Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Shattered Souls

Flint Pherson

Is it just my imagination, or do Equa and his lovely female Padawan companion have a thing for bathrooms? ...It's down right scandalous. Lol. :D :p
It's plain rude to ignore the moves of another fellow roleplayer and it's against the rules. I know Moridin and Flint ( I think) made a deal to leave the fleets to background noise but guys the site does not revolve around Sith and Republic...

Ava Solborne

I don't like it too, but as I have heard (actually read), Mandalorians would destroy the station before the event ends.
This entire thread is based on the station being there. If you go and destroy it, then what is the point of having this thread? I can understand you want to destroy it, sure, go for it but trying to take it down in the little amount of posts with which you are trying is plain ridiculous. There is ample opporunity for the Mandalorians to board the ship and get involved in the action but you are wanting to go the destruction route. Again, if that is what you want to do, fine. But there was an agreement to make fleet action background noise. If you were going to destroy the station the Sith and Republic fleet would both go after you. The leaders of both groups are not stupid, they would realize you were trying to destroy the very thing they are fighting for, and would come after you. But there has been an agreement so that is why fleets are no longer fighting.

Do you understand where I am coming from? I am not trying to be a dick about this or anything but what more can we do? When everyone is trying to have storylines going on inside the station and then someone is trying to destroy the station that everyone is in, which btw the entire weekend event is dedicated to, it ruins it. It is like when you are playing cops and robber with your friends and you shoot one of your friends and he is like "Nope, invincible shield, can't kill me." Pander to the thread my man.
And I am not trying to say don't destroy the station. I am saying it would be better if it waw more than a couple of posts of you bombarding it and then disabling it. It would not happen that fast.
You are mistaken. I dont know how you came up with the idea that we want to end the station before the event ends. That's ridicolous. You have misunderstood me. Go do whatever storylines you are doing. The point of what we are doing is that no one leaves victorious after the battle. The huge station is too valuable to be left in the hands of anyone. As I said this agreement has been between Republic and Sith and as I said the site isn't only about Sith and Jedi right ? No ships for anyone, no free shipyard for anyone. Hard navigation and fatal danger inside the station due to the bombardment. That's all.

EDIT: I havent stated anywhere in my posts that the station was destroyed after two posts. Please.

EDIT2: I am not there to ruin anyone's hardwork but my hardwork is being ignored.

EDIT3: Also we are free to do whatever we like. We decided to bomb the station. It's like if I have a 1v1 with a Sith and I start shooting him with anti-personnel missiles and he's like "No, we had an agreement. Only lightsabers allowed so ima just go and charge you as I ignore the missiles at me because they don't exist."
Well if that is the case then I have just misunderstood. Either way, I am having no interaction with you, and I have even mentioned in my posts that the station is being rocked by the blasts so I have no ignored you.
I think my main point is that if you were trying to destroy the station then the Republic and Sith fleet would both try and stop you since they both wish to capture the station. But since everyone has decided to RP in the station we have no PC's controlling the fleets.

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