Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Shattered Souls

Every turbolaser is controlled from a console, that when commanded to fire sends a signal to the gun to fire, Kaine's virus is going to cause that to malfunction, causing the gun to fire on its own and at any available targets, including friendly ships.
Turbolasers are controlled by people on consoles although there were automated turbolasers connected to a console they could only target certain places and fire an organized volley of fire at a pointed place not auto-follow targets and shoot them.. Read this: and
As far as I understand by what you know and your logic ships would not need to have thousands of people to operate it.
Yes, but the virus still targets the consoles and over-rides them, forcing them to target any ships nearby and open fire. It's not just the automated ones, its all of them. Kaine didn't make this virus on the spot, he's had it just for this occasion in one of his many datapads he carries around, which house a large number of various viruses and cybernetic methods of attacking the internal components of machines and programming. A humanoid would normally need to control the turbolasers from the consoles, but the virus does it for them, plus, its not a long term virus. It'l die out after a few minutes.
I see. I never thought that you simply thought of a virus and "Hey, I thought of a virus let me click enter and it will spread through everyone around." I was just interested on what the disadvantage of a virus because otherwise most ships would have such "technology" and not need thousands of personnel to operate.
Aye, the gunners are important but i also remember reading somewhere that the gunners dont NEED to be there. Like the turrets have auto-targeting shit but theyre just...better with people. I don't know, honestly for the station i more imagined point-defense lasers and missile launchers as i already stated since a Naval Station likely wouldn't have gunners present(so everything would need to be automated)
Zef Halo said:
It's plain rude to ignore the moves of another fellow roleplayer and it's against the rules. I know Moridin and Flint ( I think) made a deal to leave the fleets to background noise but guys the site does not revolve around Sith and Republic...
Nobody's ignoring your posts, but the site doesn't revolve around your posts, either. If you have a problem like this, consult an Admin. Which is what you were doing when you were speaking to me in the Shoutbox.

And I told you then, Zef. The fleets are background noise. All of them. There will be no NPC victories in this thread - focus on your characters.

If you want to destroy something, get on the station to do it, otherwise it's implausible for any fleet to run successful bombing missions for a sustained period of time.
The fleets are background noise because the Sith and Republic decided so ? I do have a problem with this. Why would everyone go and sweat making ships and stuff like that for their factions if they are "background noise". My character is bombing the shit out of the place. If you want me to focus on my character I will bomb wherever the players are.

Ava Solborne

Seriously, the main objective was gathering resources and I don't think that Mandalorians would like to just destroy, what's in the station.
This isn't and never was a fleet RP, man! This was a fun event to get our characters involved with something different. He is not god modding, he is speaking for the people, and the people want to be inside the station. YES WE CAN!

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