Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Dominion Shattered Dreams - GA Dominion of Taris

Taris | Tunnels

Tag: Aris Noble Aris Noble
"Stop..." Vera said all of a sudden, her senses focused as they detected something, "Someone else is in these tunnels with us. I think it's a Jedi," Vera added, having picked up on Tyrus Vastor Tyrus Vastor deeper down the tunnel of caves. The faint sound of beasts growling and screeching as they were butchered soon reached them, but Vera seemed hesitant about following up. What if this person wasn't a Jedi but someone who would threaten them?

She was on a mission and she didn't want to risk failing it by being curious.

"Should we help? Or should we keep going?" From what she sensed, he was handling himself just fine. Rakghouls were troublesome in large groups. but capable Jedi could carve through them easily enough.

Still, there was always a risk of being overwhelmed.

"The orbs are pointing us in a different direction..."



He picked up on it, good. Iris let herself smile for a brief moment before she ended up diving deeper into the colors around her. They were able to help more effectively now, so she would instead focus her attention on everything. Weaving the colors endlessly through the area, the wreckage, everything. With her focus on that painting and painting alone, no amount of talking or the like would pull her out. She was wholly with the Force for the time being to ensure as many as possible were saved.

Zaiya Ceti Zaiya Ceti | Roman Vossari Roman Vossari

Padawan Roman felt a surge of pride and relief as he witnessed the transformation taking place before him. Zaiya's focused determination resonated like a harmony in the air, each of her movements seemingly choreographed by the Force itself. The vibrant display of blues and golds that erupted from her work brought a new light to the scene, illuminating not only the injured man but also the heavy air of despair that had hung over them moments before.

He stepped back slightly, allowing Zaiya her space, yet he felt the pull of their shared energy, as if they were two threads weaving together in an intricate tapestry. Roman's heart swelled at the thought that he had assisted in some small way, his contribution intertwining with hers, turning fear into hope.

But the moment was brief. Iris's deep focus captivated him, reminding him of the dedication required for their mission. He could sense the urgency in her movements, the way her spirit poured into everything she touched, like an artist caught in the flow of creation.

Taking a deep breath, Roman centered himself, letting the remnants of their energies coalesce within him. He felt the warmth of determination radiate through their small group, a collective resolve that urged him onward. "Together," he thought, "we can do this."

As he stood vigil beside Zaiya, with Iris weaving her magic in the background, Roman understood his role anew, a stabilizing force, a bridge. With each moment, he felt himself grow, not just as a Padawan but as part of something greater, a community bound by shared light and purpose amidst the shadows of suffering. As Zaiya reassured the injured man, Roman's own smile crept forth, joining her warmth as they prepared to guide him to safety.


Persephone watched Iko Vel Iko Vel get to work on the primitive lock. She was expecting an approach much,much more quiet than literally using a knife to bash the thing. Didn't Jedi have skills with lock picking? The teenage Heiress expected Iko to use some of the skills he had acquired at the Jedi Temple to be put in use.

Whatever got the job done, she supposed.

Lock was tossed to the ground and she immediately reached inside. It was only half-full. Some flimsy in a battered folder that looked important. Holos. Two different data tablets and a credcard. The brown haired girl immediately starting placing things quickly into her hoodie and pants pockets, not bringing a bag down. That would have invited a heap of trouble.

Hand reached inside and swept the little locker twice to make sure. This was it. She wasn't coming back to Taris after this. At least, she didn't plan to unless there was a lead on her no-good Daddy. Even then, Persephone wasn't sure if she wanted to go down that road. A depressing weight was falling on her shoulders with the realization she was going to have to make a decision soon. To embrace her new life and push this to the back of her mind or continue to live in two worlds.

Shoulders slumped and she sighed. Hand gestured around the little lobby of the dilapidated structure.

"So's this is where I grew up. I ain't going upstairs though, sorry. Yous ready to leave?"




Aris paused, glancing to his sister. Then his brow furrowed. Another Jedi was here? Were they here to clear the tunnels? That was why their mother had been here before, so that was likely. He hummed only for a moment before giving Vera a grin. He could hear the fighting, but it didn't mean he could tell it's direction. Not as well as she could, anyway.

"Whatever we're being pointed to has been there since Solomon, so.. We should go help. Point the way for me? I can't differentiate sound in these tunnels too well."

Vera Noble Vera Noble | Tyrus Vastor Tyrus Vastor

Taris | Tunnels

Tag: Aris Noble Aris Noble Tyrus Vastor Tyrus Vastor
"What's wrong? Your super ears don't have reception here?" Vera snickered and moved past him, but not without intentionally bumping her shoulder into him. She loved to tease her brother, no matter how smart, strong, or good of a Jedi he became. He was her little brother and that meant he'd never be safe.

Even if he kept quiet.

"It's this way." Vera finally became more serious and picked up the pace to guide her brother through the tunnels. Soon enough, he wouldn't need her guidance anymore. The flash of Tyrus Vastor Tyrus Vastor 's blade became visible, as it cast a glow around the dark tunnels. The sound of beasts screaming and screeching grew louder as well, and the darkness they felt became so much more intense.



The purple glow of Lor Pelek's lightsaber faded, retracting back into its hilt and leaving the large Korun alone in the tunnel with a putrid stench.

Though it all ended, I could still feel the super conductive loop, initiated by vaapad, coursing through every fiber of my being. I could no longer sense danger nearby and in that reflective calming pause I motioned my lungs to breathe in and breathe out. Centering, finding my own center of being once again. Reminding myself that I merely reflected and directed the dark and not wield it.

That was no longer my life.

Casting a glance to the corpses below, Tyrus came to a crouch and moved aside the bottom end of his black leather duster coat aside away from rakghoul blood that pooled around him. Peering past the physical he focused on the metaphysical, slowly but surely he glimpsed the subtle webs, the ebbs and flows that connected the corpses around him together to a larger source. A hive. A shatterpoint.

In his minds eye it manifested like ripples or even shattered glass mirages cast over the physical, but just as he was about to follow its connection it faded away and he was left staring at a young girl and a young boy?

" Why here? Why come here, you?" he said aloud in a deep voice, his accent deeply in Korun.

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