Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Shattered Souls

Flint Pherson

Not a Fleet RP

Just a note,

In the future if you guys don't want the Republic Fleet in orbit or anything? Just make a mention of that in the first post of the thread. I swear to Zeus I won't show up with a boat. Haha. I promise. Just slap a disclaimer on that puppy that says 'NO FLEETS' and I won't bring a Star Defender with me. Cross my heart and hope to die.

Teferi's first post mentioned the Republic Fleet warping in, I thought it was safe for all the boats to show up. And when Moridin was awesome enough to offer a 'background war' option? I took it. Thanks Moridin. It was great idea to focus on the station and the people inside it. Well done sir.

Again, sorry if my posts where too 'Fleet' heavy. I swear it's in my job description. Haha. Anyway. Happy Hunting out there everyone! :D :p
There wasn't a problem until those rascally Mandos tried destroying the station two days before the Weekend RP ended, and after we had mentioned the background war option.

Don't worry, Flint, your posts were just fine. We just had one little hiccup that has been smoothed over. I do agree, though, it could have been prevented and we'll try to get a little wiser from it.
Zef - I didn't ignore your rp, as I did rp getting thrown off balance, however since I wasn't playing against you there wasn't much I could rp about except the shaking and trembling. All of which in Daxton's view are minor considering the power he sensed.
Flint - I think your work has been excellent so far and wish you could be on the ground with us so to speak.
Ben - Wow I didn't think I would pull you as my first foe, but this should be interesting. I would love to see how things turn out. And its either yours or alli's turn, I am not sure whose.

Cheers all.
I went ahead and posted since Ali has not engaged us yet, so I think you are good to go ahead and post back since we are not actually entering the room yet.

And, do not worry, Ben is very merciful! Plus, this is some great experience.
(To clarify on the "Droid Army Commander" portion of this thread, with the obtaining of Balmorra came the production of Republic Droids. Dominator's droid character has a unique programming that would make it/him suitable for commanding the automaton members of the Republic military. However, this idea has yet to be hashed out on a finite level, especially since we don't have a droid army XD. Anyways, feel free to continue your regularly scheduled programming...)

>_> Mandos don't ruin everything! We helped save the Galaxy's sorry hide from the Vong way back when! And tea...c'mon Dominator, coffee's the way to go. :)
Moridin - I think you're on the wrong place, as far as I know there is only one Mandalore on the station and Kaine is fighting them, all the rest are hiding in their fleet.

Ben - I am surprised as you are. But anything that evens the odds sounds good to me.
Well technically Ali posted first, but I do not think she is online, so I think you will be fine to post but we will have to wait on Ali to post again

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