Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Coruscant, Level 1313, The Maudlin Casino's Backroom Operation, Day 2 Of The Job, Morning
Danger Zone | Interacting with [member="Kole Harper"] ~ Lump Your Head ~ "Let me take you back so back in time."

Kole certainly had impeccable timing when it came to being assaulted -- The Zeltron was raking in winnings when a scuffle sent her hairs standing up. A violent shift of emotions, enough to leave her with proverbial whiplash, erupted in her sixth senses as a fleshy, reptilian hand curled around her shoulder, talons pricking at the pink flesh of her neck. Suddenly, her body was thrown backwards, casually tossed over the back of her chair and onto the no-doubt dirty floor of the gambling hall. She landed face-first, nose pressed unpleasantly against a grimy, tiled surface that smelled strongly of booze and smoke.

Ah, that's how strong a Trandoshan is. There wasn't much opportunity to get up before those same 3-fingered claws went for her leg, coiling around her calf and starting to haul her upwards. No, no, no... Desperate fingers snared her bag, one that she hefted up for a meaty swing at the reptilian's head. Connecting with surprising strength, likely due to the weight contained within the bag and less about the suspended girl's innate strength. It wasn't enough to tumble her assailant but it was enough to make him drop her like a stone, ex-racer and duffle bag slumping on the ground near the table in a heap. Weapons, weapons, those are inside-- Blaster in the boot! Her brain suddenly snapped into overdrive and, fatefully, her hand coiled around the holdout blaster she had stuffed in her footwear, aimed upwards, and pulled the trigger.

The sound of gunfire filled the room and the Trandoshan didn't get downed instantly, knocked back by the force of a few shots centre-mass, enough to send him into another table. It was then that Lyn took the opportunity to helpfully call out, "Hey, we need t--" Before a chair was thrown and smashed just inches away from her, the same Trandoshan with a singed suit hissing angrily in her direction. Meep.
Coruscant, Level 1313, The Maudin Casino, Day 2 Of The Job, Morning
Space-Vegas Ventures | Interacting with [member="Lynnori Cruz"] ~ Nightcall ~ "There's something inside you, it's hard to explain."

There'd been worse situations. Kole had stared down more than enough barrels to know that there was something within him that let him win. Be it a determination, or sheer luck itself. Those innate abilities in which he possessed were always considered to be natural on his end. He wasn't anything special on Arbra, but maybe once delving into the wider Galaxy things had changed. Must be something with the strength and durability of Arbrans, really. That's how he rationalised it, of course. In reality, however, it was the inner-workings of a partially robotic man that enabled strength, speed and intellect. They were all great things to possess, but if the truth was ever to be leaked? Kole was sure to prefer that it wasn't the truth. That he was only the average man with nothing, and if that left him dead? So be it.

The Blaster that rest on his belt, within a holster, had been snatched by his right hand. It was brought up in a rush, but one with precision. His arm was stiff, still in it's movements that allowed deadly precision of a robotic figure. Kole's arm snapping into place after finding the barrel aimed at it's designated positioning. One, two, three. The blaster bolts soared across the room, striking the Trandoshan that stood over Lyn, and it fell dead with searing holes evaporating from it's figure. It was in that moment something had struck his back, splintering in every direction as he found himself unmoving from his firm positioning. His body rotating, his extended arm striking the throat of the attacker, dragging them down as their back cracked and broke against his knee.

You'd think that someone capable of such a thing was aware they weren't entirely human, but Kole was ignorant to a degree. Nobody really questioned themselves whether or not they were truly human, just that if their abilities were strange or warranted. That's as far as his thought process ventured.
Coruscant, Level 1313, The Maudlin Casino's Backroom Operation, Day 2 Of The Job, Morning
Danger Zone | Interacting with [member="Kole Harper"] ~ Lump Your Head ~ "And make the front page news livin' lives of crime."

As the Trandoshan dropped with a meaty, hefty thud, Lyn's common sense slammed back into gear.

Holdout pistol was out of shots, so she shoved it back in her boot. The DC-18a, the more effective hand cannon at her side, would serve her better in the firefight about to begin and it was for that reason it found itself in her left hand -- Piloting lent itself to ambidextrous capabilities. Hooking the nylon strap of her bag over her shoulder, golden eyes caught a glimpse of Kole in action against his own foes and her spastic mind immediately banked the entire encounter for further questioning, because what the feth. But at the moment she couldn't let his nigh-super-human feats distract her from, one, getting out of her impromptu cover alive, and two, getting out of the damn casino alive.

Patrons were split between running with winnings or pulling their own weapons. They were going to be direly outgunned soon and it was a 'soon' that bore down on Lyn as the sounds of a slugthrower biting into the old, intricate wood of the Sabacc table, fired in her direction, were enough to get her scrambling over for another game's table for shelter, firing off blind shots in the percieved's enemy's direction.

How it had gone so wrong, she wasn't sure. But what she was sure of, was that she didn't want some metal stuck in her all night, risk bleeding out in a reeking casino.
Coruscant, Level 1313, The Maudin Casino, Day 2 Of The Job, Morning
Space-Vegas Ventures | Interacting with [member="Lynnori Cruz"] ~ A Real Hero ~ "Back against the wall at odds."

Kole never knew where to draw the line. He didn't know which point made him as bad as the rest of them, or what made him someone fighting for his own survival. Was it best to get out of that career? It seemed that was the case, for it was his morality that he fought against every day. Then again, this was the only thing he had ever been good at, the only thing he had ever known. Whilst inherently good, it often took a bad man to get the job done right. That wasn't something he was willing to face, and so Kole got more than he bargained for on jobs such as this. Maybe he should just retire, but it'd be awfully lonely, now wouldn't it? He needed a cause; something to believe in.

Now, cutting from everything sentimental.

One, two, three. Three shots, three new corpses. The snap-aim of his arm was the undisputed weapon in this arena. Each target that presented itself had found a searing hole in some part of it's body, and before they knew it, the back room held only corpses and someone who often wishes they were. And, well, Lyn too.

He hadn't uttered a word, not a single sound escaped him bar the breathes that huffed from his nostrils. As if he were some kind of monster with a scowl cemented over his face. She was safe, he knew that. That's all that mattered as his figure trotted within the room and took in all the information presented to him. Hopefully there wasn't an issue with his killing prowess. That'd be unfortunate.
Coruscant, Level 1313, The Maudlin Casino's Backroom Operation, Day 2 Of The Job, Morning
Danger Zone | Interacting with [member="Kole Harper"] ~ I Can Change ~ "See, I like drinking 'til I get blind drunk."

Bad men make the world go 'round.

She just hadn't fully expected to find Kole among their wicked ranks.

Sure, he probably wasn't clean. And, sure, this probably wasn't his first slaughterhouse. It certainly wasn't hers, but this was-- What could it have been, that let him do that so easily? Mystic powers of some kind, like they said about the Jedi and Sith or whatever? Probably cybernetics. Cybernetics could definitely, absolutely, satisfyingly explain how her partner had managed to clear damn near the entire room of enemies. Yep. What had she gotten involved with now? Popping her head out of cover like some sort of curious rabbit, her head turned so her gaze could match Kole's, a blue eyebrow raised, "You couldn't do that earlier?" She was very good at hiding when she was freaked out. More often than not she was anyhow, and the exasperated sarcasm of someone better-adjusted than herself filled Lyn's voice as she stood, briefly dusting herself off, "We need to get out of here." Lyn looked poised to add something else to that statement but decided to keep things short and simple for now, still quietly rocked by the scene before her.

"Casino security probably marked us already," The Zeltron uttered mostly to herself, finally getting into motion as she moved around a table of dead gamblers, going to grab Kole's arm, reattached, starting to exit the backroom, "Feth, I hope they don't know what speeder is ours."

Ours. Out of the pan, into the fire.
Coruscant, Level 1313, The Maudin Casino, Day 2 Of The Job, Morning
Nothing Good | Interacting with [member="Lynnori Cruz"] ~ A Real Hero ~ "With the strength of a militant cause."

You've done some terrible things.

That voice in Kole's head was louder than usual. Maybe it was because his actions had an effect on someone else, someone worth caring about. He was never overly harsh, never too distant, he simply struggled. There was nothing magical, nothing set in stone, just two 'people'. Nothing more; nothing less. You never know what's coming next, and maybe that was part of the thrill. It was as if he was walking along a tightrope, and one poorly uttered sentence was the equivalent of a misstep. Back into the abyss, no?

His stance had become less tense, almost relaxed. There wasn't anyone within view that was trying to kill him at least. "Let's go." Kole replied in a dry tone, unwilling for the snark that often accompanied Lyn, even if it was appreciated in the slightest. Did she know the severity, or did she welcome death? A question for later, or so it seemed. Kole's head nodded in the direction of the doorway, moving down it with his Blaster Pistol within in his grip, ready to be fired at any moment. That's how it seemed. That's how it was. Kole knew what he was doing more than most in this underworld.

They were sure to traverse the ransacked Casino, moving through the chaos that become the frantic patrons that stole what they could when they could. Nobody really had a stake here, and if they did? They were dead. So much for the lead. Kole hadn't run, but he moved faster than usual, he had to keep his wits about him. Eventually, both Kole and Lyn were going to be within that speeder of his. The HRD planned to get out of here and to get out of here fast.

Coruscant, Level 1313, In Transit, Day 2 Of The Job, Morning
Danger Zone | Interacting with [member="Kole Harper"] ~ I Can Change ~ "Black out and lash out and act like a punk."

Lynnori didn't waste time, she ducked in the passenger side without a second thought. Sure, she could have taken the wheel, but it was his speeder, ultimately, he knew it better. If this had been anything of her's...

A swivelling head searched for Kole as he joined her within, a thought occurring then as she blurted out, "We didn't find out anything." Like they needed the bitter reminder, but it was true. Any hopes of information-gathering had backfired brilliantly thanks to the impromptu firefight and then bloodbath. Her bag of delights was across her lap instead of on the ground, in case she needed something inside, obviously. Golden eyes narrowed a little, "We'll have to find a new lead now."

Or maybe they got lucky and he'd have nailed the killer in the casino, and technically their job was done.

As Kole prepared for departing, noises behind them made Lyn's head turn. Headlights flashing through the back of the speeder. Oh, chit. She'd spoken too soon earlier, lamenting about how they could follow.

Stray blaster fire began, the Zeltron yipped something along the lines of, "Gun the damn thing!" As she pulled out her blaster again. No rest for the wicked.

Coruscant, Level 1313, In Transit, Day 2 Of The Job, Morning
Faster | Interacting with [member="Lynnori Cruz"] ~ A Real Hero ~ "A pursuit some called outstanding."

Headlights gleaned in the reflection of the rear-view mirror as the interior lights illuminated themselves, and the inside of the speeder itself. There wasn't a moment of hesitation in his actions. Kole knew they had to get out of here or find themselves in the same condition as those inside the casino. That was certainly unfavourable. If there was anything he could discern from this it was that he'd had better mornings. Then again, who hadn't? Maybe it was time for a safe career. Doubt that that sort of employment interested either of them, though. It was all one big game, and you never got to choose when to quit.

The speeder launched itself forwards as blaster shots pinged off of the metal, created scorching holes within it, even skimmed right past their faces as it penetrated the glass. It took one sharp left turn and out they went, the roaring of an engine sending them out over the cityscape of Coruscant. Back and forth, left and right, avoiding the traffic as multiple speeders made their pursuit. Blaster bolts streaked past them, few collided with the rear of the speeder. It moved at it's top speed, but something told him that it wasn't enough. They needed firepower, they needed to lose them, and that was certainly going to be difficult. Lyn might as well hold her breath watching someone inferior to herself pilot a craft in such a futile manner.

Oh well.

Kole's hand relinquished it's grip from the wheel for a singular moment. One, two, three, his finger tapped away on the console as electronic beeps and a clunk in the roof above them could be heard. The RCD-01 had been deployed, an old CSF Drone capable of taking down vehicles and individual personnel. The only real hope they had, truly.

He hadn't a word to say.
Coruscant, Level 1313, In Transit, Day 2 Of The Job, Morning
A Need For Speed | Interacting with [member="Kole Harper"] ~ I Can Change ~ "Crush through town with my fake ID."

Oh, by the stars of Zeltros.

Yeah. She should have driven. Every bump of the speeder made her regret not having the wheel in her hands, instead forced to make useless comments like, "Look out," and "Speed up." Her voice somehow remained level as her gaze was eternally lured backwards to look out the rear window of the speeder, watching as pursuers broke off and grouped up, vehicles coloured identically to indicate a pack. She studied their markings and attempted to memorize them, in the event she had to avoid their kind again. That was, of course, until a shot collided against the blaster-proof glass there that made her turn around so fast her own tied-back hair whipped herself in the cheek lightly. Yeah, no thanks, she wasn't keen to look down the shot that'd kill her. So she focused instead on Kole's machinations away from the wheel, witness to the sound of something leaving their speeder, "God, that better do something."

Otherwise, they were finished, right? Literally and metaphorically.
Coruscant, Level 1313, In Transit, Day 2 Of The Job, Morning
Something Goes Down | Interacting with [member="Lynnori Cruz"] ~ A Real Hero ~ "Or emotionally complex."

The Drone went to work. A missile soared through the air, engulfing a speeder behind them in flames as it's charred wreckage plummeted into the abyss beneath them. There wasn't a chance that they survived that, and with any luck nobody was going to be beneath them either. That was one way to find yourself dead. Then, well, another one cut through the air and into a speeder that provided the same effect. Some notoriety was sure to come to them, that was something you could expect when firing missiles in the open. It kept up with the speeder, that damn thing was fast. But it was never enough. A green light streaked across the distance between a speeder and the Drone, smoke appeared and it descended in a circular motion with no control of it's own. Kole, in that moment, peered into the rear-view mirror to see that very thing. More than a little concerned.

It wasn't as if he had much time, though. Something collided with the rear of the speeder and when it did it was forceful. He could feel it shift upwards in the back, pointing into a noise-dive for but a moment. His attempt to level the thing was admirable, but they were going down. He could only smooth the descent. Kole's expression was tense, his teeth gritted, and as he slipped through the smallest of gaps there was an explosion behind them; the speeder in pursuit had crashed, but it wasn't going to save them.

​They slammed into a slum, slicing through the streets as the metal exterior shielded them from the outside. It was a descent length that they carved their path through. Kole hadn't the chance to get out once it all ended, his head finding itself colliding with the wheel, a red slit across upper-left forehead began to leak some blood as he lay still. Almost as if he was asleep.

There had definitely been better mornings.
Coruscant, Level 1313, The Streets, Day 2 Of The Job, Morning
Man Overboard | Interacting with [member="Kole Harper"] ~ I Can Change ~ "End up face-down, am I in too deep?"

Not once in her life had Lynnori crashed. She'd gotten close, but never actually did it. And every close call had taught her how to avoid getting that close ever again. Maybe that was why she hadn't been prepared for the impact either; though was miraculously spared the worst of it. Bleary vision cleared to sparking boards and a speeder front mangled, destroyed, definitely inoperable. At once her gaze turned to Kole, who--

--Who was worrying her. Very much. He didn't look conscious. A hand reached out, a little shakey from post-accident adrenaline, against his cheek for a minute. When he didn't respond, she withdrew it, cursed something mighty, and sprung into action.

The passenger side door still worked, thankfully, even if it did open at an awkward angle and looked ready to rip off if she wasn't careful. Her black bag was thrown out a little carelessly into the street, near enough to the accident zone for her to keep an eye on it whilst she worked to free him. She had time, sure, but soon enough anything with half a brain cell and a good set of tools would be here to descend on the speeder like flies on a carcass, and the smoke from the crash sent up a beacon that shouted 'hey, come over here and kill my drivers!'. The Zeltron, expectedly sore from the rough landing, managed to get around to the driver's side door after circling around the destroyed hood, dancing around uplifted streetway and duracrete before she reefed on the door in an attempt to free Kole. It barely budged, caught on the frame of the speeder, forcing her to exert too much pressure on herself to get it open. Eventually, with a metal clunk the unruly, bent part of the hatch managed to un-wedge itself. The metal had dug into her hands and left a few ugly marks, sure to heal eventually, but right now she was more concerned with getting him out of the wreck.

Her arm looped under his, in an attempt to lift him. Futile, he was much larger and heavier than her, so she only managed to shift his upper torso more towards the street. Gravity could assist her in this, letting his own weight help in, essentially, dragging him from the driver's seat into the street. Even that took all she had, Lyn stumbling and falling over once he was out, shoulder biting into the hard ground with a half-hearted noise of protest.

Safe, right?

Yeah, not quite.

She was quick to pull herself over after toppling over, right back at it. She swung back to get her bag, looped it over her back, and got to dragging. Was it comfortable? No, not for either of them. But there was a nearby alley that provided shadows as shelter, enough to obscure the pair from any of the pickers sure to come by for the speeder. The moment his boots cleared the threshold of darkness, she dropped him back flat on the ground, sinking to her knees, "Kole? Hey, you need to wake up." She insisted in a hoarse, tired voice, navy hair brushing against him as she leaned over his sleeping form. Her more stable hand shaking his shoulder a little in an effort to rouse him, get some neurons firing.

Worst morning ever.
Coruscant, Level 1313, In Transit, Day 2 Of The Job, Morning
Something Goes Down | Interacting with [member="Lynnori Cruz"] ~ A Real Hero ~ "Against the grain of distopic claims."

Kole felt something brush against his face. His eyes were closed, but most of his other senses were functioning. It was the smell of filth that came into his nostrils, the feeling of dirt stuck to his head, and the soft trickle of blood collecting itself in his eyebrow. He had been in worse conditions, truly. Almost amusing that the worst condition he had ever been in came in an instant, and he hadn't felt a thing. Right back when the GA tore him apart and put him back together. At the very least he could thank them. They made him more human than the Sith had ever offered him. So, there was that. Now, seemingly dead, blue hair against his face as something pink looks down on him with concern, he may very well be the most human he's ever been.

He groaned to life. Something sputtering from behind closed lips, his eyebrows furrowing together as he sluggishly rolled onto his side, then onto his front. Both of his hands struggling to push against the flooring beneath him in an attempt to stand right back up. He had no spatial awareness in the moment, unfortunately, and so if Lyn hadn't moved he was sure to collide into her. Being the considerably larger of the two? It was easy to tell which one was moving when and if they did bump, but not in the way either of them were to prefer it, of course.

Some kind of program error. Surely.

The Robotic individual found himself on both feet, moving to lean against something, anything in order to keep his stability. A knock like that was going to keep any human down for much longer, but fortunately for Kole he wasn't. Even if he had preferred he was; if he knew the truth, that is. "Keep moving." His hoarse voice claimed, not showing any sign of slowing down. They had to keep going, and Kole knew that. Too stubborn for his own good.
Coruscant, Level 1313, The Streets, Day 2 Of The Job, Morning
Man Overboard | Interacting with [member="Kole Harper"] ~ I Can Change ~ "Hungover, bed-bound soldier."

She was quick to move out of the way, not keen at all to be pinned. Not in the way they preferred. Lots of preferences tonight, hm? This was the furthest thing on her mind though as she watched him, nodded to him, pulled herself to her feet, spoke in the same rough voice, "My apartment's a few levels up," Obviously, it was, "We need to find one of the turbolifts that goes between levels." But how secure those would be, who knew? Would people watch the checkpoints and know to look for a Zeltron and her 'Human' companion? With an exasperated sigh, scraped hands pushed strands from her eyes as she moved to follow Kole. Though it didn't take long for her head to tilt, her pace to quicken, she got to his side and muttered, "You hit your head really hard," Duh, "Don't push yourself." What did she know of medicine? Only enough to survive. But she knew head trauma could be crippling, and that was why she seemed ready to catch some of his weight. Would he knock her over too if he fell? Oh, absolutely. Didn't stop her from making an effort, though.

"--Sorry about the speeder." A drier comment, more in line with her typical tone, even if it was a sincere statement concerning a vehicle. She was close to her ships. He could've been the same about his car, how was she to know? Lyn's head turned again to watch behind them as they trekked down the alley, satisfied that nobody was following.

Said alley opened up into a crossroads. One path leading deeper in the backways of 1313, another back to the street, a final into a parking lot that was sadly devoid of rides to boost.
Coruscant, Level 1313, In Transit, Day 2 Of The Job, Morning
Something Goes Down | Interacting with [member="Lynnori Cruz"] ~ A Real Hero ~ "On the thoughts your actions entertained."

It was slow. Kole struggling to shamble through the alleyways, even with the aid of the significantly smaller individual who he almost fell right onto more than a few times. It wasn't going to be anything desirable, for two wounded was always worse than one. Was wounded even a word compatible with someone such as Kole? More along the lines of damaged, that's what you called a product.

"It's fine." Kole replied to the final comment. His voice was rough, strained, and it was possible to place it as something distant. He hadn't any words he really wanted to say in the moment, but he was certainly rapidly recharging, if that made sense. The advanced abilities he had enabled some sort of healing; Kole was walking on his own two feet again- sluggish, but moving along. "How far?" He questioned, continuing to plod along.
Coruscant, Level 1313, The Streets, Day 2 Of The Job, Morning
Man Overboard | Interacting with [member="Kole Harper"] ~ I Can Change ~ "Hand runs over the dip in her his shoulder."

"Umm," She hummed thoughtfully, blinking slow, "I'm not sure. We must be pretty deep, though." Her eyes turned upwards, briefly, meeting inter-lapping buildings that buried them in Coruscant's underworld. Some of the Level still looked wrecked from the Sith, too, "I think it's this way." She wasn't wholly confident, but they needed to reach one of those elusive lifts. Or steal a ride. That might attract a lot of attention, though, especially if they stole from the wrong people.

Sighing, Lyn kept going, leading them down the long back alley. His healing rate certainly indicated he probably wasn't wholly Human; but that was another 'odd Kole thing' to be stored away for further contemplation. It was a little amusing to see how she tried to help despite him not necessarily needing it, cautious in her motions to provide touchless support. Eyes scanned upwards, searching, searching... There.

"There's one a few blocks away. Think you can make it?"
Coruscant, Level 1313, In Transit, Day 2 Of The Job, Morning
Trudging Along | Interacting with [member="Lynnori Cruz"] ~ A Real Hero ~ "And you have proved to be, a real human being and a real hero."

And so, Kole kept going. There weren't a great many things that could keep him down for long. Those abilities he possessed as an HRD Combat Model allowed a certain sense of durability. Stabbings, shootings, crashing, the lot, they were all survivable to an extent. The question was when did that luck run out? When did something seem so unsurvivable that he questions his existence. Maybe being from Arbra with those assumptions might keep him in the clear for now, but they could only make so much sense. Eventually he'd realise the truth, it was only a question of when and why. He didn't have answers to either, nor did he want them. It wasn't going to be pretty.

His head slowly nodded in response, trudging along through the streets as his movements eventually became fluid. Strange that. It was as if he was perfectly fine, no sign of any damage bar the gash in his forehead. Basic attention to it could fix it, though. That's what he knew from how it felt, at least. From memory, Kole had seen all kinds of damage and destruction through the wars that were waged, and whilst none of them were real, does it make any difference? It was real to him, and so what separates his reality from actuality? Nobody truly had an answer for that.

​To that turbo lift, eh?
Coruscant, Level 1313, The Streets, Day 2 Of The Job, Morning
The Anchor | Interacting with [member="Kole Harper"] ~ I Can Change ~ "With her him, I see things clearly.."

Of course it wouldn't be pretty. It never was.

At least Lyn was pretty. Or, well, she thought she was. Most Zeltrons were a shade of 'pretty' weren't they? Oh, well, whatever. She still moved onward, offering support where she could, despite his enhanced recovery. Yes, she concluded silently after a period of observation, definitely not fully Human. Those dropped like rocks usually from hits like that. In her limited experience watching Humans drop like rocks, that is, which certainly was tragically limited. Day wasn't over yet, though.

Shifting a little in front of Kole, a little defensively, her blaster rose as she inspected the ways ahead. Clear, for the time being, which meant they could proceed. Blaster drooping by half a hair, a half-hearted nod was offered in his direction, her boots squishing through a puddle of mystery liquid, something one would hope to be rainwater and not something a little redder. Who knew down here?

"Getting there. How's the head?"
Coruscant, Level 1313, In Transit, Day 2 Of The Job, Morning
The Sinking Ship | Interacting with [member="Lynnori Cruz"] ~ A Real Hero ~ "A pilot on a cold, cold morn'."

Maybe Kole believed himself capable of withstanding such a blow, to continue along as if their pursuers were right behind them. It wasn't the case, but perhaps the Human Replica Droid was all the more pessimistic than previously anticipated. He found it difficult to trust anything beyond his own judgement, no matter how it may have mistreated him in the past. He didn't need to be the motor that drove them along, it might be his chance to become the object that dragged them down, tore through the duracrete beneath their feet. It was certainly going to be better for him.

It wasn't as if he had any choice in the matter, though. Something else, beyond himself, had decided for him.

Kole found his foot snagged on something, the very tip of his boot finding itself caught within a hole in the duracrete. It was wet, filled with a liquid he hadn't the chance to identify. His movements were sluggish, despite his best efforts. Kole had fallen, and when he had he didn't get back up. Dead? Maybe, maybe not. But Lyn was certainly on her own.
Coruscant, Level 1313, The Alleys, Day 2 Of The Job, Morning
The Lifevest | Interacting with [member="Kole Harper"] ~ I Can Change ~ "Lose my mind, I lose my fear."

When he fell, she inevitably fell with him. Down. She fell down. Not the other way one 'falls'. Never the other way.


She only landed to her knees, but Kole hit the pavement. A hand was on his back at once, idly grasping at his coat, "Harper, I swear, if you're sleeping." She spoke like they were old friends and this happened too often to count, with a level of familiarity in her tone that probably served as a reminder of how close they'd really gotten over the period of two days. Close physically. How do two people bond in less than a week? He seemed to always be a bit of a glacier, and Lyn only had a blowtorch to the melt the entire thing.

There was no melting now. Just a Zeltron too weak to lift him trying desperately, scowling, "Get out of the sewer." Maybe he couldn't hear her voice, maybe he could. Didn't matter. She spoke to see if he could hear, attempting to lift his head slightly. But a noise from down the alley, the clattering of cans, sent her senses into overdrive. Her blaster raised, slight anxiety starting to set into her form. They'd fallen quite a ways from the relative sophisticates searching morgue records, now one protected the other fiercely from the dangers of the unknown like desperate animals guarding a wounded mate.

Speaking to that, it was some large cat that had caused the ruckus, a sleek form leaping out from the trash that had rattled and it stalked away, causing Lyn to lower her gun in relative relief. They were still stuck here, though. Chit.
Coruscant, Level 1313, The Alleys, Day 2 Of The Job, Morning
Colder Than Ever Before | Interacting with [member="Lynnori Cruz"] ~ A Real Hero ~ "One-hundred fifty-five people on board."

There wasn't an inch of movement. He couldn't do anything to save himself, for he hadn't a clue that he required it in the moment after his skull collided with the ground beneath him. It was wet, it was cold, the scent in which it permeated was awfully disgusting. Perhaps he should thank himself unable to smell it in his unconscious state. Maybe it was to be the first thing he encountered after reawakening, though. That, truly, would be rather unfortunate. If he ever did wake up, the lest Lyn could do after saving his life was clean the alley-scum from his face. There wasn't a thing his robotic capabilities could do for him now. Time to become real, to become human.

Kole could consider himself lucky that the person he had partnered himself with was easily connectable for one reason or another. The pheromones, though, no? It had to be them. It made sense. He hadn't felt this kind of connection ever before, and he was unlikely to feel it ever again. He needed her, now more than ever.

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