Jack was carrying along with them seemed to deter most of the wildlife, plants and animals alike, from interfering with them; the walk back was quick enough as a result, thankfully. As they approached the gate again, Jack eyed the large trucks moving back and forth. "Busy here... What are they transporting?"

Valery Noble Valery Noble


Outfit: Jungle outfit
Weapons: New Lightsaber

Valery leaned more heavily into Jack's support as they walked, her body still recovering from the strain of the earlier battle. But despite the pain, her gaze remained sharp and observant. As they moved closer to the gate of the domed city, the activity ahead caught her attention, and she paused for a moment to watch the trucks rolling by.

It wasn't an unfamiliar sight.

"Those are likely transporting bio-molecules," she explained, her tone thoughtful. "It's one of the major reasons that people settled on a planet like this." One so inhospitable that they built huge domes around every city. Valery knew very little about bio-molecules, but she easily understood how much they must be worth.

Her eyes shifted from the trucks to the workers bustling around, then back to Jack, "Now that we're here, maybe I can show you around a more pleasant side of New Cov." She paused and smirked, "After I've been patched up properly, that is." She tapped her stomach and flashed him a toothy grin.

It wouldn't take long for her to recover.


Jack Sandrow

Writer, Character, Invasive Species
Outfit: Iresine Scout Armor
Weapon: Forcesaber

he repeated thoughtfully. "Needs a closer look, then; when we have time, that is." He shared her smile, helping her to a med center. "I look forward to you showing me around the place!" An insider's perspective was probably the second-most valuable thing one could obtain when acquiring new biotech; the most valuable of course being a majority share in the biotech itself.

After passing Valery on to the medtechs, Jack took a moment to sit back and recover, himself. With some time and concentration, he could isolate the corrupted nugget of unlife and preserve it for safer handling; whatever this was, he wanted nothing to do with it. A good dousing in null-resin and a hand-off to the Grandmaster would be enough for him. Maybe trade that for some biomolecule?

He checked his wrist comm. The Diadidon had shifted from active to passive mode, and was quietly nurturing the grove by infusing the ground around it with nutrients. He nodded at the preliminary reports - for once, it looked like it was going to be easier to fix than it was to destroy. Of course the biosphere in that area would take years to fully and properly recover, and whatever natural flora and fauna grew there would need to adapt. Still, he had hoped that his new biotech would help, and it most certainly had! There would be time to fix the little issues, but overall it was an astonishingly good success.

It was a good while before he figured it wouldn't hurt to check on Valery. A proper dressing and a pre-prepped bacta wash did wonders even for lightsaber-esque wounds. A quick rap on the door announced him as he stepped in, and he cleared his throat to address her. "How are you feeling? Sorry I didn't have anything on me in the middle of the woods - not going to make that mistake again."

Valery Noble Valery Noble


Outfit: Jungle outfit
Weapons: New Lightsaber

Valery leaned back on the medbay bed, a sense of relief washing over her as the worst of her pain began to subside. The bacta treatments had worked wonders, and despite still feeling a little sore, she already felt more like herself again. She glanced down and tugged at the zipper of her jumpsuit, getting halfway through the process before she heard the soft rap of knuckles against the doorframe.

Valery's eyes widened slightly as Jack stepped inside, his smile warm and curious as ever.

Valery's fingers hesitated just a moment too long. The front of her jumpsuit was still half-open, revealing more than she intended. Her cheeks flushed a deep shade of crimson as she quickly zipped up the rest of the way, her movements flustered. She coughed, glancing back at him with a sheepish smile.

"Uh, I'm alright, really. Thanks for bringing me back here, though," she said, clearing her throat as she tried to recover. "And don't worry about it. We weren't exactly expecting to deal with corrupted groves and poison gas out there."

She tucked a loose strand of hair behind her ear and took a deep breath, the awkward tension lingering only a moment before she shot him a grin. "But it was also quite an adventure, hm? A first taste of the New Cov Jungles." She paused for a moment, as she shopped off the bed and looked at him.

"I quite enjoyed the company, too."


Jack Sandrow

Writer, Character, Invasive Species
Outfit: Iresine Scout Armor Casual day-to-day
Weapon: Forcesaber None

Jack's eyes flicked away, eyebrows rising as he waited for her to get a bit more decent. "Ahum. Well... I'm glad to see you recovered quickly enough." He looked back at her, leaning against the doorway with a genuine smile. "And no, I was not expecting corrupted groves or poison gas either. Or kyber parasites, or whatever that thing was." He eyed the tear in her jumpsuit, eyes narrowing slightly in thought, before back up to meet her gaze.

"If that's the kind of adventure I'm in for when I visit this planet, then it sounds like I need to start coming here more often,"
he grinned, matching hers. "And I also enjoyed the company."

He smirked a bit after a moment. "I suppose I owe you for the jumpsuit, huh? Or does saving your life cover that?" he teased.

Valery Noble Valery Noble


Outfit: Jungle outfit
Weapons: New Lightsaber

Valery's cheeks were still slightly flushed as she zipped up the last bit of her jumpsuit, but her eyes quickly found Jack's with a playful glint. "You definitely owe me a new jumpsuit," she teased, raising an eyebrow. "But don't think saving my life is enough to cover it. You've set the bar high for the next rescue, you know?"

She loved a bit of messing around.

Valery crossed her arms, shifting her weight a little as she tilted her head. "But I suppose I can let it slide… this time," she continued, feigning seriousness before breaking into a smile. "As long as you promise to keep things interesting when you're around."

So far, this trip had been one-of-a-kind, and she had roamed these jungles for many years already.

"So, what do you say? Do you want to explore more of the jungle? Or the city?"


Jack Sandrow

Writer, Character, Invasive Species
Outfit: Casual day-to-day
Weapon: None

He laughed at that, nodding obeisantly at her comments. "Of course, of course. I'll see what I can do about a new jumpsuit, and try not to fall on a saber myself." Another snicker. "And yes, I promise to stay interesting."

He thought a moment, weighing the city versus the jungle. "Honestly? While we're here, and while you're finishing your recovery, I wouldn't mind visiting the city at large. What little I saw looked quite spectacular, and I'd like to actually explore a bit without the threat of something rotten hanging overhead." His mouth quirked, and he eyed her with a playful grin. "Ah heh. Forest traipsing can come afterwards, if you'd be up for it." He certainly was; what little he had seen was enough to whet his appetite something fierce.

Valery Noble Valery Noble


Outfit: Jungle outfit
Weapons: New Lightsaber

Valery's eyes sparkled with amusement, and she nodded thoughtfully at Jack's suggestion. "The city, huh?" she mused, leaning back against the med bed as she thought it over. "That does sound nice. No deadly creatures lurking around, no poisons to worry about… just a chance to explore."

She shifted a little closer, her voice dropping to a playful whisper, "And who knows, maybe I can find a few interesting spots to show you around. Maybe even a hidden café or two." She smirked, the corners of her mouth curling mischievously.

"Then, once I'm fully recovered, I'll be ready for more jungle adventures. But only if you're up for it," she teased, giving him a light nudge with her elbow. "No dangerous, dark side tainted jungles, but New Cov still has plenty of dangers." Dangers that gave her a thrill she wanted to explore further.

She had a feeling he'd love it, too.

Valery then stretched, her movements graceful but with a hint of stiffness still lingering from her injuries, "So, are you ready to head out?"


Jack Sandrow

Writer, Character, Invasive Species
Outfit: Casual day-to-day
Weapon: None

"If there's dangerous creatures, it'll probably be dockmasters or smugglers," Jack observed wryly, thinking back to a few escapades he had enjoyed with another Forcer. "And I'm all for exploration and secret cafes," he grinned, matching hers. "I promise to be on my best worst behavior," he said with mock solemnness, a hand to his chest as he moved over to help her up to her feet.

"And as for the danger? Civilization or jungle, it wouldn't be an adventure worth pursuing without it. You've already more than delivered on that end," he nodded, rocking a bit on his heels as he watched her rise from the bed. "So yes, I'm ready to head out whenever you are; I'll be right behind you."

Valery Noble Valery Noble


Outfit: Jungle outfit
Weapons: New Lightsaber

Valery chuckled softly at his words, her eyes flickering with amusement. "Best worst behavior, huh?" she echoed, the playful note in her voice hinting that she wasn't entirely convinced. "I'll hold you to that, Jack." She shot him a knowing look, her smirk widening at the idea of trouble.

Just... hopefully trouble that didn't lead to her in a medical bay.

With his help, Valery rose to her feet, her posture steady but careful as she adjusted to standing. "Let's get out of here, then," she said, a hint of eagerness in her voice. "You're right behind me?" she teased, glancing over her shoulder as she began to walk toward the exit.

"I'm thinking we start with that café I mentioned. If you're lucky, I might just let you try their famous pastries." she turned back to face him, her expression softening for a moment, "Or would you prefer to get a tour? The biomolecule industry is fairly closed off, but there are plenty of things to see."

Valery's gaze lingered on him for a second longer before she broke into a grin. "Let's make this a memorable day in the city, hm?" she added her tone light but carrying the promise of something more as she headed out, expecting him to follow close behind as they moved into the domed city.


Jack Sandrow

Writer, Character, Invasive Species
Outfit: Casual day-to-day
Weapon: None

"I was thinking tour first, cafe and pastries afterwards? If you can give me an insider's perspective of the biomolecules, I'd consider that one hell of a tour start," he grinned, staying close behind as she led the way. "I can't believe I'd never even heard of it before I showed up here... I feel like there's whole facets of the galaxy I'm missing out on, now. If this slipped by me for however long...." Enough whining! he thought with a shake of his head and a smile. He was here, he was learning, and Val was more than kind enough to give him a personalized tour - what was there to complain about?

As they weaved through the streets, Jack slowly tasted the air with deep and slow breaths. Closing his eyes didn't hinder his movement; Val's Force presence was more than enough to guide him. The hustle and bustle of the busy city was a familiar backdrop, but far less grimy than Coruscant or Nar Shaddaa and with far more plant matter in and around the houses and businesses. He let out a slow breath, eyes opening as they moved in and around a few groups of people. "It's so fresh... even for a city - a domed one at that - all the flora here is keeping everything so clean..."

Valery Noble Valery Noble


Outfit: Jungle outfit
Weapons: New Lightsaber

Valery glanced back at him, her smile widening at his excitement. "Tour first, then pastries it is," she said with a soft chuckle. "I think you're going to be surprised by what you learn here. There's a lot more to this place than meets the eye."

She continued guiding him through the streets, her pace unhurried but confident, as if she knew every corner and alley by heart. "The plants are a big part of it," she agreed, "These biomolecules come from them, and even from some of the animals.. New Cov's biomolecules are a well-kept secret because they're incredibly valuable, so corporations try to keep it to themselves and use the dangerous jungles as protection," Valery went on to explain.

"When acquired, they can be used in medicine, industry and people have even found applications in weapons." This last part scared her a little, and it's why she kept a close eye on New Cov. For now, it was outside Alliance space, but its borders were drawing closer.

She hoped that would be better for the planet in the future.

Valery then led him through a shaded pathway lined with exotic flora, and with every step, the air seemed to grow richer, almost buzzing with energy. "You'll see what I mean when we get closer." Valery looked back at him, her gaze shimmering with curiosity and excitement. "But remember, no getting into too much trouble, okay?" she added teasingly, clearly enjoying the dynamic between them.

Up ahead, the industrial sector was already in sight.


Jack Sandrow

Writer, Character, Invasive Species
Outfit: Casual day-to-day
Weapon: None

Jack was soaking all this in. There was certainly room for a conspiracy or two - if the biomolecules were really as hush-hush as Valery was making them out to be, then almost certainly there was a bit of cloak and dagger already in play between companies here on New Cov - and perhaps beyond. Jack would need to spend quite a bit of time here if he wanted to weasel his way into the markets. "Definitely should be cautious before I get to any meddling with the flora, then, huh," he observed, fingers trailing over a nearby fern as they moved past a well-kept planter.

"Medicine, yes, industry, yes, weapons... I'm always wary about using plants in weaponry. Plants are living, after all, and it crushes me to send living beings to their death, no matter how small. 's why I try to use hardened bark as ammunition, not just pick up a tree and throw it, you know?" If the biomolecule could be safely, ethically, and gently harvested for its properties, Jack wouldn't have any issue with using it for newfound biotech.

The air grew dense and lush as they continued, Jack taking deep breaths at a time. "I'm already seeing it, I think," he murmured, pausing as he took a moment to soak it in. Her comment broke him out of the reverie, and he gave her a warm grin. "Yes, I promise to not get into too much trouble," he assured her, following her once again.

Valery Noble Valery Noble


Outfit: Jungle outfit
Weapons: New Lightsaber

Valery slowed her pace for a moment, letting Jack take in the atmosphere of the surroundings. His appreciation for the environment and his thoughts on the ethical use of plants brought a genuine smile to her lips. She could feel his respect for life, even the smallest forms, and it made her more comfortable discussing the more complex sides of this place.

"I knew you'd get it," she said softly, her gaze shifting to a particularly vibrant fern as she paused beside it. "People often overlook the true value of these plants. They see only profit or their potential applications, but not how vital they are to this ecosystem." She brushed her fingertips along the soft edge of a leaf, her touch gentle and reverent.

"As long as you approach this place with that kind of respect, I think you'll be able to learn a lot without causing any harm," she added, glancing back at him with a playful grin. "But don't worry, I'll keep an eye on you — and if you do manage to get into trouble, well… I'll just have to save you this time."

She chuckled softly and turned to continue walking, the industrial buildings growing larger ahead of them. "So, did you want to go into one of the facilities or walk around them? They're guarded but..." With a spark of excitement in her eyes, Valery looked back over her shoulder at him. "Think you're up for it?"

"Or would you rather avoid it for now?"


Jack Sandrow

Writer, Character, Invasive Species
Outfit: Casual day-to-day
Weapon: None

He returned the grin with his own. "I promise, I can behave. When it comes to plant and fungi life, I do my due diligence; if I get in trouble and need a bailing out, I know who to call." Reaching for one other plant, he gently asked for a blossom and carefully tucked the proffered floret into his pocket. "Thank you," he murmured, before moving on to follow Valery further.

As they sized up the factories down the road, a slow smirk crept across his face. "Well I do recall you offering to give me the full tour." His eyes were all innocence and goodness as he looked to her with a smile. "I think we should get the full tour, don't you?" With the softest of noises, he leapt up the sides of the alleyway, making it to the roof with ease. "I'd wager it's easier to get in from up top, no?" he added with the most innocent of smiles as she followed.

Valery Noble Valery Noble


Outfit: Jungle outfit
Weapons: New Lightsaber

Valery followed Jack's leap up the alleyway with a soft chuckle and a shake of her head. Always trying to add a little more excitement to things, she thought with a smile. With a quick burst of Force-enhanced strength, she propelled herself up and landed softly on the roof beside him.

"Looking for shortcuts, huh?" she teased, brushing her hair back as she looked out over the sprawling expanse of the processing plant. From their vantage point, the facility stretched out below them — a network of interconnected buildings and conveyor systems, all focused on the extraction and initial refinement of biomolecules. Large containers lined up near the loading docks, ready to be shipped off to other locations around the galaxy.

"Welcome to one of the largest biomolecule processing plants on New Cov," she said, her voice hushed yet full of intrigue. "This is where a lot of the magic happens. These molecules are harvested, processed, and then distributed to different research facilities, corporations, and even governments across the galaxy."

Valery's gaze shifted back to Jack, her expression turning serious for a moment. "That's why security is so tight. A single shipment of biomolecules can be worth more than a starship. Some people would go to great lengths to get their hands on it, which is why…" she paused, her eyes narrowing slightly, "We should be careful."

"If we're caught..." she let her voice trail off and smirked.


Jack Sandrow

Writer, Character, Invasive Species
Outfit: Casual day-to-day
Weapon: None

"Best way in, besides trying to pretend that we're supposed to be here." A tilt of his head, and he chuckled, "See, this way the tour is far more comprehensive - it's important to get a good view of the entirety of the operation, and how better to do that than from the air?"

He took in the view, drinking in every last detail. Bioprocessing was always a bit counter-intuitive for his skillsets, but he did understand that in the technology-infested world there was really only one way the general public could interface with it. Chew it up, spit it out. Maybe he could provide an alternative.

"Oh I can be plenty careful," he murmured, before smiling a little. "And no, I don't plan on getting caught if you don't." He got to his feet, eyeing the rooftops between here and there. It was quite a ways, but he had a few budding ideas for expediting the trip. "Do you see an immediate way in? Or are you waiting for me to make the first move so you can then improve upon it and show me up?" he grinned, looking back to her.

Valery Noble Valery Noble


Outfit: Jungle outfit
Weapons: New Lightsaber

Valery watched him with a smirk, sensing the playful challenge behind his words. "I always have a way in," she teased, and without missing a beat, she glanced around until her sharp gaze locked onto an air vent slightly above them. It was wide enough for them to enter and just obscure enough to avoid immediate detection.

"Follow me," she murmured, as she leaped gracefully to the higher ledge, crouching beside the vent. With a swift motion of her lightsaber — activated for just a heartbeat — she cut through the metal grate, leaving a neat opening for them to slip through. The lightsaber blade was gone before its hum could draw attention, and she offered Jack a quick, confident smile. "Ladies first," she said playfully as she dropped inside the vent, the sound of her landing light and nimble.

Once inside, Valery moved quietly, navigating the tight space until they reached a point overlooking a storage area filled with crates labeled with research codes and destination tags. Through a small gap in the vent, she pointed out various containers, her voice low but clear.

"Those crates are filled with refined biomolecules ready for shipment," she whispered, eyes narrowing slightly. "Let's keep moving — there's a control room up ahead where we can get a better look at the operation. Stay close." With a wink, she led him further through the vent system, confident in her path, and determined to show him what really made this place tick.


Jack Sandrow

Writer, Character, Invasive Species
Outfit: Casual day-to-day
Weapon: None

Organic clothing always had its upsides, Jack thought to himself as he followed her across and up to the ledge, down into the vents. His jacket and pants made barely a whisper as they crawled through the ductwork, shuffling quickly and quietly through the facility. He resisted the urge to pop some spores to sense what was up ahead; this place probably had major biohazard safety protocols, and the last thing he needed was a vent filling up with purifying flame with both of them still in it.

"Right behind you," he murmured, pausing to take in the view from above. The angles weren't helpful, but what he could see detailed several thousand tonnes of the stuff. Considering how much biomass was here, the actual biomass of the planet had to be immense as a result. If they were sustainably harvesting it too, then this planet must be producing incredible amounts of the biomolecules.

She was moving, though, so he hurried up behind her, mindful of his noise. The Force was certainly useful for keeping the volume down in extenuating circumstances - even if that meant just keeping him semi-levitating so he wouldn't end up warping the metal. "I can barely fit in here," he complained, still keeping his voice down. "This is the easiest way in?"

Valery Noble Valery Noble

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