Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Coruscant, Level 1313, The Alleys, Day 2 Of The Job, Morning
Spaceheater | Interacting with [member="Kole Harper"] ~ I Can Change ~ "Though my life so far is bleary."

There was the softest of sighs, a pink finger flinging a bit of the aforementioned grime right off his cheek, "Come on, Kole." She muttered, trying to get him somewhat vertical by shifting his arm over her shoulders, the way one carried a wounded soldier in all the vids. It didn't exactly work so well in practice, but she did manage to drag her wounded companion once more into the shade of a building, out of the wet in the alley's streetway.

"Feth, how on Zeltros am I meant to treat a head wound like this?" Questioning a no-doubt grimacing deity aloud, Lyn simply rested fingers along his forehead in a pale attempt to check his temperature. Didn't work, of course, why had she expected it to? They withdrew, his head and shoulders essentially lying across her lap as she tried to stir him endlessly, "Kole, it's 1313, we need to keep going, and I can't carry you." There was no way he could possibly hear her, but it was worth her only try. If they stayed too long, someone would find them, someone looking to take what they wanted.

A clean hand on his head was the best she could do. Conscience had to return eventually, right? He just needed a hard reboot. A soft reset.
Coruscant, Level 1313, The Alleys, Day 2 Of The Job, Morning
Assisted Once More | Interacting with [member="Lynnori Cruz"] ~ A Real Hero ~ "All safe and rescued from the slowly sinking ship."

Time. It wasn't something they had a lot of. They had to move, and that burden had fallen upon Lyn.

It had passed; time, that is. His artificial blue eyes had opened, and all he saw were her amber eyes staring back down at him. It may have been comforting if not for the ache in his forehead, the feeling of grime dried to his face, and the cold sensation of being within damp clothing. There wasn't a sound that came from him, only the slightest of of shifts in the positioning of his skull, and the rise and fall of his chest. Sorry. Maybe that's what he felt. There wasn't much else but relief. It made sense, to Kole, to feel guilty. So, it's that he felt. It may have been his fault that they were in this scenario in the first place. If only his past deeds hadn't caught up, he had let her fly, he took better safety measures, watched where he stepped. It certainly sounded as if he was to blame.

He blinked. He blinked again.

Kole rotated, rolling onto his face (or so it seemed). His hands pressed against the duracrete, smaller rocks sticking to his skin in the process of pushing against it in order to rise to his feet. Maybe he felt better, but he wasn't able to continue doing this. Assuming that Lyn had moved to assist him once more, he truly accepted it. Ready to trudge along, not an expression on his face. Maybe that was concerning.

The blank look with an almost furrowed brow was as plain as day. If not for the darker alleys that made it more difficult to spot.
Coruscant, Level 1339, Lynnori's Apartment, Day 2 Of The Job, Early Afternoon
The Mercy Main | Interacting with [member="Kole Harper"] ~ I Can Change ~ "I'll be fine if I keep her him near me."


This time she was eager to help, not wanting a repeat of that whole mess, and led him through winding alleys to safe harbour.

Whether she wanted them to or not, reassuring words sprang forth, "Almost there."

Almost there was something of an understatement. All in all, it'd take them close to two whole hours to reach the complex that could be their safe haven, the same from before. Approaching it on foot was entirely different, especially due to Kole's nature as injured -- Or, as Lyn saw it, utterly vulnerable. A few of the gutter rats had made plays to try and take down weak prey, but sharp glances from the Zeltron who seemed ready to wordlessly break necks were enough to scatter the vermin.

Lynnori's apartment was small. One room, with a door ajar doubtlessly leading into a bathroom of some kind. A tiny kitchenette in the corner, a bunk bed above a desk, a pile of assorted tech and clothes in the corner where they'd been haphazardly thrown or shoved in a shallow attempt to clean up. It wasn't like the place was, as mentioned far before, dirty. It was just unkempt, disorganized, a hollow reflection of its owner. The holographic 'television' projected from the wall was split into at least three distinct screens, each one displaying a different racing feed; clearly, she'd been somewhat lying before concerning her relationship with the sport, but he'd have likely guessed that already.

There was a couch. Lyn would assumedly help Kole over to the old, slightly musty thing, let him settle himself before eyeing the door, "I don't think we were followed."

"I do think I have bacta around here somewhere." Pink wandered out of his sightlines towards the assumed restroom, muttering all the while. He was alone, for now, in enemy territory. Oh, oh dear.
Coruscant, Level 1339, Lynnori's Apartment, Day 2 Of The Job, Morning
The Reprieve | Interacting with [member="Lynnori Cruz"] ~ A Real Hero ~ "Water warmer than, his head so cool."

Kole had sunk into the furniture in which he had been settled into. It almost seemed as if he had gone limp upon entering it, and whilst his eyes flickered back and forth his head rolled backwards to stare up towards the ceiling. His eyes had slowly closed, a deep exhale slipped through his lips as he chest fell. The Human Replicant Droid was certainly alive, or functional. He was bound to recover with time, but that's all he needed. Time. Did they have any to spare? Maybe. Maybe they didn't. If all was well they could continue to take refuge in Lyn's apartment until things were settled. Fortunately, that was only going to take a day, maybe two if they needed absolute efficiency. If Kole had known the looks she gave those street vermin he may have become amused. Lyn hardly seemed the intimidating type.

Even still, not a word escaped him. Until, that is, he muttered a very breath-y, "Thank you." His head hadn't pivoted to face her at all, not a look in her direction. It was as if he was consumed by the ceiling above him, but he had the drive to recover, to push on. Kole just didn't need it right now.
Coruscant, Level 1339, Lynnori's Apartment, Day 2 Of The Job, Early Afternoon
The Calm Before | Interacting with [member="Kole Harper"] ~ I Can Change ~ "I don't need the fights and tears."

Time was all that anyone needed, but they all ran out eventually.

Lyn knew her own clock was counting down. To the day she'd drink too much, drift too far, spin out too fast. It was, ironically enough, just a mere matter of time before her stopwatch stopped counting. Maybe a little too grim to think about, considering their circumstances. No closer to catching Maltoya's killer, their only leads having fired multiple blaster rounds in their general direction. Nothing ever turned up well for them, it seemed. Ill-fated from the start?

She slung a medkit over her shoulder and ducked out of the bathroom, careful to avoid the low-hanging light that she more often than not just didn't use. It often wound up smacking her in the face, so that's why she shimmied low to stay out of it's impact zone, "Well, if anyone followed us back here, then bad news for them, this place is pretty fortified." It wasn't, but, the lobby staff were pretty particular about who exactly was granted entrance, and gangsters from 1313 would definitely be an unwelcome sight. Plus, they could hold this tiny studio-style place if they had to. You know. Maybe.

Chucking the medical kit over the couch, it would land in Kole's lap-- Relatively, that is, it wound up hitting his lower chest more than his 'lap' region --all ready to be used. The Zeltron wandered over to the kitchenette, starting to rifle through her fridge.
Coruscant, Level 1339, Lynnori's Apartment, Day 2 Of The Job, Early Afternoon
I Need Healing | Interacting with [member="Lynnori Cruz"] ~ A Real Hero ~ "In a tight bind knew what to do."

Kole had instinctively jolted as the medkit struck his torso and rolled into his lap haphazardly. It was similar to a twitch, or it resembled one; his legs contracting upwards, whilst his head downwards. It allowed him to truly take note of the medkit, at least. Otherwise he may have missed it entirely, spaced out against the ceiling. The HRD's hands, whilst previously limp at his side, sluggishly raised to dive through the medical bag in order to find the objects that he desired. It was only glue, in reality. It had often worked to a great effect than stitches, and utilising bacta was bound to be a waste of valuable resources. Kole could take it, he had to.

Too used to being on his own to assume that anything was coming beyond that medical bag, even if Lyn was parousign through the fridge for an item that was capable of numbing him (which it wasn't, HRD's had a resistance to death effects). A grunted huff escaped Kole as he pushed himself off of the lounge, staggering towards the bathroom in the attempt to disappear into the room. It all needed to become clean first, though. His head, strangely enough, had become buried in the sink as the coat he once wore rest on the floor beneath him.
Coruscant, Level 1339, Lynnori's Apartment, Day 2 Of The Job, Early Afternoon
Support Class | Interacting with [member="Kole Harper"] ~ I Can Change ~ "I don't even like my peers."

Oh, no, Lyn was reaching for a cold one, not medication. Though, in the right circles, alcohol was definitely a medication. A short brown bottle was soon to emerge from the depths of Lyn's admittedly messy fridge, the cap popped off with a thumb, the contents tilted into her mouth eagerly. It was only for a few seconds, she tossed the still-slightly-full bottle into her kitchen sink and turned to watch Kole wander into her bathroom.

"So," She coughed, eyebrow raised as she shifted to follow, arms hanging at her side a little limply, "Do we have a game plan or--" Her voice died in her throat upon watching Kole and his odd ritual of 'cleaning', head under her bathroom tap, coat on the ground.

"I got a shower. If you want to use that. For that."

Promptly, she turned around, to set a hand on her forehead. The scene behind her wasn't the thing giving her evident anxiety or, at least stress, no, rather, it was the entanglement they found themselves in together, and that wasn't even getting into the supposed romance at play. They'd escaped with their lives from the casino, sure, but where did that leave them? With nothing. Still just the leads from the morgue that vaguely tied their dead holo-star to some backdoor gamblers with itchy trigger fingers.

Fingers pinched the bridge of her nose for a second as if to wrangle her fears and get a grip on herself. They could do this. Kole was some sort of supernatural killer crossed with... Well, crossed with something. And Lynnori was Lynnori. They'd do it.
Coruscant, Level 1339, Lynnori's Apartment, Day 2 Of The Job, Early Afternoon
Sealing Up | Interacting with [member="Lynnori Cruz"] ~ A Real Hero ~ "And you have proved to be, a real hero, a real human being."

The faucet had continued to pour the water fourth, drenching the back of his head as it all trickled down the sides and into the sink itself. Both of Kole's hands had been run through his short, wet hair in an attempt to clear whatever may be within. It may have been dry at first, but the two hours it took for them to find their refuge had been more than enough for those liquids, or semi-liquids to dry on his scalp. The dried blade had flaked off, fading from his skin as the streams of watered down grime had fallen from his face. Creating a concoction as it swirled down the drain itself. His hands had become a reflection of his head, covered -- to an extent -- in the substances that had been cleared from him, albeit not in their entirety.

It was then that Lyn had made her entrance, at least to the doorway. She was bound to see him raise his head from the sink itself, retrieve a small item from the medical bag that she fortunately happened to have within her home. It was glue, and it worked wonders on someone such as Kole. Internal damages were something he never truly had to worry about, least not yet. Considered himself lucky, but in reality it was for other reasons he hadn't a clue of. As he stared at the wound in his forehead through the mirror above the sink Kole squeezed some glue out onto the bottom part of the split before his other hand pushed it together. Holding it there. Allowing the glue to work it's trick.

"Have to wait for the glue to dry." He replied in a softer tone, one of subtly. Time. Of course, more of it to waste.

​Kole hadn't truly thought much about where to pick back up after his head had gone through the ringer. It was more so on how to fix the current situation with the gash in his forehead. His first step back into the case, however, was to identify who it was that owned that club, who might have been in the back, and who might have died. There had been a setback, but they could always recover.
Coruscant, Level 1339, Lynnori's Apartment, Day 2 Of The Job, Early Afternoon
Support Class | Interacting with [member="Kole Harper"] ~ I Can Change ~ "We're so far away from here."

At this point, he couldn't surprise her. Glueing up his head in her bathroom? Yeah, sure, why not. At this point, she'd accepted his oddness and elected to just forge past it to the greener pastures awaiting. As he waited for the glue to seal, Lyn hopped the back of her couch, where he'd been, and eyes turned to the screens once she'd settled in. A guilty pleasure, to be sure. She couldn't race like that anymore-- By choice, even --so she resorted to getting a fix like this. Critical eyes analyzing the ships in the lead, judging their techniques, and, above all, heckling.

It was her way of passing the time.

It also wouldn't take long for Kole to start hearing some of her choice words, "Oh, now that was karked-- Get him out from behind you, idiot, just-- Amateurs, I swear." The Zeltron remarked angrily, shutting a stream off in frustration so she could look to the other two with judgemental eyes. It had been the incompetence on display coupled with the chat that had set her off.

Aurebesh, they'd been asking for her team, heckling and joking about how X, Y and the ever-impressive Z could have raced circles around those amateurs. No surprise too, they'd been the first and the best in the terms of Dark HoloNet racing. Then vanished without a trace as Lyn rebuilt her life and the others...

Well, the others. She winced, then sighed, tipped her head back against the couch cushion and shut her eyes momentarily. A lump in her throat was swallowed. Maybe Kole was done with his homebrew recovery job now.
Coruscant, Level 1339, Lynnori's Apartment, Day 2 Of The Job, Early Afternoon
Dusting Off | Interacting with [member="Lynnori Cruz"] ~ A Real Hero ~ "A real human being."

​Glue? It didn't take long to try, to hold a wound together and prevent it from reopening without any excessive force applied. It was sure to take another strike to the head for it to reopen, and if Kole was able to have anything to say in regards to forehead plowings, he would. Saying no, of course. It wasn't beneficial for anyone, for Harper was more than likely able to withstand the hit long enough to break, or kill something. He hadn't any fulfilment in murder, even manslaughter, or self-defence. Some had, but Kole wasn't along those lines. He felt guilty, but only because it further thrust him down a path he hadn't any desire to be on. Maybe that made him just as bad as the rest of them. No remorse, only self-pity.

Kole leaned back against the sink itself, his fingers clutching the wound together whilst his eyes scanned over the room in an attempt to take it in. It was awfully disorganised, and he found that irritating to some degree. Kole was rather meticulous, needing to know where everything about the environment he lived in, or even stayed in. Frustrating? No. Slightly irritable, though, but that was already mentioned.

He smirked upon hearing her angered, passionate calls to the monitor. His right hand pressed against the vanity in an effort to support himself as his ankle crossed over the other. In time his fingers had released their squeezing on his forehead, allowing it to work it's magic whilst sliding it gently over the wound in an effort to remove an excess glue. Holding it before his eyes after the fact, observing it himself. Right, it was done. Still, he needed to remove all the dirt, grime and blood in order to investigate any other wounds. The door to the bathroom closed, and the familiar sound of running water soon became apparent to Lyn on the outside.
Coruscant, Level 1339, Lynnori's Apartment, Day 2 Of The Job, Early Afternoon
Heating Up | Interacting with [member="Kole Harper"] ~ Call Out My Name ~ "We found each other."

There was no doubting that Lyn had organizational issues. Still, things of interest could be gleaned from such a room, like how there were emptied, old bottles of medication that hadn't been swept into the trash yet or a crate of what looked to be hard liquor in the corner. Definitely seemed like her washroom. At least hot water worked.

Her head turned a little at the sound of relatively-old piping wheezing with the effort. If she had to call a plumber, she might give up this job altogether, credits be damned. Eyes fell back down on the screens with racers she had deemed more competent, eagerly taking in the spectacle. This had been her life for... Most of her life. Even on Zeltros, she had engaged in competitions like this, much to the chagrin of her folks; not like they were focusing much on her anyways. Stereotypes were pitifully true, apparently, but nobody talked about the aftermath those stereotypes might leave behind on someone. Zeltrons partying dusk till dawn? Sure, but what of the people they left behind during all that?

She'd been one of those left behind.

The boots were kicked off her feet, her blaster sat across her midriff, and pink legs dangled over the arms of the couch as she sprawled out on her furniture. It was a tremendously 'Lynnori' way of sitting, casual, happening to display extremities, generally taking up all of the space available to sit in order to be the dominant one. Her head was tilted, watching the races with an air of noble boredom now. She had been into the anger at first, but now it was just tiring to watch them make rookie mistakes. Like watching an animal chase it's tail. In their very nature.
Coruscant, Level 1339, Lynnori's Apartment, Day 2 Of The Job, Early Afternoon
Cooling Down | Interacting with [member="Lynnori Cruz"] ~ Joi

It was a long process. Longer than most showers typically lasted, maybe even the slightest bit suspicious. Had he dazed out once more, fallen victim to the bathroom tiles as they caved his skull in upon itself? Unlikely; that kind of sound was difficult to not notice. There was all that clawing at his own scalp, intricate scrubbing of his face in an attempt to leave the glued wound alone as best he could. His clothes had interfered in obtaining most of the filth on the rest of his body, specifically the coat itself. Maybe he'd have to clean that separately. For after the water stopped running, the drying of himself, Kole had begun scrubbing some of the filth from the clothing he wore underneath. It was better suited for the indoors anyways.

Kole eventually came out. Spotlessly clean, or as clean as he could be. There was a visible slit on his forehead, minor and barely noticeable marks elsewhere. The typical dark colours seemed to fit the atmosphere Lyn typically felt towards this 'home'. As blank faced as ever, the feeling of that concussion or whatever it may be lingered still.

​He meandered in the direction of the lounge, clearly seeming as if that's where he was to sit, maybe spend the next few hours blankly staring off into space as his head emitted a high pitched squeal and sudden movements made his vision blurry.
Coruscant, Level 1339, Lynnori's Apartment, Day 2 Of The Job, Early Afternoon
Lukewarm | Interacting with [member="Kole Harper"] ~ Call Out My Name ~ "I helped you out of a broken place."

"Oh, you lived."

She spoke sardonically, arms crossed, glaring at a particular racer who'd overtaken the one she had been rooting for. Though she'd been speaking to Kole, of course, her head being tipped a little the only indicator that Lyn was even acknowledging him. But she did shift over enough for him to squeeze in beside her; such a generous hostess.

"Really, though," She kept talking, in that way she did, that way, "Sometimes the shower is lethal."

Reprieves from danger were welcome. Thus far, she'd been shot at, shot down, possibly hunted like an animal back into her den. And after all that, they still weren't any closer to finding their killer. What else would they endure, to do that? Best to not think about it. It was going to give her hives.

Instead, a hand moved down to comfortingly grab at her blaster, fingers petting the stock a little too reverently. Lyn looked
to the door of her apartment. Waiting for fate to deal a hand.
Coruscant, Level 1339, Lynnori's Apartment, Day 2 Of The Job, Early Afternoon
Room Temperature | Interacting with [member="Lynnori Cruz"] ~ Joi

"Yeah." Kole softly stated in response. It came out quite breath-y, as if it were apart of an exhale. It was for no particular reason, really, for it was just one of those moments where your voice didn't seem to want any cooperation. A brief cough, forceful, as he cleared his thought came about. It sounded like a cough, at least.

He managed to slink his way into the lounge itself, sinking into the gap -- no matter how small - he was offered. Bit too close considering his current circumstances, his current state of mind. It wasn't on the danger, only on the ringing as it blared. A screw loose, a wire slit, or an electronic fried? Typically analogies, but maybe not this time. Kole didn't know what the inside of his head looked like anyways, hardly anybody did with their own let alone his. His eyes, as vacant as ever, lazily stared ahead on the television in a poor attempt to analyse what was happening.
Coruscant, Level 1339, Lynnori's Apartment, Day 2 Of The Job, Early Afternoon
Tepid | Interacting with [member="Kole Harper"] ~ Call Out My Name ~ "You gave me comfort."

Fate's hands were boring.

Her back was forced against his shoulder, the screens continuing to broadcast certain streams. They didn't look very official, judging by the awkward camera motions of no doubt piloted drones trying vainly to keep up with the ships blasting through asteroid fields, through dark skies, past green fields, even through skyscrapers. Due to the illicit nature there were moments where the drones glitched, buzzed out, even got shot down. But another feed was quick to replace it, clearly some sort of curation system in place to ensure only active streams were being broadcast.

Lyn didn't seem very interested in watching anymore, more keeping an eye on her door and, on occasion, looking to Kole. Ensuring he was alright. Well. He looked alright. She was by no means a neurosurgeon, or even a doctor period, so how was she to guess what he was experiencing in terms of head trauma? So she did the only thing she could think to do.

She snapped pretty pink fingers in front of his face, voice a gentle lull, "Coruscant to Kole," A blue brow lifted, her head tipped back and essentially just below his as she looked up to his chin and, beyond that, his face, "Are you alright?"
Coruscant, Level 1339, Lynnori's Apartment, Day 2 Of The Job, Early Afternoon
Chambré | Interacting with [member="Lynnori Cruz"] ~ Joi

You've done terrible things.

That thought echoed once more. It was unfair. It may have been true, but it everything was as circumstantial as the next. Kole had killed, stolen, destroyed, and more. It was primarily for a cause, and one that he was engineered to believe in. The Galactic Alliance, or so his unit, operated through unconventional means. They weren't the hand of justice, but instead the sword that executed the enemies. It was never an issue for him in the moment, or in the weeks after it, only after he knew someone that had fallen victim did he begin to feel. Geller may have been the enemy once, but he wasn't then. They were scum, but innocent in the eyes of galactic law. They didn't need to die. But then went Kole's rambling brain once more, delving down paths that hadn't any relevance on the situation he was in.

Something pinked flashed before his eyes, the presence of something beneath his head was palpable. His neck craned downwards, and his eyes almost met hers. As dazed and confused as ever, he kept that silence as the slightest of movements made his head whine; but he never let it show. He had too much pride, or so he thought. His posture was loose and free, yet upright. A few slow nods came from him, answering her question with the slightest flex of a smile. "Are you alright?" Kole asked in response.
Coruscant, Level 1339, Lynnori's Apartment, Day 2 Of The Job, Early Afternoon
Languid | Interacting with [member="Kole Harper"] ~ Call Out My Name ~ "But falling for you was my mistake."

For a moment her eyes almost appeared as vacant as his. Before a shrug, casual, painfully so, "As well as I can be." No, not really.

"--Do you think you need a doctor or something?"

Ah, concern. It bloomed poisonously, gaze studious on him as she gauged his reaction to see if it was genuine or not. Likely, she'd be able to find someone willing to take a look at his head around here, hack practitioners were a dime a dozen this far below. The concern was safety, though, whether they'd rat to the syndicates no doubt after them. Or, of course, if the treatment wouldn't be utterly botched by some half-wit touting as a nurse. The more she thought about it, the more the offer seemed like a bad idea.

On the monitors a racer spun out, bad, their ship smashing into an asteroid. Likely a fatality, but it didn't phase Lyn, she hardly blinked as the drone's camera-- Illegally, obviously --kept filming as emergency services raced on over. You saw that all too often, crashes like that, seeing it happen before your eyes was worse than just on a screen where you had that protective disconnect. No doubt Kole wouldn't be perturbed either. The feed eventually changed, but that was by Lyn's design, her hand raised with a short, compact remote in hand that she'd snatched off the couch cushion. Enough racing for now. There had to be something else on, right?

The holographic screens flickered. Eventually, stranger feeds trickled in; one seemed to be of a cartoon, more than likely one that children across Coruscant were tapped into legally, whilst she bootlegged off them. Another feed was that of a news network, but an alien one, with what appeared to be Mon Calamari newscasters reporting. Thrilling, utterly thrilling.

Lyn's eyes turned to the children's show, not interested in hearing about sushi-politics.
Coruscant, Level 1339, Lynnori's Apartment, Day 2 Of The Job, Early Afternoon
Impassive | Interacting with [member="Lynnori Cruz"] ~ Joi

Kole had remained fixated upon Lynnori. It wasn't as if he stared at her with a certain lustful desire, but instead that faint smile as she peered away to turn her attention to the monitors before them. He hadn't truly cared for what it was they displayed, but instead the individual who found themselves taking note of them. The Zeltron, with all the chemicals she emitted, had ensnared Kole in the moment. It wasn't as if the pheromones had truly constricted him, considering this was natural attraction. Despite her Zeltron abilities, there were so many things about her that made him enjoy the company of her- despite the circumstances they were in. Kole, fortunately, was able to blame the abstract line of thought on nothing more than the head trauma he suffered from, even still.

Lyn? Inexplanable.

His eyes, ultimately, had wandered away. A soft grin, one enjoyable of the company he was within, had stared forth as subtle as can be. Almost impossible to seek out without truly knowing how it was that someone such as himself had smiled. "He a bad guy?" Kole asked Lyn, staring at the cartoon across from him. Kole had taken note of a particular character on screen, one that resembled that of your typical villain.
Coruscant, Level 1339, Lynnori's Apartment, Day 2 Of The Job, Early Afternoon
Curious | Interacting with [member="Kole Harper"] ~ Call Out My Name ~ "I put you on top, put you on top."

Perhaps it was a little worrying that he didn't answer her first question, but, no matter. Lyn's eyes focused on the cartoon that Kole had picked out, her shoulders rising and dropping with equal disinterest, "I guess so," Her eyelids dropped a little, squinting in the screen's direction, "I mean, look at 'em. Looks like a bad guy to me."

Kole was difficult to justify now. Normally he'd have never held her interest, was he even her type? Unlikely, really, when she thought about it. It could have been that his appeal came from the fact he was so direly out of her depth. If his pheromones ever affected him, would it be the same? Or different? Dwelling on that wouldn't do any good, though. So she simply looked up to Kole after answering his question, huffing softly, "What do you think?"
Coruscant, Level 1339, Lynnori's Apartment, Day 2 Of The Job, Early Afternoon
Vacancy | Interacting with [member="Lynnori Cruz"] ~ Joi

"How can you tell?" Kole asked after leaving enough time to really think about his answer. It may not have truly answered the question, but that was becoming a staple of the HRD. Always seemed as if Kole had more questions than answers since in reality he rarely had any. His artificial eyes remained upon the monitor as he spoke in a soft tone of voice, albeit a questioning one. Kole's head rotated to the side ever-so-slightly, near unnoticeable. It was always strange, and by almost it'd be absolutely, for individuals of their age to really watch this sort of program without a sense of irony attached. Although, it had seemed to serve a purpose in a narrative larger than itself.

That was the real question, though. How can you tell? There were a great many bad men that traversed any given street at any given time of any given day. They were bound to be there, but you just don't see them. So, how can you tell? Is there a certain something that separates the wolf from the sheep. Be it a wolf in sheep clothing, or a sheep in wolves clothing. Which was worse?

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