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Sith=Evil? What makes a sith a sith?

Hey guys!

Lately, I've been having trouble really figuring out who Ayessa Valen is. When I joined the site, I was almost too eager to begin and with the unique part of not having to be accepted by a staff member to begin RPing, I think I really didn't put in my best effort. (So I'm rewriting her app! Also why I've held back on replying to some topics.)

From what i've gathered and from what I wanted form Ayessa, was a cool, whip wielding elegant bounty hunter. Becoming a sith was not my intention when I joined, but just happened because of the people I happened to meet on my first day here.

I wanted Ayessa to be elegant, calm and precise in what she did. I didn't think she fit the bill to be a Jedi, so i didn't make her one. If anything, I thought, becoming one with the dark-side was what was good for her. But then I beckoned my decision, only a few days into RPing. Part of my inspiration for her was from Asajj Ventress from Star Wars: The Clone Wars animated series when she became a bounty hunter.

She wasn't really evil, not down to the core. From what I know and gathered about Sith, they use anger, hatred and other dangerous emotions to gain power from the force. She fights off of the hatred, neglect and rejection her parents showed her all her life. She isn't necessarily evil, so is Sith the wrong faction for me?

tl;dr: Are sith evil? What really makes a sith a sith?

Thanks guys! Sorry, it's just been bothering me.
[member="Ayessa Valen"]

Burn, Pillage, Ra-- forcefully take because you want it. - Sith

Not evil dark side users are Dark Jedi, Dark Jedi are only evil if they want to be, but they aren't by definition, more like Rogue Jedi that study dark arts etc.
Sith follow the Sith Order

While I guess the Sith aren't explicitly defined as evil, they prefer galactic domination and control. Probably the "Everyone is weak and weakminded and must be herded" mentality
In canon? Depends who you ask, in what time period. I personally find the most useful definition is the one Lumiya uses: A Sith is someone who's been trained in Sith techniques and is willing to do absolutely anything, overcome any personal limitation of temperament or conscience, to achieve whatever goals they set for themselves.
Short answer: No, a Sith is not evil by necessity.

However, the Dark Side of the Force is a very slippery path and it is very easy to fall into the role of a stereotypical antagonist. Some writers frolic in this maliciousness, others try to nuance it.

One big problem with the question is: What is evil?
I like how you put that. I want her to be that exception. One that is so calm, collected and put together that she doesn't fall through that path. She accepts her past but uses the anger and emotion from it to draw power from the dark-side that practices in Sith fighting techniques and etc.

Would this still be considered sith?

[member=Darth Ophidia]

[member=Mara D'Lessio Merrill]: Thank you! I've been reading that line over and over and it's been helping me in how I'm thinking.

Setzi Lunelle

Searching for Eleos's Altar
Mara D'Lessio Merrill said:
In canon? Depends who you ask, in what time period. I personally find the most useful definition is the one Lumiya uses: A Sith is someone who's been trained in Sith techniques and is willing to do absolutely anything, overcome any personal limitation of temperament or conscience, to achieve whatever goals they set for themselves.
Well stated. And the reason Sith get the "evil" rap is because the "absolutely anything" includes lying, cheating, exploitation of failures and suppression of freedom. Can Sith be elegant, calm and precise (as you describe Ayessa)? Absolutely!

But their end goal and ruthless dedication to it is what characterizes them as Sith. Evil and villainy - those are just manifestations of the personality.

One final point is that the Dark side of the Force is believed to corrupt the individual who practices it. Redemption is possible, but a rare occurrence in Canon.

[member="Ayessa Valen"]

Sanya Val Lerium

Neutral, Queen of Her people, Neko
[member="Ayessa Valen"]

If you wish to be more like a freedom dark side user that isn't evil then well the black rose is a good place for you to be. At the moment we are comprised mostly of dark side users but we don't condone killing for the fun only if it's necessary. (Like if they are trying to kill you) we are a neutral group.
How would bounty hunting be taken in The Black Rose?

[Member=Sanya Val Lerium]


I guess it's really coming down, to me, that I don't want to be seen as the typical "evil" Sith.
Is it known how the dark-side corrupts? Does it make them more prone to doing that "anything" for what they want? Or does it make you more "evil"?

[member=darth azurea]


Disney's Princess
[member="Ayessa Valen"]

The Darkside can be a crooked mindset just as easy as it can be a malicious spirit. So yes. You can play it anyway you want to play it.

To note, some of my favorite Darksiders are just really powerful Force Users who are just momentarily unstable in some sense of the word. A nice guy until something makes them snap. Some are even like Batman. Fighting all the wrongs in the world with overwhelming violence and a passion of chaos unrefined. Vigilantes and black knights. Staring into the abyss and letting it stare back into you.

None of this is particularly healthy of course. The old saying is, everything in moderation right? So the best Darksiders always do something TOO much. Something too strong. Something too rigid and irrational. Even if it's just one thing. It breaks you.

Personally I would just claim a 'Neutral' tag and experiment first. See how the girls feels in her moments of triumph and strain. If she is conquering her own fears and exalting herself towards something brighter? Then she's probably gray with a touch of light. However. If she is succumbing to her own fantasies and cutting a path of bodies towards her own merry goals? She's probably a touch darker than most.

Potato, patato. Do what moves you. :D :p
In my opinion the biggest difference between Sith and Dark Jedi was that the Sith always held themselves to a very specific creed, that of the Sith Code.

The modern One Sith follow the ancient creed of the Sith and the Rule of One doctrine created by Darth Krayt.

In my opinion any Dark Force user that at least follows both of those codes are considered Sith, with those that deviate being deemed heretics and infidels.

[member="Ayessa Valen"]
I've seen this topic come up a number of times, and it's gotten me to thinking
I'll start this off by presenting my own opinion on the matter. I personally believe the Sith to be a morally-neutral organization, one that has gotten a preemtptively bad name based on just a few specific examples. The Sith use passion and emotion to control the force, as opposed to the Jedi, who use Inner Peace instead. The Jedi recognize that there are areas of the Force that cannot truly be understood or entirely controlled... Areas that they dare not access. Therefore, they practice restraint, dubbing this unexplored territory the "Dark Side" of the Force, and condemning any and all practitioners of its arts. Now, this next part is what really sells me to the Sith... The Jedi detested Dark Side users do much that they hunted them to near extinction, in a manner quite similar to the Crusades. The Jedi hold themselves on a mantle above the Sith, declaring themselves "Good" and their enemies "Evil."

And thats what google showed me ^
[member="Menka Guga"]

I'm sorry. I'm not here to argue but your definition rubbed me the wrong way since i play the "not evil" sith. Sith follow the sith code. Dark Jedi don't. Lacking evil doesn't make you a Dark jedi. Having your sith go against the sith code does.

[member="Ayessa Valen"]

You're not alone. I know of two honorable sith, and Kendrix herself is more so a moral sith. "Murder is a cowards crime." Death only meets her foe when a. They prevent her from continuing on a mission or b. If they deserve the death (murderer or all around terrorist)
Alright, let's get down to basics:

The basic ideology of the Sith focuses on rule, insofar as they believe themselves 'blessed' with 'special destiny' - their powers and insight within the Force essentially make them ideal for leading the Galaxy, most of whom lack those abilities. As far as they are concerned, order is best imposed top-down - if you want a peaceful, disciplined and structured society, you make sure the guy at the top has the sort of overwhelming force necessary to slap down whoever might try to disrupt that and/or topple you from the big chair. Therein lies the huge irony: Sith are believers in peace, but not of the kind the Jedi seem to prefer. They are pragmatists, and don't object to a little (or a lot) of violence to get the job done: whatever keeps the Empire running smoothly.

Now, here's the problem: the Sith tap into the Dark Side in order to access their power. There's the "one must fight fire with fire" approach, coupled with their "strength is everyone" motto: they delve into the Dark Side to tap the sort of power they need to fight darkness on a broader scale. But power corrupts absolutely, and many invariably aren't trained with a strong moral compass, so ultimately end up corrupted: instead of creating the peace, they shatter it. A being who believes that they are destined for power, absent the reasonable, principled beliefs of a person who seeks to rule because of the benefits it might bring the Galaxy as a whole ultimately turns into a cruel, sadistic tyrant, willing to harm anybody that tries to harm their belief in their superiority.

Sith aren't evil, by and large: they become that way over time, if they allow it. Yes, any Sith should be willing to kill, and mercilessly, if it comes to that - the grand plan can't be endangered, under any circumstances. Oppose it, or oppose the Sith as a whole, and you sign your own death warrant. Here's what most fail to recognise, though: the Sith are not blind psychopathic murderers. They kill when they have to. Everyone else...well, they're useful in some fashion, and can serve the Grand Plan. Why would I kill someone that intends me no harm, and simply wishes to live their life unrestrained?

You are going to find a lot of Sith who show the sadistic, cruel, psychopathic tendencies, but they're corrupted Sith, not true Sith: ones who were in it for themselves from the outset and have just had that reinforced over time. Belief in yourself (particularly when it's compounded by strength) is a very dangerous tool, but an exquisite means of corruption. Most fall for it, I'm sad to say!
Kendrix said:
[member="Menka Guga"]
I'm sorry. I'm not here to argue but your definition rubbed me the wrong way since i play the "not evil" sith. Sith follow the sith code. Dark Jedi don't. Lacking evil doesn't make you a Dark jedi. Having your sith go against the sith code does.
[member="Ayessa Valen"]
You're not alone. I know of two honorable sith, and Kendrix herself is more so a moral sith. "Murder is a cowards crime." Death only meets her foe when a. They prevent her from continuing on a mission or b. If they deserve the death (murderer or all around terrorist)
I'm not out to make you guys look bad... But you are... Although I think I'm right that Dark Jedi aren't evil, just use the dark side moves.

Sith still want domination and control

Mind you, I don't recognize jedi as the good guys either, really

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