Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Coruscant, Level 1313, The Maudlin Casino, Day 2 Of The Job, Morning
Earning It | Interacting with [member="Kole Harper"] ~ Ghost Town ~ "All the machines had been disconnected."

Lyn smirked and pushed to the tips of her booted toes to plant a spontaneous, wholly-unneeded kiss on the corner of the HRD's mouth, "Good." Her breath was warm and sweet against his cheek, the voice low and private and too intimate for the public space. Others around them who saw themselves as potential suitors immediately having their chances shot down, the feeling she felt in her gut as a soft wave of disappointment rolled over her from them, sensed through her telepathy. Two birds, one stone, those desire-ridden folk would mostly leave them be now. Once she was flat on her feet she unwove their arms and approached the table properly, her bag dropping on the ground near the nearest empty chair with a muffled noise that drew the gaze of the players.

Some of the seated members-- Mainly Humans or at the least Near-Humans, though one Nemoidian was tucked at the far end. There was so words, no asking if the seat was taken -- In a show of confidence she wasn't even sure she could muster, the Zeltron took a silent seat and the dealer, a droid with haunting realism but still clearly made of durasteel and circuits, dealt her two cards. Ironic that such a thing would be running the game, almost a perverse cousin of the one she had just almost-embraced. The game had just started, apparently, so the Sabacc pot in the centre of the table was rather barren, a few standard casino tokens sitting there. Not the ones from the apartment. Tipping her head back to look at Kole with a gaze of 'come here, silly' her eyes fell back on the other players. They too had associates lurking behind them like ghosts, likely security or assistants. None of them, she thought appreciatively, probably had an ex-cop like I do.

The droid would eventually pass Lynnori a small box of casino tokens. Again, made of metal, not the wood from Darius' apartment. Chit. Testingly, she rolled out a few, saw how much the shiniest were worth and quickly tucked them back into their sleeve. Yeah, she doubted Kole had that sort of cash lying around. She opted for the less-shiny ones, clearly indicating value, and threw one or two in. 400 credits, at the most. A small wager, but one none of the other players seemed insulted by.

She was a new face, after all. Let her get her sea legs.
Coruscant, Level 1313, The Maudin Casino, Day 2 Of The Job, Morning
Spave-Vegas Ventures | Interacting with [member="Lynnori Cruz"] ~ Nightcall ~ "There's something inside you, it's hard to explain."

An amused smirk and roll of the eyes existed on Kole's face after the separation of their lips, his head turning to the right, away for a moment. Nodding in acceptance of it, turning back to only stand and watch. There wasn't a thing he was to do in this moment but watch. Both hands planting themselves on his hips. His eyes fell on a Rodian, one that trailed Lyn, but as it's gaze shifted onto Kole it was met with a still, blank glare. It's bulbous eyes returned to it's cards. There was a certain satisfaction that came with that, absolutely certain of it.

​It was when he received the 'look' Kole straddled up behind his investigative partner who currently worked on spending his money. Women, huh. His hands moved up to her shoulders, gripping them, massaging them as if Kole was warming the Zeltron up for 'the big game'. His head, of course, peered over to the side in an attempt to catch a glimpse of what she had in store. It wasn't as if it mattered much, though. The HRD hadn't the first clue when it came to spending money in such a fashion. Spend some to make some, eh? Suppose that was gamblings motto.

It made sense to him.
Coruscant, Level 1313, The Maudlin Casino, Day 2 Of The Job, Morning
Earning It | Interacting with [member="Kole Harper"] ~ Drive ~ "I'm caught up when you look at me."

She hadn't expected the intimate touch right away but Lynnori wasn't shy. The newcomer leaned back in the chair provided, the free hand not grasping her two Sabacc cards she'd been dealth idly reaching up to brush fingertips along his knuckles. Just for a second -- enough to let the other players see. Packaged deal. She glanced to her cards for a moment-- Hmm, adequate --and when the dealer droid began demanding what card totals were Lyn replied with a calm, "Positive fourteen." Before her head tipped up a little to look at Kole, speaking in a lower tone, "Supposed to get to positive or negative twenty-three. Closest without going over wins the pot that round." Her two cards rubbed together briefly, she eventually chose to draw another card, losing the first pot but it was all part of the game (At least she told herself that). Her telepathy swept the playing field whether she meant for it to or not; that was probably why some of the other players looked nervous at her approach. Or maybe they were worried of Kole. It could always be both.

The game would continue on in relative silence, except for when the players had to speak for the dealer to continue running. The Zeltron's honey gaze watched the others carefully, sensing their particular emotions and using it to decide when to stand or draw or switch. It quickly became apparent that this player wasn't like the rest; rounds passed, and Lyn's collection of legit casino tokens got respectably large once she hit a stride. A few even left, the Nemoidian certainly looked frustrated as he stormed off to find another table, but Lyn seemed un-moved, the dealer utterly unaware of what could be the problem.

She'd returned Kole's investment credit for credit and then some if the value on the tokens was any indication. Though, at last, she leaned back, almost appearing bored, before drawling out, "I do hope there are better players than this here." Some looked amused, some looked a little offended. Lynnori only smiled like a wolf, knowing the casino's staff were watching and listening.
Coruscant, Level 1313, The Maudin Casino, Day 2 Of The Job, Morning
Spave-Vegas Ventures | Interacting with [member="Lynnori Cruz"] ~ Nightcall ~ "There's something inside you, it's hard to explain."

Kole remained apprehensive throughout the ordeal. It was evident that Lyn was winning, and would only continue to do so, a niggling in his mind persisted. Gambling was a game of chance and luck, and what if her luck finally ran dry? As if it were a reserve, one that could be taken up in a drought. Kole was wary, but enthused. His expression, however, remained as something relating to that of a poker-face. Unmoving in it's entirety, display no emotion, only neutrality. It was perfect for the scenario, no? His eyes wandered, but never too far. It was simply how it all was.

Kole felt a presence, as in someone literally striding up alongside him. Several had come to watch, to see the Zeltron wipe the floor with everyone else present. Yet, even then not a smirk had creased across his lips. His hands shifting in tandem with his arms, folding over his chest whilst watching with anticipation.
Coruscant, Level 1313, The Maudlin Casino, Day 2 Of The Job, Morning
Earned It | Interacting with [member="Kole Harper"] ~ Drive ~ "You let my heart breathe with ease."

Lyn might have been unlucky in many ways, but cards never failed her.

At last, a well-dressed brown-skinned Trandoshan male approached the table, one the rest of the watchers seemed to defer to. An odd sight to see one of their kind in a suit of all things, seeing as most expected Trandoshans to be more of a bounty hunter or mercenary variety, but this one seemed refined. At least, on the exterior. Setting a large, wickedly taloned claw on her shoulder, it's reptilian head leaned in casually and said something in her ear, sharp nails briefly flexing against her jacketed arm. The Zeltron recoiled internally-- Ew, he just licked my ear by accident --but nodded up at the creature anyhow, managing a smile that seemed to be a little conspiratorial. Briefly, her eyes looked to Kole, not betraying an ounce of her inner thoughts, but he'd probably identify it as someone needing a life vest. As soon as the lizard man had arrived he meandered off, soon being seen ducking down a hallway that appeared to be guarded by security. With a face that seemed more baby pink than magenta from how pale she'd become, Lyn cashed out, silently offering Kole a chit of the winnings. A couple thousand, the standard for games like that.

That had been a killer. No doubt about it. Emotions changed after you were blooded like that, and he'd felt like death. Was it their killer?

Once she'd stood and slung her bag over her shoulder, she briefly glanced over her shoulder before leaning her head in near Kole, "He's invited us to the back room, it seems we've impressed them. Or tipped them off." Worry was not something that seemed to be a common experience for her, but her face really said it all. That blaster felt a lot heavier but in a good way.
Coruscant, Level 1313, The Maudin Casino, Day 2 Of The Job, Morning
Spave-Vegas Ventures | Interacting with [member="Lynnori Cruz"] ~ Nightcall ~ "There's something inside you, it's hard to explain."

The HRD's sturdy skull shifted in the direction of the Trandoshan as it made it's approach, it was clear to see it almost gunning for the Zeltron, and if anything it made him somewhat curious. Yet, wary, as per usual. That beastly, scaled, clawed hand wrapped itself around her shoulder and Kole hadn't liked that in the slightest, his hand subtle shifted down onto his waist, slinking into the jacket to hover over the blaster that rest upon his hip. Fortunately enough, though, the Lizard had departed the area just in time, right before Kole put something inside it's skull, something it couldn't heal from. It was often best he worked alone, a danger to others due to the isolationism required for his own tactics. Yet, things changed. They always do.

​Kole began to walk alongside his Zeltron companion, unsure as to whether or not they were invited, or if it was just her. The latter of the two made the most sense, after all; to Kole it did, at least. There was light music that filled his ears in the silent transition of rooms, approaching the intended area, expecting to be stopped to some extent.

Dangerous. Keep it handy.

His hands down by his waist throughout, idly swaying from side-to-side, ready to snap at the weapon.
Coruscant, Level 1313, The Maudlin Casino's Backroom Operation, Day 2 Of The Job, Morning
Ferocious | Interacting with [member="Kole Harper"] ~ Drive ~ "Chasing stars in our galaxy."

Of course Kole got stopped. They'd been told to let a Zeltron through, who said anything about this ugly duckling? Lyn got a few steps past the suited men before one stepped in Kole's way. Realizing her partner-in-solving-crime was going to get detained Lyn whirled around, without missing a beat, snapping, "He comes." She was a far cry from the coy, playful personality, speaking with the violent tinge that those deeply immersed in the crime world would recognize as authority. Z got what she wanted, and she got it yesterday. After a few tense seconds, they let the HRD through.

Lynnori's mood seemed to shift back after the momentary lapse, tucking her hands into her jacket pockets as she wandered down the dimly lit hallway, "Think it'd be too obvious to ask about Maltoya by name?" She asked, head tipping back a bit to look at him. She'd been to many an illegal establishment but this one had rung a few too many alarm bells for her liking. Just think of the payment waiting at the end of this.

Was it really worth all this trouble?
Coruscant, Level 1313, The Maudin Casino, Day 2 Of The Job, Morning
Spave-Vegas Ventures | Interacting with [member="Lynnori Cruz"] ~ Nightcall ~ "There's something inside you, it's hard to explain."

A fleshy, scaled hand found itself pressed against his shoulder. A fair bit of force behind it, one that made him stop in his entirety. A glare of contempt was cast over Kole, just as it was into the reptilian eyes of the figure that touched him. He couldn't of expected anything less, really. Kole was only ever the figure that stood by the side, watched, waited, had no input to give. To imagine that he was going to end up in the backroom alongside his Zeltron companion was foolish, but, he gave it a try anyways. Shooting was always an option, albeit unwanted, but it was an option.

The Reptile's gaze shifted upon their employer after Lyn spoke, meeting a nod that forced it's hand to relinquish it's position upon the HRD. Both of Kole's hands grabbed at the side of his coat, tugging on it as if to get it back into it's rightful position, and then moving on. His booted feet shuffling through the backroom halls, following the winding and distasteful area with a hidden expression of disgust. Outwardly? Calm and collected as per usual.

His head nodded along in jest, as if he were to genuinely consider what Lyn asked, "Yup." Kole muttered, his eyes falling upon Lyn a final time.
Coruscant, Level 1313, The Maudlin Casino's Backroom Operation, Day 2 Of The Job, Morning
Ferocious | Interacting with [member="Kole Harper"] ~ Drive ~ "Making our own make-believe."

Her face seemed impassive at Kole's blunt reply, but there was a slight shift to something a bit more mischevious, albeit serious too, "Chit, you're probably right," A weathered exhale, arms crossed loosely, a posture a bit too defensive following their close-call, "Well, you're the cop. Any ideas?" Sure, fronting most of the work on him was a little bit of a tables-turned, but Lyn had gotten them this far. Then again, he didn't really seem like the type of guy to take charge like that. 'Least, not here.

Then again, she'd never really been in the situation of 'how do you indirectly question a bunch of armed, definitely dangerous, probably gang-related criminals about a murder of a high-profile individual they almost certainly are tied to, perhaps even the ones to do the dirty deed'. Definitely missed that class.

Despite it being 'morning', the back-end of this place was packed; sure, Lyn had been to places like this before, but nothing so formal. Dens like these were actually fairer than post places to trust Lady Luck; Sure, the dealer was liable to shoot you for doing something wrong, but the odds were far better than rigged legit house rules. Still, most of those had been shacks on planets designated to be the place where scum gather, they'd been nothing so hidden-in-plain-site, brazen, knowing the shambling security force wouldn't do a thing about it. Rounding a corner revealed the startlingly dark, moody atmosphere of where the real games took place, by men and women in dark uniforms around darker tables seemingly casting credits and property away like they were nothing.

"...I'll take those ideas, now."
Coruscant, Level 1313, The Maudin Casino, Day 2 Of The Job, Morning
Space-Vegas Ventures | Interacting with [member="Lynnori Cruz"] ~ Nightcall ~ "There's something inside you, it's hard to explain."

​Right. It did make sense for him to start asking the questions, and whilst he seemed as if he was along for the ride Kole had certain things cooking up inside his mind. It was a fragile scenario, one that was capable of being shattered within an instance of not treated with the tender love and care that it deserved. Everyone in the room had a blaster on them, and it wasn't wise to out yourself as someone who isn't looking to be on their side of a shady deal. That, as anyone knew, was the best way to get yourself killed. And so, it was for that reason that Kole seemed to be glancing nonchalantly, as if he hadn't been entirely enveloped with their gracious hospitality, ultimately turning to one of the figures that definitely worked in the complex. His expression hadn't told much but a hint of curiosity, his mouth moving in accordance to the words that followed, "How often do people get let back here?" It was simple enough, one that might seem to stroke his own ego, maybe even Lyn's.

His eyes hadn't turned onto anyone or anything bar the individual he spoke to. There was no reason to, and it was always nice to show the respect someone deserved, no? Maybe not this scum, but you had to play your cards right to get what you want.
Coruscant, Level 1313, The Maudlin Casino's Backroom Operation, Day 2 Of The Job, Morning
Ferocious | Interacting with [member="Kole Harper"] ~ Drive ~ "I want you when the sun goes low."

Lynnori busied herself by snatching a drink from a tray whilst Kole went on with his questions, a Human male turning his head with a shrug at the HRD's inquiry, "One or two a night. Whoever catches the eye of management, I guess. Sometimes it's a few high-profile people, you know how it goes." Clearly expecting Kole to 'know how it goes', he turned back to organizing ciggaras. Lyn, eagerly sipping on something fruity, strong and sweet, flicked her gaze back to Kole with an expression of curiosity as she looked between him and the waiter he'd been seemingly bothering, drink still raised to her lips and all.

"Don't tell me you're a smoker, too," She commented softly as she sidled up to him, eyeing the box of narcotics being handled with an expression somewhere between longing and disgust, clearly not an addict by choice in that regard, "Been meaning to kick that habit."
Coruscant, Level 1313, The Maudin Casino, Day 2 Of The Job, Morning
Space-Vegas Ventures | Interacting with [member="Lynnori Cruz"] ~ Nightcall ~ "There's something inside you, it's hard to explain."

Kole was more than ready to push a little, even if it was more than he needed to in the moment. Maybe his patience wasn't what it once was, or this particular type of scum put him on edge, unwilling to delve into the deeper and darker confines of a criminal complex. It wasn't favourable, of that Kole was absolutely certain. He often had a difficult time to protecting himself, and now with Lyn? It made things difficult, but maybe that was his 'saviour' disposition. Someone with such a smaller frame couldn't combat a larger man, believing that she could be snapped in half. It was for that reason that Kole rest one hand on his belt, a thumb digging inside; ready to snatch at the weapon within an instance. Couldn't trust any of them.

"How high do these profiles go?" Kole further asked, his gaze unwavering on the male human that he spoke to. Scarred and grizzly, seen it's fair share of fights, more than capable, if he had to guess. Fights often turned to luck, though. Kole knew that a question such as that was going to put them on edge, or so he thought. It was often that people revealed more when they were, even if not directly. His expression, however, remained neutral and passive. Unfeeling, really. It was a benefit that his disadvantages had, if nothing else.

No attention was paid to Lyn in the moment, though.
Coruscant, Level 1313, The Maudlin Casino's Backroom Operation, Day 2 Of The Job, Morning
Ferocious | Interacting with [member="Kole Harper"] ~ Drive ~ "Your body warmth wants me close."

"Higher than my pay grade," The man sniffed, head reeling back a little, "Above yours too, I bet." Momentarily the busboy's eyes looked to the Zeltron, the same way most looked at a Zeltron, before returning to organizing the narcotics. She herself didn't seem outwardly bugged that she was getting effectively snubbed by her plus-one for what amounted to 'the help', and that was because she could tell he was after an angle of some sort. Maybe. Or maybe her time was running out now that she'd gotten him here. Pheromones didn't bind them together, they could part and he'd feel no different.

Lyn drank, a little deeper than before.

Just another crazy day.
Coruscant, Level 1313, The Maudin Casino, Day 2 Of The Job, Morning
Space-Vegas Ventures | Interacting with [member="Lynnori Cruz"] ~ Nightcall ~ "There's something inside you, it's hard to explain."

​Kole didn't particularly have a reply to that to be entirely honest. His head had cocked to the side, a soft huff escaping him, almost in acknowledgement that the figure he spent to was right in some regard. It led him to believe that there was something somewhere that allowed him to find more information, a business or whatever one called this operation had a log book of sorts. It was common practise to, at least. Kole's gaze shifted down to Lyn, and if she bothered to take a look up at him she'd see a slight shrug in response. There wasn't anything on his mind for now, and he wasn't really at liberty to continue asking due to the current circumstances.

It was in the meantime that he continued to stride along, waiting for the room they were bound to find themselves in soon enough. He hadn't anything to drink in the moment, but he was starting to wish that he did. The silence wasn't uncomfortable, but it was something he could do with something that made it pass by smoother, maybe with the hint of a burn etching down his throat.
Coruscant, Level 1313, The Maudlin Casino's Backroom Operation, Day 2 Of The Job, Morning
Wary | Interacting with [member="Kole Harper"] ~ Drive ~ "'Till my blood runs dry."

Lyn hardly seemed to mind the smell. Maybe her own health was too far gone, maybe she was just used to the scent of second-hand smoke and expensive drinks, "I'll, uh, check out the tables." The Zeltron muttered, clearly deciding for him that dividing and conquering would be best in this situation. She'd also casually slid the credit chit that had been their winnings from the last game off Kole's person-- Assuming he wouldn't stop her, of course, which he hopefully wouldn't, 'cause technically, those credits belonged to both of them --Shot him a look that landed somewhere between 'good luck', 'trust me' and 'please help', maneuvering to a nearby table with empty seats to spare.

She didn't bother to ask if it was taken, sitting down with a confidence that was most certainly false as cards were dealt to her accordingly. Nervously tucking a few blue pieces of hair behind her ear, she glanced over the table -- No doubt, any obvious cheating and she'd lose a hand.
Coruscant, Level 1313, The Maudin Casino, Day 2 Of The Job, Morning
Space-Vegas Ventures | Interacting with [member="Lynnori Cruz"] ~ Nightcall ~ "There's something inside you, it's hard to explain."


Almost as if he internally huffed in acknowledgement of the chips that were too familiar. They were in the right place, so that was a start. His synthetic eyes washed over the entirety of the room, a certain type of smoke filling the air, entering his nostrils with each breath even if it wasn't entirely tasteful. Rather repulsive, if nothing else. Kole wasn't much of a smoker, figured it was bad for his health and decided to stray away. Maybe it couldn't provide the same stress-relieving reactions on himself, but maybe it did. He wasn't going to find out, though. At least not any time soon, that is. For now? He remained as healthy as can be, well, as healthy as can be in this line of work, that is.

A breathy, "Yeah." Escaped his lungs, almost as if it came with a sigh. A hostile environment was before them, and one slip made everything go a little more than crazy. Even as Lyn moved, and he followed, Kole's artificial eyes were never going to relinquish their sense of vigilance. He was always on the watch, now more than ever considering the circumstances.
Coruscant, Level 1313, The Maudlin Casino's Backroom Operation, Day 2 Of The Job, Morning
Wary | Interacting with [member="Kole Harper"] ~ Drive ~ "'Till my blood runs dry."

Lyn hardly seemed to mind the smell. Maybe her own health was too far gone, maybe she was just used to the scent of second-hand smoke and expensive drinks, "I'll, uh, check out the tables." The Zeltron muttered, clearly deciding for him that dividing and conquering would be best in this situation. She'd also casually slid the credit chit that had been their winnings from the last game off Kole's person-- Assuming he wouldn't stop her, of course, which he hopefully wouldn't, 'cause technically, those credits belonged to both of them --Shot him a look that landed somewhere between 'good luck', 'trust me' and 'please help', maneuvering to a nearby table with empty seats to spare.

She didn't bother to ask if it was taken, sitting down with a confidence that was most certainly false as cards were dealt to her accordingly. Nervously tucking a few blue pieces of hair behind her ear, she glanced over the table -- No doubt, any obvious cheating and she'd lose a hand.
Coruscant, Level 1313, The Maudin Casino, Day 2 Of The Job, Morning
Space-Vegas Ventures | Interacting with [member="Lynnori Cruz"] ~ Nightcall ~ "There's something inside you, it's hard to explain."

There didn't seem to be any spectators. That was a concern, especially given the amount of scum that resided in the room. It led him to believe that Lyn was flying solo on that one, and that she was. Kole stood still for a moment, observing as she made those steps away by herself. Something lingered within him, and that something was uncertainty. They hadn't known each other long, but he knew he couldn't let her find herself in harms way. Maybe that's why it took a hand nudging his forearm to snap him out of that trance. "Come on, lover boy." That stranger had said to him, directing him in the direction of the bar. "Let you buy me a drink." A sly smile tugged at the corner of it's lips, to which Kole only responded with a seemingly-begrudging nod of his head.

It was in time that the two found themselves sitting by the bar, Kole happened to have his back pressed against the bar itself. The rest of his body facing the direction of Lyn's table, a drink in his hand, the other dangerously close to the gun tucked away. The stranger rambled along, but it was the simple phrase of, "Don't I know you from somewhere?" That really caught his attention, his head shifting to face the human male, "Yeah, I think I do." It further insisted.

Oh boy.
Coruscant, Level 1313, The Maudlin Casino's Backroom Operation, Day 2 Of The Job, Morning
Wary | Interacting with [member="Kole Harper"] ~ Drive ~ "And I know that I won't be the same without you."

Flying 'solo', Lyn decided, wasn't very fun anymore.

She found herself, on occasion, tipping her head around subtly to try and spot Kole (Once again, cursing his lack of detectability through her extra senses) whilst also keeping an eye on the game. It was hard to have her attention effectively split, but it couldn't have gone any other way, she shared in the feeling of wanting to watch his back even if that involved technically watching his front. Orange eyes narrowed at the apparent duo now formed between Kole and someone else, no doubt a worse criminal than herself, but at least he could be getting some information or something. Information. Turning her head with a sigh that bordered on exasperation, the Zeltron uttered, "I'll stand."

That move sent a few emotional waves through the group playing, enough for her to determine where they stood in terms of reaching the endgame. Briefly swirling her drink before sipping, once again she looked to check up on her partner.
Coruscant, Level 1313, The Maudin Casino, Day 2 Of The Job, Morning
Pensive | Interacting with [member="Lynnori Cruz"] ~ This Is Just To Say ~ "You are something else... And me? I'm living in layers."

Those words brought a certain sense of hyper-vigilance to Kole. Things moved slow as he considered everything in the room with a supernatural ability of determining movements, actions, the area, and everything that lied within those parameters. It wasn't as if he had much of a choice, though. Maybe Lyn saw the hint of concern spread across his face, and maybe she saw the bartender rapidly moving from behind the bar itself. There was a belt-like object within his hands, wrapped around each knuckle, and thrusting it over the HRD's throat. It constricted against him, tugged backwards as he found himself pressed against the bar. Yet, it took more than that for someone with Kole's design to succumb.

Both of his hands rushed upwards, digging between the belt and his own throat, ready to try something as a fist collided with his gut. He instinctively rocked forwards, only to be pulled backwards once more. Yet, one final thrust forwards with his robotic, amplified strength forced the bartender to soar over the top of the bar and himself. A terrified expression across the face of the human that had been sitting next to him, throwing punches that hadn't seemed to do anything but momentarily slow him down.

Kole had thrown his hand forwards, the area between his thumb and index finger crushing the throat of the figure beside him. The entirety of the room was bound to turn into chaos, and Kole knew that they were rushing for Lyn as well. They were together, after all. There was to it than what met the eye, or so it would seem to the attackers.

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