Location: In his ship, inorbit
Objective: Capture Darth Banshee
Allies: [member="Sitara Qin"] [member="Sempra the Hutt"]
Enemy: [member="Sabrina Kotass"] [member="Vulpesen"] [member="Rexus Drath"]
Holy shit fire, everything is on fire!
Valdra was standing in front of the mirror when his beautiful eye candy finally joined him. It had been months since he last saw her and now she was a Knight and quite an exceptional fighter from what he heard. He also heard men seemed to be taken with her and thus he would use that to his advantage. Personally, she had this face that just made him want to laugh when she tried to flirt, but maybe that was because he saw her more as a little sister than anything else and considering the covenant of the black rose, that was what she was.
Valdra laughed a little and then dove into serious thought, "I have always wanted to fight Jedi in the nude, they wouldn't know what to do." He seriously considered it until his comm went nuts and he was force to transfer it to the ship comms or lose hearing in his ear forever. It seemed a battle had already broken out between the Vitae Alliance and....were those droids? Valdra had no knowledge of droids or an army made of them so this was a bit of a shocker, but by his face you would think this was no surprise at all.
He just listened for a while as the battle went on and then heard the call about escape pods and assumed the battle was over. Problem was his target was in space, he needed her out of her ship, but how? His mind began to play through different outcomes, trying to figure out what little he knew about her that could make an advantage. She had a lover, no idea what his name was or anything about him so that was useless. She was the former Leader of the Order of the Pheonix, this also didn't help. He thought some more on the matter. Motivations? Likes? Dislikes? Injustice? Injustice! She was still a Sith at heart, but hated things like slavery, that was why she was here after all. This was perfect, he may be able to pull it off.
Valdra flopped down at his captain seat, "Hey starlet, prep that voice of yours, I need you to be convincing." After speaking to Sitara he turned to his computer using a spike to try and infiltrate her ship. He could not figure the access codes to her ship due to her ship not being on file when he was in the VA. He instead went for Vulpesen's ship. He was working as fast as possible, but doing it slow enough that he would not be detected. He needed to piggieback off Vulpesen's comms to send a message to Darth Banshee's ship, a simple, but effective message. Once he was confident that he had control he crabbed a pen and paper and route some coordinates down. It was to a location not too far from the mines, but far enough to set up the trap. "Ok, Sitara, time to shine. " He handed her the paper and offered her his seat as he stood up. "What I need you to do is dawn your most innocent and scared voice you can. The target's real name is Sabrina CuteAss, I mean [member="Sabrina Kotass"]. Send her a message like you are part of the planet's Government that Vitae Alliance is working with. The message is simple, the battle they just fought and Solan's little message has spooked the slavers. They have evacuated the slaves and are threatening to kill the slaves unless she comes as a representative and negotiate terms of treaty. If they sense any tricks or funny business, they will blow up the minds and kill the slaves. Do this right and we will have a Sith traitor by dinner time!"
Valdra gave her her room to work and leaned over her to push his ship into auto pilot so they could land while she was speaking. If this worked they would need to capture some of the slaves and hold them hostage and pretend to be the slavers themselves. Then it hit him, oh this was too rich. He had a small platoon of soldiers on his ship, standard procedure for capturing traitors. He got on the ship comm, "Captain, I want your men and you to take off all armor and signs of being a solider, you will now be playing the role of slaves so we can capture the traitor. Bring only a hold out blaster each that you can effectively hide on your person." Valdra smiled, this may not be his original plan, but it was so much better!