Lord of Eternal Conflict
Location | Capital of MirialObjective | Raise Anti-Jedi Sentiment
Company | TSE Soldiers & Mirialin Militia
Vexen's armored figure could be seen maintaining a makeshift barricade that had been hastily put together to repel both the shambling zombie hordes that the Jedi had unwittingly allowed into the city as well as Silver Jedi militant elements. The defenses that had entrenched themselves in the makeshift line were composed of a mix of Mirialin militiamen alongside the TSE soldiers. The armored knight could be seen swatting aside blaster bolts with wide swings, blaster bolts impacting his armor as he swung without a care, fully confident that the SJO did not possess a weapon powerful enough to both penetrate and harm him. Blaster bolts seemed to dissipate and vanish as they struck his grooved armor, the Phrik heating up and glowing briefly before cooling off. A zombie would shamble up towards Vexen, not aiming to attack him but pass him as it ignored those attuned with the Dark side. He would swing downward in a wide arc as it bisected the zombie, pushing the two halves away as he held the line.
A nearby reconnaissance droid would be stealthily perched from above, taking photos and footage of the Mirialins fighting alongside the Sith Empire; it would make fine photos and footage to throw against the Silver Jedi in a PR nightmare regardless of who won this conflict. The SJO had already been painted in a negative light by making an unprovoked attack on a planet recovering from previous conflicts and Vexen's broadcasts had only been fanning the anger of the Mirialin people into a fire, raising more and more anti-Jedi sentiment. More and more radio chatter had been coming up on the comms as there was a great deal of metaphorical fuel Vexen could throw onto the fire. A particularly interesting bit was the announcement of the individual who had crashed a Rancor into the capital. Even if the SJO denounced him and his actions, it still went to show that they couldn't even control those who sided with them in this conflict. Another broadcast was due with the valiant Knight as the voice that spurred the people to action.
The reconnaissance droid who had been sending footage to a studio would zoom in on Vexen, a live feed of the Knight alongside TSE soldiers and Mirialin militiamen appearing on the holoprojectors throughout the city. No Jedi so far had made any attempt to silence him, so his voice would be heard loud and clear for all of Mirial and its people to hear. The voice of Kor Vexen boomed like a loudspeaker as it was transmitted, the droid recording sound bites to be used to inspire action amongst the citizens. " Mirial fights for its own interests and peace. They fight the Jedi who wish to claim dominion over them with the false pretense of liberation! Do not let their false words sway your resolve and tear the bonds that we have achieved together as equals! " Vexen's voice would be heard as civilians who were being evacuated by both the TSE and SJO forces were able to hear and see the battle unfold from numerous holoprojectors installed throughout the capital. A number of civilians who were being escorted by SJO forces would find truth in Vexen's words fleeing from the SJO to the safety of their own homes, making it more chaotic and difficult for the SJO to handle with having more bodies moving about.
" The Jedi cannot even handle their own allies actions. An armored rancor that was dropped into your capital has already claimed the lives of dozens of innocent people because of the Jedi's inability to command their own. The Jedi lash out against us when they cannot even protect themselves or their own territories. This unprovoked attack will not go unanswered and without challenge! They wish to take away your livelihoods and your future, to keep you in rags while they trample and use you when you are regaining your strength! Fight alongside your brothers and sisters, fight with your fellow countrymen and take up arms people of Mirial. These warmongering Jedi will not enslave and use you! "
A female Mirialin voice could be heard as it continued to the typical general state of emergency announcement " Citizens of Mirial, please remain indoors or in a shelter, the city is under attack. Do not venture out onto the streets. TSE forces are going door to door to escort you to the nearest shelter. Please do not open up for anyone else...Citizens of Mirial, please remain... " The voice would repeat itself as Vexen continued to collect more fuel for his next broadcast to rile up the populace. Even if the Jedi did succeed with their invasion, this sentiment against the Jedi that has been created would work against them in the long run. If they failed, there would be even more public backlash from the rest of the Galaxy especially from an unprovoked attack for what? Because Jedi and Sith were natural enemies? The Silver Jedi Order would find no other fault to their presence on Mirial except for the simple fact that they were Sith. Humanitarian and reconstruction efforts apparently meant nothing to the SJO from the perspective of the average Mirialin citizen.