Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Faction Silver Jedi Order - Mission to Black Spire Outpost

Matsu Ike Matsu Ike , Caltin Vanagor Caltin Vanagor

"I genuinely wasn't expecting the Temple to be occupied," Malcolm replied to the older Jedi Master. "I figured we'd recover what archaeological artifacts we could find, reestablish the Temple on Batuu, and build a rapport and goodwill with the locals by investing time and credits in their community and economy."

Shrugging, he approached the young girl. "So, in a sense, you're some sort of Force spirit?"
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
Caltin Vanagor Caltin Vanagor Malcolm Ironmaster Malcolm Ironmaster

THe jedi master was looking at Caltin as the man usually seemed to shift between two modes... angry and stubborn. She welcomed him and knew he had good intentions.. she knew he was generally in the right place but he also ramped up the aggression and tension in an area. She was looking at him go and the other jedi master as Malcolm spoke and the child like being spoke. "If a way, I have form but a spirit is generally tied to something or someone... they just bound me in here." She was looking around and the room was different as she moved forward. Slipping out of the cushions and hovering in the air. Matsu watched and was more observing it while making mental notes. "Reconstructing one from the force forcefully is something we have not seen before... at least not like this. I would need whatever data they had to even start trying to figure out how to reverse it."
Faith is the heroism of the intellect.

LOCATION: Batuu | OBJECTIVE: Being mad about a kid | POST #: 19
TAG (ALLIES) : @Malcolm Ironmaster | Matsu Ike Matsu Ike | @ Jairdain
TAG (FOES) : @

Matsu would not need to worry about notes and directives on how to reverse it. Caltin was already researching everything in a system he managed to slice into. It was immense with information and a long history of not only the Temple, but the White Ward, and the galaxy as a whole. It was a treasure trove of information…

… and little to do with the kid upstairs.

Then he found something, something about the girl, not her specifically but in general but something about what “she” has become and if he wasn’t mad before…

…he was now.

Pulling his lightsaber and igniting the weapon, Caltin jabbed the blade into the gears and rotors that lifted the pod upward. Pulling and spinning the weapon his intent was to destroy the machine as a whole.

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