Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Dominion Shattered Dreams - GA Dominion of Taris

Taris | Tunnels

Tag: Aris Noble Aris Noble Tyrus Vastor Tyrus Vastor
Wait, he could speak normal basic? Vera perked a brow again and sighed internally when he shifted back to this Korun way of speech. Why he intentionally made himself hard to understand, Vera didn't know, but she listened intently and could figure out easily enough what he was telling them. A hunt and an investigation, and-

Vera squinted.

"We can handle ourselves. We've already gone through a bunch of Rakghouls." He had poked at her, so her urge to be a difficult teenager only grew stronger. At least, until a faint echo behind them drew her attention as well. At first, the sound was unclear, but it didn't take long before she heard those things approaching again.

Should they leave it to him and just continue their own investigation? That wouldn't be right... so Vera drew her lightsaber and ignited its emerald blade.

"They're coming."

There was a metallic slide and then a audible click that echoed back in the tunnel after Tyrus was done reloading. He closed his eyes and focused his hearing, letting the force carry sounds to him with clear resonance. Vera Noble Vera Noble was correct. They were coming. They are swarming faster than before. I thought the tunnels were cleared by Grandmaster Noble? Figures.

Tyrus sneered to himself. He carried a different standard and was here for a different purpose. He was Lightsworn and that was a pledge to not only fight against the dark, it was a pledge to eradicate it. "Mention of rank is for your comfort. Call me Tyrus or Lor Pelek. For your sakes I hope your sister is right. Would be a shame if the Grandmaster lost two kids today...No one should have to suffer that. This isn't some game." He said stoically and felt a grime and filth encrusted plushie of a small bantha. It was hidden midst his utility belt.

It belonged to a child. A daughter, not his own but one of the residents that lived hundreds of levels above them. I will avenge you. Afterward he squinted at the sight of a green lightsaber activating and glanced back to Aris Noble Aris Noble . No not at Aris, but behind him. The tunnel wall was fissuring?

" Wha-" The word was cut short then several taller figures crashed through a wall. Hideous decrypted monsters in appearance but stood like men. From their eyes a dark curiosity was birthed and bizarre intelligence gleamed. The darkside pulses off them subtly.
Were these Rakghouls? Mean while on the other side of the tunnel the more ravenous hunchback looking rakghouls were approaching.

And here I was stuck with two children. Two of Valerie Nobles children. By Grandfathers shoulder. Why me?


"They've an amulet that controls the more wild ones."

Aris ignited his blade as he lowered his stance. The loss of one probably called the rest. Not good at all. Had Vera and Aris actually brought danger to this Jedi instead? He didn't like that thought. Better to finish them quick this time around. "Seszil."

He was gone in a flash, closing the distance to the first to cleave straight through them, weapon and body alike. Seszil, the floating blade, ripped through another before catching a strike for Aris's back. The two struck in tandem, practiced and prepared for years now. He focused ahead, focused on the next and the next, knowing that Vera would cover him and get those he wasn't paying attention to.

Vera Noble Vera Noble | Tyrus Vastor Tyrus Vastor

Taris | Tunnels

Tag: Aris Noble Aris Noble Tyrus Vastor Tyrus Vastor

Vera watched her brother dash forward with practiced precision, his blade cutting through the enemy like they were nothing. A twinge of frustration hit her as she heard Tyrus's words — especially the comment about her and Aris being a potential liability. She grit her teeth but stayed focused despite it, refusing to let him distract her.

Her emerald blade hummed as she stepped up alongside Aris, moving in sync with him as they had done countless times before. When one of the taller creatures made a move for Aris's exposed flank, Vera was already there, her blade slashing cleanly through its midsection. The creature dropped with a heavy thud, and Vera shot her brother a quick nod.

"Focus on the bigger ones," she called out over the sound of clashing sabers. "I've got your back!"

Her movements were sharp and deliberate, the green hue of her lightsaber casting eerie reflections on the tunnel walls as she danced around the incoming rakghouls. She could feel the dark energy emanating from them — it was subtle but undeniably present. But despite their numbers, she was determined. They had faced worse before, and they wouldn't fall here.

But with more of the mindless variant coming from another direction, she wondered if they'd be able to keep up.


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