Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Shattered Souls

Alli Wren

Few, I am glad I just sort of ignored him.. and I was waiting for whoever pm'd me to say the door was acutally destroyed before I tried anything..

Flint Pherson

Haha. You left out 'mind control' Daxton. He was also stated that he could control a Jedi's mind. Haha. I love this guy.

Xhinx? Buddy. Yep. Need to dial that one back a touch. Lol. :p


EDIT: Daxton don't Meta. You have to keep personal emotions out of your IC text. Even if a Sith would general be mean and such. :D
The point is unlike a game where there are rules and mechanics, ours is more of a mutual consent. If a Sith could control the mind of a Jedi, then why did I even fight Watts? I could have made him cluck like a chicken. I could have riddled him with my chimera.

Well now he got my attention he better be prepared to bring it. Daxton is going to duel Xhinx in an exploding space station. Somehow that is something a Sith would do. I am going to give him five minutes then he will learn how fast I can speed post.

Flint Pherson

Please just edit out the part of calling him a Tangerine'mo' whatever-thingy. It's overkill, meta, and distracting. Be the bigger... Sith? idk. Haha. :p
I am gonna have to agree with Flint. I understand you are angry, I am as well, but it is a game after all. Just suck it up, try and do damage control, and move on. I had fun with you this weekend so we have that to build on. Heck, you are in a rivalry with the most beautiful and transfixing Jedi on the website, if you ask me you came out on top.

And besides, did you really think you could beat me, huh.... did ya?

Flint Pherson

My ship has five holes in it. Another paint chip inside the Launch Bay ain't on my priority list right now. Haha. But I'll send you bill when it comes in. :D :p

Flint Pherson

Daxton. Post #139. Delete your text. Leave him to the Moderators or Administration. Do not respond OOC inside the thread. I don't need both of you getting infractions. I need one of you to live. Haha. :D

Live Daxton, live!
Ben - I know I couldn't defeat you in a straight fight. I expected too lose that one. And that would be acceptable.
Flint - Ok fair enough, it was a bit overboard. This is why I should never post when I'm agitated. I'll go back and edit it.

But for the love of all that is holy. Did you see his post, that he was suddenly no longer in the room when he never roleplayed leaving it? I'm for the Sith getting the advantage, but we do not have teleportation tech. That is Star Trek not star wars.
Yes, this thread needs to be looked over by some staff, sorry Dax sometimes this kind of thing happens. But all in all, I had a blast, thanks for the RP bud.

Flint: Send the bill to Tef.

Ali: We can meet up in a future thread sometime!

Alli Wren

I think the moderators/ the admin should most certainly look into this, his rp is just short of god modding I feel.

Flint Pherson

He just needs some guidance on how to RP with greater skill. Thats all. I'm sure after a short talk and few new ideas he'll be just fine in the future. Until then, we must press on. :D
Appropriate threads altered. I apologize for venting in the thread.

I would like to thank the wonderful folk who took the time to rp with me. I do hope we can do so again in the future. Maybe in another thread, hit me up via pm with your ideas, or it you would be interested in working one with me. I so enjoyed writing with you.

I am going to go afk for a bit, grab some food and hopefully be in a better mood later. Cheers.

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