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Sith=Evil? What makes a sith a sith?

[member="Knight Mullarus"] Most of we 'Light Sith' do. After all, we're of a much more philosophical bent than those that go "A big rock! I shall throw it at that guy over there and then rule the Galaxy. Cuz reasons."
I'm going to open with 2 statements:

1. Villains are the protagonists in their own stories.

2. Good and evil are matters of perspective.

These are the tenets that have guided my writing of Kira Corsai (Sinistra) since I started her in 2007. She is elegant, driven, and ruthless. She understands collateral damage and that in order to advance your agenda, sometimes, you can take the high road and sometimes, you can't. She has killed by the thousands, she has been compassionate when it served her cause.

I have been told she is not a "true Sith" because she struggled with her nature. I have been praised as a master manipulator by these same naysayers. I have had her dismissed as a villain because she is not just evil for evil's sake. She has a goal, there is a purpose to her madness that is beyond existing as a plot device for the good guys to defeat. Poorly written villains are a sore spot for me.

Every Sith is a hero in their own tale. They have a set of guiding principles. Sometimes they agree with the Sith Code, sometimes they don't. The Jedi are the same way. The Sith are not robots. They can struggle, they can have doubts. They march to a dirge that may make your skin crawl but by experience or training, they have accepted a different view of the galaxy that would make others shudder, but for them, it is their truth.

Only you can decide what is ultimately important to your character. My inspirations for Sinistra have leaned heavily on Palpatine, so her actions and principles are in the vein of a political and socio-economic powerhouse who hides her villainous nature behind her compassion for the masses. Pointless blood shed only endangers her master plan. But I cannot gauge all Sith by my ruler. I may not like the way they write their characters, but that is none of my business.

[member="Ayessa Valen"]
[member="Kira Corsai"] Sounds like a damn good Sith to me, frankly. The ones that don't struggle with themselves are the blind, for they have a mission and follow it unquestioningly, never stopping to ask if they should. I like to use those as pawns.
Aaah, threads like this...

My Sith is in neither Sith faction, he does his own thing, yet he started as something similar to what you want to play, resembling the Sith in SWTOR who picks mostly LS choices.

[member="Ayessa Valen"], it doesn't matter if your character joins the BR or the 0S - just write her the way you want and have fun. Get a feel for her, make her a solid character with strong personality, enjoy her growth. Who knows where she'll end up after a few threads :)
You guys are all so intelligent and knowledgable. It is honestly beautiful. I have learned so much in just one thread and honestly, I'm really grateful. I don't think I've ever been on a forum so dedicated and immersed about what they write about. I'll finish up my redone application so it's an actual character and have her develop and grow from there. Thanks guys.

[member="Darth Veles"] [member="Tirdarius"] [member="Knight Mullarus"] [member="Kira Corsai"]
I used to let it bother me that others considered that she was not truly Sith. However, I had to accept that you're never going to be liked by everyone and their opinions shouldn't affect your character. Ultimately, you've got to find your own tribe, and do your own thing. I like flawed complicated characters, alignment is irrelevant.

[member="Ayessa Valen"] We're here to serve :)

[member="Kira Corsai"] Damn straight. We're not telling any simple story, and nobody's story is going to be the taste of everyone that reads it. The beauty of the way that we all write together is that we've got hundreds of stories that all overlap and can be woven into one, and that is the beautiful part. Whether those individual components are...

Like the discussion in the thread, that's up to perspective!
In my opinion, the only truly "evil" thing about the Sith is their rabid individualism. The Sith use emotions to fuel their power, which is not really evil in itself (and probably healthier than suppressing all emotion like the Jedi do). The Sith believe in hierarchy and authoritarian rule, none of these things being inherently evil. The Sith are also willing to use violence to achieve their ends, and even this is not necessarily evil. The threat of violence is implicit in every functioning society.

The problem seems to be when the Sith take their Nietzchean code too far and everyone imagines himself at the top of the pyramid. They will shit all over absolutely anyone and anything to get there, and some simply interpret the Sith Code as "I can do whatever I want, whenever I want", which generally leads to sociopathic behavior, the destruction of order, and chaos. Not all Sith operate this way, but many certainly do, hence why the Sith are "evil".
[member="Greifen Ren"] And this is entirely the antithesis of the Sith ideal: we all serve the plan. When we see ourselves as being on top, the plan suffers for our ego, because we invariably have to conflict with those who see themselves in the same position. Part of the reason that obedience is always the first part of Sith training. Your 'chains are broken' when you're ready to be part of the greater whole, rather than out for yourself. Sadly, too many make it further than that because they weren't smacked down upon in the earlier stages :p
Darth Adekos said:
Didn't he say that, like, twelve hours after stabbing a bunch of kids to death?
Another move that proved he was never a proper Sith. Any half-sensible Sith would have trusted their own abilities, and kept those younglings alive in order to slowly turn them to the true cause. No point killing kids that lack the same convictions as their adult teachers: the kids could learn better. The adults...perhaps, but unlikely to, which is why they needed to be pushed out of the way.
Knight Mullarus said:
*Insults everyone else's intelligence*
I think you're mistaking a rhetorical question for an insult. [member="Ayden Cater"] merely posed a question with an obvious answer in response to another claim.

Knight Mullarus said:
If you find it more interesting to look at it in the sense that one side is clearly right and one is clearly wrong, fine. That's not interesting to me. That's not interesting to a lot of people. This is Chaos, none of what we do here is or ever will be canon. Ripping facts from canon wikipedia articles wont make your opinions accepted. Let us see what we want to see, and you can do the same. Here on Chaos, we write our own characters stories however we want.
You have the freedom to write your character however you want, and nobody is telling you otherwise - neither is Ayden, if you re-read the posts you've responded to. That doesn't change the fact that from a real-world perspective if you use the dark side and are a Sith, you are evil or at the very least a bad influence. The road to hell is paved with good intentions, and while I'm going to kick myself for this stereotypical biblical reference - even Lucifer was as bright as the sun and sat on the highest seat of angels before he fell.

Draw parallels, do what Lucas (who has stated that the dark side is evil and the Sith are the epitome of that evil) and every other EU or Canon author have done - the dark side is an inherently evil construct, using it for good intentions or bad is still evil. It isn't always why you do something, sometimes it is how and what.

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