Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Shattered Souls

Sorry my bad Ben.

Although even if you do plant a bomb, it would do only minor structural damage, you need to plant bombs throughout the super structure to take something this big down, right?
It's as big as continent not as the Death Star. Still big though, but it's defenseless. Destroying it to bits is not the plan but rendering it useless is. Have you seen Venators without shield how quickly they fall ? It's not gonna turn to dust. Ugh, I already explained this in the shoutbox. Long story short: Sections that have been fired upon and bombed would be near impossible to reach and movement and navigating through where the station was hit would be near impossible cause you know some corridors would lead to open space and into the vacuum, other places would be totally devastated and unreachable.
^Biggest mistake you will ever make. Flint already knows what will happen if the Republic engages us. At least I explained to him what would happen to the Sith in such scenario.

Ava Solborne

Dex Rostu (well, Jor'si Denko) and I have talked, actually he talked, that V-34S could become The Republic's droid army commander.

Flint Pherson

We don't have a Droid army? And if we did, they are on our Fleet ships right now in a support role? ...And they ain't Starfighters or Robot Tanks either.

Dom? What is this army you speak of? :D
Also wouldn't we (the Sith or at least me) would have heard in the increased production of combat droids? Maybe he meant, he could command the droids that would eventually form this army? I am not sure.

Flint Pherson

Oh, the Droid submissions in the Factory. Out of our new planet Bel... (EDIT: Balmorran). Oh no. I'm pretty sure Dex wasn't going droid army with that. But good observation Dominator. :D

Ava Solborne

Well, we didn't discuss everything, but that was a thought. At the beginning, V-34S was a droid commander for unknown faction, but then... We started to talk about it. Maybe the droids were The Republic or The Empire ownings, but we talked something about that V-34S could possibly command droids and they would be loyal to him...

Flint Pherson

Ben Watts said:
Flint, I command that you PwN the Mandalorian army.
Haha. I can't. Moridin and I agreed on a Fleet stalemate until the Station Adventure could be resolved. If either of us moves from our position it would change the focus of the whole conflict. Besides, I can't count my starfighters, bombers, or interceptors until the event is resolved. The Republic and Sith Fleet is literally just Turbolaser'ing each other to death right now. Lol.

If your going to run a Station Adventure? Your going to have to do it with the Mando's bombing everything. Good luck! :p

(And might I recommend a helmet and grav boots while your at it.)

Ava Solborne

That's why we need to... use diplomacy on them and discuss all the different solutions with a cup of tea, maybe.

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