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Skirata Exiles Stuff

Gilamar Skirata

The most important step is always the next one

Gilamar Skirata

The most important step is always the next one
"It sounds a lot cooler in basic. The Infinity! Really Rolls off the tongue."
"That's because you've been spending too much time with aruetiise."
-Conversation between two Mandalorian Exiles

  • Intent: To further flesh out the Flagship of the Skirata Life Fleet and the home of the Ironclad Guild
  • Image Credit: Images In the Order they Appear
    "Master Control Room" by DrawingNightmare on DA

  • Canon: No
  • Links:
    The Ketyadyr {The Infinity}
  • The Ironclad Guild

  • Starship Name: The Ketyadyr; The Infinity
  • Starship Model: Custom Alor-Class Dreadnought
  • Classification: Mandalorian Lifeship
  • Homeport: None
  • Travel Route:
    Kuar - Secret Home of the Mandalorian Exiles
  • Cluster M-34B
  • Utapau
  • Coruscant
  • Various Space Stations and Colonies in the Outer RIm Coalition

  • Outer Rim Coalition - Sponsored; Refugee Status
  • Mandalorian Exiles and other Non-Mandalorian Empire Mandos
  • House Skirata

[*]Crew Complement: Manned to Capactiy
[*]Notable Crewmembers:
  • Gilamar Skirata

[*]Accessibility: While the ship is not hidden, it is escorted by a battle ready fleet of ragtag Mandalorians with the occasional ORC support. It is treated with the same level of security you would expect from any civilian space station and is relatively easy to come and go, though for non Mandalorians there is often a small toll to enter in order to keep credits flowing throughout the fleet.
[*]Description: The Ketyadyr is the flagship of the Mandalorian Exile flotilla. Originally designed for war the Ketyadyr has become home to numerous Mandalorians who sought to escape the tyranny of Ra Viszla

[Does this starship have any internal defenses? This can be an additional protective detail of NPC Combat units, defensive droids, etc. Please link relevant tech/equipment to the SW wiki article, Factory-approved submissions, or Codex-approved submissions.]


  • Military Ward: The military ward of the Ketyadyr. Taking up most of the prow and center of the ship, it includes the command deck, the bridge, armory, med bay, and military barracks.
  • Port Side: A ward consisting of a collection of large cargo holds, hangars, and other rooms on starboard side of the ship. Spicy food is this side's specialty with Mandalorian cuisine. While all hangars are battle ready, this side is more lax than the other hangars and thus sees more credits flow through. The stores here sell a variety of smuggled Mandalorian goods and snacks, making it a favorite stop of Mando'ade with small children.
  • Starboard Side: A ward consisting of a collection of large cargo holds, hangars, and other rooms on starboard side of the ship. It is home to many of Clan Tetsuya, one of the larger and most loyal clans under House Skirata. Because of this there are heavy Atrisian influences in the cuisine on this side of the ship. Shops line the bottom of the cargo holds with the cargo containers and makeshift structures piled and locked into place above house the area's residents. It is connected to the starboard hangar. Because of Tetsuya's strong military tradition and highly organized nature it is the more efficient battle ready hangar of the two sides.
  • The Infinity Dock : Located in the underbelly near the prow of the ship, the Infinity Dock is a single ship docking and service bay. Staffed by talented Mandalorian shipwrights, Ironclad, engineers and other traffic control staff. Its also the entrance for a large hangar meant for shuttles, light freighters and other non-combat ships. It is effectively the Ketyadyr's main starport and the fleet's shipyard.
  • The Ironclad Forge: A small ward of the ship where most of the members of the Ironclad Guild fix their gear or get it fixed. Its where Gil's own workshop is as well as several weapons and armor dealers on the ship. Favored by mercenaries.
  • The Spire: The largest collection of people on the ship, the Spire is located in the center of the ship and surrounds the large freight elevator originally meant to move ships and cargo to other levels of the ship. Stores and makeshift homes have sprouted up haphazardly around the elevator, limiting its freight use but creating the fastest way for large amounts of people to move throughout the ship.
  • Tki'r: Gal, ori'skraan, riduur, yaim' dab'ika. Beer, big eats, good company and return to camp. A small Mandalorian bar and club located near the keel of the ship. The name is supposed to be a play on words with the keel of a ship often being refereed to as the "backbone" of a ship. We think the owner was just drunk when he named it. Its a good place to get an only partially watered down mug of ne'tra gal or a nice glace of Tihaar. Frequented by Mandalorian mercenaries and the Ironclad's warriors.

One of the first Alor-Class ships to be designed and ordered after the initial announcement and launch of the highly coveted warship by Mandal Hypernautics, The Katyadr was designed as House Skirata's flagship vessel. Designed to support and act as a mobile invasion force it strove to replace the Mythosaur-class carrier after it was lost to the stars. Serving in the opening years of the war against the One Sith, for a time it served as the Mandalorian Clan's main flagship as it was Gilamar Skirata's flagship, the Mand'alor of the Mandalorian people. It saw battle in several skirmishes and supported large scale invasions throughout the war with the One Sith but was put on reserve after Gilamar's assumed death.

After his return the renamed Skirata'yaim saw service in reclaiming lost Mandalorian territories. However after Mia Monroe and company decimated Mandalore's surface the ship became one of the few Alor-class ships to make it off world with hundreds of thousands of refugees. During this time Gilamar was critically injured and kept on board the Skirata'yaim in its med bay while another led the remnants of House Skirata and its refugees through old Mandalorian space before settling in Galactic Alliance space. However when Civil War came to Mandalore and Gil was secretly imprisoned by a political rival, the ship took the name Tyatr Shukala and was put back into service with some slight modification.

However once it was found that Gilamar Skirata was indeed still alive, those loyal to him split from House Skirata, mutinying against the captain and fled to the Outer Rim Coalition with Gilamar in tow. Once there the ship began to take on less of a combat role and instead shifted into a mobile colony. Much of the missiles, weapons, and original storage space towards the front and beneath the ship was gutted and converted into docking bay and starship service area, overseen by a hangar traffic control suite protected by overlapping shields and magnetic containment fields to keep oxygen and pressure regulated. It also traded much of its original cargo space for living quarters, but on a ship as large as it was, this only limited the amount of storable consumables by a few years which was an acceptable trade considering how many friendly ports were in jump range of the ship at any one time.

The ship took on a life of its own with various clans under House Skirata making up the bulk of the crew and passengers. Within the ship over several months communities began springing up, stores and small restaurants, even general goods began circulating inside the Ketyadyr spawning its own kind of economy. SPlit between sides and decks, most of the ship is civilian with three decks being entirely dedicated to military and defense and all hangars being regulated by Mandalorian volunteers. Gilamar's guild of tinkerers and mercenaries has also taken root here, making the ship a go to location for bounty hunters and mercenaries looking to get custom Mandalorian crafted gear.

The Ketyadyr's name in basic is the Infinity and was named so to illustrate the infinite kinds of Mandalorians throughout the Galaxy and tell them all that they are welcome even if Ra's Mando'ade wouldn't, making it the heart of one of the largest communities of Mandalorians outside of Mandalorian Empire space.

Gilamar Skirata

The most important step is always the next one
[background=transparent]OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION[/background]

[background=transparent]GENERAL INFORMATION[/size][/background]

  • [background=transparent]Fleet Name:[/background][background=transparent] [/size][/background]
  • [background=transparent]Echoylir [/background]

  • [background=transparent]Classification: Flotilla Escort[/background]

  • [background=transparent]Allegiance:[/background][background=transparent] Outer Rim Coalition, Mandalorian Exiles, Clan Skirata[/background]

  • [background=transparent]Lead Ship: [/background]The Ketyadyr, Alor-Class Dreadnought

  • [background=transparent]Composition:[/background][background=transparent] [/background]

    Life, Transport, and Storage Ships: Generally non-combat these ships hold the medical supplies, food stuffs, people, and other items used by the Migrant Fleet

    [background=transparent]x 3 [/background]Baar’ur-class Medical Frigate; Seed of Manda'yaim, Echoy'la, Kelita [1050 M]

  • x5 MM-BR 75 Heavy Transport [900 M]

  • x 3 Redoubt-class Light Cruiser; Ka'Pruni, Bajur, Concord Dawn [1500 M]

Defense Force: Excluding the Ketyadyr, these ships are the primary warships of the Migrant Fleet and defend the fleet from would be pirates and other evildoers. The Ketyadyr is placed here despite its position as the main life ship of the Migrant Fleet due to its combat ability despite staying near the center of the formation at all times as the Fleet's main life ship and command ship.

[background=transparent]Total Length:[/background][background=transparent] [/background]14,975 Meters
[background=transparent]Notable Characters:[/background]

[background=transparent]Ports of Call:[/background][background=transparent] [/background]

  • [background=transparent]​Various Colonies and Space Stations in ORC Space[/background]

  • [background=transparent]Utapau[/background]

  • Cluster M-34B

  • Kuar

  • Alderaan

[*][background=transparent]COMBAT INFORMATION[/size][/background]

  • [background=transparent]Strengths:[/background][background=transparent] [/background]

    [background=transparent]​Strong Internal Defenses: Should ships break through and attempt to board any one ship they will be met with a ship full of angry Mandalorians that likely have not set their feet on solid ground in months or years. Good luck.[/background]

  • [background=transparent]Alor-Class: Even though it isn't meant to be a combat ship, its command capacity is incredible and should the enemy break through the defensive lines, it by itself holds tremendous power in one on one brawls.[/background]

[background=transparent]Weaknesses:[/background][background=transparent] [/background]

  • [background=transparent]​Life Ships: Even on the combat ships, most of the crew and passengers are Mandalorian civilians. While able to fight inside the ship and defend themselves, should any ship be destroyed it would deal an incredible blow to moral across the Migrant Fleet.[/background]

  • [background=transparent]Remote: Despite the fleet holding a similar status to refugee colonies and being welcomed in most instances throughout the Outer Rim Coalition, the fleet's migratory nature makes it difficult for the Outer Rim Coalition to support the ship in trying times such as large raids or food shortages. As the fleet isn't entirely self sustaining, being so far away from civilization constantly puts the fleet in a disadvantageous position in battles and skirmishes with pirates.[/background]

  • [background=transparent]Valuble Cargo: The Seed of Manda'yaim holds several plant species and fauna embreyos native to the planet of Mandalore. Along with being the main medical frigate for child birth and the elderly it is a prime target for slavers and mad scientists. Along with that there are hundreds of suits of real Beskar'gam on board these ships along with exotic Mandalorian weapons and goods. A known location for the Ironclad Guild as well, the fleet is a frequent target of opportunists and rogue Mandalorians. [/background]

[background=transparent]Description:[/background][background=transparent] Comprised of defectors, fugitives, and other Mandalorians from the Mandalorian Empire, the people of the Migrant Fleet have abandoned their home to embrace their migratory roots, disillusioned or terrified of Ra's Mandalorian Empire. Many of the men and women of the Migrant Fleet work as mercenaries around the Galaxy and agents of the Mandalorian Exiles and Resistance, with some even acting as Judges in the Outer RIm Coalition. The fleet itself is comprised of new and old ships of mostly Mandalorian make that roam the Galaxy searching for work, safe harbor, and food for its people. Closely affiliated with the Mandalorian Exiles, they abstain from any actions against the Mandalorian Empire directly, but openly support groups like the Resistance, the Exiles, and other non-Mandalorian Empire Mando'ade throughout the Galaxy. It is seen as a second Mandalorian home as one of the largest collections of Mandalorians outside of the Mandalorian Empire. [/background]

[background=transparent]Despite staying away from and turning away any official Mandalorian Empire ships or personnel, if one doesn't say anything about their allegiance and don't cause trouble they are generally welcome on the Ketyadyr and other life ships as fellow Mando'ade. Obvious and big name Mandalorians that support the Mandalorian Empire are excluded and barred from entering the patrol space of the slow moving fleet. Given a refugee status that is nearly universal throughout the Outer Rim Coalition occasional assistance is given by the various independent systems and charity groups to keep the flotilla afloat. [/background]

Gilamar Skirata

The most important step is always the next one

  • Image Source: Image Maniulated by the wonderful Tiradius
  • Canon Link: None
  • Primary Source: None
  • Workshop Name: The Ironclad Guild
  • Location: The Ketyadyr
  • Specialty: Custom Work and Mercenary Work
  • Tier: I
A group of Mandalorian craftspeople and mercenaries who have taken up residence in Mandalorian settlements throughout the Galaxy outside of the grasp of the Mandalorian Empire. Mostly based out of the Ketyadyr members of the Ironclad Guild can be found in Kuar, the Roche Asteroids and all maner of shadow ports scattered throughout the Outer Rim and Wild Space. Most are craftspeople who tinker enough to work on custom armor or ships. They are also a tightly nit band of mercenaries that take most jobs and have few rules, with many of their mercenaries coming from Shriek-Hawk Company, Gilamar's original PMC.


After clan Skirata left Mandalore during the rule of Ra Viszla and Gilamar Skirata escaped from Valyr, Gilamar gathered any willing able bodied Mandalorians from all walks of life. From Shipwrights to armorsmiths these mercenary tinkerers gathered on Ketyadyr and took an oath to follow the Resol'nare and keep the Ketyadyr afloat. Elite craftsmen and women have come together in a tight nit network to produce quality custom content and complete small mercenary jobs throughout the Galaxy.


Gilamar Skirata

The most important step is always the next one
  • Intent: To flesh out a mount that has been used for most of this character's time on the board
  • Image Source: Banner: Tiradius; Art:
  • Canon Link: Basilisk War Droid
  • Restricted Missions: None
  • Primary Source: N/A
  • Manufacturer: MandalMotors; Modified by Gilamar Skirata and the Ironclad Guild
  • Model: N/A
  • Affiliation: Gilamar Skirata
  • Production: Unique
  • Material:
  • Mandalorian Steel
  • Droid Parts

  • Classification: Fourth Degree Battle Droid
  • Length: 8 Meters
  • Width: 2.5 Meters
  • Height: 6 Meters
  • Armament: Extreme
    Shockwave Generator Rod Cluster
  • Pulse-Wave Cannon
  • Laser Cannons
  • Concussion Missile Launcher
  • Modular Payload Bay (Space Mines, explosives, etc.)

[*]Defenses: Extreme
  • Beskar Armor Plating
  • Mandalorian Steel Frame
  • Light Deflector Shield
  • Armored Saddle-Cockpit

[*]Squadron Count: None: 1
[*]Maneuverability Rating: Low
[*]Speed Rating: High
[*]Hyperdrive Class: None
  • Sensor Cluster
  • Aural Sensor
  • Combat Computer
  • Standard Combat Sensor Package
  • Vocabulator
  • Photoreceptors
  • Unbreakable Bond: Atin has fought with Gil since its "birth" through hundreds of battles and dozens of wars. The two hold an uncanny connection, even among other Basilisk riders, allowing it to respond quickly to irregularities in Gil's condition and even distinguish between sudden shifts between friend or foe without prior programming entirely based on Gil's demeanor. Their experiences also allow for an almost seamless flight experience, with the droid knowing what Gil would want to do sometimes even before the old man can do it himself increasing the reaction time.
  • Droid Fighter: When Gil isn't aboard, the absence of an organic pilot allows for maneuvers that would otherwise kill an organic. Even if its maneuverability is low compared to a starfighter, those split second moves can mean the difference between life and slag.
  • Beskar: Even if the shilds are mostly a formality to keep space debris from killing the pilot, the beskar armor plating is more than enough to stand up to full head on crashes with starfighters as well as laser cannons and a variety of other weapons.
  • Self Healing: Scarab Droid Swarms can over time complete field recovery and fix damaged systems and patch holes during battle.
  • Way of the Mythosaur: Mostly due to its bulk and the power of its thrusters, Atin has a very large turning radius and very poor maneuverability.
  • Ion Weapons/EMP: At the end of the day, Atin is a droid. Even if Beskar is incredible against blasters, ion weapons can short out the droid's systems for periods of time and EMPs will outright knock it out of the sky.
  • Open Top: While there is a bit of shielding to protect the rider from space debris, the top is pretty much open to assault from starship and personal weapons
  • Blind Spot: While the droid essentially takes information from 360 degrees around it, it has no defensive weapons to take care of assaults from behind
  • No Anti-Lock on: As it is not a true starfighter or ship it has no anti-lock on abilities, meaning getting out of a lock is entirely dependent on the pilot.
  • Anti-Beskar Weapons: Weapons like the Arc Pulse Generator that target Beskar completely fry it as it is mostly encased behind a husk of beskar.
  • No Hyperspace: The Bes'uliik were never meant to replace starfighters, but supplement them in battles. Atin is no different and must be transported from system to system.
Description: Atin is an ancient thing, a Basilisk war droid dated back to sometime before 40 ABY. Passed down Gil's family tree from Skirata to Skirata the war droid was encased in beskar and built during Mandalore's Golden Age, Atin was made as a testement to clan Skirata's growth as well as the prosperity of the Mandalorians under Fett during that time. It was then simply a trophy droid few weapons systems and was barely flight capeable. At some point during the Sith-Imperial War the droid was heavily modified as the Mandalorians joined the Trimunative and began to produce the War Droids again after thousands of years of not doing so. From then on Atin saw use as a proper war droid would, fighting for Skirata after Skirata until it made its way to Gil. The droid was gifted to the young Mandalorian during a series of jobs with his father for the still recovering Republic and would eventually see combat on Mandalore during the post-gulag plague resource wars that raged across several Mandalorian systems. Deades later the droid still fights by Gil's side and is incredibly loyal to the man.

Designed to imitate the war droids of old, Atin is slightly larger than most Basilisk War Droids now. His size is mostly attributed to the beskar armored plates and Mandalorian Steel frame it boasts but also comes from a larger powerpack to properly power the various weapons systems, magnets, shields, and other systems on board. Its main and arguably most devastating weapon, the Shockwave Generator Rod cluster takes up most of the droid's head. With dozens of rods concentrated into one central release the weapon fires loud blasts of energy. The Pulse wave cannons, though less reliable and accurate than lasers now, also provided a powerful weaon, especially when paired with the laser cannons mounted on Atin's shoulders. A manually opened ordanance drop bay and conconsion missile launchers round out Atin's weapons.

Atin's armor is of course made of Beskar that dates back before the Gulag Plague. Reforged and refitted over the hundreds of years the droid has been in service, the armor makes its entire body a raming weapon. Sharp forward claws make non-magnetic verticle travel possible as well as allowing it to rip into the hulls of starships and buildings. In atmosphere several repulsors can keep the droid hovering, but it actually performs as a mobile assault platform better when walking on all fours. Sensor bundles beneath the droid between its legs alert it to threats from all sides and its powerful engines threaten to keep up even with starfighters in both atmosphere and vacuum, though it does fall short of maintaining that speed, especially with a pilot onboard.

Gilamar Skirata

The most important step is always the next one
  • Manufacturer: The People of the Outer Rim Coalition
  • Model: (Example: TIE (Twin Ion Engine). For submissions where a model wouldn’t be appropriate, such as a custom walking stick, put ‘N/A’ for ‘Not Applicable’.)
  • Affiliation: Outer Rim Coaltion and Various Spacer Groups and Migrating Fleets Open-Market

  • Production: Minor
  • Material: Durasteel; Various Starship components
  • Classification: Light Cruiser
  • Length: 100 Meters
  • Width: 150 Meters
  • Height: 450 Meters
  • Armament: Low
  • Defenses: Moderate
  • Hangar: High: 3
  • Maneuverability Rating: Low
  • Speed Rating: Average
  • Hyperdrive Class: Average: 1
  • Standard Ship Navigation
  • Tractor Beams
  • Standard Ship Targeting Systems
  • Life Support
  • Inertial Dampners

  • Gravity lattice storage capacity
  • Repair/Refit/Supply Capacity
  • Mineral Processing Plant
  • Compartmentalized Design
  • Mineral Processing Plant: Allows for settlers and spacers to process minerals and sell the materials along intergalactic trade routes.
  • Compartmentalized Design: Ship is sectioned off into various districts or sections allowing for independent power, life support, and gravity functions, increasing the suitability of the ship and its crew overall.
  • Pack Mule: Can carry a large amount of supplies and transports
  • Wedge Shape: Its upright design make it awkward to maneuver through space.
  • Small Weapons Loadout
  • Privy to random power outages and other various issues typical of "Ugly" ships
Description: When an Ugly becomes a standard design you know you've done something right. Cobbled together by the various independent shipyards scattered throughout the Outer Rim, and more specifically the Outer Rim Coalition, the Corvo-Class light cruiser was a design made from various aging starship parts that eventually became its own design after the Outer Rim Coalition began forming lose connections to the various communities scattered throughout that lawless area of space. It is a combination of several species' technologies and benefits from them all in ways that makes this cobbled ship work somehow. Similar to the Redoubt-Class light cruiser it's primary function is to serve as a mobile starbase for local spacer communities and not combat. Relatively cheap and with a mineral processing plant on board most models they serve as mobile mining operations for large communes and other types of communities to make credits as they travel throughout the stars. The Corvo-Class boasts an impressive hangar, most often used as storage and living space by those within, but can service dozens of starships within its cavernous hangar and storage bays. Its markets and makeshift homes serve those who enter and those who call the ship home.

Gilamar Skirata

The most important step is always the next one
  • Manufacturer: The People of the Outer Rim Coalition
  • Model: (Example: TIE (Twin Ion Engine). For submissions where a model wouldn’t be appropriate, such as a custom walking stick, put ‘N/A’ for ‘Not Applicable’.)
  • Affiliation: Outer Rim Coaltion and Various Spacer Groups and Migrating Fleets Open-Market

  • Production: Minor
  • Material: Durasteel; Various Starship components
  • Classification: Light Cruiser
  • Length: 100 Meters
  • Width: 150 Meters
  • Height: 450 Meters
  • Armament: Low
  • Defenses: Moderate
  • Hangar: High: 3
  • Maneuverability Rating: Low
  • Speed Rating: Average
  • Hyperdrive Class: Average: 1
  • Standard Ship Navigation
  • Tractor Beams
  • Standard Ship Targeting Systems
  • Life Support
  • Inertial Dampners

  • Gravity lattice storage capacity
  • Repair/Refit/Supply Capacity
  • Mineral Processing Plant
  • Compartmentalized Design
  • Mineral Processing Plant: Allows for settlers and spacers to process minerals and sell the materials along intergalactic trade routes.
  • Compartmentalized Design: Ship is sectioned off into various districts or sections allowing for independent power, life support, and gravity functions, increasing the suitability of the ship and its crew overall.
  • Pack Mule: Can carry a large amount of supplies and transports
  • Wedge Shape: Its upright design make it awkward to maneuver through space.
  • Small Weapons Loadout
  • Privy to random power outages and other various issues typical of "Ugly" ships
Description: When an Ugly becomes a standard design you know you've done something right. Cobbled together by the various independent shipyards scattered throughout the Outer Rim, and more specifically the Outer Rim Coalition, the Corvo-Class light cruiser was a design made from various aging starship parts that eventually became its own design after the Outer Rim Coalition began forming lose connections to the various communities scattered throughout that lawless area of space. It is a combination of several species' technologies and benefits from them all in ways that makes this cobbled ship work somehow. Similar to the Redoubt-Class light cruiser it's primary function is to serve as a mobile starbase for local spacer communities and not combat. Relatively cheap and with a mineral processing plant on board most models they serve as mobile mining operations for large communes and other types of communities to make credits as they travel throughout the stars. The Corvo-Class boasts an impressive hangar, most often used as storage and living space by those within, but can service dozens of starships within its cavernous hangar and storage bays. Its markets and makeshift homes serve those who enter and those who call the ship home.

Gilamar Skirata

The most important step is always the next one
  • Space Station Name: Minerva Colony
  • Station Model: Vencuyot II
  • Classification: Shipyard, Trade Station, Civilian Population
  • Location:
  • Affiliation: Outer Rim Coalition, The Ironclad Guild, Silvia Shipwrights
  • Population: Moderately Populated (For a Space Station)
  • Demographics:
    Mandalorian Exiles
  • Nasvalo
  • Drifters of Various Species
  • Transient Workers of Various Species

[*]Accessibility: Open and Easy to access
[*]Description: Minerva Colony is one of several "local" shipyards that sees frequent use by the loosely organized Outer Rim Coalition. At a massive 10km it is part of a collective effort to support and maintain of member planets that can afford to support the station. Minerva hosts millions of transient dock workers every cycle and doubles as a sort of life colony for the Mandalorian Exiles of Echoylir as a refueling, repair, and transport hub to the world of Manas where they spend "land shifts" so that everyone can have real solid ground every once in a while. On top of housing the workers, transient ship workers, and Mandalorian Exiles, it also houses some number of other peoples and their families. Because the storage space originally meant for materials has been taken up by these makeshift living quarters, the station churns things out at a slower rate than most shipyards, but the slow methodical work means steady work for many and that means food in their bellies.
The station is frequented by Judges of the Outer Rim Coalition as well as Echoylir. Besides them, a small contingent of the Manasi Air Force have added it to their patrols. The hangars meant for hoarding under construction starfighters has been converted to hold a small force to fend off pirates and a duo of old Kandosii dreadnoughts float aimlessly to either side, threatening all who would do harm to Manas or Minerva. Transient mercenaries like the Vicks and other merc groups act as security on station.


The station was a secret gift from MandalMotors CFO Zeke Farthen to Gilamar Skirata once the former heard of Gil's small ship building venture in the Outer Rim. Gilamar subsequently gifted the station to the Outer Rim Coalition which allowed him to keep a substantial portion of the station while also hiring out various groups of mercenaries to defend it. The station was placed over Manas, a desert world struggling to get a foothold in the Galaxy. The planet had been Zeke and Gilamar's smuggling rendezvous to move MandalMotors products as well as Mandalorian comforts to the people of Echoylir but the friendly people there welcomed the people of Echoylir making Manas the perfect place to start a shipyard. It would prove to provide work for thousands of Manasi people as well as exposing the desert world to the people of the Outer Rim.

Gilamar Skirata

The most important step is always the next one
  • Image Source: Edited by Yasha Mantis
  • Canon Link: None
  • Development Thread: None
  • Primary Source: None

[*]Operations: Starship Construction and Modification
[*]Tier: T2
Named after Gilamar's late wife Silvia Skirata, Silvia Shipyards is a small shipwright company based out of the Outer Rim world of Manas. Built off of the foundation of the Ironclad Guild, a workshop that operated out of Ketyadyr, Silvia Shipyards has taken talented shipwrights and dockworkers from across the Galaxy. A melting pot of ship building traditions, its core strengths lied in a Mandalorian-Mon Calimari fusion of design. Providing a steady stream of work for local Nasvalo, Mandalorians in Exile, and other transient workers.

After meeting entrepreneurs on the Outer Rim planet of Manas in order to secure ships and parts for the Mandalorians in Exile via MandalMotors, Gilamar began spending more time on the planet. Securing territory in the Canyons of Manas he began working and finding work in Navaslo factories. Befriending many of the locals and seeing a general lack of serious industry on the planet and in the Outer Rim as a whole (that wasn't seen "spacer trash" stations) Gil put his skills to use and contacted Zeke Farthen secretly from MandalMotors and was able to smuggle one Vencuyot II shipyard station into orbit over Manas. After the Galactic Alliance dissolved, much of the Sulustan, Quarth, and Mon Calamari talent from the Alliance sponsored shipyards made their way into the Outer RIm with the rest of the Alliance Remnant, providing Silvia Shipyards with a strong base in several different styles of shipbuilding.

  • None
Parent Corporation: None

Gilamar Skirata

The most important step is always the next one
  • Intent: To create a group that fits the wildness and unpredictability of the Outer Rim, potential ORC Opposition, and a group that can be used to defend random locations
  • Image Credit: Endles Spave 2, Amplitude Studios, and Sega
  • Role: Mercenary Gang
  • Links: N/A
  • Group Name: The Vicks
  • Classification: Mercenary Gang
  • Headquarters: Kal'Shebbol
  • Loyalties: None
  • Group Sigil: N/A
  • Description: The Vicks are your typical space thugs, can't live with 'em, can't live without 'em. Nobody really knows where they get their funding from, but as far as Merc groups go they are pretty well equipped...Sometimes. It seems like whoever is funding them is only giving them a sprinkle of credits. Sometimes they'll roll up on you with Bloodsteel plated cruisers, sometimes they'll run out of ammo mid-fight and give up. Yeah, we've got a lot of them behind bars, but they rotate in and out pretty often. The rare occasion that we have to get into scraps with them its usually because they've been throwin' their weight around a little too hard to ignore. But generally they keep the pirates at bay on some worlds, and pay for their drinks so I'm not complainin' too much. The one thing that distinguishes them though is their armor. Always black and red. Kinda looks like old One Sith armor to me, but other people tell me I'm crazy.
  • Hierarchy: The peckin' order of the Vicks is pretty simple. You've got whoever is throwin' them credits, then they've got a couple commanders, and under them they've got captains, and then there's everyone else.
  • Membership: Heard they've got a recruiting station out on Kal'Shebbol. S'long as you can shoot a blaster and you ain't old as dirt like me I heard they'll hire yer. Why? You lookin' for work?
  • Dogma/Doctrines: Credits. Credits. Credits. They're simple that way. Doesn't keep them honest by any means, but at least you know it ain't personal with them. They're a big group, they ain't got enough leadership and man power to keep up any one kind of ideology and whatnot. They just want credits, and I haven't heard of a job they won't do.
  • Curios: I heard their Captains and Commanders have kyber crystal necklaces. Maybe they're Jedi?
  • Goals: I already told ya! They just wanna get paid at the end of the day.
So, they've got more than a few commanders and captains, but I'll try to break down the ones I know by name.

So first there's Jaar'a. Don't know where he came from, don't know what he is, but whatever hellhole he climbed out of didn't bother him none. He's a captain, though he don't act like it. He don't talk much and he never drinks any booze which also means he's good at keepin' his men in line when they roll through. He's a real nice guy but from the stories I've heard he'd rip ya in half in a second if you so much as scratched his comrades' armor. Lucky me, I just serve drinks.

Next up is Tess, err...Tessera, don't tell her I called her that. She might look pretty under that armor (I don't know, she never takes her helmet off even though the sign says to!!), but she's one hell of a soldier. Rumor has it she was Mandalorian, is Mandalorian? Who knows anymore. I'M Mandalorian! But I digress. She's one helluva shot and probably one of the more respected Commanders of the Vicks. She's reeeal no nonsense and doesn't care for goofin' around. Prolly why I don't see her much in here. She's also one of the more predictable and less cruel members of the Vicks. She's a professional, to the Core.

Last but not least is Nul. This one's special. Rage on steroids, always 0-100 with this guy. He's not nice, so don't try to talk to him, and rumor has it he used to be a Sith Knight...Or maybe he was part of the Blackblade guard for that Vornskr guy. Either way he's bad news. Things and people literally start flyin' all over the bar whenever he shows up. Somethin' always pisses him off. He's got a glowing cybernetic eye, but as far as anyone knows it ain't nothin' special. his lightsaber, we don't have a no weapons policy so...Make sure he keeps that red glowstick in his pants for me, eh?
Force Sensetive: Dark Side, Knight Level

Alright, that's all I got on the Vicks, now you gonna buy me a drink or somethin' or naw?

The Vicks are a mercenary gang that operate out of the Outer Rim world of Kal'Shebbol. When they started is relatively unknown, but their rise to prominence in the Outer Rim territories dates back to the end of the Sith Empire. Believed to have been revitalized by a wealthy Sith Lord who just wanted to hide away in luxury for the rest of his days, the Vicks shifted from a random occurrence to notorious merc gang in less than a decade. Their exploits have been both heroic and villainous as the group has no expressed type of job or limit they won't do or cross. Because of this and the lack of a true centralized government in the Outer Rim, even within the collection of worlds that make up the Outer Rim Coalition, they are generally left alone and trusted enough to be hired on a regular basis by member worlds and various stations to defend from marauders and pirates, though their prices can run on the expensive side for private farmers and settlers. Many Judges have called for action against the group that are little less than glorified thugs, but whoever is funding them has kept the Judges at bay with various tactics and political movements. They seem to have no qualms about who, or what, they hire so long as the job gets done.

Gilamar Skirata

The most important step is always the next one

  • Name: Twon Ketee
  • Designation: Sentinet
  • Homeworld: Twon Ketee
  • Language: Ketee
  • Average Lifespan: Comparable to human lifespan
  • Estimated Population: Scattered
  • Description: Twon Ketee are immense masses of muscle covered in thick, red, leathery skin. With four golden, almond shaped eyes, sharp teeth, and a language no one besides Rathtars seems to understand they are a terrifying species to behold. Bred to contain the Rathtar population they are as ghastly a people as the monster they are supposed to destroy.
  • Breathes: Type II
  • Average height of adults: 2.7 Meters
  • Average length of adults: N/A
  • Skin color: Red
  • Hair color: Black, if any.
  • Distinctions:
    Four Arms
  • Huge Muscles
  • Usually Cybernetics
  • Mouth is located just above the collar bone.
  • Lack of sex organs

[*]Races: Queen-Type: The Queen type is the only kind of Twon Ketee with any sort of intelligence that could be considered average. They tend to have long black hair, larger in size, and rarely see combat as they take care of the rest of the hive. Any one hive tends to have between two and three queens. A regular Twon Ketee may become a queen after consuming a Queen, though this only happens when the Queen is too old and unable to fulfill their duties for the hive.
  • Regeneration: Based off of Gen'Dai physiology, the Twon Ketee possessed incredible regeneration. While not being able to regenerate from a single cell losing whole limbs and partial organs meant little to them if given enough time to rest and proper medical care.
  • Redundant Organs: Twon Ketee posses two hearts, two stomachs, four kidneys, and an intestinal tract longer than most sentient species.
  • Super Strength: Twon Ketee are among one of the strongest species in the Galaxy, able to easily lift what can be considered a fully grown Rathtar or move a speeder.

  • Incredibly Stupid: Because they were originally bred as beasts of burden and tend to rely on a hive mind, Twon Ketee possess little intelligence and are thus forced to rely on automated systems or the kindness and patience of others when out in the galaxy to help repair their cybernetics. In rare cases Twon Ketee have learned to understand Basic and live on their own...With lots of help.
  • Type I atmosphere: Without their masks Twon Ketee cannot live in Type I atmospheres and breaking or depressurizing the mask can be fatal.
  • Poison: Due in part to their incredible metabolism poison spreads quickly throughout their bodies.
  • Blood Loss: Because of their two hearts, blood pumps much faster through their bodies, making almost their entire arms arteries. While they may be able to regrow their arm if its cut off, they could just as easily bleed out before they are taken care of.
  • Cut From the Force: While still being able to be sensed in the Force, Twon Ketee cannot be Force Sensetive
  • Ion Weapons: Due to much of their bodies being enhanced and held together with cybernetics, ion weapons can actually kill them by deactivating their masks in atmospheres other than Type II. They also stop their legs as their legs are cybernetic.

  • Diet: Omnivorous - No dietary restrictions
  • Communication: Electronic Communication through helmets, Ketee
  • Technology level: While technically their technology is quite advanced, they really only know how to use that tech only and it revolves around maintaining their cybernetics. They can use simple weapons like blasters but are incapable of flight and always have to be shown how to do simple tasks outside of combat such as opening manual doors, buying starship tickets, or eating foreign foods. Some Queens have learned through their knowledge of cybernetics to command astromechs and other simple droids to control large autonomous hive ships.
  • Religion/Beliefs: None
  • General behavior: Generally Twon Ketee sit around entertaining themselves with simple tasks like cleaning, eating, or watching holovision. Simple beings as they are, they are also incredibly violent. Designed to do two things, consume and protect the rathtar from exportation, they have lost their way without masters on their home world. While many still stalk the swamps and abandoned facilities on Twon Ketee in search of hidden, extra, rathtar nests and would be rathtar poachers, just as many escaped to the Galaxy at large. Without the need to hunt rathtar any longer the need to feed became almost constant, driving many Queens to lead hives in roving groups, raiding and consuming all in their path. Other, and much more rare, were the more independent Twon Ketee. Curious and child-like in nature, many of these work in labor intensive jobs where they have structure, orders, and enough food to keep them from devouring entire settlements. Many also took up mercenary work.
Developed by an unknown species hundreds of years ago after the Trillia Massacre, the Twon Ketee were molded to be the Rathtar's main predator as well as a deterrent from would be poachers that would take the rathtars from their homeowrld and potentially ending thousands more lives. However, after a few hundred years, a defect in the programming stage of cloning coupled with a virus in the system added a much more independent streak in the beings, birthed the first queen and led to a minor revolution where the Twon Ketee massacred the species that had made them and maintained them for hundreds of years. The computer virus also set the cloning devices on automatic, continuously pumping new Twon Ketee out. The first queen had been implanted with the knowledge to keep the cloning facility running and keep the cybernetics functioning for the other Twon Ketee. Finding that it could impart this knowledge onto future clones they created some number of these "Queens" on top of the normal Twon Ketee who saw their own genetics modified to become more independent with the capacity to learn. With no purpose left however the Twon Ketee found they had rid themselves of the only other non-Twon Ketee companions. For hundreds of years they continued to consume and protect and hunt. The cycle would repeat over and over and over until by some miracle they discovered space flight at its most basic level after a poaching party attempted to steal several dozen rathtar eggs some time during the gulag plague.

From then on Twon Ketee began producing autonomous ships known as hive ships from their old masters' starships, allowing Queens to take their hives to the stars. This would prove almost as disastrous as the ravenous Twon Ketee roaming the Outer Rim, Wild Space, and Unknown Regions raiding and devouring colonies on top of the Gulage Plague would make it difficult for the Outer Rim to successfully grow. Seeming non-sentient and threatened by their increasingly violent behavior, the Republic sent several warships to Twon Ketee and eradicated thousands upon thousands of Twon Ketee at some point during the Gulag Plague, reducing their numbers drastically. This would make the Roving Twon Ketee a mere legend, though many in the Outer Rim still claim to hear tales of recent Twon Ketee roving activity.

Generally speaking now the Twon Ketee have been welcomed into the Outer Rim with open arms. Honest to a fault due to their incredibly low intelligence, nearly helpless, relatively good natured, and hard working when promised food, Twon Ketee make up a surprising 3% of the transient workforce throughout the Outer Rim as construction workers, dock workers, mercenaries, and in other labor intensive fields.

Gilamar Skirata

The most important step is always the next one
  • Organization Name: House Skirata

  • Classification: Mandalorian House

  • Loyalties: Various Mandalorian Major Factions

  • Organization Symbol: The symbol of House Skirata is the same used by Clan Skirata for centuries. It depicts a red Rekr, a rare and dangerous breed of Mandalorian Wolf.

  • Description: House Skirata is a large Mandalorian House, or political group, that encompasses several Mandalorian clans of various sizes. Its main goal is always to make Mandalore a better place for all Mandalorians and throughout history has been seen as rather moderate when it came to the political issues of the Mandalorians. Some of the clans it includes are Clan Skirata, Clan Trest, Clan Tetsuya, and Clan Cadera. For these and several other smaller clans House Skirata puts its clan's grievances, needs, and ideas forward in Clan Moots and generally leads them in times of strife and war.
  • Headquarters: Kyrimorut

  • Realm: Mandalore

  • Domain: House Skirata owns several large plots of land and several medium to large sized beskar mining operations across the planet. Because the Mandalorians are a very family and community oriented people, they do allow members of other Houses and Clans to live off of their land and mine in their mines at a small cost and are generally friendly with most other Houses and Clans. Examples of Mandalorian Cities where their influence is greatest or they own land are listed below. Recently exiles of the Civil War have been making small colonies throughout Outer Rim Coalition Space.


  • Krostport

  • Ka'Pruni

  • Kelita

Notable Assets: For several generations, the Mandalorian shipwright MandalMotors has been under House ownership, making the House a rather wealthy one in the last decade, offering its Clans decently paying jobs and education opportunities across the Galaxy.

  • Hierarchy: While each clan within House Skirata has its own hierarchies, within the House itself, Clan Skirata is seen as the head. While members from other clans can become the Alor of House Skirata, they are often required to take Clan Skirata's name for their own and are adopted fully into Clan Skirata.

  • Membership: House Skirata is one of the largest and oldest Mandalorian Houses, boasting hundreds of thousands of members scattered across the planet and the Galaxy. It is relatively easy to become a member of House Skirata as Mandalore lacks a true citizenship program. Marriage, birth, and adoption are all ways to enter the Mandalorian House.

  • Influence: House Skirata has a significant influence on the Mandalorian military and MandalMotors. While all Mandalorians are treated fairly based on their own merits, many of House Skirata have distinguished themselves throughout history and its leaders are generally well respected.

  • Climate: Close knit family, except your "family" is massive. The people of House Skirata are pretty standard Mandalorian. Friendly enough until you piss them off.

  • Reputation: [How do people see this organization from the outside? Beloved? Distrusted? Wary or neutral? Describe your organization’s reputation here. If you're organization has renown, you will need to justify it in the Historical Information section.]

  • Rules: The Resol'nare is always a constant, however there have been times when the House has followed other beliefs and documents such as Ra Viszla's Anti-Force user doctrine while under Dorn Skirata and the Supercommando Codex while under Gilamar Skirata. They are very flexible but have historically been a rather moderate and neutral group working with or for whoever will pay them and isn't harming Mandalore. In more recent years under Gilamar Skirata, cooperation with the Sith all but dropped off, and after their war with both the Sith Empire and One Sith, most members refuse to work with Sith and it is seen as a massive taboo and even traitorous to all of Mandalore to work with them.

  • Doctrines:


  • Supercommando Codex

Goals: The prosperity of the supported clans as well as Mandalore

House Skirata is an old Mandalorian House that can trace its roots as far back as the Great Galactic War to a small warrior clan which faithfully served both Mandalore the Lesser as well as his successor. It wouldn’t be until the Clone Wars until the clan saw any significance in Mandalorian history as the famed Kal Skirata and several other Mandalorians under the orders of Mand'alor Jango Fett would leave their various careers behind in order to train the clone army for the Republic’s war against the CIS. It is here arguably that the Skirata Clan saw its true founding by Kal and his adopted clone family when they returned to Mandalore. Several Jedi Knights and Masters would also join the clan during their time of persecution as well.

Over time Clan Skirata’s steadfast beliefs and unquestionable honor would bring several other clans to join them eventually leading Clan Skirata to become House Skirata. Their level headedness and open nature would lead to several acquisitions such as MandalMotors and several beskar mines across Mandalore leading many to become businessmen, miners, and talented shipwrights, though they never lost their edge in combat due to the strong military tradition that came with the huge influx of retired clone troopers. Tucked away in their history as well was a large number of force sensitives, uncommon for the Mandalorian people.

During the Gulag Plague House Skirata saw an incredible amount of death, as did most of the Outer Rim, despite Mandalore’s attempt to close off their borders. It was during this time that the few remaining began to bring back old machines and ways of combat to make up for the lack of new technologies being developed. Clan Skirata began perfecting the use of the bes’uliik again and melee combat became a staple for them. It was around this time that House Skirata adopted a new sigil to represent their House. The rekr, literally wolf in Basic and a fearsome creature native to the planet of Mandalore, was adopted. Most of the history during this time is lost in the archives but at some point House Skirata regained its place as a prominent House of Mandalore under the leadership of Gilamar Skirata’s grandfather towards the end of the 400 Years of Darkness. The House saw even greater significance when Alor Gilamar Skirata became Mand’alor and led the Mandalorians in the twilight hours of their war against the Sith Empire.

The House would become divided during the Mandalorian Civil War when Mand’alor Ra Viszla and Mia Monroe would clash idealistically. Ra called for the expulsion of all Force Users from Mandalore while Mia simply wished for her people to be free despite leading her people to ruin. Simply due to their House’s lineage many of House Skirata joined Mia Monroe with plans to see her pay for her crimes after the war’s end. Those were led by Gilamar Skirata. However, an equal amount of House Skirata followed Ra and his incredibly violent and harsh view on Force Users which blamed them entirely for the destruction of Mandalore and their fall in Galactic influence. These were led by Dorn Skirata, the younger adopted cousin of Gilamar. With Ra’s Death Watch faction taking victory after victory the Civil War came to a close and the remaining forces of Gilamar’s faction of Mandalorians left the planet to wander Outer Rim Coalition space, splitting House Skirata and leaving the leadership of the remaining Mandalorians under the Mandalorian Empire to Dorn Skirata who held fast to Ra’s ideals, ensuring any remaining force sensitives take the “Cure” Ra began using in the tail end of the Civil War.

House Skirata would continue to support the Mandalorian Empire and future Mandalorian factions.

Gilamar Skirata

The most important step is always the next one
  • Intent: To make use of the limited scrap and busted starfighters of the Alliance in Exile to produce an interesting bit of lore and show the resource restricted nature of the Alliance in Exile
  • Image Source: (Please link to where you found the image, or to the original artist if possible. TinEye or Google Image Search can help.)
  • Canon Link: (Please link the canon link if applicable canon item.)
  • Primary Source: Sprite class X-Wing
  • Manufacturer: Silvia Shipyards
  • Affiliation: ORC; Alliance in Exile
  • Model: Mynock-Class Light Starfighter

  • Production: Minor
  • Material:
  • Classification: Patrol Starfighter
  • Length: (Via Metric System. Max: 50 meters. Examples: X-wing: 12.5 meters, Y-wing: 16 meters, Millenium Falcon: 34.7 meters, Slave I: 21.5 meters)
  • Width: (Via Metric System. Max: 50 meters. Examples: Y-wing: 2.9 meters, Millenium Falcon: 25.61 meters, Slave I: 21.3 meters)
  • Height: (Via Metric System. Max: 50 meters. Examples: Y-wing: 7.9 meters, Millenium Falcon: 8.27 meters, Slave I: 7.8 meters)
  • Armament: Average
  • Defenses: Low
  • Squadron Count: Moderate: 16
  • Maneuverability Rating: Moderate
  • Speed Rating: High
  • Hyperdrive Class: None
(Provide all of your submission's standard features, including non-combat items, here in a list -or- alternatively simply state 'all standard features'. This includes all features that are common for vessels of this class. Please link to all Factory Submissions used. Links: Starship Weapons, Approved Technology, Shields, Engines)

  • S-Foil System
  • Clouds and Stars: Fights equally well in atmosphere and vacuum
  • Easily Repaired: Can utilize parts from various X-Wing models and is relatively cheaply maintained and repaired
  • Light Shields
  • Must be carried into and out of battle due to lack of hyperdrive
  • No landing gear
Description: (Describing your submission's history is optional. Please provide a detailed account or link of each special feature that is listed in this submission. All miscellaneous descriptive elements go here, such as Cargo Capacity, Passengers, Consumables, Crew, etc.. There is no requirement for amount of words here so long as you meet the minimum requirements for your advanced systems.)

Gilamar Skirata

The most important step is always the next one

  • Intent: To make use of the limited scrap and busted starfighters of the Alliance in Exile to produce an interesting bit of lore and show the resource restricted nature of the Alliance in Exile
  • Image Source: (Please link to where you found the image, or to the original artist if possible. TinEye or Google Image Search can help.)
  • Canon Link: (Please link the canon link if applicable canon item.)
  • Primary Source: Sprite class X-Wing; Alliance A-Wing; CF10 Crossfire
  • Manufacturer: (Kuat Drive Yards, BlasTech Industries, [Insert Major Faction Name], [Insert Character Name], etc. You must link to any Company used as a manufacturer to their submission or canon article. For Manufacturing limitations on who can make what, please see For more details see the Star Ship rules)
  • Affiliation: (Individual Character Name (an individual PC/NPC who is permitted to use this item), Company Name(s) (Companies authorised to use this submission), Faction Name(s) (Factions authorised to use this submission, Closed-Market (Any character can use this if they have explicit permission through, for example, a marketplace purchase), Open-Market (May be used by any character without permission from the Manufacturer), other potential options include a submitted NPC unit, or another general organisation/group. Optional. If you chose Limited, Semi-Unique, or Unique in Productivity above please list what groups/characters can use this submission in role-plays. For Affilation limitations on who can field what, please see For more details see the Star Ship rules)
  • Model: (Example: TIE (Twin Ion Engine). For submissions where a model wouldn’t be appropriate, such as a custom walking stick, put ‘N/A’ for ‘Not Applicable’.)

  • Production: The scale is Unique (Only One Character), Semi-Unique (Maximum of 10 characters), Limited (Only one small group of characters. IE: Small task force, not entire factions.), Minor (Large groups of characters. (IE: Multiple factions, companies, or groups.), Mass-Produced. (Anyone.) Characters refer to NPCs & PCs. For production limitations on who can make what, please see For more details see the Star Ship rules)))
  • Material: (What is your submission made out of? Certain materials are more resistant, or vulnerable, to certain weapons. Example: 'Durasteel.' See pre-requisites for: Restricted Materials. Link: Manufacturing Compounds, Metals, Compounds)
  • Classification: (Starfighter, Bomber, Scout, Atmospheric Fighter, Atmospheric Bomber, Atmospheric Scout, Gunship, Dropship, Interceptor.)
  • Length: (Via Metric System. Max: 50 meters. Examples: X-wing: 12.5 meters, Y-wing: 16 meters, Millenium Falcon: 34.7 meters, Slave I: 21.5 meters)
  • Width: (Via Metric System. Max: 50 meters. Examples: Y-wing: 2.9 meters, Millenium Falcon: 25.61 meters, Slave I: 21.3 meters)
  • Height: (Via Metric System. Max: 50 meters. Examples: Y-wing: 7.9 meters, Millenium Falcon: 8.27 meters, Slave I: 7.8 meters)
  • Armament: Average
  • Defenses: Average
  • Squadron Count: Very Low: 4
  • Maneuverability Rating: Very High
  • Speed Rating: High
  • Hyperdrive Class: Very Slow: 10
(Provide all of your submission's standard features, including non-combat items, here in a list -or- alternatively simply state 'all standard features'. This includes all features that are common for vessels of this class. Please link to all Factory Submissions used. Links: Starship Weapons, Approved Technology, Shields, Engines)

(Provide all of your submission's advanced systems, including non-combat items and special weapons, here in a list. Please link to all Factory Submissions used. Stealth technology and other advanced systems may require other weaknesses or reduced ratings for balance. Ensure significant capabilities from systems are included in the Strengths and Weaknesses lists. Examples include: Stealth systems, Advanced ECM systems, Crystal gravfield traps, HIMS, Molecular shields. Links: Starship Weapons, Approved Technology, Shields, Engines)
  • Overheating:
  • Pilot Strain:
Description: (Describing your submission's history is optional. Please provide a detailed account or link of each special feature that is listed in this submission. All miscellaneous descriptive elements go here, such as Cargo Capacity, Passengers, Consumables, Crew, etc.. There is no requirement for amount of words here so long as you meet the minimum requirements for your advanced systems.)

Gilamar Skirata

The most important step is always the next one
  • Intent: To create some funky, old, Mando tech and a fun gimmick
  • Image Source: Gundam Iron Blooded Orphans
  • Primary Source: Concordian Cedar
  • Name: Nanomirror Chaff
  • Manufacturer: Various Mandalorian Clans
  • Affiliation: Various Mandalorian Major and Minor factions
  • Homeworld (optional): Developed on Mandalore

  • Production: Minor
  • Modularity: None
  • Material:
    ​Whole Powdered Concordian Cedar
  • Reflective Glassteel
  • Hibridium

  • Classification: Powder
  • Weight: Very Light
  • Resistances
    Blasters Very High

  • Kinetic: None

  • Lightsabers: None

  • Other:

    Visibility: Extreme

  • Sensors: Extreme

  • Holo Communication and Audio: Very High

Color: Pink

  • Briefly makes laser-based weapons weaker or non-threatening
  • Disrupts audio from Holo Communications and Aural Sensors
  • Disrupts most standard civilian and Military Sensors
  • Smokescreen: The thick pink smoke and reflective glassteel make it difficult to see through
  • Disruptor: Disrupts communications with any ships inside the cloud
  • Can be burned away with fire
  • Can be blown away by missiles
  • Can be blown away through movement
  • Tight Beam Laser Communications work fine
  • Effects indiscriminate
An old Mandalorian specialty, dubbed Nanomirror Chaff, this powdered concoction of whole concordian cedar, hibridium and glassteel was used during the Mandalorian Resource Wars. With its unique composition it was able to both mitigate the effects of blaster-based weapons and confuse enemy sensors for brief moments. Though easily displaced by missiles, fire, or just simple movement the chaff was seen as a primitive trick by Republic standards. Despite this, the powder was often the difference between a successful surprise attack and certain death when raids on the Republic began during the Resource Wars as the cloud not only made sensors go haywire, but also blocked lines of sight and caused aural sensors to sometimes fail or misread sound, allowing for ships with planned maneuvers to out play Republic ship captains in the confusion. The chaff was later replaced with more effective dampener aerosol due to its near perfect ability to dissipate energy attacks before they reached the ship on top of it being able to be safely used in friendly fleets without disrupting friendly sensors or fleet movements.

Gilamar Skirata

The most important step is always the next one

  • Intent: (Example: 'A personal weapon for Darth Scabious' or 'an advanced armored personnel carrier for the Republic')
  • Image Source: (Please link to where you found the image, or to the original artist if possible. TinEye or Google Image Search can help.)
  • Canon Link: (Please link the canon link if applicable canon item.)
  • Primary Source: (Please link and cite the sources which you are modifying for your use in your submission.)
  • Manufacturer: Pirates and Scrappres
  • Affiliation: (Individual Character Name (an individual PC/NPC who is permitted to use this item), Company Name(s) (Companies authorised to use this submission), Faction Name(s) (Factions authorised to use this submission, Closed-Market (Any character can use this if they have explicit permission through, for example, a marketplace purchase), Open-Market (May be used by any character without permission from the Manufacturer), other potential options include a submitted NPC unit, or another general organisation/group.)
  • Model: Mynoc Bait
  • Modularity: (Can components of this submission be swapped out for other components? Is it especially easy to modify? For most submissions, put 'No'.)

  • Production: The scale is Unique (Only One Character), Semi-Unique (Maximum of 10 characters), Limited (Only one small group of characters. IE: Small task force, not entire factions.), Minor (Large groups of characters. (IE: Multiple factions, companies, or groups.), Mass-Produced. (Anyone.) Characters refer to NPCs & PCs.
  • Material: (What is it made out of? Certain materials are more resistant, or vulnerable, to certain weapons. Example: 'Durasteel, blaster components.')
  • Classification: Turbolaser
  • Size: Very Large
  • Weight: Extreme
  • Ammunition Type: (List the ammunition type: Power cell, gas canister, slugs, etc.)
  • Ammunition Capacity: (List the ammunition capacity. The more powerful the weapon, the lower the magazine capacity is likely to be.)

  • Reload Speed: Very Slow
  • Effective Range: Battlefield
  • Rate of Fire: Low
  • Stopping Power: Very High
  • Recoil: Extreme
  • (Detail briefly in a list format actual contents of the known abilities, special features, qualities of note, etc. - If these are notable enough to be strengths, please add them to strengths. . )
  • (Provide, in list format, a minimum of 1 strength of this submission.)
  • Extreme Recoil
  • Overheat
(Describe some of the histories behind the submission. Give us some idea of how it might perform its function, what it excels against and what some limitations of it are. This is where you talk about your idea, flesh it out over at least a good-sized paragraph, and address some of the ways it might be used or abused. For especially powerful or ambitious submissions, a very thorough description is recommended.)

Gilamar Skirata

The most important step is always the next one
  • Intent: [ State why you are making this submission and what purpose it will fulfill in RP. ]
  • Image Credit: [ Link to where you found the images, or to the original artist if possible. TinEye or Google Image Search can help. ]
  • Canon: [ Is this a canon location? If yes, link to the original wiki article here, if no simply put N/A. ]
  • Links: [ Provide links to any relevant threads, characters, companies, locations, equipment, etc here. ]
  • Landmark Name: Ironbottom Sound
  • Classification: Netherworld Location
  • Location: Netherworld
  • Affiliation: N/A
  • Size: Massive
  • Population: Crowded
  • Demographics: The Dead
  • Accessibility: Ironbottom Sound is difficult to find and nearly impossible to leave.
  • Description: Ironbottom Sound is a realm of the Netherworld situated between Chaos and any body of "water" in the Netherworld. The final resting place of those powerful Force Users who traversed the Galaxy and loved the Stars. Those who saw conquering the endless black of space as their purpose and goal, those who saw it fit to try and warp space and bend it to their will, those who were closer to the realm of hyperspace than their own relatives find their final resting place in this massive ship graveyard. An endless array of ancient and modern Sith and Jedi vessels was the face of the Ironbottom Sound. Great space stations constructed by force users and destroyed float aimlessly. Ghost ships and ships lost to hyperspace and other phenomenon float among the wreckage, firing on one another until their ships join the wreckage of the Sound. The crews of these powerful force users, tainted were they by the Force as well have found their way here, forever slaves to the will of their Force Sensitive captains regardless of their previous alignment. The Ironbottom Sound, despite its floating ships and seemingly endless space somehow allows for mortals and some phantoms to walk on any surface. Despite its appearence the Ironbottom Sound is not in the vacuum of space and though distant stars seem to give the place light, the true source of this phenomenon was a large white star-like object in which the entire graveyard orbited. From it Starweirds were born and stalked the Sound for the living and those that think themselves flesh and blood still. Mortals that found themselves in the Sound often slip from other realms of the Netherworld. One could also enter accidentally through a Netherworld Rift in Hyperspace. Once inside it was nearly impossible to escape. Instinctive Astrogation and an affinity for Hyperspace travel or Force Storm seemed to be the only way out.

  • Gate: The Gate to Ironbottom Sound is fickle and spontaneous, swallowing ships and crews whole in some of the most dangerous parts of Hyperspace and the Galaxy. Places like the Hellhoop and they Hyperspace Anomoly.

  • Lucidity: Entirely Disjointed

  • Hostility: Both the locale and the inhabitants of Ironbottom Sound are hostile to the living.

The Ironbottom Sound is a place as old as spacetravel and mysterious as any other part of the Netherworld. A distinctly

Gilamar Skirata

The most important step is always the next one
  • Intent: [ State why you are making this submission and what purpose it will fulfill in RP. ]
  • Image Credit: [ Link to where you found the images, or to the original artist if possible. TinEye or Google Image Search can help. ]
  • Links: [ Provide links to any relevant threads, characters, companies, locations, equipment, etc here. ]
  • Fleet Name: Echoylir
  • Classification:
    Refugee Flotilla
  • Roving Swap Meet
  • Privateer Force

[*]Affiliation: Exiled Mandalorians
  • Outer Rim Coalition

[*]Fleet Symbol: [I f your fleet has a sigil or logo, provide a picture or briefly describe what it looks like. Feel free to include colour scheme, etc in this field. ]
[*]Description: The Mandalorian Roving Fleet was a massive collection of Mandalorian vessels that fled the Mandalorian systems after the invasion of Mandalore. While numbering over one hundred capital vessels, many of these vessels acted as colony ships, housing thousands of lost Mandalorian souls. They operated as privateers, traveling merchants, and the like in Outer Rim Space and could often be counted on to fight off pirates, invaders, and anyone who told them their noodles were too spicy. The fleet wasn't commanded by any one Mandalorian, Mandalorian House, or Clan though the "lead" ship was widely considered to be the Ketyadyr, one of House Skirata's two battlecruisers and colony ships in the fleet. Instead groups of ships (usually based on clans) roamed Outer Rim Space and were totally self-sufficient, only coming together for large inter-ship trading circles and swap-meets or in the defense of the Outer Rim Coalition or other Mandalorians.
  • Headquarters: N/A
  • Ports of Call:
  • Sullust
  • Nelfrus
  • The Foundation

[*]Goals: To provide a ragtag fleet to the rag tag Outer Rim Coalition and provide a home for Mandalorian writers.
[*]Reputation: Initially the fleet was seen as a potential risk to the already tenuous "stability" within the Outer Rim Coalition. Some within the more organized and "civilized" parts of the Rim continued to do so even after Gilmar Skirata made his appeal at the Foundation due to the sheer amount of potential fire power the roving refugees came with. However, his connections with various Outer Rim leaders and Echoylir's previous time in the 'Rim put many of these nay sayers to rest. It was however not uncommon for Mandalorian flotillas to be turned away from starports and way stations.





[*]Starfighters and Gunships

[*]Support Vessels

[ List any PCs or NPCs who play a role in your fleet, as well as their ranks or functions. Designate the leader of your fleet. Link any relevant characters or NPC subs. If desired, you may include a blurb including name, rank and a brief explanation of this character if there is no bio or sub to link - alternatively link to a blog post with this information if you would like to keep an active player roster. You may also request sub mods to add/remove members. ]

Initially Echoylir was the home of Mandalorians fleeing the persecution of Mand'alor Ra Viszla. They fled with their ships alongside many from House Skirata to the Outer Rim, hoping to start a new life away from the regime of the tyrant Mand'alor. For several years they operated moving from port to port providing a variety of services to the people of the Outer Rim. However after the Sith invaded Mandalore much of the original fleet was destroyed when Echoylir returned to defend its home.

Fleeing the battle, the Ketyadyr along with the Orga Sarad rendezvoused at the edge of the Mandalore system. Putting out a call for other survivors the two wounded ships limped from system to system, fleeing the Sith and fighting it where it could. Along the way it picked up ship after ship, swelling its numbers to several hundred capital ships. However with MandalMotors shipyards lost and many of their satelite stations under close Sith Empire watch they ships were forced to limp to the Outer Rim seeking repairs and respite from the Sith onslaught.

The massive fleet arrived in the Outer Rim some months later dropping out near Sullust. While an enormous undertaking the fleet was repaired and refueled. With no home to return to the once nomadic Mandalorian fleet returned to its roots searching for an uninhabited or lightly populated world to claim.

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