Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Dominion Shattered Dreams - GA Dominion of Taris


<Focus on the pain. It leaves a mark in the Force- here.> Iris spoke through the Force, the meditation, to Zaiya. Her focus shifted on the Padawan for a brief moment to do so, and she took it a step further. She brought her world of colors to the Padawan. Not all of it, of course, it was too overwhelming for people as she learned, but she could show Zaiya the pain, what needed to be fixed.

Then she was back to guiding everyone else, giving them the strength and focus they needed to finish the task.

Zaiya Ceti Zaiya Ceti | Roman Vossari Roman Vossari | Alicio Organa Alicio Organa


The Day After | Social Objective


"Come on, Zaiya." he whispered, though he knew she couldn't hear him through the noise of the chaos surrounding them. "You've got this." The way she was channeling the Force, guided by Iris's calm energy, made him feel buoyed as well. Roman felt the double-impact of their influence, almost as though he were directly plugged into the potential of the Force itself.

Suddenly, a flicker of bright blue and soft turquoise surged from Zaiya, and he grinned. She was grasping the pulse of healing, focusing deeply, pouring her heart into saving the person before her.

As he stood there, his own hands instinctively clenched, he felt the energy crackling in the air, feeding both of them with the resolve that came from working together. Zaiya wasn't just performing a task, she was engaging in a symphony of life, weaving her essence into the fabric of healing.

He could feel Iris's presence as well, a warmth radiating through the chaos that resonated with the unity of their intentions. He sensed her guidance brushing against Zaiya's mind. Roman's heart swelled with pride and determination. They were all interconnected, like colors blending on a canvas to create something beautiful and transcendent.

As Zaiya's healing light shimmered around them, he suddenly felt compelled to join her, to lend his own strength to the effort. He stepped forward, kneeling beside her, placing a hand on her back in silent support. Together, they could amplify their connection to the Force, making the healing energy flow stronger and more profound.



"Fine. Stay with Vera."

Aris readied himself for only a moment longer, then nudged the sheath on his side. Seszil sprang out in a flash of silver, cleaving through one of the charging Rakghoul's before hovering back to stay around Vera. Act as her shield. Aris himself zipped forward through the group. Not fearing their claws or fangs he went right for the real threat that could overwhelm them.


He struck as fast as he could, his body crackling with lightning to further his speed. He made the strike look like he was going for the Nekghoul's head, but his real target was the amulet. The moment they weren't organized, he'd be able to go after the leader without fear of any tricks over his sister.

Vera Noble Vera Noble

Taris | Tunnels

Tag: Aris Noble Aris Noble
The beasts were upon them.

Having spent more time training with a lightsaber, Vera cut through the first few Rakghouls that jumped at her but failed to realize another was approaching from an unexpected angle. It had clawed its way up the walls and hung from the ceiling, waiting for a moment to drop itself right on top of the young Noble. Before it could tackle and tear her apart, however, Seszil intercepted the beast and cut its head clean off.

"Thank you, Seszil!" Vera called out to him, as she watched the body hit the floor.

Meanwhile, Aris engaged the Nekghoul, who swept his large blade up to cleave the Padawan in half. But with Aris' speed, it wasn't hard to dodge. A counter-attack followed, seemingly targeting its head, but with a quick change of his blade's angle, the young Noble cut through his amulet instead.

"No!" He exclaimed with fierce hatred, having lost his control over the beasts. Immediately, the horde not only swarmed around the Jedi but also began to turn against him. They couldn't infect him, but they could kill him.

In a desperate attempt to still kill Aris, he reached for a thermal detonator on his belt and threw it down, knowing it'd also kill him in the process.



A thermal.

Aris's expression tightened at the grenade. He couldn't throw it with the Force or anything of the kind, but perhaps he could withstand it's heat. He could withstand the heat of all kinds of things. Vera couldn't. He turned from the Nekghoul immediately to rush back to his sister. He wouldn't let her get hut by the explosive. He refused to allow that to happen when he was the one who sealed them in.

"Get down!"

Vera Noble Vera Noble

Taris | Tunnels

Tag: Aris Noble Aris Noble
Vera didn't get down, instead wrapping her arms around her brother to hold him close. He was nearly a foot taller than her and enveloped her easily within his arms, but something else enveloped them both. As the thermal detonator exploded, its flames and smoke wrapped around a Barrier of Force energy Vera had created around the two of them. The sheer force of the blast still tousled their hair, but beyond a little heat, they wouldn't be harmed.

"I love you for always wanting to protect me," Vera said softly as she pulled back from the embrace, "But I can protect you too, you know." She smiled at her brother, taking a moment to show him how much she actually cared for once.

For about a second, before she suddenly punched his shoulder.

"Also watch it next time. Do you have any idea how heavy you are? You nearly ran me over."

It was clear to Iko that Persephone wasn't exactly happy with what he had said but he was still going to stand by it. There was no possible way for him to know how she was feeling. It was better for him to be blunt about it in his eyes, than to try and lie and dig himself into a hole. Either way, he just carried on following her through the streets and alleyways. It reminded him of Coruscant ever so slightly. Though ever so slightly a bit more scummier and wretched. Should he be making an effort to recognise these alleyways? No. No. He didn't really plan on ever coming back to this planet if he was being honest to himself. Same way he didn't exactly want to return to Coruscant now that he had been away from it.

"You's ever pick a lock?"

"Nah. Why would I ever need to pick a lock, when you can just break it? Just...bash into it, or use a knife to try it open."

Subtility was lost on Iko. Why learn something complicated like that, when you can rely on simplicity? He shrugged his shoulders, taking in the sight of the flophouse. Coulda be worse...Maybe. He couldn't say much. He had mostly lived in a diner himself so he didn't exactly know what a proper house would look like...

"You want me to like...break it open or...?"


"I know. I just figured y'know, I'm fireproof."

Aris muttered softly as he hugged his sister. Squeezed, just for a moment. Her body wasn't as durable as his, but she'd increased her mastery over the Force during these couple years of being a Padawan. He felt no heat on his back at all. The same couldn't be said for the Rakghouls. Seszil returned to their sheath as Aris stood up. The boy chuckled even, reaching down to ruffe Vera's hair.

"Sounds like an excuse. You need to start lifting more, little sis."

Vera Noble Vera Noble

Taris | Tunnels

Tag: Aris Noble Aris Noble
"Fireproof isn't grenade proof," Vera grumbled, "Grenades produce deadly shockwaves and fling around lethal shrapnel." She sighed, knowing there was no point in arguing it anymore. They'd always fight together, and if she hadn't protected him against the blast, nothing would have stopped him from shielding her. Even if he knew that shielding her would cause him pain, or potentially cost his life.

She'd make the same sacrifice for him.

"Sounds like an excuse. You need to start lifting more, little sis."

Vera gave him a death glare that made her look like Mom for once, but when he reached down to ruffle her hair, she immediately punched him in the gut. It was not too hard to cause actual pain, but it was a Noble warning.

"I'm not little," she said with a huff, "And you'd be wise not to turn me into an enemy." She grinned at him, then stepped past him to continue their journey. Killing the Neghoul and these Rakghouls had helped them move ahead, but she could already sense that there were far more inside these tunnels.

"Did you bring your orb? Maybe the orbs can help guide us here? Searching every tunnel here would take forever."


It was important to Persephone not to draw attention to themselves. She wasn't so sure now that she wanted to see anyone she knew. Just grab what was in the safe and maybe poke around elsewhere. It would just depend on how the next fifteen minutes went in her mind. Bravado and ideas had been lost when she had stepped inside the flophouse, replaced with a feeling of anxiety and overall sadness.

Shoulders squared, determined to get a move on despite how she was feeling.

Hands went into her hoodie pocket, listening to Iko Vel Iko Vel and his suggestion of just breaking the lock outright. She didn't want to use her gifted knife, afraid the tip would break. It was a pretty knife and Iko had crafted it with care, there was no way she was using it for anything than self defense and the like. Fingers curled around a few items that all felt too big. Revelation struck her and she reached up to her hair, pulling out a pin that kept her fly-aways tamed.

She carefully straightened out the pin and then tried to jam it in the bottom of the lock where a physical key would go. This wasn't a digital lock that they could disrupt with an EMP or something similar. Bashing something like that might work. Then again, it might not. Either way, she worked carefully, pulling on the lock while the straightened pin was inside the key part, trying to break it.

Persephone did this for five minutes with no luck. She turned to Iko.

"Your turn."



Aris winced at the gut punch. Not that it hurt, but he couldn't help but flinch a little. He grinned a bit still, though. It was fun teasing her, seeing her get mad. Not that he'd turn her to an enemy. As she said, he didn't want that. He reached to his pocket, plucking out the orb to twist and turn. The Force felt something here, he figured, since he could slide around the puzzle.

It lit up shortly after, and a beam would pulse pointing deeper within.

".. Well it picked something up, so that's a good sign, right?"

He shrugged as he lead the way again. Deeper, and hopefully with less mutants. Grant it, he couldn't feel them like Vera could.

Vera Noble Vera Noble

Outfit: x x x x x | Equipment: x x x x x | Weapons: x x x
Interacting with: Iris Arani Iris Arani Roman Vossari Roman Vossari Alicio Organa Alicio Organa

<Focus on the pain. It leaves a mark in the Force- here.>

Zaiya heard Iris's voice, clear and steady, ripple through her mind. The sensation of a voice in her head was strange but not alarming. It was gentle, encouraging, like a guiding hand reaching through the currents of the Force. Zaiya breathed deeply, steadying herself as she concentrated on the task ahead.

Iris's world of colors unfurled in her mind, vivid and breathtaking, each hue revealing something more. Zaiya blinked, momentarily awestruck. She had always been sensitive to the Force in ways that others weren't -- her bioluminescent skin was a reflection of that -- but this? This was a whole new depth. Through Iris, she could see the pain. It left a mark, just as Iris said. A dark, mottled patch that pulsed with suffering and injury.

Pouring her energy into the injured man lying before her, Zaiya could feel Roman's presence, his strength mingling with hers. The Force wove between them, their combined efforts blending together like the colors in Iris's world. She could feel the man's pain, but she could also feel their shared power working to heal it.

"How..." Zaiya started to ask, but then trailed off. The Force was mysterious, working in ways that were often beyond comprehension. But it was undeniably beautiful --and tragic.

As she focused on the mark, she did as Iris instructed, allowing her energy to flow into the wound. It was like pouring light into a shadow, watching the darkness recede, little by little. The colors brightened, the pain eased, and the man's suffering began to fade.

Oh, the teenager realized with quiet wonder. So that's what she meant.

Taris | Tunnels

Tag: Aris Noble Aris Noble
That'll teach him.

Vera squinted, then smirked when she saw him wince after the punch. He wasn't hurt, but he had received her warning. A physical one for once, which wasn't nearly as bad as all the other forms of revenge she could get. In a way, she was likely the most dangerous Noble of the entire family.

After her threats, she watched her brother grab his orb and blinked when it activated. It was remarkable how all these ancient artifacts seemed to work together flawlessly. It had shown them which planets to visit, and now it was helping them carve a path through the labyrinth of tunnels.

"Yeah, unless we run into more of those ugly things." She looked at the exploded corpses around her and shuddered, "I sense more of them, but at least they're not coming our way."


She looked at her brother, then down the tunnel, "What do you think we'll find here? More maps? Something that actually helps us get into the Forge? Maybe something that explains what things the Forge can do?"



<Silent support isn't enough. Join her, help.>

Iris reached towards Roman this time, tugging him into her world of colors, just as she'd done with Zaiya earlier, but to bring the two of them together. Even if he didn't have the skills to do healing, he could learn how to bring his strength in the Force to help the others. Battle meditation was a skill few could use, so why not test and see if the Padawan had the aptitude for it?

Roman Vossari Roman Vossari | Zaiya Ceti Zaiya Ceti

He shifted his weight, uncomfortably aware of his own shortcomings. Zaiya's graceful energy flowed toward the injured man, and Roman caught glimpses of Iris's vibrant brilliance, the colors beckoning him like sirens calling out in song. A whisper of instinct brushed against his consciousness, stirring an ember of determination.

Tentatively, he reached into the depths of the Force, trying to grasp its ethereal strands. Roman concentrated, envisioning his own strength, though it felt more tentative than firm. The vibrant hues around him pulsed with life and suffering, illuminating the shadow of pain embedded in the injured man.

Iris' suggestion struck him like a bolt of lightning. He wasn't a healer in the traditional sense, yet he could offer something else, a connection, a stabilizing force. Roman inhaled deeply, letting the Force rise up inside him, drawing from the quiet resilience that had been forged in countless training sessions, shared laughter, and moments of doubt.

Roman visualized his energy coiling into the vibrant web around Zaiya. It felt like falling into the colors, a tapestry woven with strands of his being. Slowly, he stepped closer, allowing his will to meld with Zaiya's, the warmth of their combined energies filling the space between them.

His focus solidified as he let his mind drift into the rhythm of the Force. He felt Zaiya's determination, the lovely glow of her spirit echoing in his consciousness. It was more than just healing, a warmth radiated through him, illuminating the connection they shared.

The colors around him exploded in a symphony of vibrancy, each shade revealing the depths of the mans suffering and the strength that glimmered beneath it. Roman reached out further, pulling threading strands of resistance and despair and weaving his energy around them, binding them into a protective embrace.

He didn't know if he was accomplishing anything, but it sure felt right.



The Day After
SELCORE Temporary Relief Center, Taris

- Open -

Alicio found his way to the medical tents as soon as he made the time.

He always helped the medics out, as soon as he was able to delegate enough tasks to his managers. Part of him wondered if his skills were best served on the clerical side, ready to pounce on any lurking issues, but few could heal like he could.

So, he made himself useful.

Medics that hadn't worked with the King of Alderaan before seemed surprised at his sudden arrival. Those that had simply greeted him, and directed him towards the critical tents.

Alicio Organa's Force Sensitivity was perhaps the worst-kept secret in the galaxy. It wasn't common knowledge, and he'd never confirmed it in any official capacity, but neither did he try to hide his Gift. He walked the cots of wounded Tarisians, pausing at each with a gentle, extended hand. Each stop was clinical in it's efficiency; first, he tuned himself to his patient, scanning for what ailed them. Then, he fixed what was most pressing, knitting organs and purging infection, leaving the rest to the doctors. Then, he moved down the line, greeting the next with a clipped 'hello'.

The sooner they emptied the beds, the sooner they could be filled again. It was endless work... but every life saved was well worth it.
Nearby tags: Aris Noble Aris Noble Vera Noble Vera Noble
Objective: Clear. Clear. Clear


The tunnels of Taris's undercity were a maze of decay and darkness, thick with the stench of rot and fear. Dim lights flickered overhead, casting a sickly yellow hue on the cracked walls and rusted metal walkways. The distant, echoing howls of Rakghouls bounced through the corridors, growing louder with each passing moment as they closed in.

In the center of it all stood Tyrus Vastor, his silhouette almost melding into the shadows. He was poised, his senses sharp, savoring the tension in the air. Sweat and ash clung to his dark skin, streaking his muscular frame as he waited, his eyes hidden behind black sunglasses that gleamed under the faint light. A small grin tugged at the corner of his lips, but it was more than just the thrill of the battle that fueled him. Tyrus was driven by a burning resolve—to eliminate the Sithspawn and the dark side that corrupted the galaxy.

That was the oath I took as a Lightsworn. That was what I would carry out.

The Rakghouls burst into view, a snarling mass of claws and fangs, their pale, mutated forms charging toward him from all sides. Tyrus moved in a blur and his lightsaber igniting with a fierce purple glow as he leapt forward. The familiar conductive loop, that was Vaapad, flowed through him like electricity. He met the first Rakghoul mid-air, his lightsaber carving a lethal arc that sliced through its grotesque body before it even hit the ground. Without pausing, he twisted his body with effortless precision, using the momentum to fire his Mandalorian ripper, a slugthrower pistol that was strapped to his side. Muscle memory assisted by the guidence of the force found the weapon in hand. The shot cracked through the air, slamming into another Rakghoul with a burst of sparks, its chest exploding in a spray of blood and bone.

Deeper he leaned into the flow and deeper Lor Pelek began to revel in the rhythm of combat, the lethal dance of Vaapad in perfect harmony with his ripper. Each strike of his blade was not merely a movement of self-defense but and offense one as well. The dualistic nature of the flow fed on the frenzy of his enemies, drawing strength from their savage aggression, while his ripper's relentless firepower delivered swift and unyielding justice. Judge, jury and executioner. A Rakghoul lunged at his back, but Tyrus was already in motion. He dropped into a low crouch, spinning as his lightsaber bisected the creature at the waist, torso and thigh. Before its body even hit the ground, he unloaded a ripper shot into the head of another beast that had tried to flank him. The weapon's recoil barely phased him, his muscles absorbing the kick as he seamlessly returned to his feet, pivoting into a reverse grip with his saber. The tunnel walls shook with the screeches of the dying creatures and gunshots, their blood spattering the ground at his feet.
Iko watched carefully, being as patient as he could be. Folding his arms along his front as the young lad decided to somewhat keep his eyes open. He wasn't going to just stand here for someone to catch them if things went wrong. Though as he watched, the seconds ticked on by. One minute. Two minutes. Eventually Persephone stood up and it seemed like it was up to Iko's turn. He cracked his fingers at that, preparing to get down to work as he went into his jacket pulling out one of his own knives he had made, giving it a little twirl around his hand with a grin. As much as he wasn't into violence, there was something satisfying about wielding a weapon he had made himself. But he supposed it was more of a tool than an actual weapon at this point.

It took a moment or two for Iko to get the blade of the knife slotted into the safe. Finding the placement of the lock before clenching his fist and smashing it against the hilt of the knife. Clunking the blade against the lock mechanism with a hearty smash and a rather satisfying crunch and click at the mechanism being bashed open. Iko brought the knife out to get a good look to make sure he hadn't damaged the metal too much. It wasn't anything that a quick polish wouldn't solve as he hid it back into his jacket.

"There we go. One opened safe. Hm...Maybe I should figure out how to make strong locks..."

Persephone Dashiell Persephone Dashiell


"Solomon said to find the catalysts, whatever those are. My guess is this is reacting to them and pointing the way?" He shrugged a bit indifferently. He didn't fully understand what the reasoning behind the Orb was to point their direction or the like, but he didn't think he was going to. The Force side of things he'd leave to Vera to sort out for now. She could explain it later, if she wanted.

Aris kept his saber in hand this time around, though deactivated for the moment. No reason to use the beacon it was to alert any threats.

"There could be information there too, though."

Vera Noble Vera Noble

Outfit: x x x x x | Equipment: x x x x x | Weapons: x x x
Interacting with: Iris Arani Iris Arani Roman Vossari Roman Vossari

Zaiya was deeply focused, her mind and the Force intertwining as she worked to brighten the colors of pain she sensed that Iris help her see. Suddenly, she felt a surge of energy -- a fresh wave of presence from Roman, as if the Force itself was breathing new life into her efforts. It was like getting a second wind, infusing her with renewed purpose and clarity.

A swirl of questions darted through her mind, wondering how Roman managed to channel such energy. But she pushed them aside, concentrating on the task at hand.

With determined focus, she managed to erase the dark smudge from the injured man's aura. When she finally opened her eyes, she was bathed in a vibrant display of glowing blues and warm golden hues, a visible sign of the Force's resonance with her and the support she had received from both Iris and Roman. The onlookers, intrigued by her abilities, watched with a mix of curiosity and caution.

The injured man, however, seemed to sense that she was there to help, not to harm. He remained still, a hint of relief in his eyes.

"There, I hope that helped a bit," Zaiya said, offering a warm but tentative smile.

"We should get you to the tent," she added, her tone gentle yet firm.

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