This entire thread is based on the station being there. If you go and destroy it, then what is the point of having this thread? I can understand you want to destroy it, sure, go for it but trying to take it down in the little amount of posts with which you are trying is plain ridiculous. There is ample opporunity for the Mandalorians to board the ship and get involved in the action but you are wanting to go the destruction route. Again, if that is what you want to do, fine. But there was an agreement to make fleet action background noise. If you were going to destroy the station the Sith and Republic fleet would both go after you. The leaders of both groups are not stupid, they would realize you were trying to destroy the very thing they are fighting for, and would come after you. But there has been an agreement so that is why fleets are no longer fighting.
Do you understand where I am coming from? I am not trying to be a dick about this or anything but what more can we do? When everyone is trying to have storylines going on inside the station and then someone is trying to destroy the station that everyone is in, which btw the entire weekend event is dedicated to, it ruins it. It is like when you are playing cops and robber with your friends and you shoot one of your friends and he is like "Nope, invincible shield, can't kill me." Pander to the thread my man.