Here is my take on this interesting topic.
Evil is hard to define for sure. But good and evil is also what defines SW lots. The battle between dark and light is often compared to the battle between good and evil. That makes the topic tricky.
Now, in my own oppinion,
Most Sith, like dark jedi do follow the dark side.
In SW the dark side nurtures and promotes emotions like envy, hatred, fear etc and those emotions more often then not lead to non-good actions.
The dark side is not something that lets you do what you want, it corrupts. Anakin being the prime example but Bane and other characters are good examples on characters becoming more and more in-humane the more they embrace the dark side. I think we can call them mostly evil characters due to their actions that is happening because of their dark emotions.
Sith is a sort of school, teaching mostly about the dark side. So naturally this goes hand in hand with often committing evil actions.
I think there are a group of neutral sith around as well. Since they dont exclusively follow the dark side they are also more neutral in their actions.
But really, how interesting is gray..?
did I say that loud!?!? O-0
Chaos is really very forgiving and dont point finger on these things. RP what you feel like and the rest of us will have to deal with it one way or the other
[member="Ayessa Valen"]