Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Junction Shadows of Treachery | The Tion Necessity | The Empire vs. The Alliance

In memory of our late CEO


EQUIPPED: 25x L4Vele Series Deployable Defense turrets. per ship

FIGHTER COMPLIMENT: 181st Tactical Starfighter Wing "Nightwing Squadron"
CALLSIGNS: Admiral Angellus "Maverick" is and will always be "Angel 1", Captain Roger Powell "Starlight" is "Angel 2" Captain Scoht Powell "Meteor" is "VOODOO 1". Captain Ewan Isaacs "Raider" is "SCAR 1" and in command of the Jackals primarily for both ships. Each Squadron leader makes up the remaining "Angel" callsigns, their individual squadrons and make-ups are named below.

  1. Nightwing 2-5 Super Archangel class Multi-Role Fighter/Interceptor
  1. Nightwing 6-9 Ashera Class Fighter
  1. Nightwing 10-13 Azazael class Stealth fighter
EQUIPPED: 25x L4Vele Series Deployable Defense turrets. per ship

FIGHTER COMPLIMENT: 103rd Tactical Starfighter Wing "Angel of Death Squadron"
CALLSIGNS: Admiral Angellus "Maverick" is and will always be "Angel 1", Captain Rojuh Pouil "Starlight" is "Angel 2" Captain Scoht Pouil "Meteor" is "VOODOO 1". Captain Ewan Isaacs "Raider" is "SCAR 1" and in command of the Jackals primarily for both ships. Each Squadron leader makes up the remaining "Angel" callsigns, their individual squadrons and make-ups are named below.

  1. Angel 2-11 Archangel class Fighter/Interceptor
  1. Angel 12-17 NC-1000 X-Wing
  2. Angel 18-23 Ashera Class Fighter
  1. Angel 24-28 Azazael class Stealth fighter
  1. Angel 29-31 Starfury class Starfighter
BOMBERS W ESCORT (10 Squadrons)
  1. Angel 32-36 Demon Class Bomber
  2. Angel 37-41 Sovereignty Class Heavy/Assault Fighter
  1. Angel 42-45 Cherub Gunship
  2. Angel 46-51 Cherub Transport
Amenediel Shuttle Mk II

CALLSIGNS: Admiral Angellus "Maverick" is and will always be "Angel 1", Captain Rojuh Pouil "Starlight" is "Angel 2" Captain Scoht Pouil "Meteor" is "VOODOO 1". Captain Ewan Isaacs "Raider" is "SCAR 1" and in command of the Jackals primarily for both ships. Each Squadron leader makes up the remaining "Angel" callsigns, their individual squadrons and make-ups are named below.

  1. Voodoo 2-9 Archangel class Fighter/Interceptor
  1. Voodoo 10-14 NC-1000 X-Wing
  2. Voodoo 15-19 Ashera Class Fighter
  1. Voodoo 20-24 Azazael class Stealth fighter
BOMBERS W ESCORT (5 Squadrons)
  1. Voodoo 25-29 Demon Class Bomber
  1. Voodoo 30-32 Starfury class Starfighter
  1. Angel 30-31 Cherub Gunship
  2. Angel 32-34 Cherub Transport
Amenediel Shuttle Mk II

CALLSIGNS: Admiral Angellus "Maverick" is and will always be "Angel 1", Captain Rojuh Pouil "Starlight" is "Angel 2" Captain Scoht Pouil "Meteor" is "VOODOO 1". Captain Ewan Isaacs "Raider" is "SCAR 1" and in command of the Jackals primarily for both ships. Each Squadron leader makes up the remaining "Angel" callsigns, their individual squadrons and make-ups are named below.

SPACIAL COMBAT AND RENDITION - SCARs use the Jackal Fighter for its balance of speed and maneuverability as well as its remote capabilities. This allows the elite pilot/operators to"bail" and operate in zero-G often a tactic in boarding capital ships.

SCAR WING (7 Squadrons)
  1. SCAR 2-10 Jackal Class Starfighter
  1. Ares 1-6 Azazael class Stealth fighter
  1. Ares 7-12 Archangel class Fighter/Interceptor
  1. Ares 13–17 Ashera Class Fighter
  1. Ares 18 Cherub Gunship
  2. Ares 19-20 Cherub Transport
SECTOR: New Alderaan
ORDERS: Break the Blockade
WINGMATES: @Tren Char. @
Liedran Kathause, @Shar Sieu, @Andien Gale, @Ari Naldax, @Maple Harte, @ Mylo Thorne ,

TARGETS: @Caarlyle Rausgeber
TARGETS OF OPPORTUNITY: @Albrecht F. Herlock | @Ignacious Korvan | @ Velran Kilran

Halpern=Guardano Captain/Fleet XO. Tantor=Celestial City Captain/Cruiser XO, Roger Powell=Silver City/Destroyer CO, Scott Powell/Ethereal/Fighter CO, Ewan Isaacs/SCAR Team CO

Sir, we have wave after wave of missiles coming in, I’m ordering….

Just let the turrets handle them. Whatever get by, get by.

You do realize just how many launchers are on those vessels?

I’m aware

Not happy that he had to accept how heavily outgunned they were, Liram fell back on his training and all of the information and lore on tactical strategies and histories of his ancestors. This was a monumental task to undertake, but he was not in this alone. He had the Alliance as well, and the fact that they are the wildcard in all of this.

The missiles, the torpedoes, the cannon bolts, they lit up the night sky in a brilliant display of colors with a backdrop on the stars and planets in the systems in and around the Tion. Those that snuck by the intercepting fire of the defensive turrets were met by the Revelry and Mercury cruisers cannons. Those that made it by hit their marks. Shields held, but it would be a question of how well this strategy would hold up.

Tantor=Celestial City Captain/Cruiser XO

Good, have them focus fire along with the “Apollo” and the “Mercury” on the two outlying attackers (Wraith and Crushers).

Tantor=Celestial City Captain/Cruiser XO

That one will be too busy with our SCARs. Ewan!

With all due respect, sir. Busy! What am I doing now?

You’re about to tell me how great I am. See that Star Destroyer I’m marking on your map? It’s yours to hit however you want!

You are SO, “The Best” Ever!

Liram just laughed.

Get on it!

Switching over the screen to a wide watch, Liram waved off some of the ships he had in different positions. He notices something about the enemy ships that while they were brutally powerful and efficient, they showed the Silvers absolutely no respect. They had the firepower and they knew it, they relied on it too much. That was the advantage that Liram was looking for.

This son of a queen doesn’t know what we can do. Keep our Revelrys with our Blackstars. I want them to take the pressure off our boys so our Asheras can engage these TIEs on their own.

The reassignment brought the repositioning of ships. With the overlapping turret fire holding up and the “Anti-Starfighter” arsenal in action there was another opportunity to be exploited.

I want all of our X-Wings running a “Dameron”... I want them clearing a path for our Sovereigntys who will be clearing the way for the Demons. Frigates, Gunships, Carriers and Corvettes… if they are Imperial I want them hit hard.

I have some heavy cruisers wanting to get in on this, sir.

They’ll be going after the artillery as the carriers start targeting the Star Destroyers. We’ll be going gun for gun.

What about our Super?

She’ll be too busy dealing with our Stealths and our interceptors. They may not do a lot of damage, but they’ll keep her attention.


“Eyes up on your HUDs, Marines! Be quick or be sorry! ‘The Nirvana Fleet will drop in and commit to the combined assault against the blockade forces. Major Hedaike and I will each be leading our own teams on concurrent assaults securing New Aldera and assisting the Liberation of the planet… 1’s and 2’s. Our assignment is simple. Retake the planet and secure the platform while the Fleet keeps Imps off our backs! Oorah?”


  1. 8,000 Marines deploying on Cherub Transports to the New Aldera Platform to assist in pushing Imperials off (ANY PLAYER iS FREE TO USE THEM HOW YOU SEE FIT IF YOU WISH - IF NOT LET THEM STAY IN THE BACKGROUND)
  2. 9,000 Marines, troops and Mechanized deploy to the planet to assist in Liberation (ANY PLAYER iS FREE TO USE THEM HOW YOU SEE FIT IF YOU WISH - IF NOT LET THEM STAY IN THE BACKGROUND)
  3. Deployable turrets taking up defensive overlapping firing positions firing on all incoming missiles.
  4. Revelry cruisers teaming with “Blackstar” anti-fighter ships to focus on keeping Silver skies clear of fighters.
  5. SCAR Teams assaulting “Thundercrack” (See Ewan Isaacs next post)
  6. Ashera engaging TIES
  7. X-wings clearing way for Bombers and Heavies.
  8. Bombers and Sovereigntys targeting NIV Warden, Stalwart Class Carrier, 5x Escolta-Class Frigates, 6x Warrior-ii Class Gunships, and 4x Cacadore Class Assault Corvettes (x)
  9. Heavy Cruisers directly engaging missile and artillery frigates.
  10. All carriers targeting long range weapons on Artillery and dreadnaughts.
  11. Stealth Fighters/Strike fighters attacking Tregessar. At this time, the Long Range Interceptors which have been in a holding pattern outside the system will jump in and assist.

CURRENT FLEET STATUS - (Any ships not included in list or “too many” were commandeered from Saleucami




BOMBERS W ESCORT (10 Squadrons)


*All information disclosed in spoilers


Shorurra Groznik

'I told you why, to present you with options, and both are potentially favourable at that.', the Tuath began, weighing his words more carefully for the obligatory attempt to keep the Ashlans out of the war with the Galactic Alliance. The Maw was requirement enough to test the patience of both factions in the maintained partnership against the forces of Exegol, and in the process of trying to keep those bonds safe between both factions, the attempt to help their citizen through a diplomatic issue would certainly help to keep such ties as solidified as possible. Ever the one to keep from rocking the boat, Lord Aron knew the lawful, mannerly approach would be the best course of action, adopting a kindly demeanour as he prefaced, 'I don't mind either way, just to let you know. Each choice has it's own form of assistance, but you need to survive to enjoy the benefits of either.... Sorry, man. But both lines are engaging today, though we can put that down to bad timing.', a sobering thought for both Generals to consider.

'If you choose to escape to Ashlan space, nearest friendly system as well, I can try arranging a meeting with their current Pontiff, rendering such explanations for authorities almost completely redundant. Choosing to go above their jurisdictional powers, so to speak.... An' if you choose to make the long journey to GA space, I request that you take my sword to Cotan Sar'andor, a Jedi-warrior of whom I know you can trust.'

It was a gracious offer, Shorurra thought. A gracious offer from an honorable man. It was a shame then, that the Wookiee would have to turn him down. Shorurra would not leave New Alderaan until the battle was done, rather it was a victory or a defeat. He had committed himself now, though perhaps without the full picture of the events that had led to such a drastic increase in aggressions. Shame on him for thinking with his heart and not his head, but the die had been cast. To leave now would be to forfeit his honor, and for a Wookiee warrior like Shorurra, such was unthinkable.

The Alliance marines had put their faith and trust in him, despite his allegiances. He felt that weight about his shoulders like an old cloak, a comfortable, well-known weight, but a weight nonetheless.

Ah, but to be free from the complexities of politics.

When the Wookiee spoke again, his tone was much more amicable, though still gruff in nature. "Worry not for my survival, Growie. I have seen my way through greater odds than this." He paused, mulled his words, considering them carefully. It felt slimy of him to be negotiating his own future when the GA marines had given him their trust. He could not worry for the future, not now, when battle was nigh. And yet... "If your offer is contingent upon me abandoning the GADF forces on the eve of battle, then I'm afraid I must decline. But if not... then I will meet this Pontiff of yours."

All things considered, it was the safest option available. The Wookiee better understood Growie's goals now, had a better grasp of his motives. The Imperial general was looking forward, considering the greater political ramifications that Shorurra had ignored- political ramifications that might've never existed had Shorurra not assumed command after the death of General Martin.

He received a message then, a short update from the Final Dawn. Already, there were skirmishes across the city. The Force was a picture of burgeoning violence, swelling as the encroaching battle drew closer, colored in harsh swaths of conflict. The 222nd under Captain Ridor was skirmishing with the 501st- that conflict was bright in his mind, for Osarla and her foe were both strong in the Force, and close enough that when Shorurra stretched his senses, he could smell them just as well as feel them. Lieutenant Roche and her squad were engaging a small detachment of Imperial forces in the hills, and Captain Rail had led his unit to assist. Roche was in a precarious position, behind Imperial lines- hopefully Rail would be able to extract her squad and retreat in good number, or perhaps...

Perhaps the battle lines would engage earlier than either general had anticipated.







Wrapped up in the White Current, Maijan was safe to observe. Invisible to the naked eye, and not moving, she was entirely undetectable to the agent who crept into the room unawares.

He spoke, gruff and commanding, like hammered gold, into his comms. Static, white and black, skittered through the airwaves and translated as silence.

Maijan blinked. She was pretty sure she could see sound.

Her mouth opened and soundlessly curved into a soft ‘o’ of awe. She watched the sounds roam through the boring metal curves of the hallway, bouncing and travelling like colourful, amorphous ghosts. Some travelled outward, some voyaged back inward from whence they came.

Some went all the way back through the teeth of the agent who’d spoken, changed their colour from gold to red as they travelled back from the throat, up to his skull. The shapeless ghosts shifted, crystallized, became manly silhouettes with soft sounds and murmurs that didn’t belong anywhere near the sound of hooting klaxons and blasting pistols.

Her eyes went wide. Was she — were these his thoughts?

This was the best experiment M had ever conducted on her. Maijan’s giddiness was only subdued by her enthusiastic enthrallment.

How far could she push this? How true could she prove The Director’s hypothesis?

As a willing participant, her smile, broad and bright, reached all the way to her ears and she stretched open a golden hand. The anthropomorphic silhouette of his mind didn’t appear straight away, but walked — with sound! She could make sound convincingly (if she tapped her own feet in rhythm) on top of one of her most realistic replicative illusions to date. The words, the words, what would the illusion say?

She searched, desperately, through those colourful ghosts and sought for familiarities and recent deliberations. Networks and nodes and patterns glimmered and shone, and happily, the invisible illusionist pulled and tugged until music was made.

~The fallacies of democracy, hm spud? You’re here to stamp out their spark?~

FOES | THE EMPIRE | Djorn Bline Djorn Bline


While the crew of The Eggman were frantically communicating and coordinating attacks. Velran was busy on top of the bridge watching the battle unfold and dancing to the music moving to the beat. It was always a sight to behold, space was his canvas and the many starfighters and starships he had served as the paint. Velran couldn't stop smiling observing the battle, it was through planning out and executing space battles is when he felt alive. "Can you feel it boys and girls?!" Velran said. "It's evolution! We the Empire have evolved from once a stillborn faction to the biggest force in the Galaxy! Headlined by ME!"

He paused waiting for the praise and adulation, but it never came. "Uh excuse me?!" Velran yelled. "DO YOU FEEL THE EVOLUTION?!"

"Sir!" Private Bradley yelled from below deck. "Our TIE Interceptors are being ripped apart by hostiles they are requesting reinforcements."

Annnndddddd five minutes and already a dent in the plans. Typical. "There will be no reinforcements," Velran said. "I can't waste any more Starfighters than I need to. They must hold them back as long as they can. Hold that flank until the Onagers get in position."

"Just received word from beta squadron," Private Bradley said listening in to his headphones. "One of the squadrons broke through the TIE Interceptors. They're heading to Onager Class: High Ground!"

"Fracking Betas." Velran slammed his fist against the class. "Establish contact with Captain Codi on the double!"

"Yes sir!"

Velran turned to the Holoprojector, an image of a young woman flickered in front of him. "Hi Captain Codi!" He said flashing a smile. "Admiral Kilran!" Codi stood up straight. "The gun as at 80 percent charged, on your orders, we'll make a mini jump and-"

"Uh yeah I know!" Velran interrupted her. "I'm the genius who made the plans but did beta squadron inform you that an X-Wing squadron is on their way to your position?"

"Yes of course sir!" Codi replied in a crisp voice. "But we're not worried."

"YES, YOU SHOULD BE!" Velran yelled which startled everyone on the bridge. "These Alliance types are resourceful! If they find a weakness, they will exploit it! Why the hell did you NOT employ your TIE fighters and coordinated with your corvette immediately?!"

Codi gulped trying to maintain discipline. "B-Because-"

"LA LA LA LA LA! I'M NOT LISTENING TO YOUR EXCUSES!" Velran stuck his fingers in his ears and ran around the Holoprojector before stopping.


"Let me tell you something Captain!" Velran slammed his fists on to the Holoprojector. "You're going to drop what you're doing, employ your squadron, have the Corvette to cut off the enemy squadron so they won't escape, and you will intensify your broadside battery cannons. IS THAT CLEAR?!"

"Yes sir, sorry sir!" Codi bowed to Velran. "TIE fighters are already on the go and we are rerouting power to broadside batter cannons,
the Tyrant: Gurkha-Class Corvette will be informed.

"Good!" Verlan clapped his hands. "Thank you, Captain, you'll be receiving more reinforcements from me soon! Keep charging the gun."

"Thank you, sir, we'll be done in five minutes." Codi bowed again before fading while Velran sighed. "Send in 2 Squadrons of TIE Outlanders, have them link up with the High Ground and wipe any resistance."

"Yes sir!" Bradley said.

"I will not let the Alliance frack me up." Velran said.

Meanwhile, a squadron of TIE fighters came down from the hanger targeting Ari Naldax Ari Naldax and her crew. The Tyrant Gurkha-Class Corvette started to approach the squadron as well albeit at a slow pace.

Liedran Kathause Liedran Kathause , Caarlyle Rausgeber Caarlyle Rausgeber , Mylo Thorne, GAL Ltd. GAL Ltd. , Andien Gale Andien Gale , Caarlyle Rausgeber Caarlyle Rausgeber , Ignacious Korvan Ignacious Korvan , Shar Sieu Shar Sieu

Last edited:

Rakaan Horne



Korvan Toldreyn Korvan Toldreyn

Rakaan failed to do anything more than flail and stir in his endless anger, in all the bitter resentment that resonated so well within him. It was all the former Jedi could muster in the heat of the moment and no amount of calls to arms of the nearby battlefield that surrounded them could sway him now. It was as if mere seconds had become minutes if not hours, all in the time it took for his plagued mind to decide; a final huff escaped his lungs and Rakaan had come to a decision of his own.

"It isn't about them." He stated coolly as he tore his armoured sleeves off of his frame, carelessly sent careening down the fractured stairs.

"It isn't about the Empire," his hands unclasped the torso and allowed it to fall onto the stairs and the same fate had befallen the grieves of an Imperial Knight; "It isn't about the Jedi, or the Alliance."

In what amounted to be some form of an amalgamation between Jedi and Imperial robes, Rakaan stood mounted at the top of the stairs. He refused to shift back and forth in mindless and needless fury, and instead seemed as still as a statue. "It's about you and me." Rakaan announced with the snap-hiss of his lightsaber coming to life, the blue crystal that once lived inside the hilt had been replaced by a synthetic white one - the pale blade hummed still in the air, all before the Imperial Knight bounded down them in a single leap towards his former Master.

Those same strong, swift and familiar strikes sent towards him. Yet not those of an impatient boy, but a furious man.


Caedyn Arenais


Objective: Defend New Aldera.
Inventory: Knight-Errant Armor, Armistice Staff Lightsaber.
Allies: The Galactic Alliance & New Jedi Order.
Opposition: The Empire.

The Blueshift-Class Assault Starfighter dove down through the atmosphere of New Alderaan, weaving throughout the combatting Naval Forces of both the Alliance and the Empire, piloted by Caedyn Arenais as he tried to get down to the surface as unscathed as possible. The Starfighter rocked heavily as explosive flak erupted all around the small craft, the battle raging across the surface coming into view of the cockpit and taking on some anti-air munitions, the wing of the fighter being hit and sending smoke billowing out from the starboard side as it shot down through the clouds.

Gripping the controls tightly, Caedyn veered off course to avoid taking further hits; the maneuverability of the starfighter suffering greatly from the damaged wing meant that his entrance into the ground fight would need to wait as he took to landing some distance away to keep his ship from being further crippled.

Landing within a distant clearing, signs of the previous fighting all around, Caedyn quickly disembarked from the starfighter and turned the controls over to the auto-pilot using the left vambrace of his Armor, signalling the vessel to exfil to the safety of the Alliance Navy, where it could receive repairs aboard one of the capital vessels.

Once more into the fight, he started on his way towards the Capital Cities' outskirts hoping to rendezvous with allied forces and help to support the City in its defence against the Empire. As Caedyn jogged at a slower pace to retain as much stamina before the coming fight, he tried to recall the last time he had been involved in such a full-scale battle as the City was looking to be. Was it the Bryn'adul he had last fought against with the Order of the Silver Jedi? That was years ago, and he had been out of service for some years, having stepped back from the Jedi's life for several years, serving as a teacher within Mnemosyne's Jedi Temple. Now, knowingly walking into another battlefield, Caedyn tried to push his anxiety out of his mind, burying it and focusing on why he had come. To safeguard the innocent lives caught in yet another war and to support the Galactic Alliance in its fight for democracy in the Galaxy.

Saul Vandron Saul Vandron | DECEASED Aron Gowrie DECEASED Aron Gowrie | Aaran Tafo Aaran Tafo | GAL Ltd. GAL Ltd. | FN-999 | Rakaan Horne | Simon Meinrad Simon Meinrad | Veno Veno | Kase Vass Kase Vass | Valery Noble Valery Noble | Kyell Laysel | Sergeant Omen Sergeant Omen | Sahar Sahar | Driver Driver | Bayaz Bayaz | Korvan Toldreyn Korvan Toldreyn | Shorurra Groznik | Sara Roche Sara Roche | Nukth Kelga'an Nukth Kelga'an | DECEASED Aron Gowrie DECEASED Aron Gowrie
Playing OOC: The Greatest Song that could possibly play during a Dog Fight after "Danger Zone"

The Angel Interceptor piloted by Darth Strelok zipped through the space directly above the Planet, targeting a pack of Imperial bombers trying to head to it.

These had fighter escorts, four to be exact, and they broke off to chase Strelok.

Strelok smiled as she yanked back hard on the controls, flipping her craft around as the TIE's gave chase.

Laser bolts flitted past her cockpit as she rolled and spun to evade fire, her growing, boiling hatred of the Empire whispering to her on how to evade their attack patterns. One Pilot was pretty dogged, chasing her through a debris field of other TIE Bombers she had destroyed, using the Dark Side to predict when to turn and roll, when to curve. She took advantage of her fighter's immense speed for some of the trickier escapes. Her Astromech whined a warning as two of the other fighters chased her, and she pulled up and rolled aggressively as she did, letting loose a fierce spray of Laser Fire that decimated her initial pursuer, the remaining three now fully committed to chasing her, and they were good two, because some of the fire clipped one of her wings and the shield barely, rocking the whole Star fighter as she made emergency adjustments, turning and diving to avoid another stream of laser cannon fire, doubling back into the firing angles, dodging and rolling away from fire, letting loose a concussion missile and firing back on her attackers. One more was destroyed.

She dived away immediately as the remaining two tried to win by out turning her for an easy kill...

Strelok countered, going to full speed away from the circle tactic, before gunning the engines to chase one and make the other chase her, which both did but now there were Missiles in play being launched by the ships.

Strelok feinted going starboard but instead, reduced her speed unexpectedly at the last second, and let both over shoot her, firing the last of her Missiles and watching them explode. She stuck close to the planet, immediately began attacking TIE's trying to destroy the Cherub Transport Ships, and forcing some to break away, again chasing her...

Caarlyle Rausgeber Caarlyle Rausgeber

GAL Ltd. GAL Ltd.
if they're watching anyways

A dozen red flags rose in her mind when she heard that sinister voice. Talking in third person? Definitely a psychopath. She heard the crunching of other boots further down the road -- definitely a psychopath. The type that sends away his subordinates so he can get freaky when he runs off to murder someone. Crazy. Dangerous. Likely skilled. Definitely evil.

And now he was looking for her. Briefly she found herself frozen, before her body remembered what it was like, being in danger.

Auteme took stock of her surroundings. The alley she'd come from lead back to a larger main road; she looked down and saw a tank roll past. The buildings she was next to were four stories tall. If the wall she'd practically knocked down was any indication, she wasn't keen on climbing up. Maybe with a strand-

Guy. Coming up.

She put her hands together, and with some effort...

A white bird hopped up onto the little bit of rubble of the fallen pillar, and let out a confused squawk. It turned, looked at the stormtrooper, then hopped off and started to walk across the road.
5th post








Saul Vandron Saul Vandron FN-999 Bex Tarring Bex Tarring Veno Veno
Nukth Kelga'an Nukth Kelga'an Sahar Sahar Tyrell Lockhart Tyrell Lockhart
Melvain Braxis Melvain Braxis Jerec Yularen Jerec Yularen Rakaan Horne



Shorurra Groznik Bayaz Bayaz Liedran Kathause Liedran Kathause
Qzekov Korvan Toldreyn Korvan Toldreyn Sara Roche Sara Roche Ibra Sest Ibra Sest
Sol Stazi Sol Stazi Kyell Laysel Osarla Ridor Osarla Ridor




'Worry not for my survival, Gowrie. I have seen my way through greater odds than this.'

Comforting though it was to see the sudden change in demeanour, the Tuath still couldn't help but worry a little for the Wookie against his wishes by then, as there was much and more set to befall the city's defenders already, and even with the arrival of the 222nd, Lord Aron knew there would be a severe advantage in firepower working against the GADF forces on the ground that day. But the Major-General was fully aware that such advantages would end there, as the manpower advantage would then work in the GA's favour following the eventual push into the inner-city behind them, with militias and several layers of defence helping Shorurra's subordinate kinsmen in the eventual urban meat-grinder that awaited everyone in play.

'If your offer is contingent upon me abandoning the GADF forces on the eve of battle, then I'm afraid I must decline. But if not... then I will meet this Pontiff of yours.'

And just like that, we go back to abiding by the laws of war.

With hands clasped in momentary prayer, Lord Aron sighed,'Ashla gazes on Dia with kindness again.', in clear relief, though it would be replaced soon enough with a look of straightforward, curt honesty in the realisation that certain confirmations were yet to be uttered. Unclasping his fingers and straightening his posture to look into Groznik's eyes again, Gowrie was suddenly distracted by the distant sounds of explosive hostilities commencing with maddening intensity, but so was his Force-wielding counterpart, both saddened by the booms that heralded in yet another great Galactic war.

Not only just a war on Chaos, but one between Order and Peace.

Bringing the Second Great Hyperspace War to the beginning of it's absolute peak in the most morbid of fanfares.

In the moments after, the Kellas would catch a peripheral glimpse the Jedi looking to his Datapad, clearly going through the motions of getting their part in the fight underway in turn. Gowrie was able to read the look of solemn earnest on Groznik's face, having caught a reflected glimpse of this same look on his own face over the years, adding weight to the fact he would need to face off against the Wookie's ilk before the sun had passed beyond the horizon; showing something of an unconditional heart for his dearest friends, and the hopes of their survival that his counterpart knew all too well, silently expressing the exact same sorts of hopes as those that Gowrie had for the survival of his own. A run of tragic, deathly fates were expected of some of their favoured subordinates in the battle ahead, and in others not long after that day, a reality that was enough on it's own to relent on Shorurra for his role in all of it - they were both in the dread of grief whether they willed it or not.

Trapped in the Crucible until the smoke cleared for everyone.

Whatever ace you have up your sleeve, I suggest playing it at some point -- the 222nd is here.]]


From: Gowrie]]
Recipients: Vandron, Tarring, Lockhart, FN-999]]

Coordinate with Major Reed - callsign,"Wildcat Two".

He has every artillery piece we need, and the relevant gunners ready to put in some work. And while we're on the subject, we need as many key-positions marked if and when we break through into the inner-city - including their LZ. I think they've set command-centre constructions in action somewhere beneath the surface.

In other news, ace has been played - we don't need to prepare for a third frontier now. So it's just us, the Wookies operating independently now, the GADF and the good fight itself. A proper old fashioned dust-up without any added implications getting in our way. And with the honour of dying on their feet, and as their own Wookies, they can perish in ways that force our enemies to accept as lawful.

Another victory for the Empire in the Propaganda War.

And before I forget!

The Lord-Regent wishes to meet with you when all is said and done here today, mentioned something about,
"Wishing to see the Tavlar Monument on Dantooine.", and said he'd be bringing cigars for the occasion.]]

'Though it gladdens me to see that you understand now, I must reassure you that I would never suggest abandonment, not when I can tell that it goes against both our guiding principles.... However, in this admission, I must also admit that we must fight until one power routs the other this time. Sorry 'bout that, hands are tied on this one.'

Bowing head respectfully, Lord Aron tossed his Durasteel hipflask to Shorurra, still half full with a supreme blend of of Goidelic whiskey, a generous act of armistice as a parting gift. Both as beverage to enjoy at the Wookie's own leisure, and also a certified life-saver from blaster trails for many other soldiers like them. As small and benign though his gift was, the fact it was likely to be the last kindness of it's sort in the battle ahead was enough to lend heavy significance to the very act of armistice in and of itself, such that wouldn't be lost on the Ashlan Wookie in these moments either. And just before he turned to make his way back to the Imperial command-centre, the Tuath lit in silence and watched the distant explosions to the north for a second or two, shaking his head at the mess of it all before he turned his attention back to the gaze of the Wookie for the last time that day.

'An' If it ends up being the GADF who routs, just focus on escaping capture after that. Safety in groups - no matter how small.... In any case - good luck, Shorurra. I promise we'll speak again soon.'
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Kelinna Tryn



ALLIES: Margo Liaeris | Velran Kilran Velran Kilran | Caarlyle Rausgeber Caarlyle Rausgeber | FN-999 | Ignacious Korvan Ignacious Korvan | TE
ENEMIES: Monos Monos | Phaineve Halseigh Phaineve Halseigh | GA
ENGAGING: Valery Noble Valery Noble | Silas Westgard Silas Westgard
GEAR: Armour | Sniper rifle | Pistol | Rifle | Vibroblade | Vibroknife | Grenade loadout



And there it was.

The Jedi rushed into the corridor, lightsabers blurring as they deflected shots. Lily narrowed her eyes. Unfortunately for them, she was no shrinking violet.
"Deflect this, fairy." she hissed as she flicked the switch on her rifle and sent golden particle bolts straight at the duo just before they started moving. "Alphas, switch to particle and pin down that Jedi female. The rest of you push forward with Corporal Wells!" she then ordered her men.

The six troopers Wells had selected split off from the main advance just as a pained cry could be heard through Lily's comms. Dark-blue eyes snapped back to the main firefight, just in time to see a grenade soaring towards them all.
<ELEVEN O'CLOCK! SCATTER!> she bellowed as she dove to the right, away from where the grenade touched ground.

The concussion sent out a sonic wave, disorienting a few of her troops that weren't quick enough to evade it's radius. Her own ears were ringing slightly. Yet, the troopers that were lucky enough to be far enough behind, moved up quickly to cover their comrades with practiced movements. The Reaper scrambled to her feet as well, ears still ringing, but she was cognitive enough to raise her rifle to her shoulder in time to drop a Tionese that was charging at her.

The 6 troopers that were dubbed the Alphas, on the other hand, pushed on toward the Jedi woman - spreading out as they went to not be a collective target, concentrating fire on her from various angles.

Lily's eyes caught sight of the young man and his glowing saber that had caused their momentary setback. She wasn't going to let that happen again. She may be more at ease at long distances, but she was no stranger to close quarters against Force-users.
<Wells! Cover me!> she ordered as she clipped the rifle back behind her shoulder. Rushing forward, she unclipped the Streiter from her belt. The Corporal covered her advance, pinning down assailants with particle shots.

When she was in leaping distance, she snapped out the blade from it's cross-guard and lunged toward the young Jedi with a low strike towards his abdomen.

She never did like the space wizards.



Sahar|Imperial Knights|Tion Operation
Tags:// Kyell Laysel


"You'll find out soon enough, dog."

Sahar rolled her eyes at his words; he had to do better than some cheap words to rile her up into making a mistake. It was basic level insults, the kind to not work on an Imperial knight who'd kill many force users. She observed him with all the intensity of a krayt dragon seizing up its next meal, she found this little mute fascinating and almost worth not killing there and then. The little Jedi would be a good bait for the rest of his kind, an early message to those of the order that wished to step where Jedi should not walk.

"I wonder, what will make the little mutt with a saber scream for help more? Pulling his teeth out? Taking an arm?"

She chuckled to herself, simulating the effect of breaking bones with a gesture of her hands as she circled around him like a hound baying for blood. Her eyes darted to the desolate building edges around them, brows furrowed in contemplation at the idea that there might've been soldiers laying in wait. Maybe that was why the Jedi showed heart, but she doubted it, it was more dumb bravado brought on by fear and the knowledge of being truly alone.

Then he attacked again, same routine, same feint, same old awful phoned-in performance. Sahar, as a diversion, with a flick of her wrist and using the force, flung a pile of debris and glass as a distraction to allow her to roll under his lightsaber strike. Then, using the force to boost her strength, she wrapped her hands around his waist once she rose up and threw him in the direction of a shop window, using a vicious force push to send the boy flying through the glass as a follow-up.

"Your master must've been lacking if they picked an invalid like you, you pathetic animal."

She followed after him, slowly taking her time as she stepped in through the now shattered shop front, eyes gleaming with malice as she moved in on her prize.

Kyell Laysel



Location: New Aldera
Tag: Sahar Sahar

How could someone be this elusive?

No matter what he tried, she always seemed to be one step ahead of him, and she was much faster too. With the assistance of the Force, a lot stronger as well, and she used it to her advantage. After evading his attack completely, Kyell felt no shock from another knee or fist making contact — instead she grabbed him around the waist and used all that strength and momentum to lift him off the ground and throw him towards one of the buildings.

The shattering of glass echoed through the street seconds later, and Kyell found himself on his back within the shop, and suffering from sharp pains wherever his skin was exposed. His head and face were bleeding from several clean cuts, and his hands weren't exactly doing much better either. It sparked heavier breathing from the young man, who pushed himself up just enough to look beyond his legs, allowing him to see Sahar approaching.

This is bad...

He gritted his teeth and pushed himself up to his feet, but he stood shakily and his vision felt distorted. He wasn't sure if it was the impact or the blood running down his face that caused it. But despite it, he noticed something... a photo made by Miri Nimdok had fallen out of his jacket, and landed close to the window he had been tossed through. It was a sweet moment between them — a gentle kiss against the corner of his lips while they were exploring an underwater city together. He looked a bit awkward on it, but he was fond of it.

So he wanted it back, but Sahar stood in the way.

<T> "I..." he tried to speak but the loss of blood was making it harder to focus. This was going to be his final shot at taking her down, so with a hand raised, he lifted the shards of glass off the ground and sent them all towards the woman, hoping to cut her to bits if he had to.




"And yet, I was not the one demonized and hunted by my own."

She pushed, he pushed back. Strength came from words and muscles alike. She attacked his poor moral judgement, he attacked hers.

For a flash of a moment, the lines between her eyebrows deepened. Her scowl darkened. The Senate’s jurisdiction had forced her to make a decision at one time — and she’d chosen to stay with her men her marines. Not The Order. She couldd’t betray them.

"You'd make a fine Knight, Osarla."

Even through the plating on her abdomen, Saul’s kick resounded.


Osarla grunted, stomped her heels back, and planted ‘em. Firmly. Her free arm which had originally windmilled backward to counterbalance, shoved down to trap Saul’s lower leg against her oblique and give the ankle a sharp twist counter clockwise.

She grinned toothsomely, almost ferally, and chuckled. "Nah, Saul.

I'd make a lousy traitor.”

By now, her sabre arm was back in the fight, and she moved to bring her elbow down heavily against his knee.

"And you've'an army full of those already."

ALLIES | GA | NJO | INDIRECT | Bayaz Bayaz | Ibra Sest Ibra Sest | TORTUGA COMPANY
FOES | THE EMPIRE | Saul Vandron Saul Vandron



F I S T _ O F _ T H E _ E M P I R E
"Feth!" he spat as old joints wept at the Jedi torquing his ankle against its natural posture. A clear reminder that the days of his youth, raiding stars and pillaging worlds, were long gone past. Each new colored button on his rank plaque withered a hair lock grey in return. A costly transaction.

She could've acted to amputate the seized leg clean with her blade but the restraint of the Jedi held her back. Saul, on the other hand, carried no such scruples.

He was unchained.

Wobbling on one foot, the general swiped his blade to intercept the elbow.
ALLIES: The Empire | INDIRECT: DECEASED Aron Gowrie DECEASED Aron Gowrie | Bex Tarring Bex Tarring | Tyrell Lockhart Tyrell Lockhart | FN-999
ENEMIES: The Galactic Alliance | The Tion Republic | Osarla Ridor Osarla Ridor | INDIRECT: Bayaz Bayaz | Ibra Sest Ibra Sest | Shorurra Groznik


Equipment in bio.
Writing with: Phaineve Halseigh Phaineve Halseigh Sylus (Γ059) Sylus (Γ059) |


"Aye aye..." she pinged back, almost regretfully, "Stay safe, Mox."

Through his comm, Mox heard the familiar voice of Phaineve directly in his ears as the terrifying, unknown soldier flew toward him like a projectile. Mox's bright red blaster shots, it seemed, meant nothing for the high-tech infiltrator. The Anzellan quickly concluded that his blaster will be useless against such a specialized operative, whoever they were. Thankfully, his extensive background as an agent of the Rebel Alliance kept him sober enough in this situation to prevent him from freezing, and quite simply, dying outright at the hands of this armored menace. Mox didn't waste a single second, firing off his grappling hook instantly after his own final blaster shot.

The gas-propelled hook exploded out of its forearm-mounted housing with a puff of smoke and noise, and got caught in a vent grate above just in time to save Mox from being bludgeoned to death by Sylus (Γ059) Sylus (Γ059) . Still, the acrobatics of his opponent were nothing short of miraculous in the eyes of the Anzellan; as Mox reeled himself up through clouds of steam and spark, he saw the agent below him twist mid-air and fire a single shot at him.

There was nowhere he could hide while being pulled upward, and the extremely tight confines of the vertical maintenance shaft left little room to maneuver, even for the 12-inch Anzellan. The blaster shot fired at him brought to life his personal energy shield in an explosive fashion; it roared and flashed at the impact point where the bolt hit it, bringing its reserves down to eighty percent outright. But Mox lived, for now.

Grabbing onto the vent grate that opens sideways from the narrow tube he flew up in, the tiny agent quickly flips out his welding torch to melt open a circular hole wide enough for him to slip through and away from this pursuing phantom. A couple of seconds is all he needs, and hopefully his quick ascent had bought him just that amount of time. As the circular hole is being cut into the grate, he hails his undercover partner and reports to her in a hushed voice. – Phaineve, this is bad. Some super-soldier is after me, hunting me even in the vents. – Half the circle is complete. – Prepare for my arrival, I will need help. – With unconcealed fright in his voice, he repeats a redundant message. – I'm coming.

Mox tears out the carved-out plate of the vent cover and throws it down below him and attempts to slip away once more, this time into an even narrower duct.
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Lieutenant Sara 'Meteor' Roche
GADF Marines, 222nd Nova Corps, 121st (Augmented) Battalion, 3rd Company, 3rd Platoon, Ad-hoc Squad

Location: Southern sector, New Aldera, New Alderaan
Objective: Halt the Imperial offensive
ENGAGING: Melvain Braxis Melvain Braxis
Relative Proximity: Saul Vandron Saul Vandron DECEASED Aron Gowrie DECEASED Aron Gowrie FN-999 Bex Tarring Bex Tarring || Bayaz Bayaz Ibra Sest Ibra Sest Shorurra Groznik


Control over one's body was essential to mastering lightsaber combat and using the Force. To be able to understand where your body was at all times in relation to your enemy's was imperative to survive not only their assault but also in making sure you did not injure or kill yourself with your own foolish movements. Jumping into a blade, flourishing a lightsaber, and lopping off a limb, deflecting a bolt into an explosive too close to yourself. He wasn't sure how the Jedi trained this out of their padawans, but the Imperial Knights had been brutally efficient. They had to be when training to fight Sith, monsters not held back like the Jedi by sentiments and religious ideals from using the Force to its utmost potential for destruction.

It was only this control that allowed Melvain to leap over one of the marines as a grenade overhead and not slice it to ribbons. He pushed, and propelled it further off into the distance before coming down on the other side and ramming his blade through the chest of the marine he'd used as a springboard. He gripped the man by his gorget and charged, letting the blaster bolts ping and tear up the marine as he closed the distance. They had formed a ring around him though and moving in one direction just opened up more room between him and other marines. He cursed and pulled the lightsaber through the side of the marine, flinging his lifeless body behind him. His off-hand outstretched from the push he called his second lightsaber to it, the lightsaber of his former master, dead too soon on some backwater Chiss world.

Waste. War was waste. By the Force, he was tired of waste.

The second blade erupted in a flash of white light to meet the bolts of his enemies. The scatter blast took him partially in the shoulder, spinning him around in time to meet the foolish blade of his opponent. The blaster was a marine's weapon and Melvain could tell these men and women were not ready to fight Knights of the Empire. He lamented as he let the blade slide across his lightsaber, the heat from his blade slagging the edge as it ran down to Mel's hilt. The second blade came down at the man's elbows cutting through the armor and bodysuit with little resistance.

Blaster bolts peppered around them trying to clip or kill Mel while still attempting to avoid their foolish comrade who had run in thinking he would be a hero. An elbow into the screaming man's nose silenced him and a toss with the Force sent him flying towards another part of the ring. The chain gun was the most difficult. The sniper a close second. As the now armless man fell he threw his secondary saber, controlling it in an arc around him cutting and slicing at weapons and hands as he did his best to keep the other bolts away from him through his acrobatics and swordplay, relying heavily on Soresu as he dashed for the new opening in the circle towards the downed transport.

Sara grit her teeth as she watched the Marine get diced like a toy. The machine-like precision and measured brutality of the Imp sickened her. She did not know the other grunt by name, but she would be damned if she let the Knight get away with it. She reset her aim, letting the HUD calibrate as the Knight threw his second saber. The magnetic shielding of the blasts of her Chaingun made it impossible properly deflect: if the Knight so much as touched her bolts with his blade they would explode in his face.

The Knight's arcing blade was unexpected, though not unprepared for. Beyond the first two soldiers who saw their blasters sliced in twain, the others ducked, weaved, and rolled back into firing position while the Knight was still one blade short. Targeting reticle re-calibrated, Sara let loose with a tight stream of bolts, directly aimed at the Knight even as he ran for the transport. He would have no choice but to attempt to deflect some of them.

<"Steady aim, fire for impact!"> she called into her comms. The others used Thunderwasps with similar magnetic shielding: if they switched from the usual spray to aimed shots, the Knight would be caught in a hailstorm of blasts from his own attempts at deflecting with Form III.

Harkin and the other two hopped out from cover then, cutting off Melvain from the front even as the circle of fire tightened on the Knight. The Corporal reacted and fired off a scattergun blast at medium-close range.
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V E N O M _ S N A K E



The coast was clear, although there was a feeling in his gut that told him otherwise. One always trust their gut, but what they lose could he do other than walk and spring the trap awaiting? Better than standing still and not doing anything. Walking as he went and then suddenly he could hear a pair of boots, walking towards him. He was right all along, there was something here waiting for him. Blaster was ready and his finger ready to pull at the trigger. His intent was to kill, no interest in taking survivors unless they miraculously survived.

The noise was getting louder and louder…

His right index finger about to pull…

But nothing was fired and his breathing was still. His one good eye widened at the person he was looking at, and within him were a sudden rush of mixed feelings. As if a shine of light pierced through his cold, dark heart. This was a sinister trap or trick from what he was seeing. How did the SIA know of his past? Why and how was this happening?

He was staring at a dead man, wearing the exact clothing and gear on that fateful day years ago. A man he Djorn descended from and loved.

Finally getting a hold of himself as it seemed he was stun for a long time.

“You’re dead, I killed you,” trying to suppress his emotions and burying what was trying to submerge inside of him. “I’m the better soldier! The better man!” Yelling as if he was hysterical. “I’ll stomp out these people and their visions just like I did to you and your insurgents.” Having enough of this ghost from his guilty past, he aimed down center mass and fired one round into illusion’s heart. Just like he did years ago when he was just a green leaf assigned to the mission to stop an insurgency movement.

“No more tricks,” seething under his breath, his face engulfed with anger though a lone teardrop trickled down his cheek.

Maijan Paisea Maijan Paisea

Sol heard the blaster go off. He charged forward into darkness.

"Report!" the duros growled, "Scout?"

His rifle's glowlamp found the dead recon trooper floating in sewage a few seconds later. Colonel Stazi scraped away enough muck to reveal 501st markings and let out a soft whistle. There must be an egress point somewhere nearby. He ordered his soldiers to fan out and search with a few quick hand signals. It didn't take long before Sol breathed in fresh air.

"Creel, take a look."

"It's Madine, sir."

Right. Creel died years ago on Rhen Var. Back when he was just a mobile infantry grunt. Some of the pathfinders were survivors like Stazi. Others recruited directly from Alliance worlds for their cultural skills. Trackers and hunters. Demolitions experts. Even a few semi-reformed pickpockets. Madine grew up on the streets of Corellia. He moved through these sewers like a ghost.

Sure enough the trooper sighted Imperial armor and 501st advancing into New Aldera. Colonel Stazi could feel the vibrations overhead. Tempting, but he couldn't afford to get bogged down here in the city along with the Nova Corps. Instead, they pressed on following the subterranean pipeline to its terminus beyond the city limits.

<"More bucketheads advancing from the hills-">

Sol's comlink regained signal and squawked for a few seconds until he turned it off. Pathfinders melted into the wilderness. This was the Imperial backline, where Findsman Company aimed to misbehave.

Ewan "Raider" Isaacs


Hesitation is a Hole in the head!

Amenediel Shuttle Mk II

CALLSIGNS: Admiral Angellus "Maverick" is and will always be "Angel 1", Captain Rojuh Pouil "Starlight" is "Angel 2" Captain Scoht Pouil "Meteor" is "VOODOO 1". Captain Ewan Isaacs "Raider" is "SCAR 1" and in command of the Jackals primarily for both ships. Each Squadron leader makes up the remaining "Angel" callsigns, their individual squadrons and make-ups are named below.

SPACIAL COMBAT AND RENDITION - SCARs use the Jackal Fighter for its balance of speed and maneuverability as well as its remote capabilities. This allows the elite pilot/operators to"bail" and operate in zero-G often a tactic in boarding capital ships.

SCAR WING (7 Squadrons)
  1. SCAR 2-10 Jackal Class Starfighter
  1. Ares 1-6 Azazael class Stealth fighter
  1. Ares 7-12 Archangel class Fighter/Interceptor
  1. Ares 13–17 Ashera Class Fighter
  1. Ares 18 Cherub Gunship
  2. Ares 19-20 Cherub Transport

SECTOR: New Alderaan
ORDERS: Break the Blockade
WINGMATES: @Tren Char. Liedran Kathause Liedran Kathause , Shar Sieu Shar Sieu , Andien Gale Andien Gale , Ari Naldax Ari Naldax , Maple Harte Maple Harte , @ Mylo Thorne ,

TARGETS: Caarlyle Rausgeber Caarlyle Rausgeber
TARGETS OF OPPORTUNITY: Albrecht F. Herlock Albrecht F. Herlock | Ignacious Korvan Ignacious Korvan | @ Velran Kilran



... Ewan!

It was the command channel, Angelus was calling and while he normally did not just shoot the proverbial excrement, the SCARs were in the middle of a dogfight, this was not the time.

With all due respect, sir. Busy! What am I doing now?

You’re about to tell me how great I am. See that Star Destroyer I’m marking on your map? It’s yours to hit however you want!

A blip on the screen with the heading “NIV Thundercrack” became front and center of his HUD. There were others, “NIV Wraith” and “NIV Crusher” for example, but they were not highlighted. This was clearly what the Admiral was marking.

You are SO, “The Best” Ever!

Liram just laughed.

Get on it!

SCAR 1’s were already in the middle of engaging a group of TIEs so following up right at that moment was out of the question. That being said, once the Revelry cruisers of Nirvana Fleet were in position and able to provide fire support, “Raider” and his “1” squadron were able to fall back to as the others remained in engagement.

Overwatch! Begin procedures to take control of “1”’s and “2”’s. Destinations “Bridge” and “Communications array.”

Consider it done, sir.

The orders were simple. The “Overwatch” staff would take command of the Jackal fighters remotely (*per their control abilities as stated in links in the spoilers) and allow the SCAR teams to bail and jet pack close to the Star Destroyer’s hull to their destinations. One team reaching the communication’s array to destroy it and disable most feasible chances of communications with their fleet. The other to the bridge, breach it and take out the command staff and (hopefully) disable controls for engines and fire support.

If everything would work according to plans, both teams would again bail out to open space where “Overwatch” would fly in their fighters and they would retake control and return to the fight. The remaining 5 squadrons will fly close attack cover to (hopefully) keep the guns on them.

SCARs 1’s and 2’s, let’s do this! The rest of you, cover our backs!

As the controls slowly went to “remote”, Ewan grabbed the assault rifle in his “weapons” slot and pulled down, sealing his “Mask Visor” enabling the portable oxygen to circulate through his suit. Once he exited and watched the others, a TIE group on an attack run took out three Jackals and killed their pilots.

Get to cover! Where’s my fire support![/COLOR]

On it now! Shots fired! Shots fired!

A Jackal flight from “5” squadron gave chase, cannons firing. The team had work to do, so they would grieve later and press on, thrustering towards the bridge. The charges two of them had would (hopefully) take out the viewport and then the blast shield.

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Sergeant Omen

Arc Trooper Sergeant of the 41st Elite Corps
Omen's head jerked up at the faraway shout and reached for his verpine pistol before noticing the man on the far side of the landing pad. His helmet looked like it was from... no... It wasn't possible. It was probably just some soldier who scrape the helmet and armor off a battlefield as souvenirs. "Go, I'll handle this." The boy hesitated for a moment, looking between the two figures before nodding, getting in the truck, and driving away at full speed. As the sound of the revving engine receded into the distance he shouted."My sister gave it to me. What's it to you?"
If the man choose to walk closer, he would see the other person's armor wasn't standard issue. It was true that Omen's armor did reference his old Clone Wars suit but the rocket boosters on his ankles and his wrist gauntlets were truly Mandalorian. "If you don't mind, I got a schedule to meet and it is going to be harder by the minute to get through the blockade so..." If the stranger did nothing to stop him, he would slowly inch towards his ship's ramp and towards salvation from the sear awkwardness of this conversation.

Driver Driver

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