Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Shattered Souls

Ava Solborne

Isley Verd said:
(To clarify on the "Droid A Commander" portion of this thread, with the obtaining of Balmorra came the production of Republic Droids. Dominator's droid character has a unique programming that would make it/him suitable for commanding the automaton members of the Republic military. However, this idea has yet to be hashed out on a finite level, especially since we don't have a droid army XD. Anyways, feel free to continue your regularly scheduled programming...)
Right... :D
Paging Kaine you heard that a droid army. Think we can spoil their fun? Nothing like a battalion of haywire droids attacking a preschool to have sentients out for blood.
Sorry everyone but I have to tap out for the night. It is 2 AM and I have to get up for Easterly things tomorrow. I will be on once I get done, though, so let's finish then!
omg the perfect opportunity to attack. Alli please come post I need you :D

Can you think of a better time for me to strike at Ben? His attention is divided, his padawan under attack........arghhhhhhh.....ok I can wait. Have a good rest bro. See you later on the flip side.
You can go ahead and attack if you want. You will just have to wait for me to respond which will be in about 10-12 hours from now. Well, after I reply one more time.
I'm sorry but this is what got my goat. We invested time and effort to develop the scene, kept to the posting cycle. My point is we breathed life to the scene. That took a lot of effort on all our parts. Hell I wouldn't be like this if Ben or Alli found a way to get it ahead of me.
No Alli its not you. Heaven knows its not you. I am pissed right now with Xhinx Knojur. What he did was a basic highjacking of the scene which you, Ben and I worked over the weekend.

Add to the fact, that majority of the post he made were one liners. Heck if that is how an event is going to be run what is to stop people from appearing at the last minute and grabbing victory for their side.

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